• 제목/요약/키워드: Pig Urine

검색결과 56건 처리시간 0.017초

Demonstration of constant nitrogen and energy amounts in pig urine under acidic conditions at room temperature and determination of the minimum amount of hydrochloric acid required for nitrogen preservation in pig urine

  • Jongkeon Kim;Bokyung Hong;Myung Ja Lee;Beob Gyun Kim
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.492-497
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    • 2023
  • Objective: The objectives were to demonstrate that the nitrogen and energy in pig urine supplemented with hydrochloric acid (HCl) are not volatilized and to determine the minimum amount of HCl required for nitrogen preservation from pig urine. Methods: In Exp. 1, urine samples of 3.0 L each with 5 different nitrogen concentrations were divided into 2 groups: 1.5 L of urine added with i) 100 mL of distilled water or ii) 100 mL of 6 N HCl. The urine in open plastic containers was placed on a laboratory table at room temperature for 10 d. The weight, nitrogen concentration, and gross energy concentration of the urine samples were determined every 2 d. In Exp. 2, three urine samples with different nitrogen concentrations were added with different amounts of 6 N HCl to obtain varying pH values. All urine samples were placed on a laboratory table for 5 d followed by nitrogen analysis. Results: Nitrogen amounts in urine supplemented with distilled water decreased linearly with time, whereas those supplemented with 6 N HCl remained constant. Based on the linear broken-line analysis, nitrogen was not volatilized at a pH below 5.12 (standard error = 0.71 and p<0.01). In Exp. 3, an equation for determining the amount of 6 N HCl to preserve nitrogen in pig urine was developed: additional 6 N HCl (mL) to 100 mL of urine = 3.83×nitrogen in urine (g/100 mL)+0.71 with R2 = 0.96 and p<0.01. If 62.7 g/d of nitrogen is excreted, at least 240 mL of 6 N HCl should be added to the urine collection container. Conclusion: Nitrogen in pig urine is not volatilized at a pH below 5.12 at room temperature and the amount of 6 N HCl required for nitrogen preservation may be up to 240 mL per day for a 110-kg pig depending on urinary nitrogen excretion.

육성비육돈의 분뇨배설량 및 이화학적특성 (Characteristics and Quantity of Waste Produced by Crowing and Finishing Pig)

  • 곽정훈;강희설;최희철;최동윤;전병수;한정대;김태일;김형호
    • 한국축산시설환경학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.165-168
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    • 2001
  • 육성비육돈의 분뇨배설량 및 분뇨특성을 조사한 결과 시험기간중 사료섭취량은 3.07 kg/일.두, 음수량은 3.84kg/일.두였으며, 평균 분뇨 배설량은 각각 1.80kg/일.두, 2.76kg/일 .두로 총 4.57kg의 분뇨를 배설하는 것으로 조사되었다. 이화학적 특성에서 돈분의 수분 함량은 74.1%, pH 6.5, 질소 0.89%, $P_2O_5$ 0.46%였으며, BOD 및 SS는 각각 74,224m/l, 261,089mg/l였다. 돈뇨의 경우에는 수분 98.2%, pH 7.5, 질소 0.83%, P$_2$O$_{5}$ 0.05% 였으며, BOD 및 SS는 각각 6,054mg/l, 453mg/l였다.

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심인성 발기부전 환자에서 Norepinephrine과 Serotonin에 관한 연구 (Norepinephrine and Serotonin in the Patients with Psychogenic Impotence)

  • 김진세;유승호;문두건;김제종;정인과
    • 생물정신의학
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.278-282
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    • 1998
  • Various neurotransmitters have been proposed as possible mediators of penile erection. Especially, norepinephrine and serotonin might have a important role in sexual arousal and penile erection. And it could be hypothesized that the psychogenic impotence is associated with the depletion or imbalance of norepinephrine and serotonin from evidences, such as the symptomatic manifestation of depression and the antidepressantinduced sexual dysfunction. The authors investigates the association of norepienphrine and serotonin with psychogenic impotence. The psychogenic impotent group(PIG) consisted of twenty-three patients with psychogenic impotence and the controlled group(CG) consisted of twenty-seven patients without psychogenic impotence. PIG had no organic cause accounting for their erectile dysfunction. The Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI) were applied to each subject to assess mood, state anxiety(SA) and trait anxiety(TA). Plasma norepinephrine level from systemic blood and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(HIAA) levels from 24-hours urine were measured in each subject. The mean score of BDI of PIG was significantly higher than that of CG(p=0.015). PIG had a tendency of higher TA compared with CG(p=0.054). And also SA was higher in PIG, but did not show significant difference(p=0.193). The level of norepinephrine was significantly lower in patient with psychogenic impotence(p=0.000). And the level of 24-hours urine 5-HIAA was lower in PIG but did not show significant difference(p=0.494). Although the authors did not exclude depressive disorders in PIG, the present findings suggest that psychogenic impotence might have higher depressive mood and trait anxiety, and be associated with the depletion of norepinephrine in systemic blood.

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Aspalatone의 일반약리작용 (General Pharmacology of Aspalatone)

  • 이은방;조성익;천선아;장혜옥
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2000
  • Aspalatone [3-(2-methyl-4proponyl)]-2-acetyloxybenzoate, CAS 147249-33-0) is a compound having an antithrombotic action. General pharmacological properties of aspalatone were studied. Aspalatone had no effect on central nervous system and no anticonvulsant effect up to 1200 mg/kg p.o. However, the compound has hypothermic and analgesic effect. When administered intravenously in rabbits, aspalatone did not affect blood pressure, heat rate and respiration rate and depth, and it did not inhibit transient hypotensive effect of acetylcholine. The compound did not affect isolated guinea-pig ileum and tracheal strip at a concentration of 1${\times}$$10^{-4}$, and did not inhibit histamine-induced contraction of guinea-pig ileum. It also did not affect isolated rat stomach fundus and estrogenated rat uterus at 1${\times}$$10^{-4}$, and did not inhibit contraction produced by acetylcholine or oxytocin. The pupil size and intestinal propulsion were not influenced at a large dose of was shown. The compound showed a slight increase in urine volume and led to decreased excretion of potassium in urine of rats. The results suggest that aspalatone may have no considerable adverse effects in general pharmacological aspect.

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Cage Test를 통한 양돈폐수 발생원단위 설정 (Estimation of Unit Loads Generation for Swine Wastewater by Cage Test)

  • 김용석;박재홍;박지형;박배경;어성욱
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2015
  • To evaluate the unit load generation and discharge, pig cage test was conducted. Feed intake, drink amount, and urine generation increased growth stage (heavy weight) of the pig more great. However, the sum of the urine and manure did not show a significant difference in the growth stages of pigs. Because of the limit of the experiment, e.g., research period, high pigpen temperature, breed-related stress and etc., it could not be derived the results of the four seasons. Therefore, in order to generalize the results, the feed intakes were calibrated using a NRC (National Research and nutritional requirements of pigs from the Commission) standards. The finalized unit load generation and generation amounts of manure and urine were estimated at BOD 104.1 g/head/d, T-N 21.2 g/head/d, T-P 4.9 g/head/d, manure 0.96 L/d, urine 1.66 L/d with consideration of revised feed intake. Compare to the former research results of MOE (Ministry of Environment, 1999) and NIAS (National Institute of Animal Science, 2008), the generation amounts of manure and urine were similar to the NIAS's values. In case of unit load generation, BOD and T-N were almost similar in all of them. However, the T-P unit load generation of MOE was more difference, e.g., 2.5 times high, compare to this study.

제주지역 양돈장에서 생산된 액비의 비료성분 및 오염도 평가 (Evaluation of Slurry, Urine and Fermented Liquid Manure at Pig Farms in the Jeju Area Regarding Chemical Composition and Pollution Level)

  • 김문철;송상택;황경준
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구는 양돈액비의 비료성분 및 유해정도를 분석하고 아울러 전기전도도나 건물 함량을 이용하여 중요 비료성분 함량을 쉽게 추정하는 방벙을 구명하기 위해 2001년 제주도내 109개 양돈 농가를 방문하여 액비를 수집,$4^{\circ}C$냉장고에 보관해 두었다가 꺼내어 pH, BOD, DM, SS, OM, EC, T-N, T-P, K, Ca, $NH_4$-N. Mg 및 Na 등을 분석하였다. 조사대상 농가의 돈분 액비 중 슬러리(70 농가)는 가축분뇨, 사료 및 청소수가 혼합된 것이고 요(19 농가)는 분뇨를 고액분리 시킨 후에 저장해둔 요(20 농가)를 말하며 돈분 발효액은 slurry를 발효, 폭기 및 살수 등의 과정을 거친 액비를 뜻한다. 돈분 액비 중 slurry로 저장한 액비가 요나돈분 발효액 보다 여러 가지 비료 성분함량($NH_4$-N, K, P, Ca, Mg 및 Na)이 높았고 전기 전도도나 건물함량도 마찬가지로 slurry 상태로 저장한 액비가 다른 상태의 액비 보다 높았다. EC, $NH_4$-N, Ca, Mg 및 Na의 함량은 요와 발효액 간에 비슷하였으나 발효 액비의 L 함량이나 건물함량은 요 보다 약 2배 정도 높았다. 한편 P 함량은 반대로 발효 액비보다 요에서 높았다. Slurry의 전기전도도(EC)와 여러 비료 성분간에 상관관계를 통계 분석한 결과, $NH_4$-N와 Na 함량만이 유의적인 상관관계가 인정되었고 slurry의 DM 함량은 $NH_4$-N, P, Ca 및 Mg 함량간에 유의성이 인정되었다 (P<0.05). 고액분리요의 전기전도도와 비료성분간에 상관관계 분석에서 $NH_4$-N만 유의적 상관관계가 있었고 DM 함량에서는 $NH_4$-N와 Ca 간에만 유의적 상관관계가 인정되었다(P<0.05). 발효 액비는 전기전도도와 $NH_4$-N, P 및 Ca 간에만 유의적 상관관계가 있었으며 DM 함량은 K, P, Ca, Mg 및 Na 간 통계적으로 유의적 상관관계가 있었다(P<0.05). 돈분 액비의 종류별로 유해 또는 오염물질 농도를 살펴보면 슬러리의 BOD 농도는 22,520mg/L로 요 및 발효 액비 4,763, 2,701 mg/L보다 크게 높았다. 결론적으로 비료효과는 slurry가 요 및 돈분발효액 보다 좋았지만유해 또는 오염물질농도는 반대로 slurry에서 높았다. 그러나 일반기준치와 비슷한 수준으로 유해위험은 없다고 생각된다.

요요법(尿療法)에 대한 문헌적 고찰 (The Literature Study on the Urine Therapy)

  • 정대호;조충식;김철중
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2005
  • Though the literature study on the urine therapy, we concluded as follows. It Almost use urine, healthy child's of under 10-12 age, and the gathering takes the middle part of urine. It Almost drinks fresh urine warmly. It drinks urine with Zingiber is Rhizoma Recens juice and Allii Radix or Sappan Lignum and Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix which is hwa-hyeol-geo-eo medicine in vomiting blood nosebleeding, with Allii Radix and Sojae Semen Praeparatum in a headache, with bile of pig in symptoms of shang han jue yin, with Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens juice Ginseng Radix's powder in doing the colon good or person have weak spleen and stomach as well as deficiency of qi with Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen or Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens juice in heat movement by deficiency of blood (eum-heo-hwa-dong) with Perillae Fructus, Mori Cortex and Adenophorae Radix which hwa-dam-ji-hae medicine and sparagi Radix, Liriopis Tuber Schizandrae Fructus which is bo-eum medicine in a cough by deficiency of blood(eum-heo-hae-su). Also it followed in condition and the honey little quantity alcoholic beverage it put in and with the urine it drinks it did. The case which the skin bursts Injury by biting. The eye comes to be red and smart in consequence of the fact that it swells, it pastes the warm urine in the wound region. In consequence of the fact that beriberi disease or to the case which is fed up the finger, it soaks the wound region in the urine. It was used in the external medical therapy which is various even on the thing outside which it drinks. It does not use or must use very prudently to person who has deficiency of gi and blood, weak stomach, not heat and fake heat.

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로터리 교반식 퇴비화 시설의 운전 조건 개선 (Improvement in the Operating Conditions of the Rotary Mixing Compost Plants)

  • 김은경;이택순;서정윤
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 1996
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the Change in the operating conditions on rotary turning compost plants. The major parameters investigated were moisture content and mixing of the sawdust and pig farm wastewater. Pig farm scale composting plants with mixing rotary were used in this study. Wastes used for the study were sawdust, pig manure, urine and wastewater. When the moisture content was 75%, the compost product obtained from the plants had better physical characteristics than that obtained from the plants with moisture contents of 70%, 80% and 85%.(two a day mixing). When the turning was twice a day, the compost product obtained from the plants had better characteristics than that obtained from non-mixing.(moisture content 75%). C/N ratio, pH value and coliform bacterial population were stable in the compost.

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도축돈의 담즙, 뇨 및 장관에서 장내세균의 분리 및 항생물질 감수성 (Isolation of Enterobacteriaceae from bile, urine and intestine in slaughtered pigs and its susceptibility to antibiotics)

  • 허부홍;서석열;엄성심;김진환;윤창용;조정곤;송희종
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 1996
  • Seventy-nine strains of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from 117 slaughtered pigs (bile, urine, small intestine, cecum and rectum) in 1995 were examined for biotypes and susceptibility to 19 antibiotics with MicroScan WalkAway 40/96. The obtained results were as follows : 1. Among the twenty-two species isolated from the samples, Proteus mirabilis, E. coli and Enterobacter cloacae were commonly encountered. 2. The distribution frequency of isolates from cecum, small intestine, rectum, bile, and urine was 31(38.8%), 25(31.3%), 18(22.8%), 3(3.7% ), and 2(2.5% ), respectively. 3. A majority of isolates were sensitive to 16 antibiotics, singly or in combination. And these isolates were commonly susceptible to various antibiotics such as Cp, Ts, Azt, Caz, To, Gm, Cfz, Crm, Am and Cfx, in order. Whereas the Salmonella spp was susceptible to Cf, Ti and Pi, and Proteus mirabilis to Imp, Tim, Cft and Cz. Meanwhile, no effect was found to Cf, Ak and Cax. 4. Among the antibiotic resistant strains, a total of 17 reistant patterns was noted End of these Ak Tim 45(57.0%), Ak Am Cf Cfx Cfz Tim 8(10.1%) and Ak Ti Tim 6(7.6% ) were frequently encountered.

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Evaluation of porcine urine-derived cells as nuclei donor for somatic cell nuclear transfer

  • Zhang, Yu-Ting;Yao, Wang;Chai, Meng-Jia;Liu, Wen-Jing;Liu, Yan;Liu, Zhong-Hua;Weng, Xiao-Gang
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.40.1-40.13
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    • 2022
  • Background: Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is used widely in cloning, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine. The type of donor cells is a key factor affecting the SCNT efficiency. Objectives: This study examined whether urine-derived somatic cells could be used as donors for SCNT in pigs. Methods: The viability of cells isolated from urine was assessed using trypan blue and propidium iodide staining. The H3K9me3/H3K27me3 level of the cells was analyzed by immunofluorescence. The in vitro developmental ability of SCNT embryos was evaluated by the blastocyst rate and the expression levels of the core pluripotency factor. Blastocyst cell apoptosis was examined using a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labeling assay. The in vivo developmental ability of SCNT embryos was evaluated after embryo transfer. Results: Most sow urine-derived cells were viable and could be cultured and propagated easily. On the other hand, most of the somatic cells isolated from the boar urine exhibited poor cellular activity. The in vitro development efficiency between the embryos produced by SCNT using porcine embryonic fibroblasts (PEFs) and urine-derived cells were similar. Moreover, The H3K9me3 in SCNT embryos produced from sow urine-derived cells and PEFs at the four-cell stage showed similar intensity. The levels of Oct4, Nanog, and Sox2 expression in blastocysts were similar in the two groups. Furthermore, there is a similar apoptotic level of cloned embryos produced by the two types of cells. Finally, the full-term development ability of the cloned embryos was evaluated, and the cloned fetuses from the urine-derived cells showed absorption. Conclusions: Sow urine-derived cells could be used to produce SCNT embryos.