• Title/Summary/Keyword: Protecting method

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A Study on Guarding Security Portion in Protecting Operation and Application of Electronic Security (경호업무의 경비영역과 기계경비의 적용 방안)

  • Chung, Tae-Hwang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.4
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    • pp.319-341
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    • 2001
  • Most of protecting security activity is carried out by manpower partly by security equipment. The protecting security market and the area of protecting security activity is increasing in spite of change of economic and social environment situation. For more effective protecting security activity, the coordination of electronic equipment and manpower is required. So some application method is suggested throughout the thesis, which is especially focused on new approaching method. The integration of intrusion detecting system, C.C.TV system and Access control system is introduced for general application in chapter III, and some application systems are proposed for protecting security activity in chapter IV. But the security equipment is only aid for manpower, so manpower and equipment should be coordinated well.

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Experimental Study on Local Scour around Bridge Piers by Scour Protection Devices (세굴보호장치에 의한 교각주위의 국부세굴 실험)

  • 최기봉;김응용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2000
  • This study based on the laboratory works, analyzes factors affecting local scour in order to understand various characteristics of the local scour surrounding bridge piers. Attached with scour protection device as a method for decreasing local scour, it carries out the laboratory experiments and calculates the scour depth. From the experiments attached with the scour protection devices, it seems possible to reduce the scour depth as the protecting plate, column and sacrificial piles are built in the same height with flume bed at pier or footing upstream interrupted falling-flow. And then it could reduce scour depth. The paper presents the following research results: First, the decreasing degree of scour depth is in order of protecting column, protecting plate, sacrificial piles and non-protecting facilities. However, it shows no meaningful difference between protecting column and protecting plate. Second, when $L_p/b$=0.5~1, the decreasing effect of scour depth reached the maximum of 40 percents.

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The Protection Method against the Operation under Unbalance Voltage in 3-phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor (3상절형유도전동기의 불평형운전에 대한 보호 방안)

  • 이은욱;박윤호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 1984
  • A new method of protecting 3-phase squirrel-cage induction motor aginst burning-out by unbalance operation is proposed. This paper studied various kinds of situations occurred by unbalance operating in 3-phase induction motor, and we provided the search coils in the slots of stator and rotor for the purpose of detecting electrical phenpmena during unbalance operation. Through experiments, we find that search coils in the slots of stator is effective method for protecting the induction motor from unbalance operating.

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The Influence of Protecting Groups on the β-Sheet Structure Stability of Protected Peptides

  • 이진식;이동진
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.591-594
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    • 1995
  • The influence of protecting groups on the β-sheet-structure-stability of protected peptides was studied in organic solvents. α-amino groups, carboxyl groups and side chain functional groups of model peptides were protected by suitable groups commonly used in peptide synthesis. The difference of the solubilities of model peptides was investigated by the solvent-titration method by using IR absorption spectra. The β-sheet structure of model peptide in CH2Cl2 was easily disrupted by increasing the amounts of DMSO. The β-sheet-structure-stabilizing potentials of each protecting group showed similar behaviors except Npys, Mts and Z2. The result exhibits that the < SPβ > values of protected peptides are almost independent of the kinds of their protecting groups.

Ion Induced Secondary Electron Emission of MgO with Patterned Gold Line Charge Neutralization

  • Lee, Jong-Wan;Lee, Kie-Young;Kim, Hong-Gyu;Ahn, Joon-Hyung;Jung, Won-Joon;Yoon, Sean-J;Byungdu Oh
    • Journal of Korean Vacuum Science & Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2001
  • Ion induced secondary electron emission coefficients γ of protecting layers of an AC plasma display panel(AC-PDP) have been measured. In order to solve the surface charging effect during the measurement at insulating samples like MgO, a new method with the patterned gold line charge neutralization has been introduced. The measurement was performed at the samples, MgO and MgO+MgF$_2$, which showed a great difference in the firing voltage between the two protecting layers. The γ value has been compared with the firing voltage Vf of the AC-PDP with the same protecting layer. Correct relationship between γ and Vf has been observed. Thus, the patterned gold line method has been proven to be successful for the measurement of the secondary electron emission yield at insulator sample surfaces.

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Bridge Deck Overlay Technology Using High Performance Concrete (고성능 콘크리트를 활용한 교량 교면포장 기술)

  • Park, Hae-Geun;Won, Jong-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.1113-1116
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    • 2008
  • The application of High Performance Concrete (HPC) for protecting bridge deck concrete with micro-silica, fly-ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag was introduced to North America in the early 1980's. This report introduces the literature reviews of high performance concrete for protecting concrete bridge deck and explains 2-different types of construction methods using this materials. One is high performance concrete overlay method and the other is full depth bridge deck method. Both methods have been successfully applied and demonstrated in north america. Especially, modified high performance concrete overlay method including silica-fume and PVA fiber has been successfully applied in korea also. Therefore, both methods that high performance concrete overlay and full depth bridge deck are considered as reasonable bridge deck protecting methods compared with the conventional bridge deck system using asphalt modified materials.

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Weathering and Crack Development in the Rocks of Protecting-Chamber for Standing-Buddha of Mireuk-ri Temple site at Jungwon (중원 미륵리사지 입상석불 보호석실의 암석의 풍화와 균열의 발달양상)

  • Lee, Sang Hun
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 1998
  • The protecting-chamber for a standing Buddha of Mireuk-ri temple site at Jungwon is composed of granite of Cretaceous age which mainly consists of quartz, perthite, plagioclase, and biotite with minor amounts of muscovite, apatite, chlorite, sericite and opaque mineral. There are abundant cracks which may be developed by strong weathering and differential loading by structural unbalances of the whole protecting-chamber. Cracks can be divided into three types based on genesis as those formed by exfoliation, intrinsic, and pressure. The exfoliation occurred along the onion structure of the granite. The pressure cracks are generally superimposed on the exfoliation ones, which might be developed by structural unbalance of the protecting-chamber resulted from differential loading in places. The structural unbalance may be due to change in physical properties of the rocks according to strong weathering, differential settling of basement soil by difference in loading in places of protecting-chamber, westward creep of the basement soil below the West wall and related different resistance of the basement soil against the loading, and partial depression of the West wall. For the conservation of the protecting-chamber, it must be considered the method of stabilizing the basement and treatment of the cracks.

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A Study on Patients' Perception of Nurse's Behavior in Protecting Patient Privacy (간호사의 환자 프라이버시 보호행동에 대한 환자의 인식도)

  • Lee, Mi-Young;Song, Young-Shin
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the patient's perception of the nurse's behavior in protecting patient privacy and to make suggestions for medical facilities to increase protection of patient privacy. Method: The research was a survey study The data on protection of privacy in primary nursing, for physical privacy, of patient information and in private conversations were collected in October 2005 from 187 patients in a university hospital. Frequencies, means, t-test, ANOVA, and $x^2$-test were used to analyze the data. The SPSS 13.0 for Windows program was used. Results: The mean score for patients' perception of nurse protection of their privacy was 3.33. There were significant differences in perception of protecting patients' privacy according to gender for private conversation, according to level of education for all but physical nursing and for number of admissions for total score and for primary nursing. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest the following: a) Institutional polices and nursing guideline should be clearly stated as to the nurses' duty to protect patient privacy. b) Medical facilities should be arranged in a way that allows for the protection of patients' medical information, and should focus on patient privacy. c) It is necessary of nurses to receive periodic in-service education on protecting patient privacy.

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A Survey of Plagiarism Inspection Method for Efficient Protecting of Intellectual Properties and Proposal of Art works Plagiarism Inspection (지적재산권의 효율적 보호를 위한 표절 감정 기법의 고찰 및 예술품의 위작 감정 방법의 제안)

  • 조동욱
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, survey of technical methods for protecting intellectual properties and proposal of art works plagiarism detection are accomplished. For this, in this paper, a survey of technical methods for inspecting of program source code plagiarism, analysis of natural languages plagiarism types and existing inspection methods are accomplished Also, author verification system and plagiarism detection about ancient literatures or art works is proposed because of ancient literatures or art work are important in the aspect of cultural properties control, protecting of author's intellectual property and owner's property estimation.

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RN-ECC Based Fuzzy Vault for Protecting Fingerprint Templates

  • Lee, Dae-Jong;Shin, Yong-Nyuo;Park, Seon-Hong;Chun, Myung-Geun
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.286-292
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    • 2011
  • Biometrics systems are used in a wide range of areas, including the area of crime prevention, due to their unique characteristics. However, serious problems can occur if biometric information is disclosed to an unauthorized user. To address these issues, this paper proposes a real valued fuzzy vault method, which adopts a real number error correction code to implement a fuzzy vault scheme for protecting fingerprint temples. The proposed method provides the benefit of allowing the private key value to be changed at any time, unlike biometric template such as a fingerprint, which is not easily renewable even if its security has been breached. The validity of the proposed method is verified for fingerprint verification.