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중등단계 직업교육에서의 발명·지식재산 교육내용에 대한 담당 교사의 교육요구도 우선 순위 분석 (An Analysis on the Priority of Educational Needs of Teachers in Charge of Educational Contents of Invention Intellectual Property in Secondary Vocational Education)

  • 이상현;이찬주;이병욱
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.155-174
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구의 목적은 중등단계 직업교육에서의 발명 지식재산 교육내용에 대한 교사의 교육요구도 우선 순위를 분석하여, 중등단계 직업교육에서의 발명 지식재산교육이 효과적으로 이루어 질 수 있는 토대가 되는 교원의 역량 개발을 위한 직무 연수 프로그램 개발에 기초 자료를 제공하는 것이다. 이를 위해서 담당 교사 인식에 기반한 중등단계 직업교육에서의 발명 지식재산 교육내용에 대한 교육요구도와 이러한 교육요구도의 우선 순위를 분석하여 제시하였다. 본 연구의 구체적인 결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중등단계 직업교육에서 발명 지식재산 교육내용에 대한 담당 교사의 교육 요구도 평균은 5.02로 나타났다. 교육요구도가 전체 평균보다 높은 교육내용 항목은 23개이고, 이들 항목과 항목별 평균은 F4(특허 청구 범위) 6.72, F5(명세서 수정 및 보충) 6.46, F2(특허 도면 작성) 6.39, F3(특허명세서와 요약서 작성) 6.31, A5(발명 기법과 활동) 6.27, E6(발명 디자인 프로젝트) 6.15, H3(발명품 사업화) 5.97, F1(특허 정보 및 출원) 5.90, E5(디자인 권리화) 5.78, E3(발명 디자인의 디자인 과정) 5.77, A4(발명과 문제 해결) 5.57, G2(특허 조사 및 분류) 5.47, C2(발명 문제 해결 사고 기법) 5.45, E4(발명 디자인 제품 제작) 5.45, B5(발명특허 프로젝트) 5.42, A2(창의성 개발) 5.26, C4(발명 문제 해결 프로젝트) 5.26, H4(발명품 마케팅) 5.26, H2(발명품 사업성 분석) 5.20, D4(발명과 경영) 5.16, C3(문제 해결 활동) 5.14, E2(발명 디자인의 발상과 표현) 5.11, B3(발명기법의 실제) 5.08 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 중등단계 직업교육에서 발명 지식재산 교육내용에 대한 담당 교사의 교육 요구도 우선 순위는 1순위에 해당하는 교육내용 항목은 13개, 2순위는 10개, 3순위는 17개로 나타났다. 1순위에 해당하는 교육내용 항목은 A4(발명과 문제 해결), A5(발명 기법과 활동), B5(발명특허 프로젝트), C2(발명 문제 해결 사고 기법), C4(발명 문제 해결 프로젝트), E3(발명 디자인 과정), E4(발명 디자인 제품 제작), E5(디자인 권리화), E6(발명 디자인 프로젝트), F1(특허 정보 및 출원), F2(특허 도면 작성), F3(특허명세서와 요약서 작성), H3(발명품 사업화)이다. 2순위에 해당하는 교육내용 항목은 A2(창의성 개발), B3(발명기법의 실제), C3(문제 해결 활동), D4(발명과 경영), E2(발명 디자인의 발상과 표현), F4(특허 청구 범위), F5(명세서 수정 및 보충), G2(특허 조사 및 분류), H2(발명품 사업성 분석), H4(발명품 마케팅)이다. 3순위는 1, 2 순위를 제외한 교육내용이다.

기업정보 기반 지능형 밸류체인 네트워크 시스템에 관한 연구 (A Study on Intelligent Value Chain Network System based on Firms' Information)

  • 성태응;김강회;문영수;이호신
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2018
  • 최근까지도 중소기업의 지속성장 및 경쟁력 확보에 대한 중요함을 인식함에 따라, 정부 차원에서의 유형 자원(R&D 인력, 자금 등)에 대한 지원이 주로 투입되어 왔다. 그러나 사업지원의 적절성이나 효과성, 효율성 면에서 서로 상충되는 정책부분이 존재하여 과소 지원이나 중복 지원 등 지원체계의 비효율성 문제가 제기되어온 것도 사실이다. 정부나 기업 관점에서는 중소기업의 한정된 자원으로 인해, 외부와의 협력을 통한 기술개발 및 역량강화가 기업의 경쟁우위를 창출하는 근간이라 보고 있으며, 이를 위한 가치창출 활동을 강조하고 있다. 기업 레벨에서의 지식생태계 구축을 통해 일련의 가치사슬로부터 기업거래 관계를 분석하고 결과를 가시화할 수 있는 밸류체인 네트워크 분석이 필요한 것도 이 때문이다. 특허/제품/기업명 검색을 통해 관련 제품의 정보나 특허 보유 기업의 기술(제품) 현황 정보를 제공하는 기술기회발굴시스템(Technology Opportunity Discovery system), 기업(재무)정보와 신용정보을 열람하게 해주는 CRETOP이나 KISLINE 등은 존재하고 있으나 밸류체인 네트워크 분석기반으로 유사(경쟁)기업의 리스트나 향후 거래 가능한 잠재 거래처 정보를 제공해주는 시스템은 부재한 실정이다. 따라서, 본 고에서는 KISTI에서 개발 운영중인 기업 비즈니스 전략수립 지원 파트너인 '밸류체인 네트워크 시스템(Value Chain Network System : VCNS)'을 중심으로, 탑재된 네트워크 기반 분석모듈의 유형, 이를 지원하는 참조정보 및 데이터베이스(D/B)의 구성 로직과 시스템 활용방안을 고찰하며, 산업구조를 이해하고 기업의 신제품 개발을 위한 핵심정보가 되고 있는 지능형 밸류체인 분석 시스템의 네트워크 가시화 기능을 살펴보기로 한다. 한 기업이 다른 기업 대비 경쟁우위를 확보하기 위해서는 보유 특허 또는 현재 생산하고 있는 제품에 대한 경쟁자 식별이 필요하며, 세부 업종별 유사(경쟁)기업을 탐색하는 일은 대상기업의 사업화 경쟁력 확보에 핵심이 된다. 또한 기업간 비즈니스 활동인 거래정보는 유사 분야로 진출할 경우 잠재 거래처 정보를 제공하는 중요한 역할을 수행한다. 이러한 기업간 판매정보를 기반으로 구축된 네트워크 맵을 활용하여 기업 또는 업종 수준의 경쟁자를 식별하는 일은 밸류체인 분석의 핵심모듈로 탑재될 수 있다. 밸류체인 네트워크 시스템(VCNS)은 단순 수집된 종래의 기업정보에 밸류체인(value chain) 및 산업구조 분석개념을 접목하여 개별 기업의 시장경쟁 상황은 물론 특정 산업의 가치사슬 관계를 파악할 수 있다. 특히 업종구조 파악, 경쟁사 동향 파악, 경쟁사 분석, 판매처 및 구매처 발굴, 품목별 산업동향, 유망 품목 발굴, 신규 진입기업 발굴, VC별 핵심기업 및 품목 도출, 해당 기업별 보유 특허 파악 등 기업 레벨에서의 유용한 정보분석 툴로 활용 가능하다. 또한, 거래처 정보 및 재무데이터로부터 분석된 결과의 객관성 및 신뢰성을 기반으로, 현재 국내에서 이용 중인 15,000여개 회원기업과 연구개발서비스업 종사자, 출연(연) 및 공공기관 등에서 사업평가 정보지원, R&D 의사결정 지원 및 중 단기 수요예측 전망 등 다양한 목적(용도)에 밸류체인 네트워크 시스템을 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 기업의 사업경쟁력 강화를 위해 정부기관 및 민간 연구개발서비스 기업을 중심으로 기술(특허) 및 시장정보가 제공되어 왔으며, 이는 특허분석(등급, 계량분석 위주) 또는 시장분석(시장보고서 기반 시장규모 및 수요예측 위주)의 형태로 지원되어 왔다. 그러나 기업이 사업화진출 단계에서 겪게 되는 애로요인의 하나인 정보부족을 해결하는데 한계가 있었으며, 특히 경쟁기업 및 거래가능 기업 후보군에 대한 탐색정보는 입수하기 어려웠다. 본 연구를 통해 제안된 네트워크맵 및 보유 데이터 기반의 실시간 밸류체인 가시화 서비스모듈이 중견 중소기업이 당면한 신규시장 진출시 경쟁기업 대비 예상점유율, (예상)매출액 수준, 어느 기업을 컨택하여 유통망(원자재/부품에 대한 공급처, 완제품/모듈에 대한 수요처)을 확보할 지에 대한 핵심정보를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 향후 연구에서는 대체기업(또는 대체품목) 경쟁지표의 개발과 연구주체의 참여를 통한 경쟁요인별 지표의 고도화 연구, VCNS의 성능향상을 위한 데이터마이닝 기술 및 알고리즘을 추가 반영하도록 수행하고자 한다.

온라인 쇼핑에서 웹루밍으로의 쇼핑전환 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구 (An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Switching Intention from Online Shopping to Webrooming)

  • 최현승;양성병
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2016
  • 정보통신기술의 발전과 모바일 기기 사용의 생활화로 인해 최근 많은 소비자들이 멀티채널 쇼핑(multi-channel shopping)이라는 새로운 쇼핑 행태를 보이고 있다. 온라인 쇼핑이 등장한 이후, 온라인 매장에서 상품을 구매하기 전 오프라인 매장에서 상품을 먼저 확인하는 쇼루밍(showrooming) 형태의 멀티채널 쇼핑이 한 때 대세를 이루었으나, 최근에는 스마트폰, 태블릿 PC, 스마트워치 등 스마트 기기 사용의 폭발적 증가와 옴니채널(omni-channel) 전략으로 대표되는 오프라인 채널의 대대적 반격으로 인해 오프라인 매장에서 상품을 구매하기 전 온라인(혹은 모바일)으로 정보를 먼저 확인하는 웹루밍(webrooming) 현상이 도드라지게 나타나 온라인 소매업자를 위협하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 소비자의 온라인 쇼핑에서 웹루밍으로의 쇼핑전환 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하는 것이 의미가 있음에도 불구하고, 기존 대부분의 선행연구는 싱글채널(single-channel) 혹은 멀티채널 쇼핑 자체에만 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 밀고-당기기-이주이론(push-pull-mooring theory)을 바탕으로 소비자의 온라인 채널 쇼핑이 웹루밍 형태의 쇼핑으로 전환되는 과정을 상품정보 탐색과 구매행위로 각각 구분하여 그 영향을 실증하였다. 연구모형을 검증하기 위하여, 웹루밍 경험이 있는 수도권 소재 대학생을 대상으로 280개의 설문 표본을 수집하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 현업 마케팅 종사자에게 멀티채널 소비자들을 관리하는 데 있어 실무적인 시사점을 제공함과 동시에, 향후 다양한 형태의 멀티채널 쇼핑전환 연구로의 확장에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

상호의존세계중적조직구매행위(相互依存世界中的组织购买行为) (Organizational Buying Behavior in an Interdependent World)

  • Wind, Yoram;Thomas, Robert J.
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2010
  • 20世纪60年代中期, 随着1967年 ${\ll}$产业购买和创造营销${\gg}$的出版, 组织购买行为这一领域的兴起为企业如何在市场中运作提供了新的思维方式, 而不只是为最终用户服务. 无论是 "工业营销" 或 "企业营销"(B-to-B),组织的购买行为仍然是这个领域的核心. 本文探讨了动态因素的影响,影响了几个组织彼此相关的迅速增长的相互依存,反过来会影响组织的购买行为. 文章还提出了一个问题,组织购买行为的概念模型,在一个相互依存的世界是否仍然会在这个充满活力的经营环境中引导研究和管理的思想,. 本文提出并探索三个关于组织相互依存的问题: 1.哪些因素和趋势驱动了组织的相互依存的兴起? 2.在过去半个世纪中发展起来的组织购买行为的主要概念模型仍然适用于今天这个相互依存的组织的世界吗? 3.研究中组织的相互依存的启示是什么? 组织购买行为的实践活动是什么? 考虑到组织关系中驱动组织的相互依存的因素和趋势和5个关键驱动因素有关并影响他们的购买行为:加速全球化, 平整的网络组织, 破坏价值链, 强化政府的介入, 不断细分客户需求. 这五个相通的相互依存和潜在的技术上的优势可以改变组织购买产品和服务的市场中保持竞争力的关系. 在一个客户驱动的营销策略背景下, 这些力量影响三个层次的战略发展: (1)进化的客户需求, (2)产生的产品/服务和解决方案以满足这些需求, 和(3)的组织能力和工艺制定和实施了以满足需求. 组织中相互依存的五个驱动因素在他们影响组织如何购买时不需要独立的操作. 他们可以相互作用和更加有效的影响组织购买行为. 例如,加速了全球化的影响,出现了新的网络进一步破坏传统价值链之间的关系, 从而改变机构购买的产品和服务. 提高政府参与可能会增加成本,因此在其它国家的新兴市场开公司做生意寻求低成本的来源. 这可以减少一国的就业机会增加另一个国家的就业机会, 在另一方面, 从而进一步加速全球化. 第二个主要的问题是相互依存的五个驱动因素对组织购买行为的核心概念模型有什么影响. 考虑三个在 ${\ll}$产业购买和创造营销${\gg}$${\ll}$组织购买行为${\gg}$ 书籍中发展的概念模型:组织购买过程, 购买中心,以及购买的情况. 回顾这些核心模型, 作为最初的概念,他们仍然是有效的, 而且不可能改变. 在买家和卖家相互依赖的情况下, 什么会改变买卖双方相互作用的方式. 例如,增加了相互依赖的机会可能导致增加协作以及组织之间的冲突的买卖,从而改变购买过程. 此外,组织中的沟通过程的重要性作为一个成功的购买关系的判断依据将增加. 第三个问题对这些组织购买行为的关系的影响和意义进行了探讨. 以下是本文所考虑到的: 为了增进对网络对组织购买行为的影响的理解,需要增加了解所扮演的角色之间的信任, 增强在网络环境中如何管理组织购买的理解的需要, 需要增加了解在价值网络中的客户需要,并且需要增加了解新兴的商业模式对组织购买行为的影响. 在许多方面,这些从增加的组织的相互依存派生出来的需要是组织购买行为传统概念的扩展. 在1977年,Nicosia 和Wind建议把焦点集中在组织间而不是组织内部观点,自1990年以来, 这个趋势的势头很强. 对于管理者来说,也想在越来越相互依存的世界中生存,他们将需要更好地了解组织如何与另一组织相关的复杂性. 从组织的相互依存的观点已经开始,必须不断地发展提出一种对这些重要的关系改进的理解. 互相依赖的网络观点的转变需要很多学术界人士和实践者从根本上挑战和改变他们商业中的心智模型和组织购买行为模型. 不再只关注购买组织和销售组织之间的关系而应该是网络中所有的相关成员, 包括消费者, 发展者, 供应商和中间者. 我们来看这个例子. 由SAP创造的有众多合作伙伴的网络包含了超过9000个公司和超过一百万的参与者. 互相依赖的进展, 复杂性和不确定的现实和多变的网络需要重新考虑如何做出购买决定. 结果是他们应该关注学术中下一阶段的研究和理论建设并关注有实践者构建的实践模型和实验. 我们希望这样的研究能够展开, 不是孤立在象牙塔里, 也不是限制在商业世界中, 而是学术和实践的结合. 总而言之, 组织之间相互依赖的提高的考虑揭示了组织购买行为的基础模型的持续关联性. 然而在相互依存的世界中来提高这些模型的价值, 学术界和实践者应该提高他们对一下内容的理解 (1)网络的影响; (2)如何更好地管理这些影响的作用; (3)组织之间信任和价值的作用, (4)价值网络中客户需求的演变; (5)组织购买行为的新兴的新商业模型的影响. 为了实现这一目标, 我们需要产业界和学习界更好的合作从而提高我们对在相互依赖的世界中的组织购买行为的理解.

해조의 식용분말화에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Nutritive Value and Utilization of Powdered Seaweeds)

  • 유정열;이기열;김숙희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.15-37
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    • 1975
  • I. Subject of the study A study on the nutritive value and utilization of powdered seaweeds. II. Purpose and Importance of the study A. In Korea the shortage of food will be inevitable by the rapidly growing population. It will be very important study to develop a new food from the seaweeds which were not used hitherto for human consumption. B. The several kinds of seaweeds have been used by man in Korea mainly as side-dishes. However, a properly powdered seaweed will enable itself to be a good supplement or mixture to certain cereal flours. C. By adding the powdered seaweed to any cereals which have long been staple foods in this country the two fold benefits; saving of cereals and change of dietary pattern, will be secured. III. Objects and scope of the study A. Objects of the study The objects will come under four items. 1. To develop a powdered seaweed as a new food from the seaweeds which have been not used for human consumption. 2. To evaluate the nutritional quality of the products the analysis for chemical composition and animal feeding experiment will be conducted. 3. Experimental cocking and accepability test will be conducted for the powdered products to evaluate the value as food stuff. 4. Sanitary test and also economical analysis will be conducted for the powdered products. B. Scope of the study 1. Production of seaweed powders Sargassum fulvellum growing in eastern coast and Sargassum patens C.A. in southern coast were used as the material for the powders. These algae, which have been not used for human consumption, were pulverized through the processes of washing, drying, pulverization, etc. 2. Nutritional experiments a. Chemical composition Proximate components (water, protein, fat, cellulose, sugar, ash, salt), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine), vitamins (A, $B_1,\;B_2$ niacin, C) and amino acids were analyzed for the seaweed powders. b. Animal feeding experiment Weaning 160 rats (80 male and 80 female rats) were used as experimental animals, dividing them into 16 groups, 10 rats each group. Each group was fed for 12 weeks on cereal diet (Wheat flour, rice powder, barley powder, potato powder, corn flour) with the supplementary levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% of the seaweed powder. After the feeding the growth, feed efficiency ratio, protain efficiency ratio and ,organs weights were checked and urine analysis, feces analysis and serum analysis were also conducted. 3. Experimental cooking and acceptability test a. Several basic studies were conducted to find the characteristics of the seaweed powder. b. 17 kinds of Korean dishes and 9 kinds of foreign dishes were prepared with cereal flours (wheat, rice, barley, potato, corn) with the supplementary levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% of the seaweed powder. c. Acceptability test for the dishes was conducted according to plank's Form. 4. Sanitary test The heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Hg) in the seaweed powders were determined. 5. Economical analysis The retail price of the seaweed powder was compared with those of other cereals in the market. And also economical analysis was made from the nutritional point of view, calculating the body weight gained in grams per unit price of each feeding diet. IV. Results of the study and the suggestion for application A. Chemical composition 1. There is no any big difference in proximate components between powders of Sargassum fulvellum in eastern coast and Sargassum patens C.A. in southern coast. Seasonal difference is also not significant. Higher levels of protein, cellulose, ash and salt were found in the powders compared with common cereal foods. 2. The levels of calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) in the powders were significantly higher than common cereal foods and also rich in iodine (I). Existence of vitamin A and vitamin C in the Powders is different point from cereal foods. Vitamin $B_1\;and\;B_2$ are also relatively rich in the powders.'Vitamin A in ·Sargassum fulvellum is high and the levels of some minerals and vitamins are seemed4 to be some influenced by seasons. 3. In the amino acid composition methionine, isoleucine, Iysine and valine are limiting amino acids. The protein qualities of Sargassum fulvellum and Sargassum patens C.A. are seemed to be .almost same and generally ·good. Seasonal difference in amino acid composition was found. B. Animal feeding experiment 1. The best growth was found at.10% supplemental level of the seaweed Powder and lower growth rate was shown at 30% level. 2. It was shown that 15% supplemental level of the Seaweed powder seems to fulfil, to some extent the mineral requirement of the animals. 3. No any changes were found in organs development except that, in kidney, there found decreasing in weight by increasing the supplemental level of the seaweed powder. 4. There is no any significant changes in nitrogen retention, serum cholesterol, serum calcium and urinary calcium in each supplemental level of the seaweed powder. 5. In animal feeding experiment it was concluded that $5%{\sim}15%$ levels supplementation of the seaweed powder are possible. C. Experimental cooking and acceptability test 1. The seaweed powder showed to be utilized more excellently in foreign cookings than in Korean cookings. Higher supplemental level of seaweed was passible in foreign cookings. 2. Hae-Jo-Kang and Jeon-Byung were more excellent than Song-Pyun, wheat cake, Soo-Je-Bee and wheat noodle. Hae-Je-Kang was excellent in its quality even as high as 5% supplemental level. 3. The higher levels of supplementation were used the more sticky cooking products were obtained. Song-Pyun and wheat cake were palatable and lustrous in 2% supplementation level. 4. In drop cookie the higher levels of supplementation, the more crisp product was obtained, compared with other cookies. 5. Corn cake, thin rice gruel, rice gruel and potato Jeon-Byung were more excellent in their quality than potato Man-Doo and potato noodle. Corn cake, thin rice gruel and rice gruel were excellent even as high as 5% supplementation level. 6. In several cooking Porducts some seaweed-oder was perceived in case of 3% or more levels of supplementation. This may be much diminished by the use of proper condiments. D. Sanitary test It seems that there is no any heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Hg) problem in these seaweed Powders in case these Powders are used as supplements to any cereal flours E. Economical analysis The price of the seaweed powder is lower than those of other cereals and that may be more lowered when mass production of the seaweed powder is made in future. The supplement of the seaweed powder to any cereals is also economical with the criterion of animal growth rate. F. It is recommended that these seaweed powders should be developed and used as supplement to any cereal flours or used as other food material. By doing so, both saving of cereals and improvement of individual's nutrition will greatly be achieved. It is also recommended that the feeding experiment for men would be conducted in future.

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인터넷 쇼핑몰 수용에 있어 사용자 능력의 조절효과 분석 (An Analysis of the Moderating Effects of User Ability on the Acceptance of an Internet Shopping Mall)

  • 서건수
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.27-55
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    • 2008
  • Due to the increasing and intensifying competition in the Internet shopping market, it has been recognized as very important to develop an effective policy and strategy for acquiring loyal customers. For this reason, web site designers need to know if a new Internet shopping mall(ISM) will be accepted. Researchers have been working on identifying factors for explaining and predicting user acceptance of an ISM. Some studies, however, revealed inconsistent findings on the antecedents of user acceptance of a website. Lack of consideration for individual differences in user ability is believed to be one of the key reasons for the mixed findings. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and several studies have suggested that individual differences in ability plays an moderating role on the relationship between the antecedents and user acceptance. Despite the critical role of user ability, little research has examined the role of user ability in the Internet shopping mall context. The purpose of this study is to develop a user acceptance model that consider the moderating role of user ability in the context of Internet shopping. This study was initiated to see the ability of the technology acceptance model(TAM) to explain the acceptance of a specific ISM. According to TAM. which is one of the most influential models for explaining user acceptance of IT, an intention to use IT is determined by usefulness and ease of use. Given that interaction between user and website takes place through web interface, the decisions to accept and continue using an ISM depend on these beliefs. However, TAM neglects to consider the fact that many users would not stick to an ISM until they trust it although they may think it useful and easy to use. The importance of trust for user acceptance of ISM has been raised by the relational views. The relational view emphasizes the trust-building process between the user and ISM, and user's trust on the website is a major determinant of user acceptance. The proposed model extends and integrates the TAM and relational views on user acceptance of ISM by incorporating usefulness, ease of use, and trust. User acceptance is defined as a user's intention to reuse a specific ISM. And user ability is introduced into the model as moderating variable. Here, the user ability is defined as a degree of experiences, knowledge and skills regarding Internet shopping sites. The research model proposes that the ease of use, usefulness and trust of ISM are key determinants of user acceptance. In addition, this paper hypothesizes that the effects of the antecedents(i.e., ease of use, usefulness, and trust) on user acceptance may differ among users. In particular, this paper proposes a moderating effect of a user's ability on the relationship between antecedents with user's intention to reuse. The research model with eleven hypotheses was derived and tested through a survey that involved 470 university students. For each research variable, this paper used measurement items recognized for reliability and widely used in previous research. We slightly modified some items proper to the research context. The reliability and validity of the research variables were tested using the Crobnach's alpha and internal consistency reliability (ICR) values, standard factor loadings of the confirmative factor analysis, and average variance extracted (AVE) values. A LISREL method was used to test the suitability of the research model and its relating six hypotheses. Key findings of the results are summarized in the following. First, TAM's two constructs, ease of use and usefulness directly affect user acceptance. In addition, ease of use indirectly influences user acceptance by affecting trust. This implies that users tend to trust a shopping site and visit repeatedly when they perceive a specific ISM easy to use. Accordingly, designing a shopping site that allows users to navigate with heuristic and minimal clicks for finding information and products within the site is important for improving the site's trust and acceptance. Usefulness, however, was not found to influence trust. Second, among the three belief constructs(ease of use, usefulness, and trust), trust was empirically supported as the most important determinants of user acceptance. This implies that users require trustworthiness from an Internet shopping site to be repeat visitors of an ISM. Providing a sense of safety and eliminating the anxiety of online shoppers in relation to privacy, security, delivery, and product returns are critically important conditions for acquiring repeat visitors. Hence, in addition to usefulness and ease of use as in TAM, trust should be a fundamental determinants of user acceptance in the context of internet shopping. Third, the user's ability on using an Internet shopping site played a moderating role. For users with low ability, ease of use was found to be a more important factors in deciding to reuse the shopping mall, whereas usefulness and trust had more effects on users with high ability. Applying the EML theory to these findings, we can suggest that experienced and knowledgeable ISM users tend to elaborate on such usefulness aspects as efficient and effective shopping performance and trust factors as ability, benevolence, integrity, and predictability of a shopping site before they become repeat visitors of the site. In contrast, novice users tend to rely on the low elaborating features, such as the perceived ease of use. The existence of moderating effects suggests the fact that different individuals evaluate an ISM from different perspectives. The expert users are more interested in the outcome of the visit(usefulness) and trustworthiness(trust) than those novice visitors. The latter evaluate the ISM in a more superficial manner focusing on the novelty of the site and on other instrumental beliefs(ease of use). This is consistent with the insights proposed by the Heuristic-Systematic model. According to the Heuristic-Systematic model. a users act on the principle of minimum effort. Thus, the user considers an ISM heuristically, focusing on those aspects that are easy to process and evaluate(ease of use). When the user has sufficient experience and skills, the user will change to systematic processing, where they will evaluate more complex aspects of the site(its usefulness and trustworthiness). This implies that an ISM has to provide a minimum level of ease of use to make it possible for a user to evaluate its usefulness and trustworthiness. Ease of use is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the acceptance and use of an ISM. Overall, the empirical results generally support the proposed model and identify the moderating effect of the effects of user ability. More detailed interpretations and implications of the findings are discussed. The limitations of this study are also discussed to provide directions for future research.

한국의 지역개발과 댐건설 (Regional Development And Dam Construction in Korea)

  • 안경모
    • 물과 미래
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 1976
  • Because of differences in thoughts and ideology, our country, Korea has been deprived of national unity for some thirty years of time and tide. To achieve peaceful unification, the cultivation of national strength is of paramount importance. This national strength is also essential if Korea is to take rightful place in the international societies and to have the confidence of these societies. However, national strength can never be achieved in a short time. The fundamental elements in economic development that are directly conducive to the cultivation of national strength can be said to lie in -a stable political system, -exertion of powerful leadership, -cultivation of a spirit of diligence, self-help and cooperation, -modernization of human brain power, and -establishment of a scientific and well planned economic policy and strong enforcement of this policy. Our country, Korea, has attained brilliant economic development in the past 15 years under the strong leadership of president Park Chung Hee. However, there are still many problems to be solved. A few of them are: -housing and home problems, -increasing demand for employment, -increasing demand for staple food and -the need to improve international balance of payment. Solution of the above mentioned problems requires step by step scientific development of each sector and region of our contry. As a spearhead project in regional development, the Saemaul Campaign or new village movement can be cited. The campaign is now spreading throughout the country like a grass fire. However, such campaigns need considerable encouragement and support and the means for the desired development must be provided if the regional and sectoral development program is to sucdceed. The construction of large multipurpose dams in major river basin plays significant role in all aspects of national, regional and sectoral development. It ensures that the water resource, for which there is no substitute, is retained and utilized for irrigation of agricultural areas, production of power for industry, provision of water for domestic and industrial uses and control of river water. Water is the very essence of life and we must conserve and utilize what we have for the betterment of our peoples and their heir. The regional and social impact of construction of a large dam is enormous. It is intended to, and does, dras tically improve the "without-project" socio-economic conditions. A good example of this is the Soyanggang multipurpose dam. This project will significantly contribute to our national strength by utilizing the stored water for the benefit of human life and relief of flood and drought damages. Annual average precipitation in Korea is 1160mm, a comparatively abundant amount. The catchment areas of the Han River, Keum River, and Youngsan River are $62,755\textrm{km}^2$, accounting for 64% of the national total. Approximately 62% of the national population inhabits in this area, and 67% of the national gross product comes from the area. The annual population growth rate of the country is currently estimated at 1.7%, and every year the population growth in urban area increases at a rising rate. The population of Seoul, Pusan, and Taegu, the three major cities in Korea, is equal to one third of our national total. According to the census conducted on October 1, 1975, the population in the urban areas has increased by 384,000, whereas that in rural areas has decreased by 59,000,000 in the past five years. The composition of population between urban and rural areas varied from 41%~59% in 1959 to 48%~52% in 1975. To mitigate this treand towards concentration of population in urban areas, employment opportunities must be provided in regional and rural areas. However, heavy and chemical industries, which mitigate production and employment problems at the same time, must have abundant water and energy. Also increase in staple food production cannot be attained without water. At this point in time, when water demand is rapidly growing, it is essential for the country to provide as much a reservoir capacity as possible to capture the monsoon rainfall, which concentarated in the rainy seaon from June to Septesmber, and conserve the water for year round use. The floods, which at one time we called "the devil" have now become a source of immense benefit to Korea. Let me explain the topographic condition in Korea. In northern and eastern areas we have high mountains and rugged country. Our rivers originate in these mountains and flow in a general southerly or westerly direction throught ancient plains. These plains were formed by progressive deposition of sediments from the mountains and provide our country with large areas of fertile land, emminently suited to settlement and irrigated agricultural development. It is, therefore, quite natural that these areas should become the polar point for our regional development program. Hower, we are fortunate in that we have an additional area or areas, which can be used for agricultural production and settlement of our peoples, particularly those peoples who may be displaced by the formation of our reservoirs. I am speaking of the tidelands along the western and southern coasts. The other day the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery informed the public of a tideland reclamation of which 400,000 hectares will be used for growing rice as part of our national food self-sufficiency programme. Now, again, we arrive at the need for water, as without it we cannot realize this ambitious programme. And again we need those dams to provide it. As I mentioned before, dams not only provide us with essential water for agriculture, domestic and industrial use, but provide us with electrical energy, as it is generally extremely economical to use the water being release for the former purposes to drive turbines and generators. At the present time we have 13 hydro-electric power plants with an installed capacity of 711,000 kilowatts equal to 16% of our national total. There are about 110 potential dams ites in the country, which could yield about 2,300,000 kilowatts of hydro-electric power. There are about 54 sites suitable for pumped storage which could produce a further 38,600,000 kilowatts of power. All available if we carefully develop our water resources. To summarize, water resource development is essential to the regional development program and the welfare of our people, it must proceed hand-in-hand with other aspects of regional development such as land impovement, high way extension, development of our forests, erosion control, and develop ment of heavy and chemical industries. Through the successful implementation of such an integrated regional development program, we can look forward to a period of national strength, and due recognition of our country by the worlds societies.

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문화예술상품 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Consumer Value Cognition on Benefits and Attributes of Culture-Art Products)

  • 신은주;이영선
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.177-207
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    • 2012
  • 문화예술상품은 일반 소비재와 달리 소비자의 가치인식에 따라 중요한 소비의 대상이 되기도 하고 그렇지 못할 수도 있는 특별한 상품이다. 물질적 소비재나 서비스 상품은 상품속성이 주는 물질적 및 비물질적 혜택을 상정하여 상품을 개발하고 그에 따른 마케팅전략을 수립하는 것이 효과적일 수 있다. 그러나 문화예술상품 소비는 소비자의 경험과 교육 등에 의해 형성된 문화예술에 대한 가치인식에 따라 소비추구혜택이 달라질 수 있고, 가치인식과 추구혜택은 문화예술상품의 속성을 선택하는 기준에 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구는 '문화예술상품에 대한 가치인식과 추구혜택에 관한 질적 연구'의 후속연구로서 질적 연구에서 나타난 개념구조를 바탕으로 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식 및 추구혜택과 상품속성의 하위차원을 규명하고, 수단-목적 사슬이론을 역으로 적용하여 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 그리하여 문화예술상품 생산 및 문화예술 정책기관과 문화예술을 활용하는 기업의 문화마케팅의 효율성을 제고하기 위한 실무적 시사점을 제시하고자 실시되었다. 10대 이상 50대 남녀 662명을 대상으로 자료를 수집하고 요인분석과 경로분석을 실시하였다. 예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식과 추구혜택의 하위차원은 질적 연구 결과와 유사하게 나타났으며, 가치인식은 대부분 추구혜택을 매개로 하여 상품속성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 질적 연구결과와 마찬가지로 수단-목적사슬을 역방향으로 적용하는 것이 타당함을 입증하였다. 즉, 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식이 실제적 편익으로 구체화되고, 소비자는 이러한 추구혜택에 따라 상품속성의 중요도를 고려하여 구매의사를 결정하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식을 긍정적으로 형성·강화시키는 것이 가장 중요한 소비 촉진 요인임을 입증하였으며, 문화예술상품 생산기관에서 소비자 중심의 상품개발과 기업의 효율적인 문화예술마케팅 전략을 개발하기 위한 소비자 정보와 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다. 또한 본 연구 결과는 국민의 삶의 질을 향상시키고자 하는 국가기관의 정책 수립을 위한 유용한 정보로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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QFD(품질 기능 전개도)를 이용한 중년 여성의 감성 Brassiere 개발 (Applying QFD in the Development of Sensible Brassiere for Middle Aged Women)

  • 김정화;홍경희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제28권12호
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    • pp.1596-1604
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    • 2004
  • QFD(Quality Function Deployment: 품질기능 전개도)는 상품개발과정에서 소비자의 요구가 손실되지 않고 최종제품의 생산에 반영되고 시장에 투입되도록 고안된 상품개발 기술의 일종이다. 본 연구에서는 착용감이 우수한 brassiere를 개발하는 과정에서 필요한 모든 정보를 획득하기 위하여 소비자가 요구하는 제품속성과 이 제품속성을 제품 기능에 반영할 수 있는 구체적인 연구 방법론을 제시하기 위해 QFD를 이용하여 그 효율성과 타당성을 검토해 보고자 하였다. Brassiere 착용쾌적성에 대한 소비자 요구 조사를 위해 30-40대의 주부 100명에게 설문조사를 실시하였다. 소비자 요구들 중 중요 항목을 선정하기 위해 중요도 순위 조사를 5점 척도로 조사한 후, 소비자 요구 항목들은 기술적 언어로 전환되었다. 제품에 대한 소비자의 주관적 평가인 소비자 경쟁 평가를 위해 10가지 시판 brassiere에 대한 착용실험이 $28{\pm}1^{\circ}C,\;65{\pm}3\%$ RH로 조절되는 인공기후실에서 실시되었다. 소비자 경쟁 평가치는 기술적 경쟁 평가의 물리적평가치와 비교함으로써, 적절한 기술적 언어를 발굴해 냈는가를 검증할 수 있었다. 결과적으로 쾌적성 있는 중년 여성의 brassiere를 개발하기 위해 도출된 소비자 요구는 종합적 착용 쾌적감, 맞음성-체형보정성, 움직임에 의한 브래지어의 위치 이동성, 압박감, 생리적 특성, 심미적 특성, 브래지어의 어깨끈 관련 특성 등 7가지로 나타났다. 이를 제품에 반영하기 위한 기술적 언어로는 3D측정 Data,소재의 물리적 특성, 심미적 특성, 생리적 측정치, 패턴, 압력 측정치 등으로 도출되었다.형 집단이 다른 두집단보다 더 활발한 불평행동을 취하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 정보지향형과 브랜드지향형 집단의 경우에는 서비스회복의 만족도론 높혀주는데 주력하고, 가격지향형 집단의 경우에는 불평행동이 보다 적극적으로 취해질수 있도록 유도하는 마케팅 전략을 서비스 회복 전략과 함께 구사하는 것이 보다 효과적 일 것이라 생각된다.TEX>$53\%$의 상동성이 각각 존재하는 것으로 확인하였다.)을 가지고 있음이 확인되었다. 사람에 직접적인 유해성을 가지고 있는 지 확인하기 위해 사람 방광 유래의 T-24세포와 장내 표피 유래의 Caco-2세포에 대한 부착능을 시험하였을 때, 16균주$(42.1\%)$가 T-24방광 세포에, 그리고 17균주$(44.7\%)$가 Caco-2장세포에 대해 강한 부착능을 나타내었다. 특히 11균주$(28.9\%)$는 두 세포 모두에 강한 부착능을 가지고 있었다. Filter mating method를 수행하여 이들 균주들의 독소 생산 유전자와 항생제 내성 유전자가 사람에서 분리된 균주로 전달되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 실험의 결과는 설사 중상을 나타내는 돼지로부터 분리된 용혈성 E. coli의 독성과 세포 부착능력, 그리고 항생제 내성간의 상호 연관성을 보여주지 않았으나 동물 분리 세균의 항생제 내성과 독소 생산 능력이 유전자 전달을 통해서 뿐만 아니라 세균의 직접 접촉에 의해서도 인체로 전달될 수 있는 것을 보여주는 것이다.다. 본 연구를 토대로 장시간의 체외순환에서는 신장기능을 대표하는 수치들에도 영향을 미칠 수 있으리라 예상되며, 신장 이외에 다른 주요 장기에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구를 더

환경영향평가와 환경위험의 평가 (Environmental Impact Assessment and Evaluation of Environmental Risks)

  • Niemeyer, Adelbert
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1995
  • In former times the protection of our environment didn't play an important role due to the fact that emissions and effluents were not considered as serious impacts. However, opinions and scientific measurements meanwhile confirmed that the impacts are more serious than expected. Thus measures to protect our earth has to be taken into consideration. A part of these measures in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). One of the most important parts of the EIA is the collection of basic datas and the following evaluation. Experience out of the daily business of Gerling Consulting Group shows that the content of the EIA has to be revised and enlarged in certain fields. The historical development demonstrated that in areas in which the population and the industrial activities reached high concentration there is a high necessity to develop strict environmental laws and regulations. Maximum values of the concentration of hazardous materials were fixed concerning the emission into and water. Companies not following these regulations were punished. The total amount of environmental offences increased rapidly during the last decade, at least in Germany. During this development the public consciousness concerning environmental affairs increased as well in the industrialized countries. But it could clearly be seen that the development in the field of environmental protection went into the wrong direction. The technologies to protect the environment became more and more sophisticated and terms as: "state of the art" guided more and more to lower emissions, Filtertechnologies and wastewater treatment for example reached a high technical level-but all these sophisticated technologies has one and the same characteristic: they were end-of-the pipe solutions. A second effect was that this kind of environmental protection costs a lot of money. High investments are necessary to reduce the dust emission by another ppm! Could this be the correct way? In Germany the discussion started that the environmental laws reduce the attractivity to invest or to enlarge existing investments within the country. Other countries seem to be not so strict with controlling the environmental laws which means it's simply cheaper to produce in Portugal or Greece. Everybody however knows that this is not the correct way and does not solve the environmental problems. Meanwhile the general picture changes a little bit and we think it changes into the correct direction "End-of-the-pipe" solutions are still necessary but this word received a real negative touch and nobody wants to be brought into connection with this word received a real negative touch and nobody wants to be brought into connection with this word especially in connection with environmental management and safety. Modern actual environmental management starts in a different way. Thoughts about emissions start in the very beginning of the production, they start with the design of the product and modification of traditional modes of production. Basis of these ideas are detailed analyses of products and processes. Due to the above mentioned facts that the public environmental consciousness changed dramatically a continous environmental improvement of each single production plant has to be guarantied. This question is already an important question of the EIA. But it was never really checked in a wholistic approach. Environmental risks have to be taken into considerations during the execution of an EIA. This means that the environmental risks have to be reduced down to a capable risk-level. Environmental risks have to be considered within the phase of planning, during the operation of a plant and after shut down. The experience shows that most of the environmental relevant accidents were and caused by human fault. Even in highly protected plants the human risk-factor can not be excluded during evaluation of the risk-potential. Thus the approach of an EIA has to regard technical evaluations as well as organizational thoughts and the human factor. An environmental risk is a threat to the environment. An analysis of the risk concerning the organizational and human aspect however never was properly executed during an EIA. A possible solution could be to use an instrument as the actual EMAS (Environmental Management System) of the EC for more accurate evaluation of the impact to the environment during an EIA. Organizations or investors could demonstrate by an approved EMAS or even by showing their installment of EMAS that not only the technical level of the planned investment meets the requested standards but as well the actual or planned management is able to reduce the environmental impact down to a bearable level.

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