• Title/Summary/Keyword: Power cell

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Change in Physicochemical and Storage Characteristics of Jeungpyun by Addition of Pectin and Alginate powder (펙틴, 알긴산가루를 첨가한 증편의 이화학적 특성과 저장 중 변화)

  • Park, Mie-Ja
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.6 s.90
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    • pp.782-793
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the effect of $2\%$ addition of pectin and alginate on the Physicochemical and retrogradation Properties of Jeungpyun, a Korean traditional fermented rice cake. The volume of batters with alginate and Pectin was significantly larger than that of control. Jeungpyun samples with Pectin and alginate had a larger volume with uniform and smaller cell size. All samples showed largest foaming capability after second fermentation. Foaming capability of the control ($0\%$ addition of pectin and alginate) was significantly larger than that of the treated samples. The amount of reducing sugar tended to increase during fermentation but decreased after steaming, which was due to the increase in hydrolysis of starch. On the contrary, the content of free sugar was slightly decreased during fermentation but slightly increased after steaming. The control contained the largest amount of free sugar after steaming. The microstructure of starch particles after fermentation showed completely dispersed starch granules with air bubbles. After steaming, the structure was sponge-like in all samples. Samples with added alginate and pectin had significantly higher water binding capacity than those of the control. All samples showed noticeably increased solubility and swelling power at $70^{circ}C$ with the control being significantly lower than the treated samples. Retrogradation was measured with $\alpha$-amylase and the retrogradation process of the sample with added alginate and pectin proceeded slower than that of the control. The relative crystallinity was observed through X-ray diffraction method and samples with added alginate and pectin had smaller crystallinity and delayed retrogradation compared to the control. Thus, Jeungpyun with the addition of alginate and Pectin demonstrated improved functionality and dietary fiber addition effect. The storage period of was extended as the retrogradation rate was delayed by the addition of dietary fibers.

Thermoelectric/electrical characterization of electrodeposited BixTey thin films (전기도금법에 의해 전착된 BixTey 박막의 전기 및 열전 특성)

  • Yu, In-Jun;Lee, Gyu-Hwan;Kim, Yang-Do;Im, Jae-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.308-308
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    • 2012
  • Electrodeposition of thermoelectric materials, including binary and ternary compounds, have been attracting attentions, because its many advantages including cost-effectiveness, rapid deposition rate, and ease of control their microstructure and crystallinity by adjusting electrodeposition parameters. In this work, $Bi_xTe_y$ films were potentiostatically electrodeposited using Au/Ni(80/20 nm)/Si substrate as the working electrode in solutions consisting of 10mM $TeO_2$ and 1M $HNO_3$ where $Bi(NO_3)_3$ was varied from 2.5 to 10 mM. Prior to electrodeposition potentiostatically, linear sweep voltammograms (LSV) were acquired with a standard three-electrode cell. The $Bi_xTe_y$ films deposited using the electrolyte containing low Bi ions shows p-type conductivity, which might be attributed by the large incorporation of Te phases. Near stoichiometric $Bi_2Te_3$ thin films were obtained from electrolytes containing 5mM $Bi(NO_3)_3$. This film shows the maximum Seebeck coefficient of $-100.3{\pm}12.7{\mu}V/K$. As the increase of Bi ions in electrolytes decreases the Seebeck coefficient and resistivity. The maximum power factor of $336.2{\mu}W/m{\cdot}K^2$ was obtained from the film deposited using the solution of 7.5mM $Bi(NO_3)_3$.

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Effect of Node Size on the Performance of the B+-tree on Flash Memory (플래시 메모리 상에서 B+-트리 노드 크기 증가에 따른 성능 평가)

  • Park, Dong-Joo;Choi, Hae-Gi
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.15A no.6
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    • pp.325-334
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    • 2008
  • Flash memory is widely used as a storage medium for mobile devices such as cell phones, MP3 players, PDA's due to its tiny size, low power consumption and shock resistant characteristics. Additionally, some computer manufacturers try to replace hard-disk drives used in Laptops or personal computers with flash memory. More recently, there are some literatures on developing a flash memory-aware $B^+$-tree index for an efficient key-based search in the flash memory storage system. They focus on minimizing the number of "overwrites" resulting from inserting or deleting a sequence of key values to/from the $B^+$-tree. However, in addition to this factor, the size of a physical page allocated to a node can affect the maintenance cost of the $B^+$-tree. In this paper, with diverse experiments, we compare and analyze the costs of construction and search of the $B^+$-tree and the space requirement on flash memory as the node size increases. We also provide sorting-based or non-sorting-based algorithms to be used when inserting a key value into the node and suggest an header structure of the index node for searching a given key inside it efficiently.

A Low Cost IBM PC/AT Based Image Processing System for Satellite Image Analysis: A New Analytical Tool for the Resource Managers

  • Yang, Young-Kyu;Cho, Seong-Ik;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Miller, Lee-D.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1988
  • Low-cost microcomputer systems can be assembled which possess computing power, color display, memory, and storage capacity approximately equal to graphic workstactions. A low-cost, flexible, and user-friendly IBM/PC/XT/AT based image processing system has been developed and named as KMIPS(KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology) Map and Image Processing Station). It can be easily utilized by the resource managers who are not computer specialists. This system can: * directly access Landsat MSS and TM, SPOT, NOAA AVHRR, MOS-1 satellite imagery and other imagery from different sources via magnetic tape drive connected with IBM/PC; * extract image up to 1024 line by 1024 column and display it up to 480 line by 672 column with 512 colors simultaneously available; * digitize photographs using a frame grabber subsystem(512 by 512 picture elements); * perform a variety of image analyses, GIS and terrain analyses, and display functions; and * generate map and hard copies to the various scales. All raster data input to the microcomputer system is geographically referenced to the topographic map series in any rater cell size selected by the user. This map oriented, georeferenced approach of this system enables user to create a very accurately registered(.+-.1 picture element), multivariable, multitemporal data sets which can be subsequently subsequently subjected to various analyses and display functions.

Quality and Antioxidant Properties of Fermented Sweet Potato Using Lactic Acid Bacteria (유산균을 이용한 발효 고구마의 품질 특성 및 항산화 활성)

  • Ha, Gi Jeong;Kim, Hyeon Young;Ha, In Jong;Cho, Sung Rae;Moon, Jin Young;Seo, Gwon Il
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.494-503
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality and antioxidant properties of three fermented sweet potato cultivars (Shinyulmi, Hogammi, and Shinjami) using lactic acid bacteria. During the fermentation, the pH was lowered and the titratable acidity increased. The viable cell counts of lactic acid bacteria increased 8.44-9.62 log CFU/g. Organic acid content (especially lactic acid) of sweet potatoes increased by fermentation. Also, ${\gamma}$-Aminobutyric acid increased more than 8.6 times by fermentation in all samples. The total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of sweet potato, showed insignificant changes in all samples by fermentation. ABTS radical scavenging activity of all samples slightly decreased by fermentation, but not significantly. DPPH radical scavenging activity decreased slightly by fermentation except Shinyulmi. However, when compared with the varieties, Shinjami showed the highest activity. The reducing power of Shinjami decreased slightly by fermentation, but activity was the highest among all samples. Based on these results, most of the chemical properties and functionality of fermented sweet potato are retained after fermentation, although some antioxidant activity decreases. We suggest that three fermented sweet potato cultivars (Shinyulmi, Hogammi, and Shinjami) using lactic acid bacteria can be used in various applications because of their effective functional properties.

Study on the Physical Properties of Cellular Rubber Products (국산(國産) 스폰지류(類)의 물성연구(物性硏究))

  • Paik, Nam-Chul;Ryu, Woon-Young;Choi, Sei-Young
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 1980
  • The cellular rubber products for industrial purpose have been applied in many fields such as auto-motive parts, ship-building, machinery, sports goods, diving suit or interior housings etc. The purpose of this dissertation is to study the physical properties of celluar rubber products particulary for those elastomers such as EPDM, CR and NBR with heat resistance property, weather proofness, and oil resistance characteristics respectively, aiming at improving their quality, and renovating the manufacturing know-how which is beyond our technical power at the present time in Korea. In order to meet this requirement an ideal recipe is being shown for the three elastomers, and also a practical recipe which is easily available in terms of compounding ingredients in domestic market has set up as shown in Table 1. for the investigation of vulcanization characteristics by means of Rheometer. The optimum Mooney viscosity of compounded rubber was found to be approximately $ML_{1+4}(100^{\circ}C)$ $30\sim45$. Excess mustication makes a dispersion of ingredients worse, consequently it causes deformation of shapes and heterogenous cell distribution. In other words the articles are rejected because of its insufficient workmanship. The results of physical properties of the products are indicated in Table 3. It has shown that the quality meet requirement when tested in accordance with ASTM D572, 573 and D 395. The test results o CR/IR blends in terms of hardness, volume change by blowing, tensile strength and elongation have been shown.

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Laser Intensity Dependence in Resonant Multiphoton Ionization of Hg Atoms (수은 원자에서의 공명 다광자 이온화 과정의 레이저 강도 의존성)

  • 한재민;정도영;차형기;김철중;이종민
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 1990
  • Resonant multi photon ionization (RMPD of Hg atoms is studied by focusing a high-power laser into the ionization cell. The intermediate resonant state is taken as $6d^1D_2$ with the 4-photon resonance wavelength of 560.7 nm. The ionization signal is measured as Hg vapor pressure (0.1-3.0 Torr), laser intensity $(10-120GW/\textrm{cm}^2)$, and laser wavelength (559-569 nm) vary. AC Stark shift and line broadening of the resonant state $(6d^1D_2)$ are observed and the shift factor is measured to be $-0.6(cm^{-1}/GW/\textrm{cm}^2$. It is also observed that the ionization signal increases as the Hg vapor pressure increases up to a certain value of pressure, however, if the pressure further increases, the signal decreases. The order of non-linearity, which discribes the laser intensity dependence of ionization rate, is measured to be 3 at the resonance, and compared with the theoretical results.esults.

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Comparison of Antioxidant Activities of Black Onion Extracts (추출용매에 따른 흑양파의 항산화 활성 비교)

  • Yang, Ya-Ru;Park, Yang-Kyun
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.954-960
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    • 2011
  • The antioxidant activities of the ethanol, methanol, and water extracts of black onion were investigated. The highest extraction yield (28.56%) and total polyphenol content (13.5 mg/g) were found in the water extract. The water extract also showed the highest protective effect on the RAW 264.7 cell anti-inflammatory activity, and the water and ethanol extracts showed the highest reducing power. The water extract showed higher DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities (65.98 and 89.69%, respectively) than the other solvent extracts (ethanol, 47.77%; methanol, 66.12%). Hence, black onion can be used as a potent natural antioxidative source.

Fermentation of red ginseng extract by the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum KCCM 11613P: ginsenoside conversion and antioxidant effects

  • Jung, Jieun;Jang, Hye Ji;Eom, Su Jin;Choi, Nam Soon;Lee, Na-Kyoung;Paik, Hyun-Dong
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2019
  • Background: Ginsenosides, which are bioactive components in ginseng, can be converted to smaller compounds for improvement of their pharmacological activities. The conversion methods include heating; acid, alkali, and enzymatic treatment; and microbial conversion. The aim of this study was to determine the bioconversion of ginsenosides in fermented red ginseng extract (FRGE). Methods: Red ginseng extract (RGE) was fermented using Lactobacillus plantarum KCCM 11613P. This study investigated the ginsenosides and their antioxidant capacity in FRGE using diverse methods. Results: Properties of RGE were changed upon fermentation. Fermentation reduced the pH value, but increased the titratable acidity and viable cell counts of lactic acid bacteria. L. plantarum KCCM 11613P converted ginsenosides $Rb_2$ and $Rb_3$ to ginsenoside Rd in RGE. Fermentation also enhanced the antioxidant effects of RGE. FRGE reduced 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity and reducing power; however, it improved the inhibition of ${\beta}$-carotene and linoleic acid oxidation and the lipid peroxidation. This suggested that the fermentation of RGE is effective for producing ginsenoside Rd as precursor of ginsenoside compound K and inhibition of lipid oxidation. Conclusion: This study showed that RGE fermented by L. plantarum KCCM 11613P may contribute to the development of functional food materials.

Experimental Study on the Drawbar Pull and Structural Safety of an Onion Harvester Attached to a Tractor (트랙터 부착형 양파수확기의 작업 속도에 따른 견인 부하와 구조 안정성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Shin, Chang-Seop;Kim, Jun-Hee;Ha, Yu-Shin;Park, Tusan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2019
  • Recently, due to labor shortages in rural areas within South Korea, the demand for upland-field machinery is growing. In addition, there is a lack of development of systematic performance testing of upland-field machinery. Thus, this study examined structural safety and drawbar pull based on soil properties, as a first step for systematic performance testing on the test bed. First, the properties of soil samples from 10 spots within the experimental site were examined. Second, the strain was measured and converted into stress on 8 points of an onion harvester that are likely to fail. More specifically, the chosen parts are linked to the power, along with the drawbar pull, using a 6-component load cell equipped between the tractor and the onion harvester. The water content of the soil ranged between 5.7%-7.5%, and the strength between 250-1171 kPa. The test soil was subsequently classified into loam soil based on the size distribution ratio of the sieved soil. The onion harvester can be considered as structurally safe based on the derived safety factor and the drawbar pull of 115-1194 kgf, according to the working speed based on agricultural fieldwork.