• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public Objects

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A Study on the Establishment of Health Education Subject in Girl's High School (여자고등학교의 보건교육과목 설정에 관한 기초적 조사 연구)

  • 백운경;홍양자
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this thesis is to provide the framework of the health education curriculum on a school level which should be accomplishe in futrue and farthermore to establish the health education as a independent and regular course. The relation among the status in quo and the satisfaction degree of health education, the degree of the knowledge about health, the degree of the understanding of the health education and the degree of requirement for the health education curriculum has been analyzed in this paper. The research has been carried out through the questionnaire forms distributed to the girl students and the instructors at a few general senior high school and vocational senior high schools in Seoul, and the consequences are as follows : 1. As to the degree of understanding of the health education, it has been indicated that the health education should be performed one or two hours a week from the elementary school for all the boy and girl students by the experts trained in the departments concerned with health. 2. Concerning the degree of requirement for health education curriculum, the high school girl students have shown the need for first aid, sex education, environmental health, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, maternal and child health, industrial health, safety health, mental health, growth & development, epidemiology, the old health in the order named. On the other hand, the instructors have shown the need for drinking, smoking, drug abuse, sex education, maternal and child health, public health and industrial health also in the order named. The items having low degree of requirement are biostatistics, community health and health administration in case of the gril students and biostatistics, health administration and health economics in case of the instructors. 3. The status in quo and the satisfaction degree of the health education has proved higher in senior high school curriculums than in junior high school curriculums, and the most instructive course about health has turned out to be gymnastics in junior high school and the training course in senior high school respectively. 4. As to the degree of understanding of the health education in case of the girl students, the significance has been found between the health condition and the time for performing the health education, the monthly income and the objects for the health education, and the school records and the school hours per week. The significance has been shown only in regard to the school records in case of the degree of requriement for the health education curriculum. 5. The degree of requirement for the health education in case of the instructors has shown the significance between the teching career and the need for the health education. In addition, the degree of requirement for the health education curriculum has indicated significance with regard to sex and age. 6. The degress of the understanding of the health education according to the degree of knowledge about health and the degree of requirement for the health educatio curriculum have been all turned out to be statistically significant. 8. Among the factors which have an influence on the degree of the understanding of the health education, the recognition of the relation between the health course and the training course has significatly influenced the selection of the health education instructors. In additon, the understanding of the need for the health eduation has significantly influenced the objects for the instructors and the school hours, and the understanding of the need for establishing the health education course has significatly influenced the time for performing the health education.

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Exploring the Theoretical Trends of an Integrated Environmental Design (통합적 환경설계 이론 기초 연구)

  • Ahn, Myung-June;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2009
  • We live in an age which is exponentially growing as the knowledge paradigm is changing. New sites are subject to contemporary landscape architecture function as "fields" in which this hybrid aspect is both actively practiced and becoming a catalyst for change in the area of landscape architecture. With this as its background, this study attempts to deal with how the aspect of integration in environmental design is manifested. For this purpose, the tendencies for the discussion of integration in various fields of practice were examined: planning theories, urban theories, architecture, public environment, engineering, and landscape architecture. As yet, the discussions of interdisciplinary integration, which occur in practice in these respective fields, mainly tend to be oriented toward the effective implementation of the merits of other related fields. Seen from these examples of practice, integrated design approaches can be found in the following three aspects: design objects, respective professional areas, and methodologies of approaches and design. In terms of design objects, the positions of individual design subjects present themselves as most obvious, and integration or combination of the physical targets that come to exist through design can be easily seen. Most examples of integration turn out to be this, in almost every case of which the theme and the target of expression are integrated via a small number of certain methods. In terms of professional areas, what can be mainly evidenced is how the individual subject acts when the subject designs. The strong points of professionals from each field seem to create synergy, achieving through integration optimum results. In terms of methodologies of approaches and design, there are attempts to create integrated approaches as ways of effective decision-making, in which case the integration of all of the interest parties is of primary concern. As yet, few instances have been found in which integrated design has had enough strength to be seen as a concrete design methodology based on practical examples. However, it is encouraging that theoretical approaches and the necessity for integrated design have been identified from multiple perspectives, and that a practical movement such as landscape urbanism has come into active being. The authors of this study find this point in time to be ripe for discussions on integrated practices in terms of environmental design, on the basis of the synthetic approaches mentioned above.

Identifying Landscape Perceptions of Visitors' to the Taean Coast National Park Using Social Media Data - Focused on Kkotji Beach, Sinduri Coastal Sand Dune, and Manlipo Beach - (소셜미디어 데이터를 활용한 태안해안국립공원 방문객의 경관인식 파악 - 꽃지해수욕장·신두리해안사구·만리포해수욕장을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2018
  • This study used text mining methodology to focus on the perceptions of the landscape embedded in text that users spontaneously uploaded to the "Taean Travel"blogpost. The study area is the Taean Coast National Park. Most of the places that are searched by 'Taean Travel' on the blog were located in the Taean Coast National Park. We conducted a network analysis on the top three places and extracted keywords related to the landscape. Finally, using a centrality and cohesion analysis, we derived landscape perceptions and the major characteristics of those landscapes. As a result of the study, it was possible to identify the main tourist places in Taean, the individual landscape experience, and the landscape perception in specific places. There were three different types of landscape characteristics: atmosphere-related keywords, which appeared in Kkotji Beach, symbolic image-related keywords appeared in Sinduri Coastal Sand Dune, and landscape objects-related appeared in Manlipo Beach. It can be inferred that the characteristics of these three places are perceived differently. Kkotji Beach is recognized as a place to appreciate a view the sunset and is a base for the Taean Coast National Park's trekking course. Sinduri Coastal Sand Dune is recognized as a place with unusual scenery, and is an ecologically valuable space. Finally, Manlipo Beach is adjacent to the Chunlipo Arboretum, which is often visited by tourists, and the beach itself is recognized as a place with an impressive appearance. Social media data is very useful because it can enable analysis of various types of contents that are not from an expert's point of view. In this study, we used social media data to analyze various aspects of how people perceive and enjoy landscapes by integrating various content, such as landscape objects, images, and activities. However, because social media data may be amplified or distorted by users' memories and perceptions, field surveys are needed to verify the results of this study.

GIS-based Disaster Management System for a Private Insurance Company in Case of Typhoons(I) (지리정보기반의 재해 관리시스템 구축(I) -민간 보험사의 사례, 태풍의 경우-)

  • Chang Eun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.1 s.112
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    • pp.106-120
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    • 2006
  • Natural or man-made disaster has been expected to be one of the potential themes that can integrate human geography and physical geography. Typhoons like Rusa and Maemi caused great loss to insurance companies as well as public sectors. We have implemented a natural disaster management system for a private insurance company to produce better estimation of hazards from high wind as well as calculate vulnerability of damage. Climatic gauge sites and addresses of contract's objects were geo-coded and the pressure values along all the typhoon tracks were vectorized into line objects. National GIS topog raphic maps with scale of 1: 5,000 were updated into base maps and digital elevation model with 30 meter space and land cover maps were used for reflecting roughness of land to wind velocity. All the data are converted to grid coverage with $1km{\times}1km$. Vulnerability curve of Munich Re was ad opted, and preprocessor and postprocessor of wind velocity model was implemented. Overlapping the location of contracts on the grid value coverage can show the relative risk, with given scenario. The wind velocities calculated by the model were compared with observed value (average $R^2=0.68$). The calibration of wind speed models was done by dropping two climatic gauge data, which enhanced $R^2$ values. The comparison of calculated loss with actual historical loss of the insurance company showed both underestimation and overestimation. This system enables the company to have quantitative data for optimizing the re-insurance ratio, to have a plan to allocate enterprise resources and to upgrade the international creditability of the company. A flood model, storm surge model and flash flood model are being added, at last, combined disaster vulnerability will be calculated for a total disaster management system.

A Local Governments' Preferences in Selecting Modern Eight Scenic Landscapes (지자체가 선정한 현대팔경에 나타난 경관 선호 양상)

  • So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.92-102
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    • 2020
  • The followings are the landscape preference aspects from the 816 landscapes(景, Kyung), which comprise the 78 modern Palkyungs, presented by the 78 local governments in Korea. First, the natural environment elements selected as Kyung(景), which are topographical landscapes, mostly consist of mountain elements such as mountains, terrace(臺), rocks and stones and water elements classified as rivers, oceans, and lakes. Natural elements also include old-growth and giant trees such as pines, ginkgos, Japanese cornels and fringe trees, tree-lined streets and forests, and plant elements such as azaleas, rhododendrons, lotuses, reeds, and silver grasses which provide seasonal landscapes. Second, more than half of Kyung, selected as human environment elements, are historical and cultural heritages such as graveyards, mountain fortresses, town fortresses, traditional villages, pavilion in villas, and temples. And it is followed by leisure tourism facilities such as traditional markets, exhibition halls, theme parks, beaches, and food streets, green-based structures such as trails, plazas, parks, and botanical gardens, and industrial heritages such as ranches, abandoned coal mines, stations, ports and bridges. Third, modern Palkyungs include objects not related to the views such as local representative facilities, regional products, and festivals. Fourth, although most of the modern Palkyungs consist of eight, some include 20, 38, or 100 in order to increase the number of objects of public relations. Fifth, a certain local government makes two modern Palkyungs with different subjects by introducing traditional Palkyung and modern Palkyung altogether. In this case, it presents several modern Palkyungs like by selecting Palkyungs in a limited area. Furthermore, one Palkyung includes numerous place names at a time in some cases. Sixth, Sosangjeonhyeong(瀟湘典型)-style modern Palkyung uses 'NakAn(落雁)' as the name of Kyung. Sosangyusahyeong(瀟湘類似型)-style modern Palkyung expresses 'Hyojong(曉鐘)' and landscape of glow of the setting sun, sunset, night view, dawn, sunrise and depicts cloud, sunset, moon, and snow. There are many Myeongsocheheomhyeong(名所體驗型)-style Palkyungs exhibiting the behavior of tourism and Myeongseunghyeong(名勝型)-style Palkyungs raising the awareness only by the names of the places. Seventh, modern Palkyung's naming styles are diverse, such as using only four letters instead of specifying Kyungmul(景物) or Kyungsaek(景色) in combination with Chinese characters or adding modifiers specializing in places.

A Study on the Butchering place and method of Animal remains-centering around at the shell middens of proto-three kingdoms and three kingdoms (동물유체의 해체장소와 방법에 관한 일고찰-삼한 및 삼국시대의 조개더미 자료를 중심으로)

  • Yu, Byeong-Il
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    • no.70
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    • pp.63-88
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this writing is to examine the places and instruments of the dissection for deformed animal carcasses excavated in shellfish stacks of the period of the Proto-Three Kingdoms(삼한) and the Three Kingdoms(삼국). The remains were chosen, which had been excavated and finished in the analysis of the animal carcasses, and the main objects are all shells and deer, especially among Mammalia. As the result, the dissection of shells was not taken place in the habitats of the animals, but inside or around of the residence of the people. For deer, too, it was done in the public place or specific area around and inside the residence. As concerns the method of dissection for shells, for Pelecypoda(부족류), represented by Meretrix lusoria(백합), the inner meat was taken out by wrenching the shell with a kind of small knives, or by boiling, and sometimes by cracking the middle of the shell in the case of big Meretrix lusoria and Dosinorbis japonicus(떡조개). For Rapana venosa(피뿔고둥), representative of Gastropoad(배발류), the people broke the top or some parts of the body to get the inner meat or used some kind of needles and stylus to pick the inner meat out after boiling. Abalones‘ meat was attached firmly to the shell, so very sharp and proper metal instruments were used to take the meat out Relatively small-sized Reishia clavigera(대수리),Top shell(밤고둥) meats were taken out by breaking the top parts after boiling, then sucking the meats, or by picking them out by using needles and stylus in the original shape. In the case of large Mammalia like deer, in the full consideration of the point that deer itself are used in various ways, they were dissected in the order of skinning, taking out the internal organs, cutting front and rear legs, separating joint parts and meats, extracting bone-marrow by 철정, 철부, ironed hand knife in very delicate ways. It seems that skinning, and front and rear legs' cutting were taken place in the place around the residence, on the other hand joint parts' separating and bone-marrow extracting in the residence. The tools for the dissection were confirmed to be hand-knife, honed ax, hammer stone, bondstone, needles and stylus, and some other sharp instrument. They were used properly according to objects.

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Development of Forest Fire Information Management System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 산불 정보관리시스템 개발)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Oh, Jeong-Soo;Lee, Si-Young;Jo, Yun-Won;Baek, Seong-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2001
  • Recently our nature of environment has destroyed by a large scaled forest fire. In order to manage these forest fires, forecasting of it is considered as the most important thing. In this paper the database related to forest fire was first built and the efficient forest fire information management system was implemented by using GIS. The main goal of this system is that forest fire managers have GUI(graphic user interface) to analyze data of forest fire effectively and update and retrieve information in database. For the efficient GUI, this system is built in Visual Basic 6.0 and Map Object 2.0. Map Object 2.0 is combined to have various and powerful functionality of GIS analysis as component ware. The Oracle 8.0 is used as DBMS in this study to manage all the spatial and attributed information in database effectively. In the future, this system will play a critical role as making a decision supporting system for scientific forest fire protection and help real time forest fire hazard information offers service for public welfare administration business management.

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Calculation of the Duration of Sunshine Using a Three-Dimensional Spatial Information Open Platform (3차원 공간정보 오픈 플랫폼을 활용한 일조 시간 산정)

  • PARK, Ji-Hye;SUH, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2017
  • Due to urban growth and increasing population density, many large cities contain building forests. Moreover, due to increasing demands for pleasant residential environments, there is growing concern over the encroachment of sunshine. Although research on related laws and other related fields is emerging, there is a limit to the extent to which the public can easily determine the amount of sunshine per building without referral to specialized agencies. Therefore, in this study, the duration of sunshine per building object was calculated via a simulation of urban shaded area using a spatial information open platform application programming interface. The study area was the'L'apartment complex located in the new city, Haeundae, Busan, China. To perform the duration of sunshine simulation for three-dimensional urban spatial objects, the building height was extracted from pre-built three-dimensional spatial information data, and the position of the sun was determined from calculations of the altitude and azimuth of the sun. This study provides a more precise and easier method of judging whether sunshine is impeded from reaching buildings by quantitatively analyzing sunshine and classifying the total duration of sunshine and the continuous duration of sunshine on each object.

Seamless Superimposition Technique of Virtual Objects for AR System of Excavator Based on Image Processing (굴삭기 AR 시스템을 위한 이미지 프로세싱 기반 가상 이미지 중첩 기술)

  • Lee, Kanghyeok;Park, Joohwan;Kang, Hojun;Shin, Dohyoung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2017
  • Recently, with having a great interest of the general public for the AR (Augmented Reality) technology, there have been lots of study to improve efficiency of a construction equipment with applying the AR technology to a construction equipment. The clear extrinsic calibration is essential to applying AR technology at the construction site without any error which came from superimposition between 'Real world' and 'Virtual world'. However, on the construction site, the clear extrinsic calibration is not possible, because of lack of time and budget for the specific survey, also, the huge error of the outdoor tracking system such as gyro, GPS system and so on. In this study, we do research about seamless superposition with unclear extrinsic calibration and the image process method for making AR navigator operating in the excavator. Based on this study, we figure that we can fully develop the AR navigator for the excavator. Furthermore, thereby operating AR navigator at many construction sites, we expect that the efficiency of the excavator will be improved. In addition, we can develop AR navigator for not only a excavator but all about construction equipment.

A Web Application for Open Data Visualization Using R (R 이용 오픈데이터 시각화 웹 응용)

  • Kim, Kwang-Seob;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2014
  • As big data are one of main issues in the recent days, the interests on their technologies are also increasing. Among several technological bases, this study focuses on data visualization and R based on open source. In general, the term of data visualization can be summarized as the web technologies for constructing, manipulating and displaying various types of graphic objects in the interactive mode. R is an operating environment or a language for statistical data analysis from basic to advanced level. In this study, a web application with these technological aspects and components is newly implemented and exemplified with data visualization for geo-based open data provided by public organizations or government agencies. This application model does not need users' data building or proprietary software installation. Futhermore it is designed for users in the geo-spatial application field with less experiences and little knowledges about R. The results of data visualization by this application can support decision making process of web users accessible to this service. It is expected that the more practical and various applications with R-based geo-statistical analysis functions and complex operations linked to big data contribute to expanding the scope and the range of the geo-spatial application.