• Title/Summary/Keyword: Postoperative Period

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Early Result of the Coronary artery Bypass Surgery (Analysis with the Postoperative Coronary artery Angiography) (관상동맥 우회수술의 조기성적 (술후 혈관조영술을 통한 분석))

  • 류경민;김삼현;박성식;류재옥;서필원
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.487-493
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    • 2000
  • Background: Early patency of the coronary artery bypass grafting is determined mainly by surgical technique and status of coronary artery. We analyzed the early result, focusing on the relationship between postoperative angiographic findings and the patency rate. Material and method: During the period of July 1997- August 1999, 86 cases of CABG were performed and the postoperative coronary artery angiography was done in 76 cases on postoperative day 7 to assess the graft patency. Result: Overall graft patency was 90.2% on the angiographic finding. Factors influencing the early graft occlusion were the surgeon's experience, small coronary artery size less than 1.5mm in diameter, coronary arteries related to pre-operative myocardial infarction, and local atheroma at the anastomosis site(p<0.001). Operative mortailty was 2.3%. Early recurrence of the symptom was 19.8% during the follow up period. Conclusion: We examined the postoperative coronary angiography and found that the surgeon's experience, small coronary artery size less than 1.5mm in diameter, bypass surgery on the coronary arteries related to pre-operative myocardial infarction, and local atheroma at the anastomosis site were the factors for the graft occlusion.

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Critical Care Management Following Lung Transplantation

  • Jeon, Kyeongman
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2022
  • Postoperative critical care management for lung transplant recipients in the intensive care unit (ICU) has expanded in recent years due to its complexity and impact on clinical outcomes. The practical aspects of post-transplant critical care management, especially regarding ventilation and hemodynamic management during the early postoperative period in the ICU, are discussed in this brief review. Monitoring in the ICU provides information on the patient's clinical status, diagnostic assessment of complications, and future management plans since lung transplantation involves unique pathophysiological conditions and risk factors for complications. After lung transplantation, the grafts should be appropriately ventilated with lung protective strategies to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury, as well as to promote graft function and maintain adequate gas exchange. Hypotension and varying degrees of pulmonary edema are common in the immediate postoperative lung transplantation setting. Ventricular dysfunction in lung transplant recipients should also be considered. Therefore, adequate volume and hemodynamic management with vasoactive agents based on their physiological effects and patient response are critical in the early postoperative lung transplantation period. Integrated management provided by a professional multidisciplinary team is essential for the critical care management of lung transplant recipients in the ICU.

The Changes of Serum and Urine Potassium after Extracorporeal Circulation in Open Heart Surgery (개심술환자에서 체외순환후 혈중 및 요중 포타시움의 변화)

  • Ju, Hong-Don;Im, Seung-Pyeong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.951-959
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    • 1991
  • The level of serum potassium concentration is very important aspect in postoperative cardiac patients The postoperative cardiac arrhythmia and digitalis intoxication are known to be closely related with hypokalemia and also to cause the irreversible cardiac dysfunction. In this study, the changes of the level in serum and urine concentrations during, after extracorporeal circulation[EGG], Predict and Postdict periods are analyzed and compared statistically with postoperative cardiac patients 46 persons according to divided 8 groups. 1. There was no difference significantly in concentrations of serum and urine potassium in each period according to age, sex and disease types. 2. There was no difference significantly in concentrations of serum and urine potassium in each period according to the use of normothermia and hypothermia. 3. There was no difference significantly in concentrations of serum and urine potassium in each period according to the length of extracorporeal circulation time and aortic cross clamping time. 4. There was no difference significantly in concentrations of serum and urine potassium in each period according to the amount of the infused cardioplegic solution and level of Hct.

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An Experimental Study on the Effects of Structured Preoperative Teaching on Postoperative Recovery (계획된 수술전 교육이 수술후 회복에 미치는 영향에 관한 임상실험적 연구)

  • 김명숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of this study was to test the effect of the structured preoperative teaching on post-operative recovery and to observe the effects of an structured preoperative teaching on the adult surgical patient's ventilatory function ability, the length of hospital stay, the number of analgesics within a 72 hour postoperative period, the length of early ambulation. The research question investigated in this study was: What would be the effects of a structured preoperative teaching upon the adult surgical patients postoperative recovery? This study was based on a sample of 40 patients who were scheduled for abdominal surgery. They were asssigned alternately to experimental and control group. Among 40 subjects, 20 were placed in the experimental group and 20 in the control group. Preoperative ventilation function testing of control and experimental subjects was done the evening before surgery and before the patient received the structured preoperative teaching. A structured preoperative teaching was given to the subjects in the exporimental group only by writer. Postoperative testing was done the 5th postoperative day. The data were collected over a period of two months, from Aug. 8 to Oct. 31, 1983. For the analysis of the data and test for the hypotheses, the t-test with mean difference was used. The results of this study regarding the four-hypotheses were as follows: 1. Experimental group which received structured preoperative eaching will have more increase to-cough and deep breathe as measured byhis forced vital capacity(FVC), forced expiratory volume 1 (FEV1), maximal voluntary volume 15 (MVV 15) than control group without structured preoperative teaching. The ventilation function ability was more increase in experimental group than in control group, the mean difference was statistically significant at 0.01 level. Hypotheses 1 was supported. 2. Experimental group with structured preoperative teaching will have more reduced the length of hospital stay than control group without structured preoperative teaching. The length of hospital stay of the experimental group and control group were 11.90 days and 16.05 days respectively. However, the difference was. not statistically significant at .05 level. Therefore the hypothese 2 was not supported. 3. Experimental group with structured preoperative teaching will have more reduce the number of analgesics within a 72 hour postoperative period than control group. The number of analgesics within a 72 hour' postoperative period of experimental group and control group were 1.65 times and 2.4 times. The difference was not statically significant at .05 level. Therefore, the hypotheses 3 was not supported. 4. Experimental group with structured preoperative. teaching will have more reduce the length of early ambulation than control group without structured preoperative teaching. The length of early ambulation of experimental group and control group were 2.2 days and 3.5 days respectively The difference was statistically signficant at 0.05 level. Thus the hypothess 4 was supported.

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Factors Influencing Postoperative Urinary Retention Following Elective Posterior Lumbar Spine Surgery: A Prospective Study

  • Aiyer, Siddharth Narasimhan;Kumar, Ajit;Shetty, Ajoy Prasad;Kanna, Rishi Mugesh;Rajasekaran, Shanmuganath
    • Asian Spine Journal
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.1100-1105
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    • 2018
  • Study Design: Prospective observational study. Purpose: To determine the incidence of postoperative urinary retention (POUR) in patients undergoing elective posterior lumbar spine surgery and identify the risk factors associated with the development of POUR. Overview of Literature: POUR following surgery can lead to detrusor dysfunction, urinary tract infections, prolonged hospital stay, and a higher treatment cost; however, the risk factors for POUR in spine surgery remain unclear. Methods: A prospective, consecutive analysis was conducted on patients undergoing elective posterior lumbar surgery in the form of lumbar discectomy, lumbar decompression, and single-level lumbar fusions during a 6-month period. Patients with spine trauma, preoperative neurological deficit, previous urinary disturbance/symptoms, multiple-level fusion, and preoperative catheterization were excluded from the study. Potential patient- and surgery-dependent risk factors for the development of POUR were assessed. Univariate analysis and a multiple logistical regression analysis were performed. Results: A total of 687 patients underwent posterior lumbar spine surgery during the study period; among these, 370 patients were included in the final analysis. Sixty-one patients developed POUR, with an incidence of 16.48%. Significant risk factors for POUR were older age, higher body mass index (BMI), surgery duration, intraoperative fluid administration, lumbar fusion versus discectomy/decompression, and higher postoperative pain scores (p<0.05 for all). Sex, diabetes, and the type of inhalational agent used during anesthesia were not significantly associated with POUR. Multiple logistical regression analysis, including age, BMI, surgery duration, intraoperative fluid administration, fusion surgery, and postoperative pain scores demonstrated a predictive value of 92% for the study population and 97% for the POUR group. Conclusions: POUR was associated with older age, higher BMI, longer surgery duration, a larger volume of intraoperative fluid administration, and higher postoperative pain scores. The contribution of postoperative pain scores in the multiple regression analysis was a significant predictor of POUR.

Clinical Experience with IABP in Cardiac Surgery (개심술시 Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)의 임상적 적용)

  • 옥창석;지현근
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 1997
  • Between May, 1994 and December, 1995, 122 adult cardiac surgical procedures requiring cardiopulmonary bypa s were performed at Kang Dong Sacred Heart Hospital, including 18 cases(14.8%) that were associated with preoperative(n:9), intraoperative(n=7), postoperative(n:2) use of an IABP (intra-aortic balloon pump). The reasons for IABP were low cardiac output and PTCA(percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) failure in preoperative period, CPB(cardiopulmonary bypass) weaning difficulty in intraoperative period, and intractable arrhythmia in postoperative period. The mean age of the IABP patients was 61.8 $\pm$ 6.9 years(range, 39 to 75years). The overall hospital mortalities in patients with preoperative and intraoperative IABP insertion were 3 and 42.9% respectively. Two patients with postoperative IABP insertion are alive. The rate of IABP weaning is 66.7% for preoperative group, 85.7% for intraoperative group and 100% for postoperative group . In conclusion, if there were no irreversible myocardial damages, IABP could be used safely and emergently at any perioperative period for hemo ynamic stability, CPB weaning, and to overcome low cardiac output syndrome.

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Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Atresia with VSD - A Report of 2 Cases - (심실중격결손증을 동반한 폐동맥 폐쇄증 [Pulmonary Atresia] 의 외과적 치료-2예 보고-)

  • 강면식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.780-785
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    • 1987
  • Pulmonary atresia with VSD is uncommon congenital anomaly with high mortality in neonatal period. Recently we experienced surgical correction of 2 cases of pulmonary atresia with VSD. The first case was 7-year old female patient and diagnosed as pulmonary atresia with VSD combined PDA. So, total correction was undertaken which consisted of PDA ligation, patch repair of VSD, transannular enlargement of RVOT with woven Dacron vascular graft, and closure of PFO. Postoperative systemic Rt. ventricular and radial artery pressure ratio was 0.44 and her postoperative course was uneventful. The second case was 6-year old male patient diagnosed as pulmonary atresia with VSD and large systemic-pulmonary collateral arteries. There were two large systemic-pulmonary collaterals, one was simply controlled by ligation, but the other was considered to supply Rt. upper lung. So end to side anastomosis was performed to the RVOT patch. Postoperative systolic Rt. ventricular and radial artery pressure ratio was 0.54. During the follow up period he showed clinical picture of Rt. heart failure, which is relatively well controlled with anticongestive therapy.

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Therapeutic results and safety of postoperative radiotherapy for keloid after repeated Cesarean section in immediate postpartum period

  • Kim, Ju-Ree;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of postoperative radiotherapy for the treatment of keloid scars administered immediately after Cesarean section. Materials and Methods: A total of 26 postpartum patients with confirmed keloids resulting from previous Cesarean sections received either 12 or 15 Gy radiotherapy. The radiotherapy was divided into three 6 MeV electron beam fractions administered during the postpartum period immediately following the final Cesarean section. To evaluate ovarian safety, designated doses of radiation were estimated at the calculated depth of the ovaries using a solid plate phantom and an ionization chamber with the same lead cutout as was used for the treatment of Cesarean section operative scars and a tissue equivalent bolus. Results: In total, the control rate was 77% (20 patients), while six (23%) developed focally elevated keloids (ranging from 0.5 to 2 cm in length) in the middle of the primary abdominal scar. Five patients experienced mild hyperpigmentation. Nonetheless, most patients (96%) were satisfied with the treatment results. The estimated percentage of the applied radiation doses that reached the calculated depth of the ovaries ranged from 0.0033% to 0.0062%. Conclusion: When administered during the immediate postpartum period, postoperative electron beam radiotherapy for repeated Cesarean section scars is generally safe and produces good cosmetic results with minimal toxicity.

Simultaneous bilateral bleb resection through bilateral trans-axillary thoracotomy (양측 액와개흉을 통한 양측 폐기낭 동시절제)

  • Im, Chang-Yeong;Yu, Hoe-Seong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 1993
  • Simultaneous bilateral bleb resection was done through bilateral transaxillary thoracotomy in 10 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax during the period from May 1991 to Novemver 1992 in whom bilateral bulla or bleb was detected with using simple chest X-ray and chest CT scanning. To compare the effectiveness of bilateral transaxillary thoracotomy, we investigated 10 unilateral transaxillary thoracotomy patients with spontaneous pneumothorax and two clinical reports from other institutes which dealt the results of bilateral bleb or bulla resection through median sternotomy also. In bilateral transaxillary thoracotomy group,mean operation time was 115 minute,mean intraoperative bleeding was 329 cc, mean postoperative hospital stay was 7.5 days. Postoperative ABGA[Arterial Blood Gas Analysis] was in normal range and postoperative recovery rates of FVC[Forced Vital Capacity], FEV1[Forced Expiratory Volume at 1 second], TV[Tidal Volume] were 84.3%, 93.4%, 88.7%,respectively. In median sternotomy group,mean operation time was 129 minute,mean intraoperative bleeding was 490 cc, mean postoperative hospital stay was 12.4 days. Postoperative ABGA was in normal range and postoperative recovery rates of FVC, FEV1 were 97.3%, 97.4%, respectively. In unilateral transaxillary thoracotomy group, postoperative ABGA was in normal range also and postoperative recovery rates of FVC, FEV1, TV were 91.6%, 99.0%, 96.0%,respectively. In conclusion, simultaneous bilateral bleb resection through bilateral transaxillary thoracotomy should be considered in pneumothorax patients with bilateral bleb or bulla because of cost-effectiveness[reducing hospital days] and better cosmetic result without any impairment in recovery of respiratory function.

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Clinical effect of Thymectomy for Patients in Myasthenia Gravis (근무력증 환자의 외과적 치료)

  • 정원상
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.152-157
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    • 1990
  • A clinical study for thymectomy for 23 patients in Myasthenia Gravis was done between May, 1982 and July, 1989. at the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, College of Medicine, Han Yang University. Among Z3 patients, male to female ratio was 11: 12 and Age of onset was ranged from 15 years-old to 52 years-old. Previous symptom duration from diagnosis until operation was ranged from 2 months to 96 months, and Mean duration was 28.74 months. The severity of disease was classified by Osserman`s classification preoperatively. In histopathology of thymus, Thymic hyperplasia 7 cases, Thymoma 7 cases, Invasive thymoma 3 cases, Within Normal Limit 5 cases, and Thymic Atrophy 1 case. Correlation between preoperative symptom duration and postoperative clinical course was statistically significant. The shorter of preoperative symptom duration, The better of postoperative clinical course. Grading of postoperative course was classified by Papatestas in 1975. Follow-up for postoperative course was ranged from 3 months to 7 year and 4 months, Cases of complete remission 1 year postoperative period were 9 cases and cases of Improvement were 8 cases, So totally 17 cases among 23 cases[73.91%] found good results.

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