• Title/Summary/Keyword: Point Mass

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Hydroxyurea with Radiation Therapy of the Carcinoma of the Cervix IIA, IIB (병기 IIa, IIb 자궁경부암에서 방사선치료와 Hydroxyurea 병합치료 결과)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Youn, Seon-Min;Kim, Ok-Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 1995
  • Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of hydroxyurea with radiation in carcinoma of the cervix, huge exophytic or endophytic stage IIA and IIb. Materials and Methods : Sixty four patients with carcinoma of the cervix stage IIA (29 patients) with exophytic ($\geq$3cm in diameter) or huge endophytic mass and IIB (35 patients) treated with radiation and hydroxyurea at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Dongsan Hospital, Keimyung University. School of Medicine from Aug, 1989 to May, 1991. The maximum and mean follow up durations were 68 and 57 months respectively. The radiation therapy consisted of external irradiation to the whole pelvis(3600-5400cGy) and boost parametrial doses (for a total of 4500-6300cGy) with midline shield ($4{\times}10$ cm), and combined with intracavitary irradiation (3000-3500 cGy to point A). Hydroxyurea was to be taken in a single oral dose of 1.0gm/day during radiation therapy. Results : The control rate was 89.1%. The actuarial overall five year survival rate was 78.8% for stage IIA and 72.8% for stageIIB. The overall recurrence rate was 25% (16/64). Tewnty-three percent of the patients developed leukopenia ($\geq$grade 3) and four percent of the patients developed grade 3 or greater thrombocytopenia. Grade 3 or greater GI, GU complication and anemia were not noted. There was no treatment related death noted. Conclusion : We considered that hydroxyurea and radiation therapy may improve survival rate in huge exophytic and endophytic stage IIa cervical carcinoma with acceptible morbidity.

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Implementation of HACCP System for Safety of Donated Food in Foodbank Organization (푸드뱅크 기탁식품의 안전성 확보를 위한 HACCP 제도 적용)

  • Park, Hyun-Shin;Bae, Hyeon-Ju;Lee, Jee-Hae;Yang, Il-Sun;Kang, Hye-Seung;Kim, Chul-Jai
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.315-328
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems arising from the actual conditions of the Foodbank, and to implement the HACCP system as a solution in terms of increasing the safety of donated food within the Foodbank. In order to apply HACCP system, the entire Foodbank working process such as preparation, collection, transportation, division, and distribution was considered and analyzed to decide the application point for CCPs. Donated foods mainly consisted of processed foods, raw materials, lunch boxes, and cooked foods from mass catering establishments, which dominated over the others in terms of quantity. Cooked foods were divided into three groups based on menu-types and processing methods. Temperature, pH, and aw were measured on cooked foods, and Total Plate Count, Coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and E. coli O157:H7 were conducted in order to apply a HACCP plan. From these experiments, temperature, pH, and $a_w$ of donated food were likely contributed to microbial growth. Donated foods before HACCP implementation showed high numbers in terms of total plate count and Coliforms, both well over the acceptable standard levels. By setting the CCPs on maintenance of donated food below $10^{\circ}C$ and using a $75^{\circ}C$ reheating method, microbiological hazard levels were able to be controlled and lowered. From these results, it is concluded that in order to guarantee food safety, foods donated to the Foodbank must not only maintain a reasonable level of initial microbiological growth, but also must be handled properly through time and temperature controls within the Foodbank system. Furthermore, in terms of implementing the HACCP plan within the Foodbank management structure, basic food safety and sanitation measures, such as reheating facilities and various cold chain systems such as refrigerated vehicle for food transportation are importantly needed. The training and education of Foodbank personnel and management in areas such as awareness of hygiene and safe food handling and practice are also required and necessary.

Availability Evaluation System for Remodeling of Existing Apartment Houses (기존 공동주택의 리모델링 용이성 평가 체계)

  • Cha, Woo-Cul;Lim, Byung-Wook;Shin, Chang-Hyun;Shin, Byung-Hyun;Lee, Jea-Sauk;Chun, Jae-Youl
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.204-213
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    • 2008
  • Apartments production without a previous example is existed by suddenly rapid growth of population and city. So this mass producted aged Apartments have many problems that is aged and staleness. Confrontation of obsolete and staleness is Build&Scrap and Remodeling. But Remodeling is much better than Build&Scrap Because Remodeling has Social, Economical, Environmental merits. This Research is Feasibility Evaluation System on an object of Remodeling. Feasibility Evaluation means Possibility on Objective action on aiming action in other words. It means degree of difficulty about purpose to act. Remodeling is based on existing apartment, to improve ability and performance of existed aged Apartment and by engineering technique and method. A point of view, development of Remodeling technique and popularization is necessary as well as Remodeling Plan and Construction technique of applied Existing building logical Approach is that. The purpose of this paper is handling allowance range of Remodeling Plan and Achievement accomplishment Feasibility Evaluation of purpose and objective and Understanding. Remodeling Feasibility is evaluated by two aspects. The first is Macro Level Approach of Remodeling Feasibility Evaluation on a Apartment Complex, and The second is Micro Level Approach of Remodeling Feasibility on each housing part is evaluated about removal and dismantlement.

A Study on Development of Presidential Preference in the Poll Survey (대통령 국정수행 지지도 조사의 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Bae, Jong-Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association for Survey Research Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.63-81
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the newly developing ideas to compose an appropriate question and to point out the present problems in the utilization of survey result. It is very vital for the presidential preference not only to be a political achievement of the President himself, but also to be a influential base of people-related policy and its implementation. At first, it turned out to be inappropriate to make a question for the evaluation of presidential working performance in the perspective of questionnaire planning. As the respondents were not informed of what the President did, so they were more likely not to know whether the President did well or not. Secondly, the correlation analysis has been made between the evaluation question of the presidential working performance and policy-related questions including the direct one for the presidential preference in the aspect of statistical analysis. Through this process, the evaluation of the presidential working performance is not accountable and the direct question for the presidential preference is at best explainable. In conclusion, it seems more persuasive to compare the statistical outcome of the presidential preference which has been derived of to the high rating what the respondents think comprehensively not depending on a subjective decision by mass media.

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A Study on Formation and Dissolution of Ownership Restriction System within Newspaper Act (신문법 내 소유규제 제도의 형성과 해체에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Sung
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.56
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2011
  • This thesis reviews the process in which the regulation systems against ownership concentration of newspapers established with the opportunity of legislation of the periodical act in 1987 was reinforced as they were all amended to the newspaper act in 2005 and as they were again amended in 2009 it came to confront crisis in the aspect of press law legislation history. The regulation systems against ownership concentration of newspapers established based on the principle of legality of newspaper function in the Clause 3, the Article 21 of Constitution was reinforced as the newspaper act in 2005 and in 2006 they began to shrink following the Constitution Court decision against newspaper act. As newspaper act and broadcast act are revised in 2009, regulation against combining the management of newspapers with broadcast and regulation against owning multiple number of newspapers came not to exist. Because in this process, the opposition party also allowed limited cross-ownership of newspaper and broadcast, it can be said that the system of newspaper ownership regulation confronted the crisis of dissolution. The instruction of regulation alleviation in a short period of time in spite of the fact that regulation alleviation which allows cross-ownership of newspaper and broadcast is the matter of policy that should be decided after long-term review of the change of media environment and the progress of the power of domination of public opinion is dangerous. Newspapers are strong media with terrestrial broadcast in formation of public opinion on politics. It's because it is difficult to ignore the worry that the power of domination of public opinion of the newspapers which are in oligopoly of newspaper public opinion market can be spreaded to the territory of report broadcast. From the point of view that there is probability for democracy to be ultimately threatened due to the shrink of political Darwinism caused by concentration of media ownership, the alleviation of ownership concentration of newspapers should have premise of long-term social discussion.

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Problems in Management of Rural Special Production Area and Improvement of Political Countermeasures (In the Case of Chungnam Province) (농어촌(農漁村) 특산단지운영상(特産團地運營上)의 문제점(問題點) 및 정책적(政策的) 개선방향(改善方向)(충청남도(忠淸南道)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Lim, Jae Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.88-101
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    • 1993
  • This study is aimed at evaluating the present management status of the rural special production area development projects and identifying managerial problems to propose new direction of the political countermeasures for the projects. In the con text of implementing the five year's economic developent plans for the past three decades, agricultural production and farm-household income have also been grown rapidly. However the income gap between rural and urbarn laborer, as an internal problem, has widened during the decades and the UR problems concerning free trade of agricultural products, as an external problems, are now agonizing the small-holder farm economy in Korea. The internal and external farm problems could be solved through improvement of agricultural structure and provision of off-farm jobs for farm household income increase. As a part of the off-farm income sources, the rural special production area development projects have propelled by the government throughout the country. The main problems to be solved for the successful implementation of the projects are as follows : 1. Present loan amount by the financial fund was estimated at 6-7% of the total installation costs required. To expand and implement the project successfully, enough financial credit support with favorable terms and conditions have to be considered by the government. 2. The operation patterns of the special production area development project should be recommended from the view point of cooperative and private operation to maximize farm household incomes including profits, marketing charges and dividens. 3. Improvement of the marketing channel of the products and marketing information through TV program and other mass communication should be implemented strongly to promote marketsales by the financial supports of the government. 4. In connection with the off-farm income increase, the population migrating to urban area in outside Chungnam province equivalent to 10-12 thousand persons with age of 20-49 years should be taken into account politically to be employed in the projects in the province. 5. Surplus farm labors should be created by means of improvement of agricultural structure including large farm management with farm mechanization and job opportunities have also to be provided in connection with the rural special production area development projects. The two imminent subjects are the prerequisites to increase off-farm incomes for the farmers living in Chungnam province. 6. Required credit supports for investment and operation costs of the projects should be taken actions by the government.

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Gas Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Determination of Alcohol Homologues in the Korean Folk Sojues (Distilled Liquor) (기체크로마토그래피 및 질량분석법에 의한 민속 소주중의 알코올 동족체 분석)

  • Lee, Dong Seon;Park, Hye Seong;Kim, Geon;Lee, Taek Su;No, Bong Su
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.640-652
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    • 1994
  • This work is undertaken to determine alcohol homologues so-called fusel oil that may be present in the Korean folk sojues (distilled liquor) made from grains and to describe sample preparation and analytical method by GC-FID-MS. Solid phase extraction method for sample preparation by using porous styrene divinyl benzene polymer (Porapak Q) was compared with steam distillation and solvent extraction method. Retention behaviors of homologous series of alcohols were also studied. Log values of retention time, molecular weight, boiling point, and capacity factor of alcohols showed linear correlations to the carbon number of an alcohol, to the oven temperature, and to the dielectric constant. Components such as methyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, isopentyl alcohol, and phenethyl alcohol have been identified. The more amount of isopentyl alcohol than other alcohols are contained in the Korean folk sojues, while that of n-propyl alcohol are contained in Chinese kaoliangchiew. Degree of similarity or dissimilarity and classification of the individual samples were discussed using multivariate statistical analysis(principal components analysis) based on GC data.

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A Study about medical records in ${\ulcorner}$Gyojubuin-yangbang${\lrcorner}$ (${\ll}$교주부인양방(校注婦人良方)${\gg}$에 수재된 의무기록 의안(醫案)에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Chang-Young;Kim, Ra-Young;Park, Young-Soo;Kim, Byoung-Hoe;Joh, Ho-Geun;Kim, Joong-Oh;Kim, Dong-Il
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.226-239
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    • 2006
  • Background : Medical records are documents in files which consist of all diagnostic studies and medical treatments patients had received while they were hospitalized or treated as outpatients. A doctor or medical team can use medical records as a data for diagnosis, treatment, and education. In traditional eastern asian medicine, medical reports have different forms and contents. The most important thing in medical reports of traditional eastern asian medicine was how to express practitioner's medical ideas. So it has a weak point, for example, it has poor information about patient and clinical process, which make some trouble to understand it. Methods and Results : We studied medical records in Gyojubuin-yangbang, a commentary book of Chen-zi-ming's Obstetrics and Gynecology textbook done by Xue-ji in Ming dynasty, China. This book consists of 10 parts; treatment of menstruation disorders and leukorrhea, general gynecology, treatment of infertility, education for fetus, diagnosis of fetus and gravida, treatment of general and obstetrical disease in gravida, care for delivery, postpartum care and treatment, and treatment of mass and inflammation. It has 546 medical records about women's disease that commonly believed as Xue-ji's case reports. They are all review articles and made during about 23 years from A.D 1523 to 1546. Most patients of Xue-ji's case reports were common people, this fact is different from that of case reports in Chen-zi-ming's Obstetrics and Gynecology textbook. Conclusion : Xue-ji was a very famous Ob&Gy doctor who was from Suzhou Jingsu province in China. He was born in A.D 1468, died in A.D 1588. He emphasize emotional factors in pathology and to tonify spleen and kidney. We think Xue-ji's medical records are good references for us to treat psychosomatic Ob&Gy disease and chronic women's disease.

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The Comparative Analysis of Wearing Roller Shoes and Jogging Shoes on Kinematic Characteristics in the Lower Extremity during Walking (롤러 신발과 조깅 신발 착용 후 보행 시 하지 분절의 운동학적 특성 비교 분석)

  • Jang, Jae-Ik;Chae, Woen-Sik;Kang, Nyeon-Ju;Yoon, Chang-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of wearing roller shoes and jogging shoes on kinematic characteristics in lower extremity during walking. Eight male middle school students(age: $15.0{\pm}0.0^{\circ}$ yrs, height $175.9{\pm}6.6cm$, weight: $616.3{\pm}84.9$ N) who have no musculoskeletal disorder were recruited as the subjects. Temporal parameters, step length, stride length, center of mass, velocity of CM, angle of segment, angular velocity and range of motion were determined for each trial. For each dependent variable, paired t-test was performed to test if significant difference existed between shoe conditions(p < .05). The results showed that stride length and velocity of CM in wearing roller shoes were significantly less than those found in wearing jogging shoes. These indicated that walking patterns may be changed by different shoe conditions and unstable braking condition because of wheel. Angle of ankle joint at LHC1 and LHC2 in wearing roller shoes was greater than the corresponding value for wearing jogging shoes. It seems that the ankle joints are locked in an awkward fashion at the heel contact to compensate for imbalance. Otherwise, dorsi flexion was not produced at the heel contact point in wearing roller shoes.

Reduced-scale Model Experiment for Examination of Natural Vent and Fire Curtain Effects in Fire of Theater Stage (공연장 무대부 화재 시 자연배출구 및 방화막 영향 검토를 위한 축소모형 실험)

  • Baek, Seon A;Yang, Ji Hyun;Jeong, Chan Seok;Lee, Chi Young;Kim, Duncan
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2019
  • In the present experimental study, based on a real-scale theater, a 1/14 reduced-scale model was constructed, and the effects of natural vent and fire curtain in fire of a theater stage were investigated. The case without fire curtain under the opened natural vent showed lower temperatures in the stage, whereas the case with fire curtain under the opened natural vent showed lower temperatures in the auditorium. On the other hand, through analyzing the starting time of the temperature rise at the point near the proscenium opening in the auditorium, it was found that the opened natural vent condition can delay the starting time of smoke spread from the stage to the auditorium and suppress the temperature rise in the auditorium. Under the present experimental conditions, the fire curtain installation did not affect significantly the velocity and mass flow rate of the outflow through the natural vent of the stage, which might be due to openings in the stage. The present results can be used to examine the effects of natural vent and fire curtain in a real-scale fire of a theater and to check the accuracy of the numerical simulation code.