• Title/Summary/Keyword: Proportional valve

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A Development of Forklift Shift and Constant Speed Endurance Test Controller for Dynamometer Test (다이나모 시험용 지게차 변속 및 정속 내구시험 제어기 개발)

  • Jung, G.H.;Lee, G.H.
    • Transactions of The Korea Fluid Power Systems Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2007
  • A forklift is a motive machine powered by LPG, diesel engine or electric motors. The internal combustion engine type forklift is equipped with automatic transmission to meet the required drive load as well as the easy operation of the vehicle. This paper deals with the shift control and endurance test controller which is developed for the functional test of the newly designed automatic transmission on a dynamometer test bench. Its major function is to control the proportional solenoid currents, which is directly related to clutch pressures, for the given reference current trajectory during shift and sequential operation of shift schedule designed for the durability test at each gear. It also has the ability to monitor all the necessary test data through RS232 communication and log them to disk files. The current controller of embedded system is designed from the identified dynamics of solenoid coil and the current reference can be easily modified with a user interface software on PC so as to match the shift data by experiments.

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A Study on Improved Heating Performance of an Apartment Housing Unit (공동주택 세대별 난방 성능 개선 연구)

  • Seo, Jeong-Ah;Shin, Younggy;Kim, Yong-Ki;Lee, Tae-Won
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2016
  • Most hot water heating valves for apartments are constant-flow types, which limit the flow rate through an individual household for even distribution of heating water to other households. The constant-flow type is implemented by an on-off control. As a result, heating water is supplied intermittently and hence, indoor air temperature also fluctuates. Returning water temperature is also high, which reduces energy efficiency. To implement continuous feedback control, the indoor temperature dynamics was simulated to fit a measured temperature history by a state-of-the-art physical model. From the model, it was found that the most important disturbance is outdoor temperature and its effect on indoor temperature lasts about an hour. To cope with the slow response and the significant disturbance, a prediction control with proportional feedback is proposed. The control was found to be successful in implementing continuous heating water flow and improved indoor temperature control.

Development of Transmission Simulator for High-Speed Tracked Vehicles (고속 무한궤도 차량용 변속기 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Jung, Gyuhong
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2017
  • Electronic control technologies that have long been developed for passenger cars spread to construction equipment and agricultural vehicles because of its outstanding performance achieved by embedded software. Especially, system program of transmission control unit (TCU) plays a crucial role for the superb shift quality, driving performance and fuel efficiency, etc. Since the control algorithm is embedded in software that is rarely analyzed, development of such a TCU cannot be conducted by conventional reverse engineering. Transmission simulator is a kind of electronic device that simulates the electric signals including driver operation command and output of various sensors installed in transmission. Standalone TCU can be run in normal operation mode with the signals provided by transmission simulator. In this research, transmission simulator for the tracked vehicle TCU is developed for the analysis of shift control algorithm from the experiments with standalone TCU. It was confirmed that shift experimental data for the simulator setup conditions can be used for the analysis of control algorithms on proportional solenoid valves and shift map.

A Study on the Improvement of Indoor Thermal Performance of Floor Radiant Heating System Considering Valve Operation Characteristics (바닥복사 난방시스템의 밸브구동 특성을 고려한 실내 열환경 성능 개선 연구)

  • Song, Jae-Yeob;Ahn, Byung-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2021
  • In this study, to improve the indoor thermal environment of the radiant floor heating system, a study was conducted on the temperature change characteristics and energy consumption according to the change of the indoor air set temperature, the supply hot water temperature and the outdoor temperature. As for the control method, the on/off control and the thermal difference proportional control method proposed through previous studies were applied. In addition, in consideration of field applicability, numerical analysis was performed for the case where the indoor air temperature sensor was affected by the wall temperature. As a result, it was found that the temperature difference proportional control method is more effective for thermal comfort and energy saving than on/off control.

Development of a constant pressure feed system using a constant pressure proportional control mode (정압비례제어방식을 적용한 정압급수장치의 개발)

  • 김주명;김광열;이건기
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1026-1031
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    • 2003
  • Automatic feed pumps are operated and stopped by a pressure switch. Thus, because of repeated operations and stops of the pumps according to fluctuations of water volume, operation with constant rate and pressure is impossible. Moreover, because of repeated running of the pump, keeping up of constant pressure is impossible and damage and energy loss are weak points of the pimps. To make up for defects of an automatic feed pump, this paper designed and made a static pressure feed system which was composed of a feed water control valve, a flow sensor and a control system. The valve device plays an important part in reducing load of pumps by constant water supply regardless of outflow of water. Outflow of water is determined by infrared diode of the flow sensor. The control system is made of a 8 bit micro-processor and the pump was controled by a specific control algorithm. With the constant pressure feed system, discharge pressure was kept at fixed pressure, accurate operations and stops were smoothly accomplished and the pump was operated with constant pressure. Thus, the constant pressure feed system can be considered as an advanced system which made up for the weak points in the current automatic feed systems.


    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2005
  • A cylindrical constant volume combustion chamber was used to investigate the flow characteristics at the spark electrode gap and the combustion characteristics of a homogeneous charged methane-air mixture under various overall charge pressures, excess air ratios and ignition times. The flow characteristics, including the mean velocity and turbulence intensity, were analyzed with a hot wire anemometer. Combustion pressure development measured by piezoelectric pressure transducer, a flame propagation image acquired by ICCD camera and exhaust emissions measured by 2-valve gas chromatography were used to investigate effects of initial pressures, excess air ratios and ignition times on the combustion characteristics. It was found that the mean velocity and turbulence intensity had the maximum value around 200-300 ms and then decreased gradually to a near-zero value after 3000 ms and that the combustion duration was shorten and the flame speed and laminar burning velocity had the highest value under the condition of an excess air ratio of 1.1, an overall charge pressure of 0.15 MPa and an ignition time of 300 ms in the present study. The $CO_2$ concentration was proportional to the ignition time and overall charge pressure, the $CO_2$ concentration was proportional to the excess air ratio, and the UHC concentration was inversely proportional to the ignition time and overall charge pressure.

Experimental Characteristic of Drain Control to Cherepnov Water Lifter (Cherepnov 송수기에 대한 배수제어방식의 실험적 특성)

  • 박성천;이강일
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 1997
  • The perpose of this study was to suggest the experimental characteristic of the Cherepnov Water Lifter following the drain mode. The Cherepnov Water Lifter(CWL), which is powered by the potential energy of water, can be set to operate automatically when the water m a tank is drained. In this study, a CWL is constructed in the valve drain controlling mode(VCM) and the siphon drain controlling mode(SCM), and a pressure transducer is installed. It was found that, in the VCM, intake flow volume is proportional to both delivery flow volume and drain flow volume. In the SCM, intake flow volume is proportional to drain flow volume, and the average delivery rate is proportional to both efficiency and the water utilization ratio. Also, in the VCM, the water utilization ratio is 35~49%, efficiency is 62~9O%, average delivery rate is 12.8~81.2$cm^3$/s, and the average drain rate is 14.O~91.5c$cm^3$/s. On the contrary in the SCM, the water utilization ratio is 1.7~38%, efficiency is 3~58%, average delivery rate is 3.1 ~69.2$cm^3$/s, and the average drain rate is shown as 114.5~ 183$cm^3$/s. As a result of the water utilization ratio, efficiency, average delivery rate, and average drain rate are compared, the VCM is found to be superior and the more economical mode. However, the VCM requires manpower and electricity to operate the electronic machinery involved, while the SCM requires no manpower or electricity at all. An economic evaluation of these differences will be necessary in the future. Also, in the SCM, studies to improve water utilization ratio and efficiency, to find the optimum height of the siphon for decreasing the average drain rate, and to determine the radius of curvature of throat have to be conducted in advance, since a large flow rate is drained during the priming action of the siphon.

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Design and experiment with a plastic mulch wrapper using a hydraulic system

  • Park, Hyo Je;Lee, Sang Yoon;Park, Yong Hyun;Kim, Young Keun;Choi, Il Su;Nam, Young Jo;Kweon, Gi Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2020
  • Mulching plastic is used for the purpose of maintaining soil temperature, moisture, and weed and pest prevention in agriculture. Any remaining plastic after use may contaminate the soil and damage crop growth. To solve this problem, mulching plastic wrappers have been studied and developed, but the actual use rate is quite low due to their poor performance and frequent tearing of the plastic on the field. In this study, we developed a tractor attachable mulching plastic wrapper to minimize the tearing of the mulched plastic. The developed mulching plastic wrapper consists of hydraulic motors and pumps, valves, a microcontroller, and sensors. The collecting speed of the plastic mulch was calculated considering the tractor's travel speed and the radius of the collecting drum. A proportional controller was designed to control the rotating speed of the hydraulic motor as the plastic was wound around the collection drum and the radius increased. The performance of an indoor experiment was quite promising because the difference between the collecting speed predicted by the calculation and the actual collecting speed was 2.71 rpm. Based on a field verification test, the speed difference was max. 14.28 rpm; thus, the, proportional integral derivative (PID) controller needs to be considered to control the drum speed precisely. Another issue was found when the soil covered at the edge of the plastic was hardened or the road surface was uneven, the speed control was unstable, and the plastic was torn. In future research, vibrational plows will be equipped to break-up the harden soil for collecting the plastic smoothly.

Superheat Control of an Inverter-driven Heat Pump Using PI Control Algorithm

  • Park, Jong-Min;Kim, Yong-Chan
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.106-115
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    • 2002
  • The performance of an inverter-driven water-to-water heat pump with an electronic expansion valve (EEV) was measured as a function of compressor frequency, load conditions, and EEV opening. Based on the test results, a controller using proportional integral (PI) feedback or PI feedforward algorithm was designed and tested to investigate capacity modulation and transient response control of the system. Although the relation between superheat and EEV opening of the heat pump showed nonlinear characteristics, a control gain obtained at the rated frequency was applicable to various operating conditions without causing large deviations. When the simple PI feedback control algorithm was applied, a large overshoot of superheat and wet compression were observed due to time delay effects of compressor frequency. However, applying PI feedforward control scheme yielded better system performance and higher reliability, compared to the PI feedback algorithm.

Laboratory Test on Total Flow Control for Ice Slurry System with Inverter Fed Motor Pump (인버터구동 모터펌프를 이용한 아이스 슬러리형 빙축열시스템 전유량제어 운전시험)

  • Choi, Byoung-Youn;Lee, Kyoung-Ho;Lee, Sang-Ryoul;Lee, Hak-Joo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06d
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    • pp.260-265
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes total flow control of an ice slurry system for pump energy saving. Similar turbo machinery has a characteristic that input power ratio is proportional to the three time of revolution speed ratio. To reduce the energy cost of brine pump in ice slurry storage systems, inverter is adapted instead of 3-way valve to control the speed of brine pump motor. One type of cooling load profile was used as driving load of the system, generated by a boiler and warm water storage tank. As results of the laboratory test, energy consumption and cost of the pump were reduced by 11.4%.

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