• Title/Summary/Keyword: Producers and Consumers

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Fashion Paradigm of 'Slowness' on Contemporary Fashion (현대 패션에 나타난 '느림'의 패러다임)

  • Ham, Youn-Ja
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to consider the characteristics of fashion paradigm on contemporary fashion in pursuit of social change towards 'slowness'. As for the research methodology, literature survey has been undertaken. The results of this study can be summarized as followings. First, eco-friendly ethics towards sustainability is in taking action. The concept of 'cradle-to-cradle' is realized through reuse, recycle, organic material, and no use of chemical. Second, local diversity is revolving quality and longevity. Good quality of fashion made by artisans and specificity in local area is to be kept last. Third, people are recast in roles from simple consumers to self-made producers of their clothes. Users of clothes are more active and skilled role in practice of handmade, reform, DIY, and open-source design. In Conclusion, the fashion paradigm of 'slowness' is about designing, producing, consuming and living better to combine ideas for sense of nature's time, culture's time and people's time.

Enriching Natural Monument with User-Generated Mobile Augmented Reality Mashup

  • Shin, Choonsung;Hong, Sung-Hee;Yoon, Hyoseok
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2020
  • This paper proposes a mobile augmented reality mashup for cultural heritage sites such as natural monuments. Several benefits of mobile augmented reality solutions are ideal for preserving and protecting cultural heritage sites. By presenting mobile augmented reality mashup scenarios and mobile mashup framework, we introduce how user-generated multimedia contents can be added. We present two scenarios of Mashup Viewer and Mashup Maker. In Mashup Viewer mode, visitors can create new AR contents using mashup tools for memo, Twitter, images and statistical graphs. In Mashup Maker mode, other visitors also can view the user-generated multimedia AR contents using QR codes as access points. To show feasibility of our approach in mobile platforms, we compare several detection algorithms on PC and mobile platform and report on deployment of our approach in a natural monument museum. With our proposed mashup tools, visitors to the cultural heritage sites can enjoy default AR contents provided by the site administrators and also participate as active content producers and consumers.

Further Advances in Forecasting Day-Ahead Electricity Prices Using Time Series Models

  • Guirguis, Hany S.;Felder, Frank A.
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.4A no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2004
  • Forecasting prices in electricity markets is critical for consumers and producers in planning their operations and managing their price risk. We utilize the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (GARCH) method to forecast the electricity prices in two regions of New York: New York City and Central New York State. We contrast the one-day forecasts of the GARCH against techniques such as dynamic regression, transfer function models, and exponential smoothing. We also examine the effect on our forecasting of omitting some of the extreme values in the electricity prices. We show that accounting for the extreme values and the heteroskedactic variance in the electricity price time-series can significantly improve the accuracy of the forecasting. Additionally, we document the higher volatility in New York City electricity prices. Differences in volatility between regions are important in the pricing of electricity options and for analyzing market performance.

Demand Analysis of the home ubiquitous network services using conjoint method (컨조인트 분석방법을 이용한 홈 유비퀴터스 네트워크 서비스의 수요 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Su;Ahn, Ji-Woon;Lee, Jeong-Dong;Shin, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2004
  • Home networks consist of two or more home appliances or communication devices enabling the mutual data communication between appliances such as personal computers, refrigerators, phones, television sets, personal digital assistants(PDA), etc. There are three factors that create demand for the home network services. The first factor is development of technology. Second, on the demand side, consumer demand for the home appliances having access to the Internet is in the increase. Finally, producers need a strategy to deal with the problem of market saturation. Home networks are emerging markets. They are unique in that they unite information technologies with home appliances that provide new services. in this paper we study the main attributes of home network services and analyze consumers' preferences for them. However, it is not quite possible to use the revealed preference approach since the home network market is still at an incipient stage. We therefore use the conjoint analysis method using stated preference data. conjoint analysis has been widely use in the area of marketing for evaluating consumer preferences for new products and services. it presents a hypothetical product to the respondents along with the product's attributes and their levels. The respondents are asked to either rank each alternative or choose between several hypothetical products. By estimating consumers' willingness to pay for the attributes of the home network services and analyzing consumers' preferences, we predict the pattern of the development of the home network services and related technologies along various quality dimensions. Based on the estimation results, we draw policy implications for the national- and company-level strategy.

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A Study on the Experiential Response of Short-Form Video Users

  • Lim, Dong Kyun
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.273-277
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    • 2021
  • As society gradually enters a virtual, non-face-to-face society, the use of online content is increasing as well. In particular, as smartphones are thoroughly established in our daily life, the platforms of webtoons, mobile broadcasting, and education are shifting from personal computers to smartphones. Recently, the development of the Over-The-Top media service (OTT service) enabled streaming services of various media contents through the internet and activation of IPTV. Therefore, the rapid increase of popularity of short-form content is a natural phenomenon with smartphone platforms with fast, improvised, and endless communication. Lately, TikTok became the favored platform with prosumers, defined as people who are both producers and consumers. In this study, I studied the experiential response of YouTube and TikTok users as representative examples of a short-form content platform developed after the 2000s, the flourishing years of digital content with a length of 30 seconds.

Trend Tracking Strategic System for Application on the Web Base on Town Watching (타운 워칭(Town Watching)에 의한 트렌드 트래킹 시스템과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 한석우;김정진
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2000
  • Forcasting the future is a very important task in design situation analysis. To do this, the reduction of life style, the tendency of product differentiation and individuality should be considered along with such changes as cultural, economical and social trends. At the moment, industrial structure is being reorganized from centering around the manufacturing industry to the distribution industry and consumers. Consumers show the attitude of expressing their individualities on the basis of various tastes rather than standardization. The flow of information also has been changing rapidly from the former types of information provided by producers to the age when consumers pursue the objective and model of information. Therefore, we are able to say that picking up the trends around the streets becomes more important than ever. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to establish a system which is able to effectively carry out the trend analysis by a town watching method, the construction of a database with collected data, and its practical application on the web.

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Promotion of the Low-carbon Agriculture Certification System (저탄소 농축산물 인증제 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Sung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2016
  • To internalize climate-related external costs from agricultural production and food consumption Pigou taxes and carbon credits increase private costs for food. Voluntary GHG reduction program for carbon-neutral food can be advantageous over such policy measures since they avoid higher food prices for the poor. The pilot project of low-carbon agriculture certification system is to reduce GHG emissions from agricultural production and enhance the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products. This study examines producers', distributors', and consumers' perceptions of the low-carbon agriculture certification system and analyzes alternatives to promote the low-carbon certificated agricultural products.

The Actual State of Organic Products Marketing in Japan (일본의 유기농산물 유통실태)

  • 정만철;강충관
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.43-60
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    • 2003
  • Recently. together with consumers' increasing concerns on food safety and environmental issues. there is increasing demand on the environmentally friendly agricultural products such as organic products. At present, Japan. as a biggest net importing country of the agricultural products. is a market of the international-scale in the organic product marketing. Also. it is expected that the possibility of market expansion in the future is very high. According to the 2000 agricultural census in Japan. the number of the environment-friendly agricultural farmers were 501.556 householders. This number is about 145 percent higher than that of the 1996 results of 204,600 householders. Organic products in Japan were mainly marketed through the producer and consumer cooperation, producers' cooperation, specialized marketing company etc. However, along with the department store, big supermarket and others' participation in the market recently, the marketing channels are diversified. As of October 1999, market sales of the organic products were estimated about 350 billion yen. It is expected that organic certification system, organic products import, resturant industry scale and others will be more influential factors on the market expansion of the organic products in the future.

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Economic Evaluation of Agro-biotechnology New Product Using the Stated Preferences Theory (기술된 선호이론을 통한 농업생명공학 신상품의 경제성분석 연구)

  • 현병환;신효중;윤석기
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1996.12a
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    • pp.179-195
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    • 1996
  • With current. difficulties in Korean agricultural sector, the biotecilnoiogy is considered as the most important factor to offset the inferiority in the agriculture. New products by using the biotechnology would be commercialized and consumed by both producers and consumers. Before its production and distribution researches on new product should be undertaken in many aspects, especially in terms of economic aspects. Main objectives of this study are to measure the economic value of the new product using the agro-biotechnology, here potato microtubers, and to examine whether the stated preferences theory, the Contingent Valuation Method(CVM), could be accepted in the economic analysis for the new biotech product. Through the demand function derived from the consequences of functional relationship, the consumer's surplus was estimated.

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Is It Feasible Nutritionally to Improve Both Quality and Quantity of Meat Carcasses from Beef Steers?

  • Myung, Kyu Ho;Sun, Sang Soo
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.1777-1782
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    • 2007
  • Beef producers are trying to produce not only better quality but also greater quantity of beef in order to meet the preferences of some consumers at a lower cost. This can be accomplished if we understand the factors regulating lipid deposition in intramuscular adipose tissue and the tenderness of meat. Propylene glycol (PG) might be used as a precursor of intramuscular fat synthesis especially in the late period of fattening because adipose tissue in ruminants is thought to mature sequentially in abdominal, intermuscular, subcutaneous and intramuscular depots. The action of cholecalciferol supplementation has been verified in producing more tender meat through the enhancement of calpain activity over the postmortem ageing period. A synergistic effect can be expected if the dietary cation and anion difference (DCAD) technique is used in combination with dietary supplementation of cholecalciferol. In another approach, the optimization of hormonal implant use also may provide similarly marbled beef at a much lower cost.