• Title/Summary/Keyword: Poria

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Quality Characteristics of Bokryung-Byung Prepared with Bokryung (Poria cocos Wolf) Powder (재료 배합비를 달리한 복령병의 품질특성)

  • Choi, Mi-Ae
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.510-518
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    • 2012
  • In this research, to modernize traditional food and to make functional bokryung-byung, bokryung-byungwas made with Poriacocos Wolf powder added. During its storage, its moisture content ranged from 42.89 to 44.85%. The control group had the highes tmoisture content (44.85%), and it was reduced significantly as the Poriacocos Wolf powder in creased. The longer the storage period was, the lower the pH and the higher the acidity was. The total bacterial count increased from 2.70 to 3.00 Log CFU/g right after the manufacture and increased rapidly on the fourth day of the storage with more than 7.00 Log CFU/g. There was no difference between the control group and the bokryung-byung, though. The Hunter's color value after the manufacture, with the increase in the added Poriacocos Wolf powder, showed a significantly reduced brightness, but significantly increased redness and yellowness. Their chromaticity did not change, how ever, during their storageat a temperature of $20^{\circ}C$. The hardness, solidity, gumminess, and cohesiveness of the bokryung-byung increased, unlike in the control group, and its brittleness increased. In terms of the overall preference, the preference for the control group was high, but was higher when 5 % Poria cocos Wolf powder was added during the manufacture of the bokryung-byung. As a result of these correlations, it is believed that elastic and chewy dduks are preferred and bokryung-byungs could be developed as functional dduks.

Study on Prevention of Foreign Material Formation in Sclerotium of Poria cocos. (복령 균핵내 이물질 생성 방지 연구)

  • 장현유
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2000
  • Experiments were carried out to determine the effects of culturing conditions DCI(Day required for Colonization after Inoculation), CR(Contamination Rate), MD(Mycelial Density), DPI(Day required for Primordial sclerotia formation after Inoculation), yields, and degree of the foreign materials formations in Poria cocos sclerotia. The upper and bottom side of wood logs were covered with gauze, rice hull and floating leaves, vinyl, or covering cloth in order to prevent foreign material formations in p. cocos. The major results were positive in the order of rice hull, floating leaf, vinyl, gauze, and covering cloth covered and dwindled. In case of the upper and bottom sides of the wood logs covered with rice hull, DCI required 50 days more when compared with the control group(45 days) and CR was 0%, while the control group showed 2% CR. MD was excellent in case of conventional methods as against control's. DPI required 17~20 days less when compared with the control group(82 days). Yields of p. cocos in case of the upper and bottom side of wood logs covered with rice hull were 5.87kg, which is 35.7% higher than that of the control group(4.33kg), and 5.62kg in the case of upper sides cover only(increased by 29.8% compared with control), and 5.59kg in the case of bottom side cover only(increased by 29.1% compared with control), and foreign materials were none. In a separate experiment, where the upper and bottom sides of wood logs were covered with rice hull to prevent the foreign material formation, the results were as follows : Sclerotia formation status and quality of P. cocos were effective in the order of 20cm, 40cm, and 60cm of buring depth and dwindled. In 20cm of burying depth, DCI was shortened by 5 days and CR was none, while the control group showed 2% CR. MD was remarkably fine at the mulched conditions. DPI was shortened by 20 days when compared with the control(62 days).

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Effects of Plantaginis Semen & Poria (CJB) Water Extract on Histomorphometrical Aspects and Histopathological Changes in High Fat Diet-induced Obese Rats (차전자·복령의 복합 물추출물(CJB)이 고지방사료로 유도된 비만 생쥐의 조직형태 및 조직병리학적 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Jeong Soo;Suk, Jang Mi;Choi, Hye min;Shin, Insoon;Hwang, Su Jung;Park, Ji Young;Kim, Sung Ok;Seo, Bu Il;Kim, Mi Ryeo
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease caused by disorder of energy balance and lipid metabolism. This study was conducted by histopathology and histomorphometry to investigate the anti-obesity effects of mixed water extract of Plantaginis Semen & Poria (CJB) on liver, epididymal fat pads and pancreas zymogen granules in obese rats induced with high fat diet. Method : Male Sprague-Dawley rats to be divided four groups were fed into four different treatments: normal (NOR) diet, high-fat (HF) diet, HF diet+CJB (100 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg, P.O.) for 8 weeks. The weekly body weights were measured in four experimental groups, respectively. Also histopathological and histomorphometrical changes of liver, epididymal fat pads and pancreas zymogen granules were observed in normal control and obese rats, respectively. Results : Adminstration of CJB significantly reduced body weights compared to those of HF group for experimental period. After 8 weeks, liver weights in the CJB groups were lower than those of HF group. In addition, HF diet related steatohepatitis, adipocyte hypertrophy, exocrine disturbances (decreases of pancreatic zymogen granules) were also dose-dependently inhibited by treatment of test material, CJB 100 and CJB 300 as compared with HF group, respectively. Conclusion : Based on the results, it is considered that CJB will be showed hepatoprotective and anti-obese effects, may be directly and/or indirectly mediated by pancreatic zymogen granules because they dose-dependently inhibited steatohepatitis, hypertrophy of adipocytes and decreases of pancreatic zymogen granules induced by HF diet supply, respectively.

A Study On Compositions, Dosages and Usages of Sagunjatang, Samultang, Palmultang, Sipjeondaebotang in Literature (사군자탕(四君子湯), 사물탕(四物湯), 팔물탕(八物湯) 및 십전대보탕(十全大補湯)의 처방 구성 및 용량 용법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Goo;Huang, Dae-Sun;Yu, Young-Beob;Ma, Jin-Yeul;Ha, Hye-Kyeong;Shin, Hyeun-Kyoo
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2006
  • The result is the followings after investigating composition, dosage and usage of Sagunjatang(四君子湯), Samultang(四物湯), Palmultang(八物湯), Sipjeondaebotang(十全大補湯) in literature by country and Era 1. Sagunjatang has become equal to Panax ginseng(人蔘), Atractylodes japonica(白朮), Poria cocos(복령) each for 2 Jeon(錢), Glycyrrhiza uralensis(甘草) 1 jeon since the Ming Dynasty in China and it is standardized by Panax ginseng, Atractylodes japonica, Poria cocos and Glycyrrhiza uralensis each for 1 Jeon 2 Pun(分) 5 Ri(里) since Dongeuibogam in Korea. 2. Samultang has become equal to Angelica gigas(當歸) and Rehmannia glutinosa(地黃) each three Jeon, Cnidium officinale(川芎) is 1 Jeon 2 Pun or 1 jeon and Paeonia lactiflora(芎藥) 2 Jeon since the Ming Dynasty in China and it is standardized by Angelica gigas, Cnidium officinale, Paeonia lactiflora and Rehmannia glutinosa each for 1 Jeon 2 Pun 5 Ri since Dongeuibogam in Korea. 3. In the case of Palmultang, compositional usage of medicine was different in the Ming Dynastry and the Ching(靑) Dynastry in China. Total dosage was increased and ratio of Angelica gigas and Rehmannia glutinosa was increased comparatively in the Ching Dynasty. All prescription of medicine was consisted of 1 Jeon 2 Pun and specific dosage was presented except Euirimchwalyo(醫林撮要) that dosage was not recorded in Korea. 4. Sipjeondaebotang tended to increase total dosage in the latter part in China. Dosage was mostly used 1 Jeon thus Dongeuibogam but Bangyakhap(方藥合編) used 1 Jeon 5 Pun differentially.

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The Oriental Medical Literature Relating to Treatment of Gyogamdan in Ki Stagnation;focused on Suseunghwagang (교감단(交感丹)의 기울증(氣鬱症) 치료(治療)에 관(關)한 문헌(文獻) 연구(船究);수승화강(水升火降)을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Young-Hwan;Kook, Yoon-Bum
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2008
  • The Oriental Medical Literature Relating to Treatment of Gyogamdan in Ki Stagnation : focused on Suseunghwagang The normal drift of a current Ki can maintain a function of body. An abnormal drift of a current Ki which is called a Ki Stagnation by lots of thinking or agony gets to a various disease syndrome. A Ki Stagnation is similar to a mental stress disease. It is a common disease for us to contact easily, so, it is very valuable to study. Gyogamdan which is composed of Cyperi Rhizoma L. and Poria cum Radix pini has been used by basic prescription of a symptom related to all kinds of Ki disease, after being recorded to Hongssijibhumbang first. Gyogamdan has an ability to regulate Ki , through 'Suseunghwagang-centric'(Ascending the Water and Descending the Fire) in body. Gyogamdan compares to Gamijajoohwan which can treat eyes dizzy by ascending heat and Gongjindan which can regulate lack of basic Ki through 'Suseunghwagang-centric'. It is general for the herb and acupuncture to give medical treatment coming together in oriental medicine, so do Gyogamdan and Sagwan Acupoints. Gyogamdan in composition Cyperi Rhizoma L. and Poria cum Radix pini and Sagwan Acupoints in composition Hapkok and T'aech'ung get to synergistic effects. Therefore, a Ki Stagnation treatment through unions of Gyogamdan and Sagwan Acupoints may have more effects than when a treatment used each one alone. Be considered that we have to study Gyogamdan and Sagwan Acupoints carried out an experiment to set up the previous theory in future

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Study on Herb Pair of Zanthoxyli Fructus(Pericarpium Zanthoxyli) (촉초(蜀椒)(천초(川椒)) 약대(藥對)에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Boo-Kyun;Lim, Kyu-Sang;Kang, Hwi-Joong;Lee, Jang-Cheon
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to find out herb-pair prototype composed of Zanthoxyli Fructus, to examine compatibility regulation between them and to classify them into seven features of compatibility. Methods : To search usages of Zanthoxyli Fructus compatibility, we have investigated the classics of herb and prescription such as "五十二病方"(Fifty-two kinds of Diseases), "黃帝內經"(The Medical Classic of Yellow Emperor), "傷寒論"(Treatise on Febrile Caused by Cold), "金匱要略"(Synopsis of Prescriptions of The Golden), "附廣肘后方"(Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies), "本草綱目"(Compendium of Materia Medica), "得配本草"(Deukbae Materia Medica). Results : In these books Zanthoxyli Fructus was paired with below herbs; 桂(Cinnamomi Cortex), 薑(Zingiberis Rhizoma), 吳茱萸(Evodiae Fructus), 細辛(Asari Radix), 茴香(Foeniculi Fructus), 肉荳蔲(Cistanches Herba), 釜下土(Terba Flava Usta), 益智仁(Alpinae Oxyphyllae Fructus), 飴(Saccharum Granorum), 葱白(Allii Radix), 梨(Pyrus), 牙皂(Gleditsia Fructus), 杏仁(Armeniacae Amarum Semen), 蕎麥粉(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), 胡粉(Minium), 白朮(Atractylodis Rhizoma White), 蒼朮(Atractylodis Rhizoma), 麻子仁(Cannabis Fructus), 大麥蘗(Hordei Fructus Germiniatus), 麴(Massa Medicata Fermentata), 生地黃(Rehmanniae Radix), 茯苓(Poria), 牡蛎(Ostreae Concha), 白礬(Alumen), 雄黃(Realgar), 烏頭(Aconiti Radix), 附子(Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Radix). Conclusions : Zanthoxyli Fructus herb-pair classified by seven features of compatibility are as follows; 1. Mutual reinforcement compatibility with : Cinnamomi Cortex, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Evodiae Fructus, Asari Radix, Foeniculi Fructus, Cistanches Herba, Terba Flava Usta, Alpinae Oxyphyllae Fructus, Saccharum Granorum, Allii Radix, Pyrus, Gleditsia Fructus. 2. Mutual assistance compatibility with : Armeniacae Amarum Semen, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, Minium, Atractylodis Rhizoma White, Atractylodis Rhizoma, Cannabis Fructus, Hordei Fructus Germiniatus, Massa Medicata Fermentata, Rehmanniae Radix, Poria, Ostreae Concha, Alumen. 3. Mutual restraint compatibility with: Realgar, Aconiti Radix, Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Radix) 4. Mutual detoxication compatibility with: 桑汁(Juice of Mori Folium), 桑根汁(Juice of Morus Cortex), 大蒜(Allii Bulbus), 薺苨(Remotiflori Radix), 桂汁(Juice of Cinnamomi Cortex).

Poria cocos Herbal Acupuncture Prevents ${\beta}$-cell Damage on Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rat (Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨 흰쥐에서 복령약침의 ${\beta}$-cell 손상 방지 효과)

  • Seo, Chang-Wan;Seo, Byung-Kwan;Kim, Jong-In;Kang, Sung-Keel
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2009
  • 목적 : 정상 췌장조직 속에 존재하는 췌장 소도세포들을 파괴시켜 고혈당을 유발시키고 복령 물추출물로 약침을 시술하여 췌장 조직의 보호효과와 항당뇨 효과를 살펴보고자 실험을 진행하였다. 방법 : 5주령의 Sprague-Dawley rat을 통제된 실험실 환경에 적응시킨 후 1주일간 복령약침액(125mg/kg 복령약침군 및 250mg/kg 복령약침군)을 좌우 신수($BL_{23}$)에 교대로 각각 피하에 약침하고 streptozotocin을 복강내 주사하여 3일 후 diabetes mellitus 유도 정도를 평가하고 2주일간 추가 치료를 진행 한 뒤, 혈액지표(plasma glucose, insulin, TG, TC, NEFA, sGOT, sGPT, ALP, BUN, CRE)와 췌장조직의 형태학적 분석 및 염증 관련 단백질의 발현을 평가하였다. 결과 : 복령약침군(125mg/kg 복령약침군 및 250mg/kg 복령약침군)에서 insulin과 triglyceride, NEFA 수치가 유의하게 감소하였으며 간 기능 효소수치인 sGOT가 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으나, 신장기능지수는 유의한 감소를 나타내지 않았다. 특히 250mg/kg 복령약침군에서 streptozotocin 투여로 인한 pancreatic islet의 형태학적 변성이 현저하게 개선되었다. Western blot 결과 JNK-2, P-JNK-2, P-JNK-1, ERK1/2 및 phosphorylated ERK1의 발현이 감소되었다. 결론 : 복령약침이 고인슐린혈증과 고지질질혈증을 개선시키고 streptozotocin에 의한 pancreatic islet의 파괴를 억제하며, 이는 inflammation-related transcription factor인 NF-kB와도 관련이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 향후 복령약침의 항당뇨 효과와 그 기전에 관한 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다

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Quality and Functional Characteristics of Cultivated Hoelen (Poria cocos Wolf) under the Picking Date (재배 복령(Poria cocos Wolf)의 채취시기에 따른 화학적 품질과 기능적 특성)

  • 정신교;권미선;최종욱;송경식;강우원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.1034-1040
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    • 1998
  • The nutritional quality and physiological activity of cultivated hoelen from 13 months to 24 months were examined to compare with natural hoelen. General compositions of hoelen were as follows re spectively; crude protein 1.80~2.50%, crude fat 0.68~1.23%, crude ash 0.12~0.43%, crude fiber 6.30~7.14%, nitrogen free extract 89.25~90.44%. The major free sugar was glucose, and the content of 13 months cultivated hoelen was higher than any other cultivated hoelen. The major fatty acids of hoelen were linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids was 62.62~77.96% and the content was higher in cultivated hoelen than in natural hoelen. The contents of amino acid were high in the order of tyrosine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and serine, and increased as the day of cultivation became longer. The contents of mineral components were higher in the order of Ca, K, Mg and the contents of Na and Ca were higher in natural hoelen than in cultivated hoelen. The contents of pachymic acid and dehydropachymic acid was similar in the natural and cultivated hoelen. On the results of antimicrobial test the ethanol extract showed a stronger effect than water extract, and had an excellent antimicrobial activity on Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli. The ethanol extract of hoelen showed comparatively strong electron donating ability. The ethanol extract of hoelen showed a high inhibition activity on the growth of lung cancer, ovary cancer, skin cancer, central nerve cancer and rectum cancer, especially the activity of 19 months cultivated hoelen was the highest. On the above results of nutritional quality and physiological activity of hoelen, it is supposed that the picking date of cultivated hoelen was suitable over than 19 months.

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Combination Tendency Analysis on Herbal Formula to Treat Insomnia Focused on Zizyphi spinosi Semen (불면증에서 산조인의 유무에 따른 약물배오의 경향성 고찰)

  • Lee, Won-Yung;Jeong, Gi-Hoon
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : Zizyphi spinosi Semen is widely used for treating insomnia in korea and other oriental country. This study is analyzing combination tendency of Zizyphi spinosi Semen in herbal formula for treating insomnia. Methods : Herbal formulas for treating insomia were searched in "The Prescription Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine", and checked in each literary source. Then, the herbal formula was divided in two groups : FCZ(The formula group containing Zizyphi spinosi Semen) and FWZ(The formula group without Zizyphi spinosi Semen). FCZ and FWZ were compared by following criteria; i) Prevalence of herbal formula by period ii) Prevalence of medicinal material's effects iii) Prevalence of medicinal material iv) Prevalence of the nature of midicinals v) Prevalence of flavor of medicinals vi) Prevalence of meridian entry. Results : 116 Herbal formula met our criteria, and herbal formulas were divided in two groups : FCZ(n=59), FWZ(n=57). The result of prevalence in FCZ is following; Herbal formula prevalence increased as time passed to the Qing(淸) dynasty. Tonifying and replenishing medicinal(補益藥), tranquillizing medicinal (安神藥), and inducing diuresis to drain dampness medicinal(利水滲濕藥) are the three most prevalent types of materia medica. In specifically, Panax ginseng radix(人蔘), Liriopis Tuber(麥門冬), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Poria Cocos(茯神), Glycyrrhizae Radix(甘草), Poria cocos(茯神), Polygalae Radix(遠志), Thuja Orientalis L.(柏子仁), Paeonia Japonica(白芍藥), and HgS(硃砂) are combined frequently. The most prevalent nature of medicinals were 'warm microwarm(溫 微溫)' and flavor of medicinals was normal(平). Meridian entrys that frequently combined were heart(心), spleen(脾), and liver(肝). Conclusion : We found combination tendency of Zizyphi Semen in herbal formula for treating insomnia.

A study on the rules and the principles of the six-drugs mixing forming the prescription of Yukmijihwanghuan(六味地黃丸) (육미지황환(六味地黃丸)의 제방원칙(制方原則) 및 배합원리(配合原理)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Yoon-Hyeon;Yoon, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2010
  • The conclusions after studying the rules and the principles of the six-drugs mixing forming the prescription of Yukmijihwanghuan(六味地黃丸) are as follows: 1. Yukmijihwanghuan cares for the three viscera; the liver, the spleen and the kidney and the three entrails; the urinary bladder, the gall bladder, and the stomach and it strengthens them as well. The drug can be used mainly for the cure of the Three Yang Channels of Foot and the Three Yin Channels of Foot. 2. The three drugs of Yukmijihwanghuan; Rehmanniae Radix, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Corni Fructus altogether has the tonifying effect and the other three; Alismatis Rhizoma, Moutan Cortex, Poria has the purging effect. The first three kinds of drugs tonifies and the last three kinds of drugs purges. While these two groups of drugs are pitted against each other, they also balance each other harmoniously increasing the curative effect(remedial[curative] value). 3. Yukmijihwanghuan cools off the lung which is under metal category, helps the spleen, an earth category to be strong. It also adds the Water Qi to the kidney so that it stabilizes the Fire Qi. 4. Yukmijihwanghuan helps the kidney strongly, helps the urine to be excreted well, cools down the Fire Qi and makes dry things wet. 5. Rehmanniae Radix, the principal drug of Yukmijihwanghuan and Corni Fructus, the minister drug of the medicine have a taste of thick and are materially heavy. The two drugs do the descending action that it tonifies Yin Qi and adds Essence of Life. The other ingredients of Yukmijihwanghuan; Moutan Cortex, Poria, Alismatis Rhizoma have effects on lowering the Fire Qi. If Fire Qi descends, then Water Qi ascends. Yukmijihwanghuan has an efficacy of lowering Fire Qi and increasing Water Qi.