• Title/Summary/Keyword: Program Level

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Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Hypertension Prevalence and Its Related Factors based on the Model of Social Determinants of Health

  • Kim, Min Jung;Park, Nam Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.414-428
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial distribution of hypertension prevalence and to investigate individual and regional-level factors contributing to the prevalence of hypertension in the region. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional research using the 2015 Community Health Survey. Total 64,473 people from 7 metropolitan cities were used for the final analysis. Geoda program was adopted to identify the regional distribution of hypertension prevalence and analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis using SPSS statistics 23.0 program. Multi-level analysis was performed using SPSS (GLMM). Results: The prevalence of hypertension was related to individual level factors such as age, monthly household income, normal salt intake, walking practice days, and regional level factors including number of doctors per 10,000 population, number of parks, and fast food score. Besides, regional level factors were associated with hypertension prevalencies independently without the effects of individual level factors even though the influences of individual level factors ware larger than those of regional factors. Conclusion: Respectively, both individual and regional level factors should be considered in hypertension intervention programs. Also, a national level research is further required by exploring various environmental factors and those influences relating to the hypertension prevalence.

The Effects of Student Activity Centered Career Exploring Program on the Career Maturity Level in the Unit "The Choice of Career and Job Morals" of the 9th Grade Technology and Borne Economics (기술$\cdot$가정 9학년"진로의 선택과직업윤리"단원에서 학생활동 중심의 진로탐색 프로그램이 진로 성숙도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Young Mi;Kim Haeng Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.9-26
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    • 2004
  • The purposes of this study are to develop and apply the student activity centered career exploring program and to verify effectiveness on the students' career maturity level. The subjects of this study were 137 students. 4 classes of a middle school in Jinju. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. For experiment, the career exploring program was input to the experimental group for 14 class hours. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The student activity centered career exploring program applied to the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$ was effective in raising the attitude of the career maturity level. As the result of verifying the differences. there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the planning quality and the attitude of works. 2. The student activity centered career exploring program applied to the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$ was effective in raising the ability field of the career maturity level. The experimental group showed more statistically meaningful differences in the knowledge of jobs, the information exploring, and the self-understanding than the control group. Consequently. the effects of the student activity centered career exploring program on the career maturity level in the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$. all the fields of the career maturity level showed the statistically meaningful differences except the independence quality of the attitude field and the decision making of the ability field. So it is concluded that the experiment program elevated the students' career maturity level. However. as the result of analysing independent sample t-test of the pre-test and the post-test. the program was ineffective in the independence quality and the decision making. When this career exploring program is applied to the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$. it is recommended to strengthen the activities to cultivate the independence quality and the decision making power.

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A Study on the Performance of the Human Service Organizations : An Analysis from the Perspective of Quality of Output (사회복지서비스 기관의 조직성과에 관한 연구 : 서울시 지역사회복지관의 질 산출(quality output)을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Chul-Hee;Chung, Moo-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.49
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    • pp.343-378
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the organizational performance of human service organizations from the quality output perspective. Using the 2001 evaluation data about 89 community welfare centers in Seoul, this study attempts to identify the levels of the performance of human service organizations in Korea. This study also attempts to identify the factors that predict performance of human service organizations measured in terms of client satisfaction and experts' evaluation about the functioning of each center. Results are as follows: (1) when pooling 866 clients' satisfaction level into satisfaction score about each center, the average of client satisfaction about the centers is 3.42 at 4 points scale. (2) 41.6% of the community welfare centers is evaluated as "highly qualified" in its overall operation and functioning by the professional evaluation team, (3) the employee reward system(+), practice based on the program guideline manual(+), the portion of the government support grant in its budget(-), the overall employee salary level(-), the level of acquirement of program grants from external sources (-) are the predictors in explaining clients' satisfaction level, and (4) the level of professional expertise of the executive director(+), the level of professional supervision of middle managers(+), the employee reward system(+), the program need assessment(+), the level of client information system(+), the portion of government support grant(-), the overall employee salary level(-) are the predictors for "being highly qualified" in its overall operation and function of each center. Through the empirical analysis, this study provides valuable knowledge about organizational performance of community welfare centers from the quality output perspective. Finally, this study discusses implications for more effective and efficient organizational performance of community welfare centers in Korea.

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Relationship between Participants Satisfaction in Agro-Healing Activities in a Healing Farm and the Level of Stress and Loyalty

  • Jang, Hye Sook;Jeong, Sun-Jin;Kim, Jae Soon;Yoo, Eunha
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 2020
  • Background and objective: This study was conducted to find out the effects of healing farm resources and participant satisfaction on the level of stress and loyalty. Methods: The experiment was conducted on 18 subjects who participated in agro-healing activities (aged 49.5 years on average) and the concentration of cortisol, the level of stress and satisfaction with the services and program of a healing farm. The healing-agriculture activities were performed once a week, a total of 7 sessions, for 90 minutes and their saliva was collected before and after the activities. Results: The concentration of cortisol, a stress hormone, was statistically significantly reduced after the healing-agriculture activities in 5 out of 7 sessions. The total cortisol concentration showed statistically significant differences. The 6th session was comprised of different activities, compared to others, such as understanding weeds, managing a garden and making a pizza with fermentation enzymes, and the level of cortisol in the 6th session was the lowest after participating in the agro-healing activities, which indicated that the activities have the positive effect of lowering the level of stress. The level of stress was lowered from 18.39 to 16.78, which was consistent with the results of the concentration of cortisol. The level of satisfaction in the last session was below 50%, which indicated that the owner of the farm might be a little inexperienced in education and marketing on information and safety. The variables of participants including stress and satisfaction with services showed a strong influence on their loyalty. Conclusion: Satisfaction with services and loyalty to the healing farm showed a very high correlation, which was statistically significant. It also showed that participants' stress level and satisfaction with the services and program of the healing farm have a strong influence on their loyalty.

The Development and Test of Self-Efficacy Promotion Program on Self-care of Hemodialysis Patients (혈액투석환자의 자가간호를 위한 자기효능증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Song, Mi-Ryeong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1066-1077
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to develop self-efficacy promotion program and to test its effects on self-efficacy, self-care, physiologic index of hemodialysis patients after applying this program to them. Preliminary study was carried out to identify the levels and types of self-care, self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients. To develop self-efficacy promoting program, several discussions with nursing professors and nurse specialists on hemodialysis patients were made after in-depth literature review on the area. Through these processes, the self-efficacy promoting program including 20 minutes long videotape and other counciling documents were completed. This videotape consisted of specific self-care techniques for hemodialysis patients including management of fistula, measurement of blood presure and body weight, special diets, medications, exercise and rest, management of physical problems and social adjustment. Two group equivalent pre and post test quasai-experimental research design was used in this study. The total subjects were 34 hemodialysis patients who received hemodialysis three time per week at 1 university hospital. Seventeen experimental group subjects were matched with control group subjects in sex and age. Data were analysed with the SPSS window program. Homogeniety between experimental and control group pretest data was tested by x$^2$ and t-test. There were no significanct differences in general characteristics, illness history, specific self-efficacy and self-care between the two groups. The differences of general self-efficacy of two groups were tested with the Repeated Measure ANCOVA because of significant differences of pretest data of general self efficacy between two groups. The differences of self-efficacy and self-care of two groups were tested with Repeated Measure ANOVA and the differences of physiologic indecies including blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level and interdialytic weight gain were tested by t-test. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in general self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and no interaction by groups and by time. 2. There was significant difference in specific self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 3. There was significant difference in self-care between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 4. There were no significant differences of blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level, but there was significant difference of interdialytic weight gain between the two groups. From the results above, it can be concluded that the self-efficacy promotion program for hemodialysis patients was effective to improve degree of specific self-efficacy and self-care and to decrease interdialytic weight gain. Considering results, the followings are recommended: 1) Repeated studies are needed for another hemodialysis patients. 2) This program can be used for improving degree of self-efficacy and self-care of hemodialysis patients by nurse practitioner and nurse educator.

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Expectation about school health program of primary school parents in a region (일지역 초등학교 학부모의 학교보건사업에 대한 기대)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Kim, Suk;Gang, Hye-Yeong;Bang, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the expectation about school health program of primary school parents as an important variable for growth of school health program fore area locked primary school parents 631 by self-administered questionnaire between June 20 and September 29, 2001 The results were as follows 1. General characteristic of the Subjects Age rates of the subjects were 45.5% on 35~39 years old and 34.7% over 40 years old. Economic status were middle level 86%, participation rates of school health education for parent were 16.8%, recognition rates on significance of school health education were 89.9%. 2. Health knowledge of parents The mean score on health knowledge of the subjects was 6.8 from a total of 10. there was a statistically significant difference with regard to health knowledge among the 7school(F=3.46, p=.016). 3. Health behavior of parents The mean score on health behaviors of the subjects was 77.3 from a total of 100. there was no statistically difference in health behavior among the school. 4. The expectation about school health program of the parents The mean score on the expectation about school health program of the subjects was 51.1 from a total of 140. there was a statistically significant difference with regard to the expe ctation about school health program among the school(F=3.75, p=.010). 5. Health behaviors and the expectation about school health program from sociod emogr aphic Backgrounds of the Subjects. In the backgrounds of the subjects, the score on health behavior was higher the mothers(t=2.89,p=.004), the upper class(F=7.38, p=.000), the higher participation level of school health education of parent(F=7.38, p=.000) and the higher recognition level on significance of school health education of parent(F=9.94, p=.000). The score on the expectation about school health program was higher the lower recognition level on significance of school, health education of parent and on the expectation about health screening & preventive services was significant difference by age. however, the difference was not significant in the others.

Evaluation of the National Train-the-Trainer Program for Hospice and Palliative Care in Korea

  • Kang, Jina;Yang, Eunbae B.;Chang, Yoon Jung;Choi, Jin Young;Jho, Hyun Jung;Koh, Su Jin;Kim, Won Chul;Choi, Eun-Sook;Kim, Yeol;Park, Sung-Min
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.501-506
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    • 2015
  • Background: To evaluate the effectiveness of the National Train-the-Trainers Program for Hospice and Palliative Care Experts (TTHPC) sponsored by the National Cancer Center of Korea between 2009 and 2012. This program was developed to improve the teaching skills of those in the field of hospice and palliative care (HPC). Materials and Methods: Training was offered in eight 1-day sessions between 2009 and 2012. The effect of the program was measured using Kirkpatrick's model of educational outcomes. First, levels 1 and 2 were evaluated immediately after the 1-day program (n=120). In 2012, the level-3 evaluation test was administered to trainers who offered at least one HPC training (n=78) as well as to their trainees (n=537). Results: The level-1 evaluation addressed participant reactions to and satisfaction with the program. Participants (n=120) were generally satisfied with the content, the method, and the overall course (mean range: 3.94-4.46 on a five-point Likert scale). The level-2 evaluation (learning) showed that participants gained knowledge and confidence related to teaching HPC (4.24 vs. 4.00). The level-3 evaluation (behavioral), which assessed trainers' application of teaching skills to HPC, showed that trainees rated the teaching methods of trainers (mean range: 4.03-4.08) more positively than did trainers (p<0.05). Female trainers were more likely than were male trainers to plan sessions in consideration of their trainees' characteristics (4.11 vs. 3.58; p<0.05), and nurse trainers were more likely than physician trainers to use a variety of instructional methods (4.05 vs. 3.36; p<0.05) Conclusions: We conducted systematic evaluations based on Kirkpatrick's model to assess the effectiveness of our train-the-trainers program. Our educational program was practical, effective, and followed by our HPC experts, who needed guidance to learn and improve their clinical teaching skills.

Development of Job Burnout and Job Stress Relife Program for the Nursing Care Workers based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) (수용전념치료(ACT) 기반 요양보호사 직무 소진, 직무스트레스 완화 프로그램 개발과 적용)

  • Lee, OkJoo;Kim, Mooyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.222-237
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an ACT group counseling program for the purpose of alleviating and healing the job stress and burnout of nursing care workers and to verify the effectiveness of the ACT group counseling program. To this end, the goal and theoretical model, content, operation and evaluation of the program were composed and applied according to the procedure. The main research results are as follows. First, as a result of measuring the job stress of the study subjects, there was a positive change in the group participating in the program. Second, as a result of measuring the level of job burnout of the study subjects, there was a positive change in the group participating in the program. Third, as a result of measuring the level of role conflict of the study subjects, there was a positive change in the group participating in the program. Fourth, as a result of measuring the level of over-role of the study subjects, there was a positive change in the group participating in the program. Fifth, as a result of measuring the level of role ambiguity of the study subjects, there was a positive change in the group participating in the program. As a practical implication, by including the ACT theory and practice plan in various nursing care providers training courses, the ability to respond to job burnout and job stress is increased, and ultimately, by increasing the psychological flexibility of nursing care workers, the opportunity for essential change in attitude toward work and life describe what to provide.

The effects of the 16-weeks' combined exercise program on metabolic syndrome and autonomic nerve system of low-level physical strength group (16주 복합운동프로그램을 통한 저체력군 고등학생의 대사증후군 지표와 자율신경계의 변화)

  • Han, Jin-Man;Lee, Kyeong-Jun;Yang, Jeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.787-796
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to closely examine the changes in their metabolic syndrome index and autonomic nerve systems after the 16-weeks's combined exercise program is carried out on low-level physical strength group (PAPS 4-5 level students). They were divided into two groups; exercise training group (15) and control group (15). This program consisted of five-times-a-week's warm-ups, main activities and warm-downs and it takes 50 minutes per trial. Through SPSS 19.0, all averages and standard deviations of dependent variables were calculated. We first performed Shapiro-Wilk's normality test of the variables. Before verifying the effect of combined exercise program, we tested the equality of means of the variables between combined-exercise-programmed-group and control group through a two-sample t-test and carried out a paired t-test to check if the changes in the variables of two groups before and after 16 weeks are statistically significant. Every statistical test is performed at a significance level of ${\alpha}$=.05. The results are as follows. When it came to metabolic syndrome index, there were statistically meaningful changes in waist measurement, triglyceride, glucose with empty stomach and HDL-C. Also, when it came to autonomic nerve system, there were meaningful changes in all variables. Consequently, it seems that the 16-weeks combined exercise program has positive effects on low level physical strength students.

A Preliminary Study with the Objective of Developing a Community based Postpartum Women's Follow-up Program (지역사회 중심의 산욕기 산모 추후관리 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초조사)

  • Kim Myoung Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to discern the level of satisfaction of postpartum care in hospitals. the level of importance of traditional postpartum care and the need for home health care for postpartum women. The study's design was to obtain data needed to develop a community-based postpartum care program and to improve the quality of nursing for postpartum care recipients. Data for the study was collected from 1 March to 31 June 2000 from 116 postpartum care recipients treated in Chung-Buk, Korea. Data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, t-test, and ANOVA. using SPSS win program. The results the of analysis were as follows: 1) The level of satisfaction of postpartum care in the hospital (mean 1.31) was very low. The most laudable items of nursing care by category were: moderate satisfaction with 'perineal wound care' (2.04) and 'afterpain observation'(2.09). The overall level of satisfaction of postpartum care in the hospital. however, was very low. 2) Among other items of postpartum care in the hospital, 'postpartum exercise' $(25.9\%)$. 'assessment and support for postpartum depression' $(25.9\%)$, 'operation wound care for women who underwent Caesarean sections' $(24.5\%)$. and 'contraception and family planning' $(20.4\%)$ showed a need for home health care for postpartum care recipients above $20\%$. 3) The level of importance of traditional postpartum care (Sanhujori) was relatively high (mean 2.72). The importance of Sanhujori by category was as followed: 'the fourth principle: protecting the body from harmful strains' was the highest (2.88), 'the third principle: eating well', 'the first principle: invigorating the body by augmenting heat and avoiding cold', 'the second principle: resting without working', 'the fifth principle: keeping clean' and 'the sixth principle: handling with the whole heart' showed 2.85, 2.80, 2.70, 2.51 and 2.46 respectively. 4) The need for home health care with Sanhujori was very low. 5) The relationship between demographic factors and the level of satisfaction with postpartum care in the hospital was as follows: the satisfaction levels were significantly different among' delivery frequency' and 'health status' alteration after delivery'. 6) The relationship between demographic factors and the importance of the Sanhujori category was as follows: There were no significant differences in the level of importance of the first and the forth principle of Sanhujori. The level of importance of the second principle of Sanhujori was significantly different among 'income' and 'family type'. The level of importance of the third principle of Sanhujori was significantly different among 'having a boy'. The level of importance of the fifth principle of Sanhujori was significantly different among 'income' and 'feeding type'. The level of importance of the sixth principle of Sanhujori was significantly different among 'education background' and 'feeding type'. In conclusion. the findings of this study illustrate the nursing needs of postpartum care recipients. It provides a challenge to caregivers in the healthcare industry to develop a continuous postpartum care program and integrative postpartum care system that embodies the oriental and western paradigm for the promotion of women's health.

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