• Title/Summary/Keyword: Power Mode

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Economic and Political Responses to Globalization: Economic Restructuring and Local Government as an Entrepreneur (세계화에 따른 경제정치적 동향: 경제재구조와 기업가로서의 지방정부)

  • Koh, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.662-671
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    • 1996
  • Since the world's economic and political structures have changed, the term 'globlization' has shown up as a dominant power and as a necessity for regional and national development. Each nation is responding to the globalization process economically and politically in various ways. In general, however, the economic response to the globalization is economic restructuring from the Fordist industries to 'flexible specialization'. And the political response to the globalization is 'global localization' as a new type of local politics(i.e., local policy activism or growth-enhancing local development policies). The crisis of Fordism shifted the role of local governments towards more involovement with local economic development. Local governments are mobilizing for loca economic development, they are taken into a process of institutional change that tends to redefine their responsibilities inside the state. Local governments thus tend to act as an entrepreneur in order to restructure theiir local economies and to compete with other national and international regions. State restructuring towards enerepreneurialism and efficient regional policy pursuing a pro-growth coalition trategy is chosen as a new mode of regulation for the post-Fordism at the local level. The flexible specialization as the post-Fordist economy and the local government as an entrepreneur are the global choice for globalization and a post-Fordist society. The paper focuses on the regulation theory which comprises the political economic perspective on resturcturing. Economic restructuring and state restructuring will be discussed in detail. And the paper tries to combine the economic globalization and the global localization as economic and political responses to globalization.

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A Design of PLL and Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for 2.7Gbps/1.62Gbps DisplayPort Transmitter (2.7Gbps/1.62Gbps DisplayPort 송신기용 PLL 및 확산대역 클록 발생기의 설계)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Kim, Seong-Geun;Pu, Young-Gun;Hur, Jeong;Lee, Kang-Yoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a design of PLL and SSCG for reducing the EMI effect at the electronic machinery and tools for DisplayPort application. This system is composed of the essential element of PLL and Charge-Pump2 and Reference Clock Divider to implement the SSCG operation. In this paper, 270MHz/162MHz dual-mode PLL that can provide 10-phase and 1.35GHz/810MHz PLL that can reduce the jitter are designed for 2.7Gbps/162Gbps DisplayPort application. The jitter can be reduced drastically by combining 270MHz/162MHz PLL with 2-stage 5 to 1 serializer and 1.35GHz PLL with 2 to 1 serializer. This paper propose the frequency divider topology which can share the divider between modes and guarantee the 50% duty ratio. And, the output current mismatch can be reduced by using the proposed charge-pump topology. It is implemented using 0.13 um CMOS process and die areas of 270MHz/162MHz PLL and 1.35GHz/810MHz PLL are 650um×500um and 600um×500um, respectively. The VCO tuning range of 270 MHz/162 MHz PLL is 330 MHz and the phase noise is -114 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset. The measured SSCG down spread amplitude is 0.5% and modulation frequency is 31kHz. The total power consumption is 48mW.

The Effect of Aging Treatment on the High Temperature Fatigue Fracture Behavior of Friction Welded Domestic Heat Resisting Steels (SUH3-SUS 303) (마찰용접된 국산내열 강 (SUH3-SUS303 )의 시효열처리가 고온피로강도 및 파괴거동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu-Yong;Oh, Sae-Kyoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 1981
  • It is well-known that nowadays heat resisting and anti-corrosive materials have been widely used as the components materials of gas turbines, nuclear power plants and engines etc. In the fields of machine production industry. And materials for engine components, like as the exhaust valve of internal combustion engine, have been required to operate under the high temperature range of 700C-800C and high pressured gas with repeated mechanical load for the high performance of engines. For these components, friction welding for bonding of dissimilar steels can be applied for in order to obtain process shortening, production cost reduction and excellent bonding quality. And age hardening recently has been noticed to the heat resisting materials for further strengthening of high temperature strength, especially high temperature fatigue strength. However, it is difficult to find out any report concerning the effects of age hardening for strengthening high temperature fatigue strength to the Friction welded heat resisting and anti-corrosive materials. In this study the experiment was carried out as the high temperature rotary bending fatigue testing under the condition of 700C high temperature to the friction welded domestic heat resisting steels, SUH3-SUS303, which were 10hr., 100hr. aging heat treated at 700C after solution treatment 1hr. at 1,060C for the purpose of observing the effects of the high temperature fatigue strength and fatigue fracture behaviors as well as with various mechanical properties of welded joints. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) Through mechanical tests and micro-structural examinations, the determined optimum welding conditions, rotating speed 2420 rpm, heating pressure 8kg/mm super(2), upsetting pressure 22kg/mm super(2), the amount of total upset 7mm (heating time 3 sec and upsetting time 2 sec) were satisfied. 2) The solution treated material SUH 3, SUS 303, have the highest inclination gradient on S-N curve due to the high temperature fatigue testing for long time at 700C. 3) The optimum aging time of friction welded SUH3-SUS 303, has been recognized near the 10hr. at 700C after the solution treatment of 1hr. at 1,060C. 4) The high temperature fatigue limits of aging treated materials were compared with those of raw material according to the extender of aging time, on 10hr. aging, fatigue limits were increased by SUH 3 75.4%, SUS 303 28.5%, friction welded joints SUH 3-SUS 303 44.2% and 100hr. aging the rates were 64.9%, 30.4% and 36.6% respectively. 5) The fatigue fractures occurred at the side of the base matal SUS303 of the friction welded joints SUH 3-SUS 303 and it is difficult to find out fractures at the friction welding interfaces. 6) The cracking mode of SUS 303, SUH 3-303 is intergranular in any case, but SUH 3 is fractured by transgranular cracking.

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Womans experience of Risk Situation on the High-Risk Pregnancy (여성의 고위험 임신에 대한 경험)

  • Kim, Kyung-Won;Lee, Kyung-Hye
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 1998
  • In spite of the great progress of the theory and skill of the Nursing Care & Medical area in relation to pregnancy, nurses in clinics face up to many challenges in maternity nursing care areas. The reason is that the mobility and mortality of mothers was sharply decreased and the unknown high-risk diseases of pregnancy woman in the past is made public. That's why it is difficult to meet the pregnancy woman in natural process from pregnancy to delivery in recently. Admission rooms are filled with high-risk pregnancy women. As a matter of fact, we have done nursing care into the surface symptoms and diseases of high-risk pregnancy women so far. We have been indifferent to a long period hospitalization, separation from family, and conflict of repeated examination. Therefore, it is widely spread to understand the emotional conflict experienced by high-risk pregnancy women and to need for nursing intervention to bring up about emotional support and the ability of perception in psychological crisis. Although the pregnancy woman judged in high-risk should carry out normal task of pregnancy, she have to be confronted with secondary risk situation. The health of self & fetus threatened by the risk situation could be decreased through care plan, but psychological stress increases. Therefore, the pregnancy brings into non-control state. It is important to ask that what the hospitalized pregnancy women in high-risk think of themselves status. Because misunderstanding or serious anxiety of themselves status put into mother and fetus in danger. And adaptation mode makes all the difference. I would like to consider how nurses could deal with this high-risk circumstances in the position of pregnancy woman on the basis of the above fact. This study uses phenomenological method to suggest the basis material for nurses to do nursing intervention in view of pregnancy woman. Because this method understands the nature of true life of pregnancy woman throughly. The phenomenological method is the sources to describe or explain affluently the process generated in confirmation areas and environment and is the application for readers to understand and recognize clinic reality and then apply this method to reasoning study place or other places. Specifically, the phenomenon study method, one of the phenomenological method, is applied. The use of that method is to describe and generalize the experience in environment exactly. The study of this study is as follows : Among 187 descriptive stamens from 8 study participants are classified into 42 theme cluster at the stage of the first analysis. Those theme is categorized into 8 sub-subjects such as anxiety of uncertainty, foreknowledge about risk circumstance, will power about overcome, unsettled feeling about hospital, relief, optimistic thought, family support, and indifferences. At the last stage of analysis, those things are categorized into 3 subjects. When high-risk pregnancy woman foretell the situation, they feel unsettlement about uncertainty and untrust feeling about hospital. But they are ease with family support and hospital support. On the other hand, they express indifferent 3-way structure response to the situation having will of overcome and exceeding optimistic thought. In those statements, the experience by pregnancy woman shows 3 respect subjects. 1. They are anxious of this situation and are in desperation and don't recognize their role to be carried out 2. They think of this situation as normal process of pregnancy and are not concerned that this can give themselves and fetus fatal damage. 3. The pregnancy women will never confront this situation. This study shows the pregnancy woman has anxiety and optimistic relief about the situation, and ignores and optimistic relief about the situation, and ignores many things. Therefore, nurses in clinic should give pregnancy woman knowledge and information about the high-risk and help them to deal with the situation spontaneously. High-risk pregnancy woman should have the care plan in respect of the right perception. And the nurse know that their support help out pregnancy woman overcome the crisis in this respect of the special nursing intervention.

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Rethinking 'the Indigenous' as a Topic of Asian Feminist Studies (토착성에 기반한 아시아 여성주의 연구 시론)

  • Yoon, Hae Lin
    • Women's Studies Review
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.3-36
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    • 2010
  • This paper is based on the certain point that 'the indigenous', which have long been occupied by the Asian patriarchy or the local communities, now calls for the repositioning in the feminist context. 'The indigenous', in one part, generally refer to the matured long-standing traditions and practices of certain regional, or local communities, as a mode of a place specific way of endowing the world with integral meaning. In the narrow definition, it points to the particular form of placed based knowledge for survival, for example, the useful knowledge of a population who have lived experiences of the environment. In the other part, 'the indigenous' could be criticized in the gender perspectives because it has been served as an ideological tool for patriarchy and sexism, which have undermined women's body and subjectivity in the name of the Asian traditional community. That's why the feminists with sensitivity to the discourses of it, may perceive it very differently, still hesitating dealing with the problem. However, even if there are tendencies that the conservatives romanticize local traditions and essentialize 'the indigenous', as it were, it does not exist 'out there'. Then, it could be scrutinized in the contemporary context which, especially, needs to seek the possibility towards the alternatively post - develope mental knowledge system. In the face of global economic crisis which might be resulted from the instrumentalized or fragmented knowledge production system, it's holistic conceptions that human, society, and nature should not be isolated from each other. is able to give an insightful thinking. It will work in the restraint condition that we reconceptualize the indigenous knowledge not as an unchanging artefact of a timeless culture, but as a dynamic, living and culturally meaningful system towards the ecofeminstic indigenous knowledge. And then, indigenous renaissance phenomena which empower non-western culture and knowledge system and generate increased consciousness of cultural membership. Thus, this paper argues that the indigenous knowledges which have been underestimated in the western-centered knowledge-power relations, could be reconstructed as a potential resources of ecological civility transnationally which reconnect individuals and societies with nature.

Categorizing Quality Features of Franchisees: In the case of Korean Food Service Industry (프랜차이즈 매장 품질요인의 속성분류: 국내 외식업을 중심으로)

  • Byun, Sook-Eun;Cho, Eun-Seong
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.95-115
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    • 2011
  • Food service is the major part of franchise business in Korea, accounting for 69.9% of the brands in the market. As the food service industry becomes mature, many franchisees have struggled to survive in the market. In general, consumers have higher levels of expectation toward service quality of franchised outlets compared that of (non-franchised) independent ones. They also tend to believe that franchisees deliver standardized service at the uniform food price, regardless of their locations. Such beliefs seem to be important reasons that consumers prefer franchised outlets to independent ones. Nevertheless, few studies examined the impact of qualify features of franchisees on customer satisfaction so far. To this end, this study examined the characteristics of various quality features of franchisees in the food service industry, regarding their relationship with customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The quality perception of heavy-users was also compared with that of light-users in order to find insights for developing differentiated marketing strategy for the two segments. Customer satisfaction has been understood as a one-dimensional construct while there are recent studies that insist two-dimensional nature of the construct. In this regard, Kano et al. (1984) suggested to categorize quality features of a product or service into five types, based on their relation to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction: Must-be quality, Attractive quality, One-dimensional quality, Indifferent quality, and Reverse quality. According to the Kano model, customers are more dissatisfied when Must-be quality(M) are not fulfilled, but their satisfaction does not arise above neutral no matter how fully the quality fulfilled. In comparison, customers are more satisfied with a full provision of Attactive quality(A) but manage to accept its dysfunction. One-dimensional quality(O) results in satisfaction when fulfilled and dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. For Indifferent quality(I), its presence or absence influences neither customer satisfaction nor dissatisfaction. Lastly, Reverse quality(R) refers to the features whose high degree of achievement results in customer dissatisfaction rather than satisfaction. Meanwhile, the basic guidelines of the Kano model have a limitation in that the quality type of each feature is simply determined by calculating the mode statistics. In order to overcome such limitation, the relative importance of each feature on customer satisfaction (Better value; b) and dissatisfaction (Worse value; w) were calculated following the formulas below (Timko, 1993). The Better value indicates how much customer satisfaction is increased by providing the quality feature in question. In contrast, the Worse value indicates how much customer dissatisfaction is decreased by providing the quality feature. Better = (A + O)/(A+O+M+I) Worse = (O+M)/(A+O+M+I)(-1) An on-line survey was performed in order to understand the nature of quality features of franchisees in the food service industry by applying the Kano Model. A total of twenty quality features (refer to the Table 2) were identified as the result of literature review in franchise business and a pre-test with fifty college students in Seoul. The potential respondents of our main survey was limited to the customers who have visited more than two restaurants/stores of the same franchise brand. Survey invitation e-mails were sent out to the panels of a market research company and a total of 257 responses were used for analysis. Following the guidelines of Kano model, each of the twenty quality features was classified into one of the five types based on customers' responses to a set of questions: "(1) how do you feel if the following quality feature is fulfilled in the franchise restaurant that you visit," and "(2) how do you feel if the following quality feature is not fulfilled in the franchise restaurant that you visit." The analyses revealed that customers' dissatisfaction with franchisees is commonly associated with the poor level of cleanliness of the store (w=-0.872), kindness of the staffs(w=-0.890), conveniences such as parking lot and restroom(w=-0.669), and expertise of the staffs(w=-0.492). Such quality features were categorized as Must-be quality in this study. While standardization or uniformity across franchisees has been emphasized in franchise business, this study found that consumers are interested only in uniformity of price across franchisees(w=-0.608), but not interested in standardizations of menu items, interior designs, customer service procedures, and food tastes. Customers appeared to be more satisfied when the franchise brand has promotional events such as giveaways(b=0.767), good accessibility(b=0.699), customer loyalty programs(b=0.659), award winning history(b=0.641), and outlets in the overseas market(b=0.506). The results are summarized in a matrix form in Table 1. Better(b) and Worse(w) index indicate relative importance of each quality feature on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, respectively. Meanwhile, there were differences in perceiving the quality features between light users and heavy users of any specific franchise brand in the food service industry. Expertise of the staffs was labeled as Must-be quality for heavy users but Indifferent quality for light users. Light users seemed indifferent to overseas expansion of the brand and offering new menu items on a regular basis, while heavy users appeared to perceive them as Attractive quality. Such difference may come from their different levels of involvement when they eat out. The results are shown in Table 2. The findings of this study help practitioners understand the quality features they need to focus on to strengthen the competitive power in the food service market. Above all, removing the factors that cause customer dissatisfaction seems to be the most critical for franchisees. To retain loyal customers of the franchise brand, it is also recommended for franchisor to invest resources in the development of new menu items as well as training programs for the staffs. Lastly, if resources allow, promotional events, loyalty programs, overseas expansion, award-winning history can be considered as tools for attracting more customers to the business.

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