• Title/Summary/Keyword: Position Indicator

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Development of Control Rod Position Indicator using Seismic-Resistance Reed Switches for Integral Reactor (내지진용 리드스위치를 이용한 일체형원자로용 위치지시기 개발)

  • Yu, Je-Yong;Kim, Ji-Ho;Huh, Hyung;Choi, Myoung-Hwan;Sohn, Dong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.593-596
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    • 2008
  • The reed switch position transmitter (RSPT) is used as a position indicator for the control rod in commercial nuclear power plants made by ABB-CE. But this position indicator has some problems when directly adopting it to the integral reactor. The Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) for the integral reactor is designed to raise and lower the control rod in steps of 2mm in order to satisfy the design features of the integral reactor which are the soluble boron free operation and the use of a nuclear heating for the reactor start-up. Therefore the resolution of the position indicator for the integral reactor should be achieved to sense the position of the control rod more precisely than that of the RSPT of the ABB-CE. This paper adopts seismic resistance reed switches to the position indicator in order to reduce the damages or impacts during the handling of the position indicator and earthquake.

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The Design, Fabrication, and Characteristic Experiment for Control Rod Position Indicator Using Reed Switch in System-Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor (리드스위치를 이용한 일체형원자로용 제어봉 위치지시기 설계 제작 및 특성해석)

  • Hur, Hyung;Kim, Jong-In;Kim, Kern-Jung
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 2003
  • The reliability and accuracy of the information on control rod position are very important to the reactor safety and the design of the core protection system. A survey on the RSPT(Reed Switch Position Transmitter) type control rod position indicator system and its actual implementation in the existing nuclear power plants in Korea was performed first. The control rod position indicator having the high performance for SMART was developed on the basis of RSPT technology identified through the survey. The arrangement of permanent magnet and reed switches is the most important procedure in the design of control rod position indicator. The hysteresis of reed switches is one of the important factors in a repeat accuracy of control rod position indicator as well. This paper investigates efficiency of the magnetic flux concentrator and the hysteresis using FEM and verified differences in physicals characteristics by comparing the results of FEM and those of the experiment. As a result, it is shown that the characteristics of prototype control rod position indicator have a good agreement with the results of FEM.

Design and Manufacture of Position Indicator for Cryogenic Valve (극저온 밸브용 위치지시기 설계 및 제작)

  • Koh, Hyeon-Seok;Han, Sang-Yeop
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.850-853
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    • 2011
  • The position indicator for cryogenic valves used in space launch vehicle should have high reliability and accuracy. Because the valves operate in cryogenic environment, the position indicator has to measure the valve status independently of the environmental factor, such as moisture and external contamination. We have developed the position indicator using a permanent magnet and reed switches to satisfy these requirements. We analyzed the characteristics of a permanent magnet and reed switches, then selected the appropriate components for cryogenic temperature. The shape and position of components were also considered to measure the open/close information of valve accurately Finally, the position indicator was applied to the valve prototype model, and verified the feasibility of design parameters.

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Development of Position Indicator for System-Integrated Reactor SMART (일체형원자로 SMART의 제어봉 위치지시기 개발)

  • Yu, Je-Yong;Kim, Ji-Ho;Huh, Hyung;Kim, Jong-In;Chang, Moon-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06d
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    • pp.921-926
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    • 2001
  • The reliability and accuracy of the information on control rod position are very important to the reactor safety and the design of the core protection system. In this study, a thorough investigation on the RSPT(Reed Switch Position Transmitter) type control rod position indication system and its actual implementation in the exiting nuclear power plants in Korea was performed first. A design of the control rod position indication system using reed switch for the CEDM on the system-integrated reactor SMART was developed based on the position indicator technology identified through the investigation. The feasibility of the design was evaluated by test of manufactured control rod position indicator using reed switch for SMART.

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High Precision Solenoid Type Nuclear Reactor Control Rod Position Indicator (고정밀도 솔레노이드 방식의 원자로 제어봉 위치지시기)

  • Baek, Min-Ho;Hong, Hoon-Bin;Park, Hee-June
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.11
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    • pp.1848-1853
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    • 2016
  • Control Rod Position Indicator in nuclear reactor vessel has developed for small reactor in Korea. Because of severe environment in reactor vessel, target of this study is to develop the suitable position indicator. In this study, solenoid type position indicator made of Mineral Insulated Cable(MI Cable) was introduced to adapt in severe environment. And inductance of the solenoid was used to indicate the rod position for high precision. But problem of this concept is that a linear slope of inductance is changed by temperature effect. To resolve this problem, two sensing coils were introduced for temperature compensation. A role of the sensing coil is to make reference linear equation about certain temperature. To confirm this concept, also, inductance of solenoid and sensing coils were measured at room and high temperature (${\sim}300^{\circ}C$). The results of measurement show that the position error of sensing coil between room and high temperature was about 2%. But it was identified that this error was resulted from insufficient test environment (temperature error between solenoid and sensing coils was about 2% at high temperature condition). Therefore, solenoid type position indicator shows that it is very suitable in reactor vessel as a high precision rod position indicator.

Research on Test Installation of Switch and Normal, Reverse Indication Lamp (선로전환기 정,반위 표시등 설치 시험에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Yang-Ok;Kim, Sang-Yeop;Lee, Nang-Il;Jung, Ho-Hung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.1188-1194
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    • 2008
  • Derail accident of train and motorcar through signal override causes such a huge obstruction in train service. To minimize such derail accidents, number of bills were examined such as installing normal and reverse position indicator on the switch. A indicator was necessary which does not affect current equipments and not to be confused as traffic lights. Normal and reverse position indicator is installed in the middle of the rail in front of front rod of switch. It is to prevent derail accident while manual handling of obstacle by ease of verifying normal and reverse position by attendants or motorcar driver. Also, it is a device that prevents accidents by indicating normal and reverse position of switch during night service of motorcar. Such a prevention accomplished through thorough maintenancework of equipment, precise handling of operators and exterior factors are eliminated or perceived and treated well.

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Bright band detection using X-band polarimetric radar (X-밴드 이중편파 레이더에 의한 밝은 띠 탐지)

  • Lee, Dong-ryul;Jang, Bong-joo;Hwang, Seok Hwan;Noh, Hui-seong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.1211-1220
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    • 2020
  • This research detects the features of the bright band (BB) through analysis of the vertical profile of range height indicator (RHI) and the slant range beam profile of plane position indicator (PPI) of the polarimetric radar measurements-horizontal reflectivity (ZH), differential reflectivity (ZDR), and cross-correlation coefficient (ρHV). As a result of the analysis, it is possible to clearly detect the bright band using the polarimetric radar measurements, and it is confirmed that the result is consistent by double searching for the BB using the RHI and PPI scan data at the same time. Based on these results, the accuracy of QPE (quantification of precipitation estimation) can be improved by applying the BB search method by the PPI slant range in this research to large rainfall radars that only scan PPI volumes in the field without RHI observations.


  • Moon, Eun-Ha;Hwang, Hyeon-Shik
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.23 no.4 s.43
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    • pp.607-618
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    • 1993
  • If the centric prematurity occurs after orthodontic treatment, it creates centric slide regarded as a possible factor in the cause of temporomandibular disorder and/or postorthodontic relapse. The purpose of this study was to investigate the manner of centric prematurity and centric slide in postorthodantic patients. The 36 orthodontic patients who had been treated with edgewise appliance at least 3 mouths previously were used in this study. After recording centric relation by the leaf gauge technique, the centric prematurity and centric slide were studied using SAM2 articulator and mandibular position indicator. The results were as follows : 1. The highest percentage of centric prematurities were found on the second molars. 2. The buccal incline of the palatal cusp was the most frequent area of centric prematurities in the maxilla, while the lingual incline of the buccal cusp was the most frequent area in the mandible. 3. There were no trends in the direction of centric slide on the mandibular position indicator. 4. There were no significant differences in centric discrepancies between the premolar extraction and nonextraction group.

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A Daylighting Design Indicator for Korean Dementia Nursing Homes Based on the Therapeutic Effects of Light - Focusing on maximizing daylight availability, optimizing therapeutic views, and minimizing glare (빛에 의한 치료적 효과 기반의 한국형 치매요양시설의 자연채광 계획지표 개발 - 주광 가용성 최대화, 치료적 조망 최적화 및 현휘 최소화 지표 중심으로)

  • Jee, Soo In
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a daylighting design indicator for Korean dementia nursing homes based on the therapeutic effects of light, focusing on the serious aging index facing Korea and the importance of natural light that occupies the most important position in the therapeutic environments for the elderly with dementia. Methods: A wide range of literature-oriented research methods were mobilized to develop the daylighting design indicator of Korean dementia nursing homes. Results: The daylighting design indicator of Korean dementia nursing homes was derived from three perspectives: maximizing daylight availability, optimizing therapeutic view, and minimizing glare. In addition, eighteen basic indicators were derived within seven indicator items in the range of building layout, windows, glazing, shading devices, spaces, interior finishings, and daylight factor. Implications: The daylighting design indicator of Korean dementia nursing homes revealed in this study will contribute to realizing Korean dementia nursing homes as a therapeutic environment for the elderly with dementia.

Position Recognition and User Identification System Using Signal Strength Map in Home Healthcare Based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) (무선 센서네트워크 기반 신호강도 맵을 이용한 재택형 위치인식 및 사용자 식별 시스템)

  • Yang, Yong-Ju;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Song, Sang-Ha;Yoon, Young-Ro
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.494-502
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    • 2007
  • Ubiquitous location based services (u-LBS) will be interested to an important services. They can easily recognize object position at anytime, anywhere. At present, many researchers are making a study of the position recognition and tracking. This paper consists of postion recognition and user identification system. The position recognition is based on location under services (LBS) using a signal strength map, a database is previously made use of empirical measured received signal strength indicator (RSSI). The user identification system automatically controls instruments which is located in home. Moreover users are able to measures body signal freely. We implemented the multi-hop routing method using the Star-Mesh networks. Also, we use the sensor devices which are satisfied with the IEEE 802.15.4 specification. The used devices are the Nano-24 modules in Octacomm Co. Ltd. A RSSI is very important factor in position recognition analysis. It makes use of the way that decides position recognition and user identification in narrow indoor space. In experiments, we can analyze properties of the RSSI, draw the parameter about position recognition. The experimental result is that RSSI value is attenuated according to increasing distances. It also derives property of the radio frequency (RF) signal. Moreover, we express the monitoring program using the Microsoft C#. Finally, the proposed methods are expected to protect a sudden death and an accident in home.