• Title/Summary/Keyword: Positive Subjective Experience

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The Happiness as a cultural concept: Understanding "Shinmyeong" (신명나는 삶: 한국사람들의 행복에 대한 이해)

  • Min Han;Seongyul Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2009
  • Present research is conducted for understanding the happiness of Korean people. In psychology, the happiness has been studied as subjective state which an individual perceives such as wellbeing(SWB) and satisfaction of life(SOL). However, the perceptions of people would be effected by their own culture, so the happiness has to be considered as a cultural concept. "Haengbok(幸福)", the Korean traditional concept of happiness has to be considered in various viewpoints. Many conditions will be needed to experience the feeling in Korea. However, in many cases, the "Haengbok" is formal expression. The practical term to express the feeling of happiness might be "Shinmyeong". Shinmyeong is one of the Korean unique positive feeling. The term Shinmyeong has been used widely in the context of celebrating happy life in Korean culture. According to former studies, Shinmyeong has influence not only on people's self esteem and self resiliency but on their SWB and SOL. The features and meanings of Shinmyeong is introduced and discussed to extend the discussion about happiness and culture.

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Effects of Static Stretching on Shoulder Joint Pain and Range of Motion in Middle Aged Women Patients with Frozen Shoulder (정적 스트레칭이 중년 여성 어깨굳음증 환자의 통증과 운동범위에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung Jun Han;Hyeon Nam Ryu;Jin Tae Han
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study aimed to determine the effects of static stretching on the pain and range of motion (ROM) of shoulder joints in middle aged women patients with frozen shoulders. Design: One group pretest-posttest design Methods: The participants were 15 middle aged women patients with frozen shoulders in their 40s to 60s. Subjective and objective pain and joint ROM(range of motion) were measured, and the static stretching intervention consisted of 15 minutes of flexion, abduction and external rotation stretching. Results: The results of this study indicated that the daily pain of shoulder joints and pressure pain thresholds of the muscles surrounding the shoulder joints were generally improved after the intervention with the static stretching, for which significant differences were observed (p<0.05). The ROM of shoulder joint flexion, abduction, and external rotation was significantly increased (p<0.05) after the intervention with the static stretching. Conclusion: Static stretching intervention in patients with frozen shoulders relieved shoulder joint pain and had positive effects on the ROM of shoulder joints. Thus, the application of static stretching in middle aged womenpatients who experience severe pain could be effective at enhancing the function of shoulder joints without pain.

Correlates of Subjective Well-being in Korean Culture (한국문화에서 주관안녕에 영향을 미치는 사회심리 요인들)

  • Hahn, Doug-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.5_spc
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    • pp.45-79
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper was to review the results of the subjective well-being(swb) studies performed by Hahn and coworkers in Korean culture. As the correlates of swb, we dealt with demographic/individual difference variables, intrapersonal variables, interpersonal process variables, and Korean cultural variables. We proposed that the components of swb were consisted of quality of life(cognitive swb) and overall happy feelings about one's own life(emotional swb). It was also assumed that a measure of total swb could be calculated by summated mean of cognitive swb and emotional swb measures. The data of the swb studies were analyzed and interpreted according to the above three measures of swb. The results of a nationwide survey(Hahn, 2004) from age of 19 to 75 years ald(n=2,230) showed significant simple correlation coefficients between the following demographic/individual difference variables and swb: Gender difference in swb was found(total swb r=.08, p<.001; life satisfaction r=.10, p<.001; overall emotional swb r=.05, p<.05). Men were happier than women in terms of all three measures of swb. It was also found that women appeared to experience greater positive and negative emotions. Correlation between age and emotional swb(r=.09, p<.001) was significant, but life satisfaction was not significant(r=.04, n.s). Correlations between economic status and swb were also significant(total swb r =.23, p<.001; life satisfaction r=.15 p<.001; overall emotional swb r=.15, p<.001l). Although existence of father was negatively related to emotional swb(r=-.05, p<.05), the existence of mother was not related to any of swb measures. Similarly existence of brothers was related positively to overall emotional swb, but existence of sisters was not. Though existence of son was not related to swb, daughter contributed negatively to swb(total swb -.12, p<.01; life satisfaction -.09, p<.05; emotional swb r=-.12, p<.01). We assumed that family member-in-Iaw also contributed to swb because the extended dose social networks were important in Korean culture. The results showed that the following family member-in-law variables were related to swb: Parents-in-law(total swb r=.11, p<.01; life satisfaction r=.10, p<.01; emotional swb r=.10, p<.01), father-in-law(total swb r=.11, p<.01; life satisfaction r=.11, p<.01; emotional swb r=.06, n.s). The result suggested that especially father-in-law contributed to swb through financial and social support. Correlations between emotional experiences in everyday life and swb were also presented. The range of correlation coefficients between the positive emotion measures and swb were r=.30~.48(p<.001) when the above two measures obtained at same time. But the range decreased to r=.19~32(p<.001) when the swb measure was obtained 9 month later longitudinally. Intercorrelations between positive emotional experience; and life satisfaction were r=.37~58(p<.001) when two measures were obtained at same time. We also examined the effects of the intrapersonal cognitive responses to the most stressful life event upon swb. The results of nationwide survey(n=1,021) showed that self-disclosure(total swb r=.09, p<.010; life satisfaction r=.10, p<.01; emotional swb r=.07, p<.01), rumination(total swb r=-.17, p<.001), thought avoidance(total swb r=.12, p<.001; life satisfaction r=-.08; emotional swb r=-.12, p<.001) and suppression(total swb r=-.13, p<.001; life satisfaction r=-.08, p<.05: emotional swb r=-.13, p<.001) contributed to swb. It was also suggested that mismatch between self-guide and regulatory focus contributed negatively to emotional swb. It was also found that social comparison motives and fulfillment of the motives contributed to swb. The results of a survey research(n=363 college students) revealed that the higher the general social comparison motive, the lower the swb(total swb r=-.15, P<.01: life satisfaction r=-.17. p<.01; emotional swb r=-.10, p<.05). It was also found that satisfaction level of self-evalution motive contributed positively to swb(total swb r=-.14. p<.01: life satisfaction r=-.12, p<.05; emotional swb r=.15, p<.001). Both of self-improvement motive(r=.13, p<.05) and satisfaction level of self-improvement motive(r=.12, p<.05) contributed positively to emotional swb, respectively. The above results suggested that swb was depended upon the interaction effect of social comparison motive; and level of fulfillment of the motives. We also reported the significant multiple predictors of swb in a sample of age from 60years to 89years olds. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the significant multiple predictors of swb were past illness(β=.174, p<.001), economic status(β=.418, p<.001), marital satisfaction(β=.0841, p<.001), satisfaction of offsprins(β=.065, p<.01), expectation level of social support from offsprings(β=-.049, p<.001), and negative emotions(β=-.454. p<.001) among 16 social psychological factors. It was also found that swb was an important multiple predictors of physical health. This finding was replicated in a longitudinal study. Both of positive and negative emotional experiences were significant multiple predictors of physical health one year later. The results of the discriminant analysis showed both of total swb and positive emotional experiences contributed to discriminate the happy and healthy olds from unhappy and unhealthy olds. We paper also examined the effects of the nonnative social behaviors upon swb in Korean culture. The main hypotheses of the study(Hahn, 2006, in press) was that the important nonnative behaviors would influence on swb through both of the mediation processes of adjustment to social relationships and psychological stress. The survey data were collected from 2,129 adults age of 19 to 75, from 7 regional areas in Korea. The results of the study revealed that almost all of correlation coefficients between 15 normative social behaviors and the above three criteria w-ere significant. The fitness test results of the covariance structural equation model showed that all of the fitness indices were satisfactory (GFI=.974, AGFI=.909, NNFI=.922, NFI=.973, CFI=.974. RMR=.049, RMSEA=.073). The results of the analysis revealed that the following five path coeffi6ents from behaviors to social adjustment were significant; behavior tor family and family members(t=5.87, p<.001), courteous behavior(t=4.39, p<.001), faithful behavior (t=2.15. p<.05). collectivistic behavior(t=8.31, p<.001). Seven path coefficients from the normative behaviors to psychological stress were significant; behavior for family and family members (t=-4.63, p<.001), faithful behavior(t=-3.86, p<.001). suppression of emotional expression(t=3.99, p<.001), trustworthy and dependable behavior(t=-2.21, p<.05), collectivistic behavior(t=3.72, p<.001), effortful and diligent behavior(t=2.94, p<.001), husbandry and saving behavior(t=3.40, p<.001). The above results suggested that four normative behaviors among seven behaviors contributed negatively to psychological stress in current Korean society. The results abo confirmed the hypothesized paths from social adjustment (t=10.40, p<.001) to swb and from psychological stress(t=-19.74, p<.001) to swb. The important results of the study were discussed in terms of the Confucian traditions and recent social changes in Korean culture. Finally limitations of this review paper were discussed and the suggestions for the future study were also proposed.

Influence on Information Security Behavior of Members of Organizations: Based on Integration of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Theory of Protection Motivation (TPM) (조직구성원들의 정보보안행동에 미치는 영향: 보호동기이론(PMT)과 계획된 행동이론(TPB) 통합을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, hye in;Kim, seong jun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.56
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    • pp.145-163
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    • 2018
  • Recently, security behavior of members of organizations has been recognized as a critical part of information security at the corporate level. Leakage of customers' information brings more attention to information security behavior of organizations and the importance of a task force. Research on information breach and information security is actively conducted of personal behavior toward security threats or members of organizations who use security technology. This study aims to identify factors of influence on information security behavior of members of organizations and to empirically find out how these factors affect information security behavior through behavior toward attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control. On the basis of the research, this study will present effective and efficient ways to foster information security activities of members of organizations. To this end, the study presented a research model that applied significant variables based on integration of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Theory of Protection Motivation (TPM). To empirically verify this research model, the study conducted a survey of members of organizations who had security-related work experience at companies. So, it is critical for members of organizations to encourage positive word of mouth (WOM) about information security behavior. Results show that based on the integration of TPM and TPB, perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived efficiency and perceived barriers of information security behavior of members of organizations had significant influences on mediating variables such as behavior toward attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control and intention. They also had significant influences on organization information security behavior which is a dependent variable. This study indicates companies should introduce various security solutions so that members of the organizations can prevent and respond to potential internal and external security risks. In addition, they will have to take actions to inspect vulnerability of information system and to meet security requirements such as security patches.

A Study on the Usefulness of Characteristic Past History Investigation for Life Care in People with Lumbar Instability (허리부위 불안정성자 라이프케어를 위한 특징적과거력 조사의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Ki, Chul;Heo, Myoung;Song, Seong-Min
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.583-593
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between and subjective instability pain behavior (SIPB) and physical instability test(PIT) according to the presence of characteristic past histories(CPH) in people with chronic low back pain(CLBP). Forty CLBP subjects participated in this study. The presence of four characteristics past histories(long term history, traumatic experience, sports activities, neurologic sign) were examined. According to presence number(PN) of CPH, subjects were divided into 5 groups[group 1(PN:0): n=8, group 2(PN:1): n=8, group 3(PN:2): n=8, group 4(PN:3): n=8, group 5(PN:4): n=8]. After 16 items were examined for the SIPBs, then Seven PITs were conducted, and the results were scored. The SIPBs and PITs were compared according to the presence numbers of CPH, and the relation between them was analyzed. There was a significant difference(p<.05) in both SIPB scores and PIT scores in the comparison of groups according to the presence number of CPH. There was high positive correlation between the presence numbers of CPH and SIPB score(r=.819, p=.000) and PIT score(r=.606, p=.000). Also, there was a correlation between SIPB score and PIT score(r=.571, p=.000). Based on the findings in the present study, the presence of three or more CPH in people with CLBP may be a useful variable in the diagnosis of lumbar instability. The combined findings of the three variables such as CPH, SIPB, and PIT can improve the accuracy of lumbar instability diagnosis.

Current Status and Health Empowerment of North Korean Women Defectors (북한이탈여성의 현황 및 건강 임파워먼트)

  • Semi Lim;Kyungmi Lee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is a descriptive research study to confirm the difference in health empowerment according to the current status and general characteristics of North Korean women defectors residing in South Korea. The subjects of the study were 201 North Korean women defectors living in the local community, and data were collected from September 16 to September 21, 2020 using a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, pearson's correlation coefficients using the SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. As a result of the study, the domain with the lowest score in the health empowerment of North Korean women defectors was "I know a positive method to cope with stress related to my health care." in the stress management question. Statistically significant differences were found in North Korean repatriation experience(t=3.77, p<.001), education(F=4.56, p=.012), economic status(t=-2.95, p=.004), subjective health status(t=-4.75, p<.001) and subjective stress(t=-2.47, p=.015). Based on the results of this study, alternatives should be prepared to strengthen the health empowerment of North Korean women defectors according to their individual characteristics.

Perception on Hospice and Attitude to Death for University Students (대학생의 호스피스 인식과 죽음 태도)

  • Kim, Myosung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine relation between perception on hospice and attitude toward death to provide baseline data for the development of programs for hospice or death-related education for university students. The survey was performed on 150 students in four universities in B metropolitan city. The data was collected from July 30 to August 13, 2019. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA Pearson's correlation coefficient with the SPSS/WIN 26.0 program. The mean of perception on hospice score was 3.06 out of 4, of the attitude toward death, 'neutral acceptance', 'fear of death', 'death avoidance', 'approach acceptance', and 'escape acceptance' had average scores of 5.31, 3.77, 3.56, 3.15, and 3.06, respectively. There were significant differences in perception on hospice according to gender, major, and experience of hospice-related education and in attitude toward death according to gender, major, religion, subjective health status, experience of hospice-related education. The relationship between perception on hospice and neutral acceptance showed a significant positive correlation, and fear of death and death avoidance showed a significant negative correlation. Therefore, we need consider these variables to develop a hospice or death-related education program to enhance university students' attitudes to death and their perception of hospice.

Survey on Preferences Regarding Rubber Dams in Children, Adolescents and Parents (러버댐에 대한 소아, 청소년 및 보호자에 대한 선호도 조사)

  • Jeong, Hankeul;Lee, Nanyoung;Lee, Sangho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2016
  • The use of a rubber dam is a useful technique for protecting patients and operators, producing good results when treating children and adolescent patients. Despite its many advantages, some children and adolescent patients have negative feelings and sometimes express its discomfort. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the patients' preferences for rubber dam use and the associated factors that may affect it. A survey was conducted targeting patients aged 4-18 years old who visited the pediatric dental clinic, the restorative dental clinic, or the student treatment dental clinic of ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ University Dental Hospital, and were treated using a rubber dam without sedation. We collected questionnaires through electronic medical records. Most children and adolescent patients showed positive attitudes towards using rubber dams. The group with a short treatment time and the group with past knowledge or experience of rubber dam use showed more positive attitudes towards rubber dams (p < 0.05), while no significant difference was found among factors such as gender, age, procedure, anesthetics, treatment site, and operator (p > 0.05).

Justice and Authenticity of Service Recovery : Effects on Customer Behavioral Intention (서비스 회복이 고객의 행동 의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 서비스 회복의 공정성과 진정성을 중심으로)

  • Park, Eun-Ji;Kim, Chang-Gon;Kim, Myung-Soo;Han, Jang-hui
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Satisfaction with service is evaluated according to customers' subjective judgment. The expected value of customer service and its evaluations depend on the customers' position. The customer recognizes two different forms of service levels. One is satisfaction and the other is dissatisfaction. Customers who are satisfied want to receive the service in future. However, those dissatisfied try to change the service. The service provider tries to improve the service. There are two different service cycles. One is the successful cycle and the other is the failure cycle. This study aimed to empirically determine the effects of the justice and authenticity of service recovery on customer behavioral intention through an integrated approach to cognitive justice and psychological authenticity. Research design, data, and methodology - Based on a literature review, justice of service recovery was categorized into three types: distributive, procedural, and interactive. Then, authenticity was added to obtain four independent variables, along with recovery satisfaction as a parameter. Behavioral intention, as an outcome variable, was divided into the repurchase intention and positive word-of-mouth. The model and hypotheses were created and measurement items were developed. A questionnaire survey of items concerning the service recovery experience at family restaurants was conducted on college students and residents in Gwangju from September 30 to October 31, 2013. A total of 400 copies of the questionnaire were sent out and 385 were returned. Respondents answered questions about the importance of, and satisfaction with service recovery on a 5-point Likert scale. Excluding 174 copies without service failure experiences and 7 inappropriate copies, 204 copies were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 for Windows and AMOS 20.0 to determine the reliability and validity of measurements. The hypotheses were tested through a goodness-of-fit analysis. Results - First, distributive justice positively affected recovery satisfaction. Second, procedural and interactive justice had no impact. Third, authenticity positively affected recovery satisfaction. Fourth, distributive justice had relatively stronger effects on recovery satisfaction than authenticity. Fifth, recovery satisfaction significantly affected repurchase intention and positive word-of-mouth and it proved effective in mediation. Finally, additional analysis was performed for descriptive statistics of the principal variables by various demographic characteristics and significant differences were found in gender, occupation, and so on. Conclusions - This study has academic significance as the fairness and authenticity of service recovery were investigated to reveal the effects on behavior. The findings could be applied to a wide range of service recovery strategies. However, there are some limitations. First, data was collected only from the residents of Gwangju and most respondents were aged 20-30. Future studies should target a wide range of areas and age groups. Second, because the questionnaire used in this study targets only convenience family restaurants, the results of this study cannot be generalized to all services companies. Future research should be done on a wide range of industries such as hotels, airlines, and hospitals, and perform a comparison between sectors.

Impact of Lifestyles of Cultural Center Users in Discount Stores on the Store Usage Intention: Mediating Effect of Shopping Value (대형마트부설 문화센터 이용고객의 라이프스타일 유형이 대형마트 이용의도에 미치는 영향: 쇼핑가치의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Gi-Hwang;Kim, Sang-Cheol;Kim, Pan-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to identify whether the operation of cultural centers in discount stores contributes to their profitability. Thus, this study is aimed at exploring how the lifestyles of customers who use the cultural centers influence their intention to use the discount stores. Specifically, the effect of shopping value on the correlation between the lifestyle types and usage intention of the customers were examined through a structured research model. To verify the effect, a survey on 139 customers of the Cultural Center of Nonghyup Hanaro Club's S branch was conducted and the valid questionnaires were used for analysis. Research design, data, and methodology - The findings are as follows. First, the lifestyles seeking self-realization had a positive effect on utilitarian value, and lifestyles seeking pop cultures had a positive effect on hedonic value. Second, the mediating effect of shopping value on the correlation between the lifestyle types and usage intention of the customers is as follows. Utilitarian value had a mediating effect only on the lifestyles seeking self-realization. In case of lifestyles seeking pop cultures, the use of Cultural Center had no effect on the intention to use the discount store. Third, an analysis of a revised research model revealed that the store usage intention of lifestyles seeking pop cultures can be enhanced by boosting the utilitarian value through hedonic value. Results - The findings suggest the following. Customers with lifestyles seeking self-realization, who value what is beneficial to them with little attention to the perceptions of others, are highly interested in the benefits they can gain from shopping. As for customers with lifestyles seeking pop cultures, they are highly likely to consume products popular in a particular culture such as new products and sports, based on financial stability they pursue. Thus, they prefer more subjective, personal experience, unlike consumers pursuing utilitarian value. Conclusions - As a result, the former pursues hedonic value gained in the process of shopping with fun and joy, rather than doing shopping with a particular purpose in mind. Therefore, Cultural Centers need to offer information that fits the lifestyles of the users so that they are more likely to use the discount stores. However, if the Cultural Centers offer unified, profit-driven products and information, just to increase their store sales, it can backfire, which occurred in the past. On the other hand, if they provide information that fits the lifestyles of the users, it can actually increase the sales. Also, the findings suggest that sophisticated marketing strategies that can boost the hedonic value of customers by linking the educational contents of Cultural Centers to actual shopping, which is beneficial to consumers, should be set and operated by discount stores. In particular, customers with lifestyles seeking self-realization can be encouraged to use the stores by making them recognize the utilitarian value. However, the use of Cultural Centers doesn't necessarily lead to higher sales among customers with lifestyles seeking pop cultures. As mentioned previously, unified marketing strategy is not as effective for Cultural Centers of large discount stores.