• Title/Summary/Keyword: Positive Subjective Experience

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A Study on the Relationship between the Present Physical Symptom Distress and Experience of Sanhujori, the Traditional Postpartal Care in Korea - Centered on Women of arthritis - (관절염 여성의 신체적 불편과 산후조리 경험정도와의 관계 연구)

  • Chong, Young-Mi;Yoo, Eun-Kwang
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.111-132
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    • 1999
  • This correlational descriptive study sought to define the relationship between the experience of Sanhujori, Korean tradition non-professional postpartal care after delivery and abortion and present physical symptom distress of arthritis female who visited to outpatient clinic of rheumatic internal medicine at three hospital located in Seoul, Pusan, Chongju, Korea. Data from a convenience sample of 98 women who orally agreed to be respondent were collected from September 1, 1998 to October 31, 1998 for two months by way of interview with semi-structured questionnaire. Data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, S. D., Pearson Correlation Coefficient, t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post hoc by SPSS. The results of the study were as follows ; Mean age of participants as 52.8 years and mean number of children 3.3. Mean frequency of child birth was 3.1 times per woman, 67.4% of respondents had menopause, 57.0% did not have Sunhujori after abortion. The health status implies the subjective health status women perceived, which came from the three points of view of the present, comparative with other of same age and changed after delivery. The respondents of 76.1% perceived them as unhealthy and the main sites of physical symptom distress were upper & lower extremities including knee and hand 34.8%, shoulder 26.5%, waist 22.4%. Women perceived the etiology of the arthritis as 'did Sanhujori wrongly' 36.7%, 'aging process' 24.5%, 'stress' 16.3%, 'overwork' 15.3%, 'Immunocompromize' & 'physical constitution' 7.1% respectively, 'character' 3.1%, 'genetic' 2.0%, 'malnutrition' 1.0%. The mean period of Sanhujori after delivery was 20.4 at the first child and 18.1 at the second child. The higher frequency of child birth, the shorter period of Sanhujori. For the subjective evaluation of whether the women did Sanhujori well or not, the rate of 'did Sanhujori well' was the highest rank in the first child and the rate of 'did not particularly Sanhujori well' was the highest rank in the last child. There was a significant positive correlation between physical function disability and rheumatoid arthritis symptom at the level of 1% of significance statistically(r=.406). And a positive correlation between physical function disability and Sanhubyung symptom at the level of 5% of significance statistically(r=.224). There was a significant positive correlation among rheumatoid arthritis symptom, Sanhubyung symptom and menopause symptom at the level of 1%-5% of significance statistically. Most of all, the correlation between Sanhubyung symptom and menopause symptom was the higher than others. There was a negative correlation between the present physical symptom distress and experience of Sanhujori(r=.-130), however it was not significant statistically. However, there was a positive correlation between subjective health status and experience of Sanhujori at the level of 1% of significance statistically(r=.328). In conclusion, this finding reconfirmed the positive relationship between the perceived health status and experience of Sanhujori after delivery among women of arthritis. It provides a challenge to the professional care givers to study further on the effects of Sanhuiori after abortion or delivery on the physical symptom distress from the variouis aspects through the cross-sectional and longitudinal research. The strategy for the development of the appropriate intervention for primary prevention of sequele after childbirth and quality of care for desirable health outcomes for postpartal women with considering deeply on the relationship between women's health and postapartal care.

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Examination of the Effect of Job Rotation on Subjective Career Satisfaction : The Mediating Effect of Employability (직무순환이 주관적 경력만족에 미치는 영향: 고용경쟁력 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Na-Kyung;Kim, Hye-Lin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 2014
  • In order to maximize customer's satisfaction, high-value service needs to be created by reducing service delivery errors and miscommunications. Employee's job rotation experience will help them to reduce errors and develop their career. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of job rotation on employability and subjective career satisfaction. The results clarifies the hotel's job rotation system and examine the relationship among job rotation, employability and subjective career satisfaction. Taking samples from full-time workers in hotel, total 370 participants were used in the analysis. The SEM approach was used to analysis the data with AMOS 20.0. The results show that job rotation has a positive influence on employability and subjective career satisfaction. Moreover, employability has a partial mediation effect between job rotation and subjective career satisfaction. Therefore, the study contributes to generate theoretical and practical implications in hospitality industry.

A Study on Adolescent Consumers' Donation Attitude and Donation Intention (청소년소비자의 기부태도 및 기부의도에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Mihyun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to examine adolescent consumers' donation intention. To attain the goal, a survey was conducted to middle and high school students and undergraduates at the age of 25 or younger residing in Seoul and the capital area from June 1st to the 25th in 2015. A total of 450 questionnaire sheets were used for final analysis. This study investigated adolescent consumers' donation attitude and donation intention levels and also the effects of related variables on their donation intention with the mediation of their donation attitude. The implications of this study for consumer education and policy will be meaningfully used to increase their donation behavior afterwards. According to the major findings of this study, first, adolescent consumers' donation attitude was relatively positive, and their donation intention was relatively lower than their donation attitude. Second, comparing the total causal effects of variables on donation intention, interest in donation was found to the biggest, and the next were subjective norms, mother's participation in the donation experience (yes), personal citizenship, donation attitude, male students, the subjective level of financial status, face-saving behavior, and undergraduates in order.

Body Image, Eating Behavior, and Weight Control Practices among Korean Adolescent Girls

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Myung-Hee;Lee, Joung-Ja
    • Nutritional Sciences
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2002
  • This study was designed to investigate body image, objective and subjective measurements of body size and shape, eating behavior, and weight control practices in 650 Korean adolescent girls; 500 of the subjects were 14 years old and enrolled in middle schools, while the remaining 150 were 17 years old and enrolled in high schools. Subjects responded anonymously to a self-administered questionnaire. The results showed that average height and weight of the subjects were 157cm and 49.5kg, respectively, while subjects ideal heights and weights averaged 164cm and 48kg, respectively. The ideal adult body heights and weights proposed by the subjects averaged 172cm and 55kg respectively. Over 50% of the subjects were dissatisfied with their body image; the degree of dissatisfaction with body image was higher in those who believed themselves to be fat. Most of the subjects wanted to lose weight and had tried to lose weight. Self-reported weight control practice methods included reducing food intake (31.9%), skipping meals (29.6%), exercise (25.8%), using slimming machines (6.9%), and using diet pills (5.1%). The heavier the subjects weight was, the greater the difference between the subjective and objective evaluations of body size. The body image scores of subjects who perceived themselves as fat were significantly lower than those of subjects who perceived themselves as normal or underweight. The difference between subjective and objective evaluations of body size, and the degree of obesity, were significantly higher in those subjects who had experience of weight control than those who had no experience of weight control. These results suggest that nutrition and health education programs for adolescent girls should be researched and implemented in order to establish a more realistic body image, positive habits in weight control, and healthful eating habits.

The Influence Factors of Health-related Quality of Life on Urinary Incontinent Elderly Women (요실금 여성노인의 건강관련 삶의 질 영향요인)

  • Lee, Jin-Sook;Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing health-related quality of life of urinary incontinent elderly women. The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) conducted by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) was used as baseline data to evaluate how activity limitation, depression experience and subjective health perception influence the health-related quality of life of urinary incontinent elderly women. The urinary incontinent elderly women differed significantly in terms of activity limitation, depression experience, subjective health perception influence and health-related quality of life compared to elderly women without incontinence. In contrast, income and education were not correlated with either of the aforementioned groups. The subjective health perception was identified as the only factor influencing the health-related quality of life of urinary incontinent elderly women. The results of this study will serve as basic data for positive treatment promotion and development of assessment programs for incontinence patients who recognize incontinence symptoms as part of the aging process and are therefore unwilling to receive care.

The Meaning of Pain in Labor (분만 동통의 의미)

  • 이미라;조정호
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1991
  • From of old, labor has been accompanied by pain and much effort has been mode to eliminate or diminish the amounts of pain during labor. Little concern has yet been given to the subjective meaning of pain in labor. Recently, rates of cesarean section in Korea and in some other nations have increased rapidly and some investigators are reporting negative reactions such as anger, disappointment and feeling of loss due to lack of control over labor and its pain. These findings are thought to suggest that control of labor and its pain gives some meaning to the laboring woman. Thus the investigators sought to discover the meaning of pain during labor for Korean women. Specific objectives of this study were to explore the meaning of pain in labor to the mothers, their reactions to the experience of labor add their preference for delivery method. The subjects of this study were 95 mothers who delivered their babies in hospital from September 989 to May 1990 : 45 gave birth by vaginal delivery, and 50 by cesarean section. Data were gathered through direct interviews by the investigators, and questions were focused on five areas i.e. mothers' feelings about delivery and their babies, their feelings about of having more children, the most difficult aspect about this labor and delivery, and what they thought the differences were between vaginal delivery and cesarean section. After interview, mothers' answers were summarized, and classified according to the degree of positive or negative attitude. To ascertain the difference in meaning of labor pains and reaction to delivery experience between mothers delivered vaginally and by cesarean section a Median test was done using an SAS. Results were as follows. 1. More mothers who had delivered vaginally realized that they “have became a mother” than those who had a cesarean section(X$^2$=8.409, df=3, p=0.038). 2. Immediate reaction to their delivery experience was more positive for mothers who had a cesarean section. 3. These Korean mothers expressed preference for vaginal delivery. Suggestions for further research on the meaning for mothers of their experience of labor, and on the meaning of pain for mothers who have a cesarean section were made.

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The Influence of Violence Experience on the Job Stress among Hospital Employees Working at Administration and Discharging Department (병원 원무행정근무자의 폭력경험이 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yun-young;Han, Mi Ah;Park, Jong;Choi, Seong Woo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2016
  • Background: Workplace violence was recognized to be social problems that might impact the health status and the job satisfaction of employee in hospitals. This study investigated the current status of violence and job stress among hospital employees working at administration and discharging department. Methods: The study subjects were 213 administrative employees working at 20 general hospitals. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire that included information such as demographics, job-related characteristics, experience of violence, and job stress. The violence was classified as verbal violence, physical threat, and physical violence occurred by patients and caregivers. Analysis of variance, t-tests, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis were performed to examine the associated factors with job stress. Results: The levels of verbal violence, physical threat, and physical violence were $1.64{\pm}1.08$, $0.54{\pm}0.67$, and $0.04{\pm}0.17$, respectively. The score of job stress was $2.74{\pm}0.50$ and it was associated with age, existence of spouse, drinking frequency, subjective health status, disease history, night-time treatment, and public health administration career in simple analysis. In multiple linear regression analysis, the level of verbal violence experience was significantly associated with job stress (B=0.09, p=0.001). Also physical threats (B=0.18, p<0.001) and physical violence (B=0.48, p=0.008) showed positive association with job stress. Conclusion: This study attempted to examine the association between experience of violence and job stress in administrative employees at medical institutions. Levels of violence showed positive correlation with the job stress. Environment improvement to protect employee from violence and management of employees who experienced workplace violence are needed to reduce the job stress.

Evaluation of Patient-Centered Healthcare Provision in Hospitals and General Hospitals- Based on Patient Experience Assessment (병원과 종합병원의 환자중심 의료서비스 제공 수준 평가- 환자경험평가를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Byung-Deog;Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate patient experience assessment of inpatients, and to prepare measures to improve the quality level of medical services and guarante patient rights. Methods: The study was conducted among 199 patients admitted to hospitals and general hospitals in the metropolitan area. The analysis method used was crossover analysis, including a comparison of means, and logistic regression analysis. Results: The overall average score of satisfaction with healthcare service was 3.39 for nurses, 3.35 for hospitals and 3.42 for general hospitals. Age at the time of hospitalization affected satisfaction. The overall average score of healthcare service satisfaction was 3.09 for doctors, 3.14 for hospitals, and 3.04 for general hospitals. The factors affecting hospital satisfaction were gender and subjective health status. The factors affecting satisfaction in general hospitals were education, medical department, and hospitalization route. Conclusions: Hospitals should also introduce a systematic management system of general hospitals and strengthen the guarantee of the rights of patients who can improve the quality of medical care through positive communication between medical personnel and patients.

An Influence of the External Self Management Program to Self esteem and Happiness through Fashion Styling -Focused on Alternative School for the Consignment- (패션스타일링을 통한 외적자기관리 프로그램이 자아존중감과 행복감에 미치는 영향 - 위탁형 대안학교 학생을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hyunyoung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2018
  • This study conducted a qualitative research based on interviews with school teachers and instructors operating external activities about how the management of one's own appearance influence the changes in subjective happiness and self-esteem by focusing on maladjusted students of two alternative schools and ordinary middle and high schools in Gyeongsangnam-do province. Happiness refers to a positive emotion that can be felt continuously throughout life such as life satisfaction, good experience, and positive way of thinking. The sense of happiness is the satisfaction that one feels by interpreting and evaluating his or her experience in a positive way and can be defined as the positive emotions that can be felt when one perceives and uses the strengths and resources that he or she has. Although the self-esteem is formed, changed, and developed throughout life, the self-awareness and self-evaluation develop more actively than other stages of development particularly in adolescence, and the adolescents with low self-esteem are faced with more serious behavioral, scholastic, and psychological issues. I hope the results of this study not only help current adolescents at risk to improve their self-esteem but also become a chance to see the issue of adolescents at risk as a part of social issue instead of limiting the issue as personal or domestic issue by expanding the application scope of the results to adolescents in middle schools and high schools who have the potential of going astray in order to approach the issue on the level of the entire society.

A Study on Intention to Solve the Problem via the Prior Experience of Creativity Programs based on the Action Learning Methodology (액션러닝방법론에 기반한 창의성프로그램 참여경험에 따른 문제해결의도의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soung-Hyun;Park, JaeSung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2021
  • This study identified the factors that influence the problem solving intention of students who completed the action learning-based creativity programs based on the theory of reasoned action, and examined the influence relationship between these factors. As a result of the study, first, subjective norms of problem solving had a positive effect on problem solving intention, and second, attitude toward problem solving had a significant effect on problem solving intention. Third, it was found that students who had experience of participating in a patent education program applying the action learning methodology had a positive effect on the relationship between their attitude toward problem solving and their intention to solve the problem. These findings confirmed that in order to enhance the problem-solving intention, which is the basis for creativity of university students, it is important to spread the positive value of problem-solving within the university and to give students a positive attitude toward problem solving.