• Title/Summary/Keyword: Production and Delivery

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Industrial Applications of Rumen Microbes - Review -

  • Cheng, K.J.;Lee, S.S.;Bae, H.D.;Ha, J.K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 1999
  • The rumen microbial ecosystem is coming to be recognized as a rich alternative source of genes for industrially useful enzymes. Recent advances in biotechnology are enabling development of novel strategies for effective delivery and enhancement of these gene products. One particularly promising avenue for industrial application of rumen enzymes is as feed supplements for nonruminant and ruminant animal diets. Increasing competition in the livestock industry has forced producers to cut costs by adopting new technologies aimed at increasing production efficiency. Cellulases, xylanases, ${\beta}$-glucanases, pectinases, and phytases have been shown to increase the efficiency of feedstuff utilization (e.g., degradation of cellulose, xylan and ${\beta}$-glucan) and to decrease pollutants (e.g., phytic acid). These enzymes enhance the availability of feed components to the animal and eliminate some of their naturally occurring antinutritional effects. In the past, the cost and inconvenience of enzyme production and delivery has hampered widespread application of this promising technology. Over the last decade, however, advances in recombinant DNA technology have significantly improved microbial production systems. Novel strategies for delivery and enhancement of genes and gene products from the rumen include expression of seed proteins, oleosin proteins in canola and transgenic animals secreting digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Thus, the biotechnological framework is in place to achieve substantial improvements in animal production through enzyme supplementation. On the other hand, the rumen ecosystem provides ongoing enrichment and natural selection of microbes adapted to specific conditions, and represents a virtually untapped resource of novel products such as enzymes, detoxificants and antibiotics.

Development of the Estimation Model on Daily Pollutant Loads for the Watersheds in the Nakdong River Basin I. Correction and Verification for the Model (낙동강 유역에 대한 일별 유달부하량 산정모델개발 I. 모델식의 보정 및 검증)

  • Yoon, Young-Sam;Kim, Moon-Soo;Yu, Jae-Jung;Lee, Hae-Jin;Lee, Jun-Bae;Yang, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2007
  • The delivery load data obtained from Nakdong river basin are used for developing the model estimating the daily delivery load on the main side streams of Nakdong River. The developed model assesses the daily contamination loads of the main thirteen side streams that contribute to the main stream of Nakdong river. It is developed that the model using the simplified equation that can estimate the daily delivery loads on the side main streams of Nakdong river for a period of having no data of the water quality and flow. The developed model for estimating the daily delivery loads from the main side streams in Nakdong river basin on each item such as BOD, TN, and TP is expressed as Daily delivery load ($\frac{kg}{day}$) = Production load $(\frac{kg}{day}){\times}(1-{\alpha}){\times}(\frac{daily\;runoff}{average\;runoff\;per\;year}){\gamma}$. The estimated values obtained by using the model are almost fit to the calculated values (real data) that have been acquired from the thirteen main side streams in Nakdong river basin. The correlation coefficient values, R, that indicate the correlation between the estimated and the calculated show over 0.7 that mean the estimated values from the used model are adapted to the real data except TN values of Nam-river, Hwang-river, Gam-river, We-river. Especially, the correlation of TP values between the estimated and the calculated implies quite a creditable data to use.

A Study on a Multi-Stage Inventory of Finished Goods (제품다단계재고(製品多段階在庫)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jeong-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 1979
  • Inventories of finished products exist in each stage of the channel between production and consumption. An inventory has several functions, which make it possible to produce by economic lot size and to elevate services for consumer by shortening delivery time, etc$\cdots$. Finished products may be inventoried in delivery-center as well as at the plant where production takes place. So, finshed products must be dealt with as multistage inventory problem, because an inventory functions differently according to its place. The purpose of this study is to determine how much to carry in stock and what stage to carry Though there may be several channels between production and consumption, this study deals with only one main channel, that is, series of ncomponents and determines the optimal inventory policy by introducing the concept of selling probabilities.

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Optimal Switching Frequency in Limited-Cycle with Multiple Periods

  • Sun, Jing;Yamamoto, Hisashi;Matsui, Masayuki;Kong, Xianda
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2012
  • Due to the customer needs of reducing cost and delivery date shorting, prompt change in the production plan became more important. In the multi period system (For instance, production line.) where target processing time exists, production, idle and delay risks occur repeatedly for multiple periods. In such situations, delay of one process may influence the delivery date of an entire process. In this paper, we discuss the minimum expected cost of the case mentioned above, where the risk depends on the previous situation and occurs repeatedly for multiple periods. This paper considers the optimal switching frequency to minimize the total expected cost of the production process. In this paper, first, the optimal switching frequency model is proposed. Next, the mathematic formulation of the total expectation is presented. Finally, the policy of optimal switching frequency is investigated by numerical experiments.

Phage Particles as Vaccine Delivery Vehicles: Concepts, Applications and Prospects

  • Jafari, Narjes;Abediankenari, Saeid
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.18
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    • pp.8019-8029
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    • 2016
  • The development of new strategies for vaccine delivery for generating protective and long-lasting immune responses has become an expanding field of research. In the last years, it has been recognized that bacteriophages have several potential applications in the biotechnology and medical fields because of their intrinsic advantages, such as ease of manipulation and large-scale production. Over the past two decades, bacteriophages have gained special attention as vehicles for protein/peptide or DNA vaccine delivery. In fact, whole phage particles are used as vaccine delivery vehicles to achieve the aim of enhanced immunization. In this strategy, the carried vaccine is protected from environmental damage by phage particles. In this review, phage-based vaccine categories and their development are presented in detail, with discussion of the potential of phage-based vaccines for protection against microbial diseases and cancer treatment. Also reviewed are some recent advances in the field of phagebased vaccines.

A Case Study on Productivity Improvement by a Discrete Event-Driven Simulation System (이산사건 시뮬레이션 시스템을 활용한 생산성 개선 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Sangtae;Shin, Moonsoo;Ryu, Kwangyeol;Cho, Yongju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2015
  • Up-to-date manufacturing companies have faced a market-driven environment of pull production order. There should be a difference in operating manufacturing resources according to the type, quantity, and delivery time of manufactured products, because the process situation in pull production is changed by customer orders. And it should be taken into account from the stage of preparing for production such as process design and the placement and utilization of manufacturing resources. However, the feasibility of production plans is limited because most of small manufacturing businesses make production/supply plan of the parts and products assuming that equipment abilities in scheduling is sufficient without managing process standard information systemically. In this study, a discrete event simulation system based on BOM (bill of material), that is F-OPIS (online productivity innovation system), is introduced and a case study on application of the system leading to improving productivities is presented. F-OPIS deals with a decision-problem on production management and it is specialized for small-and- medium sized manufacturing companies. The target company of this case study is a typical small-and-medium sized manufacturing company in Korea, that produces various machined parts. The target company adopts make-to-stock production management to prevent tardy delivery because of fluctuations in demand. Therefore, it is required to apply an efficient inventory control solution for improving productivities. In this paper, based on the constraints of working capacity of manufacturing resources, the bottleneck process is analyzed as production conditions are changed. Consequently, an improvement plan is proposed, that eventually enhances overall utilization rates of resources in the bottleneck process and reduces overall production lead-time and inventory level.

Computation and Assessment of Delivery Pollutant Loads for the Streams in the Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 소수계별 유달부하량 산정 및 평가)

  • Yoon, Young-Sam;Yu, Jae-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Su;Lee, Hae-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.277-287
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    • 2006
  • Production loads of the contaminants near the Nakdong-river are, BOD : $1,006ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, TN : $117ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, and TP : $21ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$. Among the sources of contamination, the biggest contribution to the production load was shared by the human population, which maintains 40.7% of BOD, 44.2% of TN, and 52.5% of TP production. Similarly, among the sources of discharge load, the human population contributed 45.0% of BOD, 34.5% of TN, and 45.8% of TP. Results of flow investigation in 2001 and 2002 indicate that among the side streams, Nam-river showed the greatest average flow. In case of main stream flow, it was increased in the downstream due to the increase of the influents from the side streams. In case of BOD, COD, TOC and SS, high values were detected at Keumho-river where industrial wastewater was discharged as high level concentration. In case of the main stream, Koryoung point where direct influence of Keumho-river and Seongseo industrial complex is evident showed high BOD, COD and TOC. Oxidized nitrogen compounds and total nitrogen showed similar patterns of BOD, COD, and TOC. Especially, nitrate nitrogen was relatively high at all points. However, in case of Chlorophyll-a, relatively high values were observed at mid- and downstream areas such as Koryoung, Namjee, Soosan, Moolkeum and Hakooeun. This could be caused by the slow flow rate and the abundant nutrient salts attributed by the side streams. Relatively better water quality was observed in 2002 when the flow was relatively abundant than that in 2001. Results of investigation during 2001-2002 showed that delivery load increased as the flow reaches downstream. In 2001, delivery loads at the downstream Soosan-bridge were BOD $22,152ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, COD $45,467ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, TN $22,062ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, TP $926ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$. Delivery loads in 2002 were increased due to the increase of the rainfall. They are BOD $25,876ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, COD $64,200ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, TN $41,101ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$, and TP $1,362ton{\cdot}day^{-1}$.

Delivery Date Decision Support System for the Large Scale Make-to-Order Manufacturing Companies: An Electric Motor Company Case (수주생산업체를 위한 납기일 결정 시스템의 개발)

  • Park, Chang-Kyu;Song, Jung-Su
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 1998
  • In the make-to-order (MTO) manufacturing environment, one of the important issues is setting attainable delivery dates for customer orders, which significantly affects the performance of the MTO manufacturing. Although this topic has received considerable attention in the literature, most of the efforts took a lower level approach that is concerned primarily with the effect of various delivery date assignment methods on the relative performance of some dispatching rules. This paper proposes the delivery date decision support system which takes a higher level approach of integrating the marketing and production planning functions with the consideration of the current capacity and the workload smoothing. The proposed system has been implemented in a Rotating Machinery Shop and the results of the implementation showed good performance.

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Real-time Delivery Estimation in Build-to-order Manufacturing (주문형 생산에서의 실시간 납기 산정)

  • 홍태영;강무진;박세형;이상봉
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2002
  • Leading companies have embraced the new economy with new and innovative BTO models. Instead of conventional company-oriented manufacturing scheduling, customer-oriented scheduling method attracts more and more attention. To evaluate the delivery of customer order in advance, the real production capacity as well as procurement lead time should be taken into account. This paper describes a quasi-real-time order delivery estimation system using TOC(Theory of Constraints) based scheduling method.

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Assessment of Microbiological Quality of Outsourced School Meals (외부 운반 학교급식의 미생물학적 품질 평가)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Suk;Ryu, Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.372-384
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to provide a basic resource for establishment of hygienic management standards for meal delivery from the central kitchen to schools. Flow diagrams for delivery of food were analyzed, and time-temperature conditions of the food and environment were measured. Four different foods samples including Mexican salad, radish salad, stir-fried pork and vegetables, and stir-fried chicken and vegetables were collected after production and before service. Microbiological analysis was performed for aerobic plate counts (APC), Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella spp., S. aureus, B. cereus, C. perfringens, and L. monocytogenes. After completion of production of cooked foods 2~3 hours were taken for the cooked foods to reach the temperature danger zone. Food temperatures at the meal service did not meet the recommended temperatures ($10/57^{\circ}C$) for conventional school food service systems. The highest APC counts were observed in radish salad (5.70 log CFU/g), followed by Mexican salad (5.18 log CFU/g). Enterobacteriaceae and coliform counts were within acceptable levels of those recommended by the UK Public Health Laboratory Service. No E. coli or pathogens were found. These results provide useful information for determination of microbiological hazards in school food service systems, and suggest that time-temperature control during delivery is necessary for the safety of cooked foods.