• Title/Summary/Keyword: Project Administration

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Development Of EPC Project Management Procedure Manual System For Plant Project Management (플랜트 프로젝트관리를 위한 EPC전자업무절차시스템 개발)

  • Park, Bum-Jin;Lee, Min-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.487-491
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    • 2006
  • As Korea has been industrialized high recently, the constructional plant part which is the major driving force to Korean economic growth is being developed. In spite of the great importance, there are many ill-prepared parts in EPC project management procedure, and working in practice of EPC project management procedure manual is not systematic. That is why the governmental progressive policy on the relevant technology and the establishment of EPC project management procedure are needed. This study was aimed to derive reform measures by analyzing problems of EPC project management procedure manuals which are in use at 13 large-sized construction companies currently. The reform measures which are based on the theory of PMI(Project Management Institute)'s PMBOK(Porjcet Management Body Of Knowledge) are about deriving administration factors to control the project, and EPC project administration factors are derived from the definition of CMAA(Construction Mangement Association of America). The reformed electronic EPC project management procedure manual system is set up by standardizing derived administration factors.

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Preliminary Evaluation of a Proposed Marine Ranching Project in Korea (우리 나라 바다목장화 사업의 예비적 경제성 평가)

  • 표희동
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.199-216
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    • 1998
  • An economic appraisal of a proposed marine ranching project is analysed using capital budgeting model such as net present value(NPV) and internal rate of return( IRR) as well as sensitivity analysis and goal seeking model. Of the factors for economic appraisal, direct benefits are to be determined by estimated harvest, prices and costs incurred by catching fishes, and indirect benefits include the additional economic effect of recreational fishing. And judging the worth of these project options depends upon the choice of discount rate of which 8.5% is recommended here. On the basis of estimated production, prices and costs the project is expected to yield NPV=615 million won and IRR=8.8%, which is quite accepted for an economic feasibility, under the first scenario, and NPV= -127 million won and IRR=7.93%, which is rejected, under the second scenario. Sensitivity analysis has been performed by calculating the switching value and sensitivity indicator in respect of the main project parameters. The results suggest that the project NPV and IRR are especially sensitive to fishes(rock fish and other rock fish) prices and fixed costs. Finally goal seeking analysis is carried out in order to reach a desired level of performance like NPV=0 in respect of the amount of hatchery-reared juverniles, the prices and the discount rate.

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The Effects of Olive Flounder Outlook Project : Price Stabilization, Market Efficiency, and Causality Analysis on the Prices by Distributional Channel (넙치 관측사업 효과분석 : 가격안정 및 시장효율성 개선효과, 산지-도매가격간 인과성 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Heon-Dong;Ahn, Byeong-Il
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of outlook project for olive flounder, from the view point of price stabilization, market efficiency, and causality of the prices in different distribution channels. Analytical results show that the volatility of producer price of olive flounder has been significantly mitigated after the implementation of the outlook project. The market efficiency is estimated to be improved after implementing the outlook project although there is an inefficiency on price determination process in some producing regions. The causality test on the producer and wholesale price shows that producing stage leads the wholesale stage in forming the prices. It is found that Jeju leads the flounder price on the size of 500g and 2kg, while Wando leads the price of 1kg size. These estimation result as whole indicate that outlook project for olive flounder has accomplished the intended goals.

A Study on the Efficiency of Execution of the Private Subsidy for Environmentally Friendly Aquaculture (친환경양식어업육성 민간보조사업비 집행효율 증대 방안)

  • Kim, Kuk-Ju
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2020
  • The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is supporting the "Environmentally Friendly Fisheries Promotion and Private Assistance Project" to increase production of eco-friendly, high-value-added foods. Private-backed operators selected for the project will have an economic opportunity to build, expand or refurbish eco-friendly fishing grounds. To facilitate this, the scope of project support was expanded after 2015 and an opportunity was prepared for private subsidy projects to grow to a new level in terms of quality and quantity by switching to a public offering project. However, starting in 2017, demand from the private sector will plunge and selected projects will be delayed or the project implementation rate will be lowered. It was a time for subsidy-related laws and systems to be reinforced but private subsidy projects do not temporarily shrink simply due to the increased administrative burden on private subsidy operators on subsidy management. It plans to review the correlation between laws and systems related to the construction of fish farms and suggest ways to enhance the efficiency of implementation so that economic advantages, the biggest advantage of the private subsidy project, can be recovered within the current legal system.

A Study on the Estimation of Remaining Fisheries Damages Considering the Recovery Periods of Fisheries Resource after the Completion of Undertaking Yeongsan River Project (영산강 살리기 사업 이후의 자원회복기간을 고려한 잔존어업피해추정에 관한 연구)

  • Choo, Hyun-Gi;Jo, Mun-Kwan;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2020
  • The paper aims to explore existence and degree of remaining fisheries damages after the completion of undertaking the Four Major Rivers Project focusing on the case of Yeongsan river. The paper seeks to show the necessity of consideration of periods of fishery resources recovery in the estimation of ex-post fisheries damages of the project by inferring the analysis of the annual variation of environmental indicators in the river. Therefore, the paper suggests three years of remaining periods of fisheries damages of the project utilizing the variation trend of ex-ante and ex-post annual output data of inland fisheries in Jeonnam province and individual catch of fisheries. In the measurement of the annual degree of fisheries damages during periods of fishery resources recovery, the paper attempts to suggest the method of comparision of day catch data per vessel between ex-ante and ex-post periods of the project, which were investigated by the same institute. Here the paper tries to make correction of ex-post catch data for holding the same catching condition as ex-ante situation by adopting the concept of competitive intensity of catching which was derived from the decreasing rate of number of fishing households in the area of Yeongsan river.

Risk Management for R&D Projects in the Military Aircraft Systems (군용항공기 연구개발 사업의 리스크 관리)

  • Kim, Sung Hun;Lee, Hyun Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2021
  • Military aircraft R&D projects require large-scale investment in cost and time, and involve a complex coordination process in decision-making. The R&D project manager should determine the development management priorities as accurately as possible and focus on R&D capabilities, thereby reducing the risks of the aircraft R&D project. To this end, this study aims to reduce R&D risk by prioritizing cost, schedule, and performance, which are basic management factors used in R&D project management in defense project management regulations. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied using a questionnaire for managers in charge of aviation R&D under the Defense Acquisition Program Administration. As a primary result, the importance of the factors that the aircraft R&D project manager should consider was derived in the order of performance, cost, and schedule, and the priorities of performance and cost in the lower layer were also identified. In addition, in order to provide practical risk management measures to aircraft R&D project managers, the results of analyzing 28 cases of US National Transportation Safety Board accidents were compared and analyzed with the AHP analysis results, and management measures suitable for the situation were specified.

Price Stabilization Effect of the Fisheries Outlook Project (수산업관측사업의 가격안정화 효과 분석)

  • Sang-Ho Lee;Won-Ho Chung
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzed the price stabilization before and after the fisheries outlook project for seaweed, flatfish, and abalone. First, the stabilization effect was analyzed through the price variation coefficient before and after the observation project. In terms of the variation coefficient, there was no effect that the price was stabilized through the seaweed outlook project. However, it can be seen that flatfish and abalone have a price-stabilizing effect. Second, as a result of analyzing the price stabilization effect through the improved ARMA-T-GARCH model, it was confirmed that seaweed was not statistically significant while flatfish and abalone had a price stabilization effect by statistically significantly reducing volatility of real prices after the introduction of the fisheries outlook project. Third, as a result of analyzing the factors affecting price stability, it was found that the price of seaweed was stabilized after the WTO, but the Japanese earthquake expanded the price volatility. In the case of flatfish, it was analyzed that the price stabilized after the WTO and the Great Japanese Earthquake. Finally, the price of abalone has stabilized since the WTO and the Great Japanese Earthquake.

Embryotoxic and Teratogenic Effects of Scolopendra Water Extract in Mice (오공(蜈蚣) 추출물의 태아 기형 및 모체 독성 마우스 시험)

  • Jeongmin, Lee;Jun-Ho, Song;Soong-In, Lee;Hyun Jun, Ki;In Sik, Shin;Sung-Ho, Kim;Changjong, Moon;Joong-Sun, Kim;Ji Hye, Lee
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2023
  • Objective : Scolopendra, a dried body of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans, is one of Korean medicine. Several reports revealed that Scolopendra has therapeutic effects for arthritis, neuroinflammatory diseases and neuropathic pain. However, the fetal adaptive response or teratogenicity associated with administration of Scolopendra is unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the fetal toxicity effects that were induced following oral administration of Scolopendra water extract (SWE) in pregnant mice. Methods : The pregnant mice were administrated SWE at dosed of 0, 100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day during gestation day 0-18. The mortality, body weight and clinical signs of pregnant mice were observed throughout experimental period. Also, the mortality and malformations in foetus were examined. Results : No meaningful changes were observed in the mortality and clinical signs of pregnant mice between the normal control group and SWE administrated groups. Additionally, there are no significant changes in fetal mortalities, and malformations by SWE administration. conclusion : These results suggest that oral exposure to SWE during pregnancy at oral dosages up to 1000 mg/kg/day did not induce teratogenic toxicity in regard to fetal mortality and morphology.

A Study on the System Improvement Plan for an Efficient Market Maintenance Project (시장정비사업의 효율적 실시를 위한 제도개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Hee;Kim, Young-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This paper attempts to identify the problems and limitations of a market maintenance project conducted according to the 「Special Act for the Development of Traditional Markets and Shopping Street」 and to present a revised direction for the special law and lay the groundwork for market maintenance projects to be promoted smoothly. Research design, data, and methodology - The revised direction for the legislation and the proposal were written based on an investigation of the problems and the legal system, and proposed measures for market maintenance operation and system improvements to derive the improvements needed for market maintenance projects. Results - A market maintenance project has been conducted as a means to reinvigorate traditional markets that are economically depressed, and to revive the local economy. It was largely conducted in the form of reconstruction and redevelopment and represents the interests of landowners and merchants. Thus, it is most likely to contribute to the gradual disappearance of traditional markets. First, as part of a market maintenance project, many companies are building multipurpose buildings or high-rise residential buildings to increase profits. In these high-rise buildings, they can raise rents, which may not be affordable for some existing small businesses. To solve such problems, the large-scale store registration requirement needs to be relaxed or abolished once the market maintenance project is completed. If the large-scale store registration requirement is to be abolished, the term 'large retail store' should be changed in the 「Special Act for the Development of Traditional Markets and Shopping Street」. After registration, the Small and Medium Business Administration should train merchants, offer consultations, and support events, to the extent that the existing traditional market management modernization project permits, and further continue to manage and support its ongoing activities. However, unless large-scale store registration is abolished, adding an exception clause in the special law to relax large-scale store registration criteria, and permitting changes to building use is another option. At the end of a market maintenance project, empty stores should be purchased by the Small and Medium Business Administration, and local government, etc., at the actual construction cost, to utilize them as public rental shopping areas, which in turn may be re-utilized as a temporary market for another market maintenance project. The second problem in market maintenance projects is merchant-protection. Currently, the special law prescribes that a temporary market be created for merchants to conduct business during the rental period of a market maintenance project. Conclusions - In reality, a market maintenance project is conducted usually in big metropolitan cities with 500,000 residents or more. The main building type created under these projects is a multipurpose building. For this reason, it is very difficult to secure a location for a temporary market in the surrounding area of such a project. To solve this problem, this study suggests 'public rental shopping areas' as mentioned above.

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A Study on the Contingency Model for S/W Development Project Management (S/W 개발 프로젝트 관리를 위한 상황 모형 연구)

  • Hong Myung-Hon;Kim Jeong-Gon;Kim Shin-Kon
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 2006
  • Despite the careful attention paid by managers and researchers to the effective administration of the S/W Development Project, there are cases where the project goes over-budget or misses deadlines. Existing research blames these problems on task complexity or mismanagement. In order to verify the results that varied according to the fitness between the Task Characteristics and the Project Management Types, a contingency model was employed. The verification of the contingency model demonstrated that the greater the task complexity, the greater the effectiveness of the project coordination, and the lesser the task complexity, the greater the effectiveness of project control. This research is theoretically important in that it develops a composite model to verify the relation between the three factors of Task Characteristics, Project Management Types, and Project Performance that compose the S/W Development Project.

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