• Title/Summary/Keyword: Priority based

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Needs Analysis on Experience, Collaboration, Enquiry based Learning of College Students

  • Yena Bae;Danam Kwon
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.336-344
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the need of college students for experiential learning, collaborative learning, and enquiry-based learning. To achieve this goal, a survey was conducted with 308 college students. The need for experience, collaboration, and enquiry-based learning was comprehensively analyzed through t-tests, Borich needs analysis, and priority determination using The Locus for Focus model. The research findings are as follows: First, in Borich need analysis, the highest needs were identified for deep learning, self-directed learning, connecting theoretical knowledge with practical application, immersion, and application to real-life situations. Second, in The Locus for Focus model, the highest needs were found for abstract conceptualization, interest, conflict management, self-directed learning, and curiosity. In summary, since self-directed learning showed the highest priority simultaneously in Borich need analysis and The Locus for Focus model, it should be considered as the most prioritized item.

Design of Transport Network on the Digital TRS System for the Emergency and Disaster Communication (비상재난통신을 위한 디지털 TRS 시스템의 전달망 설계)

  • Hong, Wan-Pyo;Lee, Soon-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2010
  • Currently digital TRS is providing the voice-oriented service based on stat-tree topology of 2.5G. As result of that, it has alimitation to accept the wide band multimedia services. Therefore, this paper designed the mesh topology based on packet networkand proposed the algorism of dynamic path establishment based on priority. In korea case, we confirmed that hop numbers priority base is more reasonable than distance priority base. And counted the trunk traffic including redundancy traffic to prevent the bottlenect situation and trouble. Also analysed the bandwidth between network management centers of backbone and access.

3GPP GERAN Evolution System Employing High Order Modulation and Turbo Coding: Symbol Mapping Based on Priority (터보코딩 및 고차변조를 적용하는 3GPP GERAN 진화 시스템: 비트 신뢰도 기반의 심볼 매핑)

  • Oh, Hyeong-Joo;Choi, Byoung-Jo;Hwang, Seung-Hoon;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.6A
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    • pp.607-613
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we investigate the performance of SMP-assisted 3GPP GERAN evolution system employing high order modulation and turbo coding. When applying the SMP which maps systematic bits into highly reliable bit positions, it is confirmed that there is the performance gain for the modulation and coding schemes of 16QAM(DAS-8) as well as 32QAM(DAS-11) by link level simulation.

An Effective Priority Method Using Generator's Discrete Sensitivity Value for Large-scale Preventive Maintenance Scheduling (발전기 이산 민감도를 이용한 효율적인 우선순위법의 대규모 예방정비계획 문제에의 적용 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Bae;Jeong, Man-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents a new approach for large-scale generator maintenance scheduling optimizations. The generator preventive maintenance scheduling problems are typical discrete dynamic n-dimensional vector optimization ones with several inequality constraints. The considered objective function to be minimized a subset of{{{{ { R}^{n } }}}} space is the variance (i.g., second-order momentum) of operating reserve margin to levelize risk or reliability during a year. By its nature of the objective function, the optimal solution can only be obtained by enumerating all combinatorial states of each variable, a task which leads to computational explosion in real-world maintenance scheduling problems. This paper proposes a new priority search mechanism based on each generator's discrete sensitivity value which was analytically developed in this study. Unlike the conventional capacity-based priority search, it can prevent the local optimal trap to some extents since it changes dynamically the search tree in each iteration. The proposed method have been applied to two test systems (i.g., one is a sample system with 10 generators and the other is a real-world lage scale power system with 280 generators), and the results anre compared with those of the conventional capacith-based search method and combinatorial optimization method to show the efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithm.

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Algorithm for Bus Priority Signals based on Urban Traffic Information System(UTIS) (도시교통정보시스템(UTIS) 기반 버스우선신호 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Bong-Keun;Lee, Choul-Ki;Yun, Il-Soo;Kim, Young-Sun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2012
  • The continuous deployment of Urban Traffic Information System (UTIS) in Korea has increased the need for developing more practical applications utilizing the standard functions of UTIS facilities installed on urban arterials beyond its basic applications like gathering traffic data and providing traffic information. The UTIS-based bus signal priority may be one of UTIS-based applications meeting such demands. However, the studies on BSP have not been sufficient for actual field deployment in terms of theories and algorithms so that there have been few actual installations on real urban arterials. Thus, this study was aimed at developing a UTIS-based bus priority signal system and evaluating its effectiveness through a field study. To this end, this study presents the system development processes by dividing the UTIS-based bus priority signal system into hardware and software. In addition, the positive effectiveness of the UTIS-based bus priority signal system was verified through a field application test which was conducted at Gyeonggi Global Trade High School intersection.

A Priority Packet Forwarding for TCP Performance Improvement in Mobile W based Networks with Packet Buffering (모바일 IP 패킷 버퍼링 방식에서 TCP 성능향상을 위한 패킷 포워딩 우선권 보장 방안)

  • Hur, Kyeong;Roh, Young-Sup;Eom, Doo-Seop;Tchah, Kyun-Hyon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.8B
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    • pp.661-673
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    • 2003
  • To prevent performance degradation of TCP due to packet losses in the smooth handoff by the route optimization extension of Mobile IP protocol, a buffering of packets at a base station is needed. A buffering of packets at a base station recovers those packets dropped during handoff by forwarding buffered packets at the old base station to the mobile user. But, when the mobile user moves to a congested base station in a new foreign subnetwork, those buffered packets forwarded by the old base station are dropped and TCP transmission performance of a mobile user in the congested base station degrades due to increased congestion by those forwarded burst packets. In this paper, considering the general case that a mobile user moves to a congested base station, we propose a Priority Packet Forwarding to improve TCP performance in mobile networks. In the proposed scheme, without modification to Mobile IP protocol, the old base station marks a buffered packet as a priority packet during handoff. And priority queue at the new congested base station schedules the priority packet firstly. Simulation results show that proposed Priority Packet Forwarding can improve TCP transmission performance more than Implicit Priority Packet Forwarding and RED (Random Early Detection) schemes.

Flow-Based WTP Scheduler for Proportional Differentiated Services in Wireless Communication Systems (무선통신 시스템에서의 비례지연서비스를 위한 플로우 기반 WTP 스케쥴러)

  • Park Hyosoon;Kwon Eunhyun;Kim Taehyoun;Lee Jaiyong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.7B
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    • pp.433-439
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a Flow Based Waiting Time Priority (FB-WTP) scheduler that supports the proportional delay differentiated services between classes. Existing scheduling algorithms utilize the configuration of scheduler, which is operated as class unit, applied to wired network. However, FB-WTP scheduler is operated as flow unit and can take advantage of multi-flow diversity effect in time-varying channel state environment. As a result, FB-WTP improves the average queueing delay on each class as well as supporting the average queueing delay ratio between classes. It also solves the HOL packet blocking problem implicitly. Simulation results show that FB-WTP scheduler has better system queueing delay performance than Look-ahead Waiting Time Priority (LWTP) scheduler and supports the larger queueing delay ratio between classes that network operator set.

Evaluation of Island Tourism Information Characteristic Using the IPA (IPA를 이용한 섬 관광정보 특성 평가 - 대학생 집단을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Lee, Seok-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.248-254
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    • 2011
  • As the demands of island tourism increasing, the importance of information is considered the key success factor of island tourism. This study suggest the several factors that affecting in island tourism based on the previous studies of tourism research domain. the Important Performance Analysis(IPA) that has much popularity in tourism research is used to evaluate the information characteristic and priority of island tourism in university students of Korea. Based on the result of this study, the information of the natural landscape/scenery and the sightseeing related activity have less priority than the facilities and local foodstuff of the specific island. Considering the aspects and levels of currently serviced island tourism information, differentiated information that including the facilities and local foodstuff of island have reasonable priority for establishing effective and efficient island tourism strategy.

Educational Needs Assessment for the Development of Curriculum based on Key Competencies of National Competence Standard(NCS) for Department related Culinary Arts in a 2-Year College (전문대학 조리관련 학과의 국가직무능력표준(NCS) 직업기초능력 기반 교육과정 개발을 위한 교육요구도 분석)

  • Na, Tae-Kyun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to assess priority of educational needs for the development of curriculum based on key competencies of NCS for departments related to culinary arts in a 2-year college. In order to achieve this objective, the survey has been distributed to cooks working in hotel restaurants or restaurant companies by social network service and a total of 360 responses were analyzed excluding 18 responses. The collected surveys were analysed by using paired t-test, Borich's needs analysis and the locus for focus analysis. The results of this study were as follows. First, the difference between the level of importance and present level about key competencies recognized by cooks working in restaurant company was statistically significant in 9 fields of key competencies excluding mathematical competence. The difference recognized by cooks working in hotel was statistically significant in all 10 fields of key competencies. Second, the results of Borich's needs assessment showed that the education needs of problem solving competence were the highest, followed by interpersonal, resource management, communication, information competence. Finally, considering both Borich's needs assessment and the locus for focus analysis, cooks working in hotel restaurants recognized that educational needs of communication, interpersonal, problem-solving, information competence were the top priority, and cooks working in restaurant companies recognized that educational needs of communication, interpersonal, skill, resource management competence were the top priority. Therefore, it is necessary to develop curriculum for culinary arts specialists based on key competence of top priority.

Priority-Based Hybrid File Storage Management System Using Logical Volume Manager (논리 볼륨 매니저를 이용한 파일 우선순위 기반의 하이브리드 저장장치 관리 시스템)

  • Choi, Hoonha;Kim, Hyeunjee;No, Jaechun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the I/O performance of a single node is rapidly improving due to the advent of high-performance SSD. As a result, the next-generation storage platform based on SSD has received a great deal of attention and such storage platforms are increasingly adopted to commodity servers or data centers that look for the high-bandwidth computation and I/O. However, building all SSD-based storage platform may not be cost-effective because the price per storage capacity is very high as compared to that of HDD. In this paper. we propose a hybrid file management solution, called HyPLVM(Hybrid Priority Logical Volume Manager), which combines the strength of SSD with the desirable aspects of low-price, high-storage capacity HDD. HyPLVM prioritizes the files and directories to be accessed by users, in order to determine the target storage device (SSD/HDD) in which files are allocated, while mitigating the cost of building storage platforms.