• Title/Summary/Keyword: Planning techniques

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ATM Network Resource Mangement and Control via Virtual Path Reconfiguration (가상 경로 재구성을 통한 ATM망 자원 관리 및 제어)

  • 임재진;김종권
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.2199-2214
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    • 1994
  • In order to sufficiently utilize the potential effectiveness of ATM networks, systematic and effective network management and control systems must be employed. In addition to network design, planning, and call routing techniques used in traditional circuit-switched networks. ATM networks can provide logical VP(Virtual Path) reconfiguration capabilities which can adapt to changes in the network environment. With a proper application of the VP reconfiguration technique, ATM networks can reduce the overhead of frequent network redesign and the overhead of call routing processing. However, ATM VP reconfiguration is a very complex and difficult problem which consists of many facets of optimization subproblems such as VP routing. VP sizing, VP terminating point location and VC routing. Most previous research on the ATM logical network reconfiguration problem dealt with the subset of the problem. This paper mathematically formulates the ATM network reconfiguration problem completely considering all subproblems. Since it is very difficult to derive the optimal solution of the formulated problem, we develop a heuristic method based on a Max min bandwidth allocation principle. We show the feasibility of the proposed heuristic method with a simple example.

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Adjusting Planning Management and Control to the Owner Environment Case Study: Consultant Adjustment to the Owner Environment in Thailand

  • Sruntummakul, Apai;Leungbootnak, Narong;MIN, Vuthea
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2015
  • Consultant and owner play a very important role in the construction sector which is one of the main sectors in economic development. There are many stakeholders in a construction project including but not limited to: owner, consultant, contractor, subcontractor, and supplier. The consultant is the party who is to stay in close touch with the project owner, which both consultant and owner are considered as the main key stakeholders to make the project happen. It's not a simple task for a consultant to just implement the same style of management and control within various projects that are of a different background and character of owners. Thus, the adjusting plan management and control to the owner environment has been an essential technique to drive the project to success. The objective of this paper is to identify the significant management techniques for adjusting a plan of management and control to the owner environment in Thailand. The methodology is the identification throughout the analogous to abduction from literature review and our empirical observations of Future Engineering Consultants Co, Ltd. We have been in consultation for twenty-five years (25) in Thailand with 209 projects from both public and private owners. As a result, there are (1) Project management styles, (2) Personal style, (3) Owner expectation management, (4) Scope Management, (5) Time Management, (6) Cost Management, (7) Quality Management, and (8) Environmental Management. The input are: a clear defined goal, showing respect by giving good service, maintaining high quality, keeping in touch with owners, and resources. This would give the output of the project's success by meeting the owner's expectation and requirements.

A Study on the Characteristics of Friendly Building Techniques of Environment to Adapt to Climate (기후에 순응하는 환경-친화적 구축 기법 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Gon;Koh, Gwi-han
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2013
  • This study intends to clarify the key elements of designing low energy residential building construction by planning out residential construction in nature oriented designing method utilizing nearby environment and nature oriented energy from designing stage instead of construction of low energy residential building. Development of building technology is proportional to the development of technology that lasts already. However, what is no less important than the advancement of technology, it is the study of fundamental phenomena energy use in response to climate, reduction, such as recycling. It is possible in such a purpose, it is assumed that there is a need to study elements implementation plan in accordance with the climatic characteristics of the study. Method for controlling the condition solar radiation, sunshine, depending on the characteristics of the weather, by utilizing the convection phenomenon of nature, to maintain the air comfort in the interior space is the essence of eco-friendly construction and passive Property This is an important architectural elements to be aim. For through the analysis of this case, corresponding to the phenomenon of the features of the macro climate and micro climate due to climate change, a combination building blocks of classification placement of each, shape, structure, elevation, space, of the material appeared in various it was possible to know the construction characteristics were. As shown in each case, construction method to address climate change has been found to apply to a comprehensive analysis climatic characteristics of each region, in response to this, the construction of element each corresponding.

A Study on the Historical Changes and Prospect of Slope Revegetation Technology in Japan (일본의 비탈면 녹화공법 발전과정과 전망)

  • Koh, Jeung-Hyun;Yoshida, Hiroshi;Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2006
  • It is possible to divide the historical changes of slope revegetation in Japan into five periods as follows; 1) The early period after creation(1927-1948), 2) The spreading period of modern revegetation work with manpower(1947-1958), 3) The spreading period of rapid revegetation technique using exotic grasses with machineries(1959-1985${\dots}$), 4) The spreading period of rapid reforestation technique by fast growing species mainly using leguminous shrub species(1986-1995${\dots}$), 5) The developing period of nature restoration technique using endemic arborous species(1996-). Recently main purpose of slope revegetation has been developing from the erosion protection to the nature restoration in the current of the 5th period. It is said that the role of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology(JSRT) is critical to the history of slope revegetation in Japan. 'The tentative guidelines of slope nature restoration' was announced by JSRT in 2004. In the guidelines, it was proposed that the planning techniques of using suitable seeds/plants based on the preservation level at the each construction sites. Moreover, the use of soil seed bank is the new and important study theme in the field of nature restoration. Consequently, at present the importance of advanced monitoring methods for vegetation maintenance and plant sociologic survey to evaluate the plant succession is increasing. Finally, some critical concepts are necessary to develop the field of restoration in Korea as follows; 1) monitoring of constructed sites, 2) ensuring of biodiversity, 3) recognition of slow revegetation and mosaic arrangement in revegetation, 4) reuse and recycle on the construction sites, and 5) promotion of specialist.

Development and Review of Virtual Reality Fire-Training Program (공동주택 화재를 대상으로 한 가상현실(VR) 프로그램 개발 및 호응도 조사)

  • Kim, Yong-Cheol;Jeong, Mu-Heon;Lyu, Chung;Kim, Sun-Gyu
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to minimize casualties in the event of an apartment fire by developing a virtual reality (VR) fire-training program (using the latest IT techniques) and verifying its validity as a learning tool. For this purpose, environmental parameters, such as the unit floor's size and the composition of the family, were established. Then, possible fire scenarios that could occur in the apartment building were developed and implemented in a VR setting. Finally, a survey was conducted to review the responses to the program. The results of the survey demonstrated that the responses were positive, confirming the effectiveness of the program.

Topological SLAM Based on Voronoi Diagram and Extended Kalman Filter

  • Choi, Chang-Hyuk;Song, Jae-Bok;Kim, Mun-Sang;Chung, Woo-Jin
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2003
  • Through the simultaneous localization and map building (SLAM) technique, a robot can create maps about its unknown environment while it continuously localizes its position. Grid maps and feature maps have been widely used for SLAM together with application of probability methods and POMDP (partially observed Markov decision process). But this approach based on grid maps suffers from enormous computational burden. Topological maps, however, have drawn more attention these days because they are compact, provide natural interfaces, and are easily applicable to path planning in comparison with grid maps. Some topological SLAM techniques like GVG (generalized Voronoi diagram) were introduced, but it enables the robot to decide only whether the current position is part of GVG branch or not in the GVG algorithm. In this paper, therefore, to overcome these problems, we present a method for updating a global topological map from the local topological maps. These local topological maps are created through a labeled Voronoi diagram algorithm from the local grid map built based on the sensor information at the current robot position. And the nodes of a local topological map can be utilized as the features of the environment because it is robust in light of visibility problem. The geometric information of the feature is applied to the extended Kalman filter and the SLAM in the indoor environment is accomplished. A series of simulations have been conducted using a two-wheeled mobile robot equipped with a laser scanner. It is shown that the proposed scheme can be applied relatively well.

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Visual Impaxt Assessment of Hallasan National Park Management Action (한라산국립공원 관리시책의 경관영향평가)

  • 고동희
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1997
  • Now, a management plan is being prepared to conserve the landscape and eco-system of Hallasan National Park. A major concern of park managers and residents is the visual impact that activities have of the Mt. Hala landscape. One of the most important aspects of making management decisions is assessing the visual impact of proposed actions accurately enough to judge whether or not those actions are acceptable. Park managers and residents need methods they can use to assess the visual impact of various management actions. The impact of proposed management activities was portrayed by CCG Photomontage techniques and viewers rated sets of color photomontages on a 7 point SD scale. The findings were as follows : the CCG Photomontage is quite practical, vegetation restoration is necessary, and the proposed management actions are feasible. The visual simulation technique and assessment method in this research helps residents visualize and respond to management activities, making residents' participation in the planning process more effective.

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Dosimetric Evaluation of 3-D Conformal and Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer after Conservative Surgery

  • Mansouri, Safae;Naim, Asmaa;Glaria, Luis;Marsiglia, Hugo
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.4727-4732
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    • 2014
  • Background: Breast cancers are becoming more frequently diagnosed at early stages with improved long term outcomes. Late normal tissue complications induced by radiotherapy must be avoided with new breast radiotherapy techniques being developed. The aim of the study was to compare dosimetric parameters of planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk between conformal (CRT) and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) after breast-conserving surgery. Materials and Methods: A total of 20 patients with early stage left breast cancer received adjuvant radiotherapy after conservative surgery, 10 by 3D-CRT and 10 by IMRT, with a dose of 50 Gy in 25 sessions. Plans were compared according to dose-volume histogram analyses in terms of PTV homogeneity and conformity indices as well as organs at risk dose and volume parameters. Results: The HI and CI of PTV showed no difference between 3D-CRT and IMRT, V95 gave 9.8% coverage for 3D-CRT versus 99% for IMRT, V107 volumes were recorded 11% and 1.3%, respectively. Tangential beam IMRT increased volume of ipsilateral lung V5 average of 90%, ipsilateral V20 lung volume was 13%, 19% with IMRT and 3D-CRT respectively. Patients treated with IMRT, heart volume encompassed by 60% isodose (30 Gy) reduced by average 42% (4% versus 7% with 3D-CRT), mean heart dose by average 35% (495cGy versus 1400 cGy with 3D-CRT). In IMRT minimal heart dose average is 356 cGy versus 90cGy in 3D-CRT. Conclusions: IMRT reduces irradiated volumes of heart and ipsilateral lung in high-dose areas but increases irradiated volumes in low-dose areas in breast cancer patients treated on the left side.


  • Choung, Pill-Hoon;Song, Min-Seok
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 1993
  • Improvement of orthognathic surgical techniques make it possible to design esthetic surgical correction for total esthetic face. In order to find the esthetic line which guide esthetic surgical correction in patients of orthognathic surgery, cephalometric soft tissue analysis of esthetic faces were performed. In esthetic Korean young adults, 25 males and 25 females who were within 1 S.D. of E-line, ANB, P/A facial height ratio, were analyzed in natural position keeping their face eye level. 1. Sn position is constant in males and females. The Sn-N'-N' Vertical plane angle is $5.3^{\circ}$ in both sexes. Sn is positioned in front of 5 mm in female 7 mm in male from the N' vertical plane. 2. The Sn-Ls line make constant angle to horizontal plane with $72.5^{\circ}$ in both sexes, which is called "upper esthetic line". The Ls-Pg' line makes constant angle to $72.4^{\circ}$ (range $72.2^{\circ}$ in female to $72.6^{\circ}$ in male), which is called "lower esthetic line". 3. When inter-esthetic line angle (the Sn-Ls line to Ls-Pg' line) has $144.9^{\circ}$, lower third face has esthetic upper and lower lip. 4. In treatment planning, Sn is first corrected in proper position, and then upper and lower esthetic line are established with the angle of 144.9. The maxilla is moved to tangent Ls to the upper esthetic line, and mandible is moved to tangent Li and Pg' to the lower esthetic line, according to the "y"-shaped esthetic lines, then lower third face showes esthetics.

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Spectrum Allocation and Service Control for Energy Saving Based on Large-Scale User Behavior Constraints in Heterogeneous Networks

  • Yang, Kun;Zhang, Xing;Wang, Shuo;Wang, Lin;Wang, Wenbo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.3529-3550
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    • 2016
  • In heterogeneous networks (HetNets), energy saving is vital for a sustainable network development. Many techniques, such as spectrum allocation, network planning, etc., are used to improve the network energy efficiency (EE). In this paper, micro BSs utilizing cell range expansion (CRE) and spectrum allocation are considered in multi-channel heterogeneous networks to improve EE. Hotspot region is assumed to be covered by micro BSs which can ensure that the hotspot capacity is greater than the average demand of hotspot users. The expressions of network energy efficiency are derived under shared, orthogonal and hybrid subchannel allocation schemes, respectively. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to solve the optimal ratio of subchannel allocation in orthogonal and hybrid schemes. Based on the results of the optimal analysis, we propose three service control strategies on the basis of large-scale user behaviors, i.e., adjust micro cell rang expansion (AmCRE), adjust micro BSs density (AmBD) and adjust micro BSs transmit power (AmBTP). Both theoretical and simulation results show that using shared subchannel allocation scheme in AmBD strategies can obtain maximal EE with a very small area ratio. Using orthogonal subchannel allocation scheme in AmCRE strategies can obtain maximal EE when area ratio is larger. Using hybrid subchannel allocation scheme in AmCRE strategies can obtain maximal EE when area ratio is large enough. No matter which service control strategy is used, orthogonal spectrum scheme can obtain the maximal hotspot user rates.