• Title/Summary/Keyword: Political Crisis

검색결과 193건 처리시간 0.026초

문학텍스트와 문학적 해석 -「스페인 문학사」를 통한 모델 연구 (Literary Text and the Cultural Interpretation - A Study of the Model of 「History of Spanish Literature」)

  • 나송주
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제26권
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    • pp.465-485
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    • 2012
  • Instructing "History of Spanish Literature" class faces various types of limits and obstacles, just as other foreign language literature history classes do. Majority of students enter the university without having any previous spanish learning experience, which means, for them, even the interpretation of the text itself can be difficult. Moreover, the fact that "History of Spanish Literature" is traced all the way back to the Middle Age, students encounter even more difficulties and find factors that make them feel the class is not interesting. To list several, such factors include the embarrassment felt by the students, antiquated expressions, literature texts filled with deliberately broken grammars, explanations written in pretentious vocabularies, disorderly introduction of many different literary works that ignores the big picture, in which in return, reduces academic interest in students, and finally general lack of interest in literate itself due to the fact that the following generation is used to visual media. Although recognizing such problem that causes the distortion of the value of our lives and literature is a very imminent problem, there has not even been a primary discussion on such matter. Thus, the problem of what to teach in "History of Spanish Literature" class remains unsolved so far. Such problem includes wether to teach the history of authors and literature works, or the chronology of the text, the correlations, and what style of writing to teach first among many, and how to teach to read with criticism, and how to effectively utilize the limited class time to teach. However, unfortunately, there has not been any sorts of discussion among the insructors. I, as well, am not so proud of myself either when I question myself of how little and insufficiently did I contemplate about such problems. Living in the era so called the visual media era or the crisis of humanity studies, now there is a strong need to bring some change in the education of literature history. To suggest a solution to make such necessary change, I recommended to incorporate the visual media, the culture or custom that students are accustomed to, to the class. This solution is not only an attempt to introduce various fields to students, superseding the mere literature reserch area, but also the result that reflects the voice of students who come from a different cultural background and generation. Thus, what not to forget is that the bottom line of adopting a new teaching method is to increase the class participation of students and broaden the horizon of the Spanish literature. However, the ultimate goal of "History of Spanish Literature" class is the contemplation about humanity, not the progress in linguistic ability. Similarly, the ultimate goal of university education is to train students to become a successful member of the society. To achieve such goal, cultural approach to the literature text helps not only Spanish learning but also pragmatic education. Moreover, it helps to go beyond of what a mere functional person does. However, despite such optimistic expectations, foreign literature class has to face limits of eclecticism. As for the solution, as mentioned above, the method of teaching that mainly incorporates cultural text is a approach that fulfills the students with sensibility who live in the visual era. Second, it is a three-dimensional and sensible approach for the visual era, not an annotation that searches for any ambiguous vocabularies or metaphors. Third, it is the method that reduces the burdensome amount of reading. Fourth, it triggers interest in students including philosophical, sociocultural, and political ones. Such experience is expected to stimulate the intellectual curiosity in students and moreover motivates them to continues their study in graduate school, because it itself can be an interesting area of study.

윤씨부인의 여사적(女師的) 삶과 그 의미 (A study of Mrs Yun's Teaching Life and It's Meaning)

  • 윤경희
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제49호
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    • pp.161-185
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    • 2012
  • 본고는 조선 중기 사대부 여성 윤씨부인의 일생을 서포(西浦) 김만중(金萬重)의 "선비정경부인행장(先?貞敬夫人行狀)"을 주 자료로 하여 재구하여, 아들에 의해 형상화된 사대부 여성의 여사(女師)적 이미지를 고찰하였다. 윤씨 부인의 삶은 한 마디로 여사적(女師的) 삶이라고 규정할 수 있다. 그녀는 당대 최고 명문가인 해평 윤문의 외동 딸로 태어나 할머니인 정혜옹주에게 엄격한 훈육을 받고 강한 의지력과 절제력을 지닌 사려 깊은 여성으로 성장하였다. 이후 조선 최고의 예학 집안인 광산 김문으로 출가하지만 병자호란이라는 미증유의 국난에 남편 김익겸이 순절하여, 윤씨부인은 남편, 아버지의 자리를 대신하여 가문의 여사가 되었다. 집안의 정신적 지도자, 여사로 윤씨부인은 손녀 딸 인경왕후를 덕망을 갖춘 왕가의 여인으로 훈육하였다. 그녀는 손자, 조카들의 교육에도 열과 성을 다하였는데, 그 결과 두 아들과 손자가 대제학에 오르는 가문의 번성을 이루게 된다. 만년에 연이은 정변으로 가문에 위기가 닥쳤을 때도 윤씨부인은 집안의 여사로서 중심을 잡고 법도를 준수하여 가문의 앞날을 기약하였다. 손자와 종손들에게 학업에 힘쓸 것을 당부하였고, 며느리, 손부들에게는 근검한 집안의 법도를 지킬 것을 유언으로 남겼다. 보통 사람으로는 감당하기 어려웠던 고난과 좌절을 강인한 의지로 극복해 낸 윤씨부인의 삶은 가부장 제도에 순종한 여성의 수동적 선택으로 평가하는 것은 온당하지 않다. 그녀는 아름다운 자질을 지니고 태어난 현명한 여성으로 자신에게 주어진 운명의 길을 능동적으로 걸어간 것이다. 윤씨부인은 고난과 궁핍을 두려워하지 않고 극복하며 다른 사람의 본보기가 되는 삶에 진정한 가치를 둔 진정한 스승, 여사(女師)였던 것이다.

Новая нормальность в АТР: Пекин между Москвой и Вашингтоном (New Normality in the Asia-Pacific Region: Beijing between Moscow and Washington)

  • Луконин Сергей Александрович;Чже Сун Хун
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.229-258
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    • 2023
  • Для основных ведущих стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона США, Китая и России сложилась ситуация "новой нормальности". Причем для каждой из указанных стран эта "новая нормальность" имеет свои собственные особенности, характеристики и значение. Для США – это обострение военного противостояния с Китаем в Тайваньском проливе. Для Китая – обострение соперничества с Соединенными Штатами до нового уровня и, одновременно, замедление темпов экономического развития с очень высокой вероятностью их дальнейшего снижения. "Новая нормальность" для России – это почти полное свертывание отношений с США, ЕС и их партнёрами и союзниками на фоне специальной военной операции и введенных санкций. Эти нюансы, в дополнение к результатам 20-го съезда КПК, во многом и будут определять основные тенденции в китайско-американских и китайско-российских отношениях. С высокой вероятностью отношения Китая и России не претерпят серьезных изменений на фоне украинского кризиса. Пекин будет стараться сохранять позицию "доброжелательного нейтралитета" по отношению к Москве. В то же время баланс между "доброй волей" и "нейтралитетом" может варьироваться в зависимости от масштабов китайско-российского сотрудничества. Например, в экономической сфере китайские компании будут лимитировать сотрудничество с российскими партнерами, опасаясь западных вторичных санкций. Однако, в целом, Россия сохранит свое значение для Китая как сильнейший антиамериканский полюс. В отношениях с США Китай продолжит твердо отстаивать свои интересы, в то же время, не исключая нормализации отношений с Вашингтоном в определенных областях сотрудничества: стратегическая стабильность, нетрадиционные угрозы, экология и т.д. В целом решения 20-го съезда КПК не позволяют говорить ни за, ни против идеи о готовности Китая возобновить диалог с США в период после конгресса. Китайско-американские отношения, как отмечалось выше, имеют свою собственную логику и, вероятно, продолжат развиваться в ее рамках. Впрочем, как и китайско-российские отношения. В рамках этой логики Пекин, похоже, продолжает балансировать между двумя векторами своей внешней политики. С одной стороны – это развитие двустороннего сотрудничества с Россией с целью укрепления собственных переговорных позиций в противостоянии с Вашингтоном: военное сотрудничество с акцентом на совместные учения, политическое сотрудничество, основанное на антиамериканизме, экономическое сотрудничество с оглядкой на риски вторичных санкций. С другой стороны, для Китая неприемлемо, во-первых, нарушение территориальной целостности Украины, во-вторых, прямое военное столкновение с США и, в-третьих, дальнейшее обострение отношений с Вашингтоном по фактору китайской дружбы с Россией.