• Title/Summary/Keyword: Port Traffic

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A Study on the Design of Switch for High Speed Internet Communication Network (고속 인터넷 통신망을 위한 스위치 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 조삼호
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2002
  • A complex network and a parallel computer are made up of interconnected switching units. The role of a switching unit is to set up a connection between an input port and an output port, according to the routing information. We proposed our switching network with a remodeled architecture is a newly modified Banyan network with eight input and output ports. We have analysed the maximum throughput of the revised switch. Our analyses have shown that under the uniform random traffic load, the FIFO discipline is limited to 70%, The switching system consists of an input control unit, a switch unit and an output control unit. Therefore the result of the analyses shows that the results of the networking simulation with the new switch are feasible and if we adopt the new architecture of the revised model of the Banyan switch, the hardware complexity can be reduced. The FIFO discipline has increased by about 11% when we compare the switching system with the input buffer system. We have designed and verified the switching system in VHDL using Max+plusII. We also designed our test environment including micro computers, the base station, and the proposed architecture. We proposed a new architecture of the Banyan switch for BISDN networks and parallel computers.

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A Study on the Method of Freight Generation Estimation according to Company Size in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권의 사업체 규모에 따른 화물발생 예측 방법론 연구)

  • Park Sang-Chul;Choi Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.5 s.101
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 2005
  • In korea, Freight generation models developed in korea were estimated by spatial unit method which predict freight flow by traffic zone. But it is difficult to predict freight generation using these models, because there are the difference of the totality method of sampling data on freight volume and the variability of the variables by these models on each case study, This study developed new estimation model to predict freight flow which is generated from each company using the characteristics of each company such as the freight outbound & inbound volume, the number of employee, sales, gross area, land area. This model is simpler than the that of spatial unit and can apply to the other region. The subjects of study were companies in metropolitan area and types of model were exponential regression models. The adequate explanatory variable in the models were sales. this study have a uniqueness apply micro research method to estimate freight generation not use spatial unit method but use flow unit method by each company unit.

European Augmentation Service - a GNSS Monitoring in South Europe Region

  • Gaglione, Salvatore;Pacifico, Armando;Vultaggio, Mario
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2006
  • In the Civil Aviation field, the international trend (through ICAO, EUROCONTROL) is to adopt one positioning system that allows to follow more flight phases. This will allow to release themselves by ground installations and optimize the traffic flows following the aRea Navigation (RNAV) concept. In order to realize this goal the European Scientific Community are focusing on Augmentation Systems based on Satellite infrastructure (SBAS - Satellite Based Augmentation System) and on Ground based ones (GBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System). The goal of this work is to present some results on SBAS and GBAS performances. Regarding SBAS, the Department of Applied Sciences of Parthenope University, after the acquisition of a Novatel OEM4 SBAS receiver has created a monitoring station that reflect as much as possible a standardized measure environment for EGNOS Data Collection Network (EDCN), established by Eurocontrol. The Department of Applied Science has decided to carry out a own monitoring survey to verify the performance of EGNOS that can be achieved in South Europe region, a zone not very covered by official (EDCN) monitoring network. Regarding GBAS, we started from a data set of measurements carried out at the GBAS of Milan-Linate airport where we work on a ground installation (GMS - Ground Monitoring Station) that supervises the GBAS signal and that represent, for our purposes, the Aircraft subsystem. So the set of data collected is to be considered in RTK mode and after the measures session we processed them with the software PEGASUS v 4.11. Both experiences give us the possibility to evaluate the GNSS1 performance that can be achieved.

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Maritime Casualties Occurred Onboard Ships Registered under the Central American Region Flag States

  • Rojas, Oscar Porras;Imazu, Hayama;Fujisaka, Takahiko
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2006
  • This research is based on the information compiled on the occurrence of maritime casualties onboard ships registered under Central American Region (CAR) flag States. Due to nonexistence of writing reports in anyone of the countries that are integrating this Region, the information was compiled by the author through personal communication with the people involved in the casualties. The information was compiled by typing up the text and digitizing on the computer for the respective data base. For each casualty occurred, the following information was compiled, date and type of the casualty, position of the ship at the time of the casualty, dimension of the ship, number of people affected by the casualty, and cause and consequences of the casualty. Based on the number of people affected (death and disappear) by the casualties occurred was calculated the mortality rate by 100,000 persons and then compared with the Japanese mortality rate. Furthermore were analyzed the CAR maritime authorities competences and then were compared to that the Japanese counter part. In addition, the implementation rate of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions ratified by the CAR countries were analyzed. The objective of this research was to compiled and analyze the occurrences of maritime casualties happened on board the ships registered under the CAR Flag States, in order to determine the causes of these accidents. The results of the analysis enable us to better understand of the maritime safety situation of the ships that are registered under the CAR flag States. In order to reduce the occurrence of maritime casualties are proposed a series of measures based on the differences found then the comparison between CAR and Japan. Based on the results of this research, is possible to conclude that the inaccessibility of atmospheric information and the lack of safety measures onboard has been the main cause of the maritime casualties happened in the Pacific side of the CAR.

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Routing of ALVs under Uncertainty in Automated Container Terminals (컨테이너 터미널의 불확실한 환경 하에서의 ALV 주행 계획 수립방안)

  • Kim, Jeongmin;Lee, Donggyun;Ryu, Kwang Ryel
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2014
  • An automated lifting vehicle(ALV) used in an automated container terminal is a type of unmanned vehicle that can self-lift a container as well as self-transport it to a destination. To operate a fleet of ALVs efficiently, one needs to be able to determine a minimum-time route to a given destination whenever an ALV is to start its transport job. To find a route free from any collision or deadlock, the occupation time of the ALV on each segment of the route should be carefully scheduled to avoid any such hazard. However, it is not easy because not only the travel times of ALVs are uncertain due to traffic condition but also the operation times of cranes en route are not predicted precisely. In this paper, we propose a routing method based on an ant colony optimization algorithm that takes into account these uncertainties. The result of simulation experiment shows that the proposed method can effectively find good routes under uncertainty.

Dynamics modeling and Estimation of Manoeuvrability for Tug-Barge Systems (예부선의 동역학 모델링 및 조종 성능 추정법 개발)

  • Yeo, Dong-Jin;Han, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Jin;Kim, Yeon-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.40-41
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    • 2009
  • In general, ships are towed to keep the safe operations in harbor or channel by tug boats. Due to increase in ocean traffic, many accidents are happened in harbor or channel in these days. Therefore it is necessary to predict manoeuvrability of tug-barge system, and to assure the safety of that system. Turg-barge system is composed of tug boat, barge, and towing cable, connecting both ships. Manoeuvring equations of tug-barge system are suggested, and the scopes of model tests are discussed to establish the mathematical models for tug boats in this paper.

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A Study on Evolution of Bus Priority System (버스 통행우선신호 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Sung-Deuk
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.5 s.101
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    • pp.465-473
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    • 2005
  • In the analysis of the foreign cases on the use of Transit Signal Priority(TSP), the reduction in bus travel time ranged from 6 to $32\%$. This study demonstrates how TSP can be applied to Ulsan Metropolitan City. TSP techniques were used on the bus routes that run eastward for 4.07 kilometers along Munsoo-Ro, a major artery in the most congested part of the city. The simulation was performed on one hour of peak traffic time, using the two TSP strategies of Early Green and Extended Green. The use of the Early Green strategy resulted in an average decrease in travel time ranging from 18.1 to $25.8\%$ and an increase in average travel speed ranging from 30.9 to $40.1\%$. The Extended Green strategy resulted in an average decrease in travel time ranging from 18.1 to $30.3\%$ and an increase in an average travel speed of approximately $30.1\%$. This study demonstrates that TSP is effective in decreasing travel time and increasing travel speed of the bus system in Korea.

Vehicle Navigation using Carrier Phase of GPS/GLONASS (GPS/GLONASS의 반송파 위상을 이용한 차량항법)

  • Lee, In-Su;Lee, Yong-Hee;Moon, Du-Youl;Son, Young-Dong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2002
  • Nowadays, the combined land navigation system using GPS(Global Positioning System) and DR(Deduced Reckoning), etc. has been used. Although GPS is popular with the land navigation system, this is not useful for the kinematic positioning of the vehicles in the urban canyon because of its few satellites. Thus, this study deals with the kinematic positioning of the vehicles with the combined GPS/GLONASS(GLObal Navigation Satellite System) to compliment the drawbacks of GPS. So the kinematic positioning of the vehicles can be performed constantly by the combined GPS/GLONASS based on the high acquisition rate of data with the help of GLONASS despite of many obstacles and few satellites tracked in the test sites. Consequently, the combined GPS/GLONASS can be applicable to the control of traffic flow and the effective management of read system.

A Research of Design and Implementation of Visual Program to Displaying External Factors of Marine Buoy using Quest3D (Quest3D 기반 해상부표 동적안정성의 시각적 표현 프로그램 설계 및 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seo-Jeong;Lee, Jae-Wook;Gug, Seung-Gi
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.599-605
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    • 2012
  • As vessels are faster and bigger, higher safety navigation techniques have been required. In marine traffic area, buoy is to be one of the most important equipment, so that it should be built stable and robust. Verification in design level is good to accomplish it. This paper tries to implement visual program to confirm the external stability, which shows the movement on water by external factors such as wind, tide and current. Considering further requirements for additional influences or functions, design architecture for program introduces the concept of software component. Using Quest3D as the graphic tool, visual programming with software component concept can be implemented.

Study on the Estimation of Collision Risk of Ship in Ship Handling Simulator using Fuzzy Algorithm and Environmental Stress Model (시뮬레이터 기반 퍼지알고리즘과 환경스트레스모델을 이용한 선박 충돌위험도 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Nom-Sun;Kim, Sun-Young;Gong, In-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2009
  • Recently, many maritime accidents have been increased and the collisions due to human error are given a great deal of proportions out of them We develop the Real-time Collision Risk Monitoring System (CRMS) for the navigational officers to cope with the emergency situation promptly and thus to reduce the probability of casualty. In this study, the risk of collision and grounding is evaluated by two kinds of method. The first method is based on Fuzzy algorithm, which evaluates the risk of collision between traffic ships. The second method is based on Environmental Stress (ES) Model, where the total risk of collision and grounding is evaluated by the environmental stress felt by human. The developed real-time CRMS has been installed to the ship handling simulator system and its capabilities have been tested through simulator experiments.