• 제목/요약/키워드: Prey preferences

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.02초

운문산반딧불이(Luciola unmunsana) 유충의 먹이선호도 연구 (Study on the Feeding Preferences of Luciola unmunsana Larvae)

  • 정문선;김종만;임현정
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the habitat of Luciola unmunsana to understand the status of land snails, which are the larvae prey, and to evaluate the effects of larval feeding preferences and prey size for the restoration of the L. unmunsana habitat as a basis for future restoration projects. The research methods included field surveys of the habitat and laboratory experiments on feeding preferences using three types of land snails (Allopeas clavulinum kyotoense, Euphaedusa fusaniana, Pupinella rufa) observed in the habitat. Field surveys of 13 L. unmunsana habitat sites revealed a total of 24 land snail species. The experimental results regarding the larvae prey were analyzed for statistical significance of feeding preferences using Chi-square tests and independent sample t-tests. Consequently, larvae showed the highest preference for A. c. kyotoense, with statistically significant differences in feeding preferences (p<0.05). Also, statistically significant differences were observed in the size between the land snails that were eaten as prey and those that were not eaten. This research can deepen the understanding of the feeding preferences of L. unmunsana larvae and provide practical guidelines for the effective conservation and restoration strategies of the firefly habitat.

Dietary composition of two coexisting bat species, Myotis ikonnikovi and Plecotus ognevi, in the Mt. Jumbong forests, South Korea

  • Sungbae Joo;Injung An;Sun-Sook Kim
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2023
  • Background: Many insectivorous bats have flexible diets, and the difference in prey item consumption among species is one of the key mechanisms that allows for the avoidance of interspecies competition and promotes coexistence within a microhabitat. In Korea, of the 24 bat species that are known to be distributed, eight insectivorous bats use forest areas as both roosting and foraging sites. Here, we aimed to understand the resource partitioning and coexistence strategies between two bat species, Myotis ikonnikovi and Plecotus ognevi, cohabiting the Mt. Jumbong forests, by comparing the differences in dietary consumption based on habitat utilization. Results: Upon examining their dietary composition using the DNA meta-barcoding approach, we identified 403 prey items (amplicon sequence variants). A greater prey diversity including Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Ephemeroptera, was detected from M. ikonnikovi, whereas most prey items identified from P. ognevi belonged to Lepidoptera. The diversity index of prey items was higher for M. ikonnikovi (H': 5.67, D: 0.995) than that for P. ognevi (H': 4.31, D: 0.985). Pianka's index value was 0.207, indicating little overlap in the dietary composition of these bat species. Our results suggest that M. ikonnikovi has a wider diet composition than P. ognevi. Conclusions: Based on the dietary analysis results, our results suggests the possibility of differences in foraging site preferences or microhabitat utilization between two bat species cohabiting the Mt. Jumbong. In addition, these differences may represent one of the important mechanism in reducing interspecific competition and enabling coexistence between the two bat species. We expected that our results will be valuable for understanding resource partitioning and the coexistence of bats inhabiting the Korean forests.

Diet composition and feeding habits of black rockfish Sebastes inermis caught in the coastal waters of Yeosu, Korea

  • Hui Tack Song;Heeyong Kim;Jeong-Ho Park;Jin Ho Jung;Mi Song;Kyeong-Ho Han;Seong Yong Moon
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제27권10호
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    • pp.654-664
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    • 2024
  • This study thoroughly investigated the diet composition and feeding habits of black rockfish, Sebastes inermis along the Yeosu Coast, South Korea. The stomach content of S. inermis was dominated by shrimp (Acetes japonicus and Crangon hakodatei) and brachyura (Charybdis bimaculata and Charybdis japonica). Shrimp was the dominant prey throughout the seasons, with an increase in fish consumption observed during autumn. Predator size and sampling period influenced the average degree of stomach fullness in black rockfish; however, the significance of fish as prey increased with increasing size. Dietary overlap analysis demonstrated a high overlap among smaller size classes and a low overlap between smaller and larger size classes. The results of this study indicate that black rockfish are specialist predators of shrimp.

치어의 먹이선호도 및 포식이 낙동강 동물플랑크톤군집에 미치는 영향. (Prey Preference of Juvenile Fish Based on the Laboratory Experiments and its Impact on Zooplankton Community of the Nakdong River)

  • 장광현;김현우;라긍환;정광석;주기재
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제37권1호통권106호
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2004
  • 저수지화성향을 띤 낙동강은 수체가 정체되는 시기에 높은 동물플랑크톤 밀도를 보인다. 이 시기의 높은 치어개체군 밀도는 지각류 개체군 밀도의 감소와 윤충류 개체군 밀도의 증가를 유도하는 주요요인으로 제시되었다. 본 연구에서는 실험실실험을 통해 치어의 먹이선호도와 포식이 낙동강 동물플랑크톤 군집에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 여러 종류의 치어의 먹이선호도 및 크기가 다른 치어의 먹이선호도를 실험실 수조내에서 평가하는 한편, 대형 수조에서 이들 치어의 포식이 동물플랑크톤군집에 미치는 영향을 모니터링 하였다. 실험에 사용된 세종류의 치어 (Hyporhamphus sajori, Rhinogobius brunneus, Opsariichtys uncirostris) 및 크기가 다른 치어 (O. uncirostris) 모두지각류 Moina micrura에 가장 높은 먹이선호도를 나타냈다. 야외수조에서 실시된 실험에서 치어의 포식은 지각류 M. micrura를 억제하는 한편 윤충류인 Polyarthra spp.의 우점을 유도하였다. 본 실험결과. 치어의 섭식은 낙동강에서 동물플랑크톤 군집구조를 결정하는 중요한 요인으로 사료된다.

Cannibalism in the Korean Salamander (Hynobius leechii: Hynobiidae, Caudata, Amphibia) Larvae

  • Park, Shi-Ryong;Jeong, Ji-Young;Park, Dae-Sik
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2005
  • Cannibalism plays important roles at the levels of both individual and population. To enhance overall rate of successful survival and reproduction, salamander larvae may have evolved to consume both conspecifics and heterospecifics. Consuming conspecifics could result in decreased inclusive fitness possibly by killing relatives. In several salamander species, discrimination of salamander larval siblings from non-siblings and heterospecifics to avoid such a risk has been reported. To determine whether the Korean salamander larvae consume non-siblings more often than siblings and to analyze prey preferences of the salamander larvae in several different experimental conditions, a series of foraging experiments was conducted in the laboratory. We found that 1) large cannibal larvae preyed on small sibling more often than small non-sibling in a mixed group of sibling and non-sibling, 2) cannibal larvae prefered to consume live, weak, and small larvae to dead, healthy, and large larvae, and 3) cannibal larvae consumed heterospecific tadpoles more often than conspecific nonsibling larvae in a mixed group. In addition, the larval density was positively correlated with the occurrence of spacing behavior, one of the agonistic predator behaviors among salamander larvae.

Oligota kashmirica benefica (딱정벌레목:반날개과)의 응애류 포식량과 포식선호성 (Predatory Preference and Predation Amount of Oligota kashmirica benefica (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) about Spider Mites)

  • 최덕수;김규진
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 2003
  • 포식성 천적 O. kashmiricabenefica의 식식성 응애류 3종에 대한 포식량, 포식선호성 그리고 동족포식을 조사하였다. 성충의 일평균포식량은 먹이인 응애의 밀도와 온도가 높을수록 증가하였다. $25^{\circ}C$ 항온조건하에서 O. kashmirica benefica 성충의 일평균포식량은 귤응애, 점박이응애, 차응애 성충을 각각 21.9, 13.5, 14.1마리씩 포식하였다. 유충의 포식량은 영기가 증가할수록 많아져서, 1령, 2령, 3령 유충이 각각 2.8, 11.2, 25.4마리의 귤응애 성충을 포식하였다. O. kashmirica benefica 유충은 귤응애, 점박이응애, 차응애 성충을 유충기간(5일, $25^{\circ}C$)동안 각각 77.7, 61.3, 73.0마리씩 포식하였다. O. kashmirica benefica 유충과 성충은 글응애, 점박이응애, 차응애 중에서 특정한 종을 선호하는 경향은 없었으며, 먹이가 없을 때에도 동족포식 정도는 매우 낮았다.

북천에 서식하는 종개 Barbatula toni(Pisces: Namacheilidae)의 서식지 특징 및 섭식생태 (Habitat Characteristics and Feeding Ecology of the Siberian Stone Loach Barbatula toni (Pisces: Namacheilidae) in the Bukcheon (Stream))

  • 전용락;고명훈
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.278-286
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    • 2021
  • 북천에 서식하는 종개 Barbatula toni의 서식지 특징 및 섭식생태를 밝히기 위해 2013년 1월부터 12월까지 강원도 고성군 간성읍의 북천에서 조사를 실시하였다. 종개는 최상류부터 최하류까지의 여울 또는 느린 여울의 돌과 자갈 바닥에 서식하였는데, 채집개체수는 중·하류부가 가장 많았다. 연령별로 서식지 선호도를 분석한 결과 당년생(0+)과 1년생(1+)~3년생이상(≥3+)은 구별되었는데, 당년생은 유속이 빠르고(37.6±26.79 cm/sec) 수심이 낮으며(13.3±9.47 cm) 자갈 바닥(하상크기 9.5±6.66 cm)에 주로 서식하였지만, 1년생~3년생 이상은 유속이 비교적 느리고(13.3±17.33 cm/sec) 수심은 비교적 깊으며(25.9±10.31 cm) 작은돌과 큰돌 바닥(하상크기 18.0±7.63 cm)에 주로 서식하여 차이를 보였다. 종개는 주로 5℃ 이상 되는 3월부터 12월까지 섭식을 하였고, 평균섭식량은 6월과 10월에 정점을 보였다. 소화관 내용물을 상대중요성지수(IRI)로 분석한 결과, 파리목(Diptera, 57.0%), 하루살이목(Ephemeroptera, 29.3%), 날도래목(Trichoptera, 13.5%) 등의 순으로 높게 나타났다. 당년생 치어는 크기가 작은 파리목과 날도래목을 주로 섭식하였으나 성장하면서 크기가 큰 하루살이목을 주로 섭식하여 먹이전환을 보였다. 이러한 종개의 먹이습성 및 성장에 따른 먹이변화는 자매종 대륙종개 B. nuda와 매우 유사하였다.