• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pig Breeding

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Backfat Characteristics of Barrows and Gilts Fed on Tuna Oil Supplemented Diets during the Growing-finishing Periods

  • Jaturasitha, S.;Srikanchai, T.;Chakeredza, S.;ter Meulen, U.;Wicke, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.1214-1219
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing tuna oil to diets of growing-finishing pigs (barrows and gilts) on backfat characteristics when slaughtered at different weights. Four hundred and eighty crossbred (Large White$\times$Landrace$\times$Duroc) pigs averaging 30 kg were allotted to 12 treatment combinations (40 pigs/treatment combination) in a completely randomized design with a $2{\times}2{\times}3$ factorial arrangement of treatments. The treatments were: dietary tuna oil supplementation (0 and 2%); sex (barrows and gilts); and slaughter weight (90, 100 and 110 kg). As pigs reached their slaughter weight, they were randomly selected (8 pigs/treatment combination; 96 pigs in total) and slaughtered. Backfat colour, hardness and fatty acid profile were assessed. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in colour (L* and a* values) among treatments. Backfat of the control group was harder than on the tuna oil (p<0.001) and that of barrows was harder than of gilts (p<0.05). In addition, the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values of fat from the tuna oil group stored for 3 days were higher (p<0.001) than the control group. The TBARS values of gilts tended to be higher than those of barrows and increased with increasing slaughter weight in the tuna oil group. The cholesterol and triglyceride levels were not affected by diet and sex but the triglyceride level increased with increasing slaughter weight (p<0.01). The tuna oil group had higher polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, ratio of PUFA: saturated fatty acid (SFA) and total n-3 fatty acids but lower monounsaturated fatty acids content and n-6:n-3 fatty acids than the control group (p<0.01). Gilts had higher PUFA and n-6 fatty acids in backfat than barrows (p<0.05). The backfat from both 90 and 100 kg slaughter-weight groups had a lower ratio of n6:n3 fatty acid than the 110 kg slaughter-weight group (p<0.05). However, this was more pronounced in the tuna oil group. The PUFA: SFA was also increased while the n-6:n-3 ratio tended to reach the recommended levels for healthy eating in human beings of <5. However, due to oxidative susceptibility, barrows should not be slaughtered at more than 100 kg for the meat to be acceptable to consumers.

A Study on Micro Clustering Technology for Breeding Pig Behavior Analysis (모돈 행동 특성 분석을 위한 마이크로 클러스터링 기술 연구)

  • Cho, Jinho;Oh, Jong-woo;Lee, DongHoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.165-165
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    • 2017
  • 모돈은 사육 특성상 제한된 파일롯 공간 안에 장시간 머물기 때문에 과중한 몸무게에 의한 지제 이상, 섭식 등의 불량, 수면상태의 불량 등을 지속적으로 관찰해야 하는 대상이다. 측면에 다수의 초음파 센서를 설치하여 기립의 상태 및 운동 시 몸체 궤적의 특성을 분석하여 종합적으로 모돈의 행동 특성을 정량화 하고자 하였다. 이 과정에서 계측 신호의 값을 대수적으로 비교하는 방식에 한계가 있음을 발견하였고, 이를 해결하고자 10 Hz/Ch 내외의 시계열 상대거리 궤적 신호를 주파수 도메인으로 변경하여 분석을 수행하였다. 일정 주파수에 집중되어 있는 주파수 값의 크기 변화(파워 스펙트럼 밀도)를 기준으로 모돈의 움직임의 정상 상태 유무 판별이 가능하였다. 단, 이러한 분석은 계측 데이터를 일괄 처리 방식으로 분석하는 방법으로 도출이 되었으므로, 계측과 정량 분석을 동시에 수행하기 위한 개선이 필요하였다. 계측 시스템에서 사용한 마이크로 프로세서는 Nucleo-446(STMelectronics, CA, USA)로 180 Mhz의 클럭 속도로 작동하나, 총 100 Hz 내외의 16비트 계측 신호에 대해 추가적으로 FFT 등의 주파수 변환 신호 처리를 수행하기에는 연산 능력이 부족하였다. 한편, 주파수 분석의 주기를 1분 단위로 할 경우 처리해야할 정보의 크기는 $100{\times}60{\times}5{\times}2Byte$ 이므로 1분 내에 해당 연산을 종료할 수 있는 추가의 연산 장치가 필요하였다. 계측과 주파수 도메인 변환 연산을 동시에 수행하기 위하여 1 Ghz의 연산능력을 가진 ARM A9 계열의 초소형 멀티코어 AP인 NanoPi Neo Air(Friendlyarm, Guangzhou, China)을 선정하였다. 4개의 코어를 각각 계측, Median 필터링, Smoothing 연산, FFT 분석에 사용하여 1분 단위, 2분 단위, 5분 단위의 주파수 분석을 동시에 수행하였다. 병렬 연산 라이브러리는 오픈 소스인 MPICH(www.mpich.org)를 이용하였다. 상대적으로 여유있는 자원을 보유하고 코어를 실시간으로 결정하여 다수의 모돈 개체 동시 모니터링을 위한 네트워크 연결 역할을 동시에 수행하도록 하였다. 1주일 내외의 요인 실험 수행 결과, 약 70 Mbyte의 데이터가 축적이 되었으며, 1분 단위, 2분 단위, 5분 단위의 주파수 도메인 변환 후 결과를 동시에 취득할 수 있었다. 일부 주파수 도메인 상의 파워 밀도 값이 모돈의 행동 특성에 분석에 유효한 정보를 제공함을 발견하였다. 모돈사 내 현장 보급이 가능한 초소형 AP와 멀티 코어 기반 병렬 처리 기법을 이용한 현장 진단 시스템 개발 연구를 지속적으로 수행할 것이다.

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A Study about Time-sharing Method in ADC Sampling for Analysis of Breeding Pig's Feeding (모돈 섭식 분석을 위한 ADC 샘플링 시분할 방법 연구)

  • Cho, Jinho;Oh, Jong-woo;Cho, Yongjin;Lee, DongHoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.164-164
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    • 2017
  • 스마트 돈사 환경의 복지 및 생산성 향상을 위하여 정량 분석법을 기반으로 한 모돈 관리의 중요성이 증가하고 있다. 모돈은 교배, 임신, 분만, 포유, 이유를 순환적 반복하여 이루어지는데 모돈의 관리는 돈사 농장의 생산성 및 경제성과 직결된다. 모돈 관리에 필요한 환경 및 계측정보를 획득하고 이 정보로부터 모돈의 개체관리를 극대화시키고 최적의 방안을 찾고자 지속적으로 계측이 가능한 모돈의 돈사 모니터링 시스템이 필요하다. 모돈의 행동특성 계측이 가능한 시스템이 필요한 이유는 모돈의 행동 특성(섭식 및 지제불량 등)에 상응하는 대사 불량, 질병 및 발정 징후 등을 조기에 발견할 수 있기 때문이다. 돈사 내에서 정지 상태로 판별이 되는 모돈의 지제상태(기립상태, 누운 상태, 앉은 상태)와 다르게 연속적인 움직임으로부터 판별되는 모돈의 섭식상태를 분석하기 위해서는 계측 시스템과 이를 분석해주는 시스템간의 시간적 차이를 최소화 할 수 있는 실시간 신호 처리 기술이 필수적이다. 모돈의 섭식을 정량적으로 지수화하기 위한 센서의 최소 SPS(sample per second)는 600 Hz($100Hz{\times}6$개)로서 최소 6개 ADC 채널과 최소 1,200 Hz 이상으로 샘플링 할 수 있는 마이크로 컨트롤러가 필요하다. 또한 16 비트의 분해능으로 1분 동안 연속 계측을 수행할 경우 필요한 정보량은 153,600 KByte ($1,200sample/s{\times}16bit/sample{\times}8Byte/bit$)으로 실시간 처리를 수행하기에 매우 큰 정보량이라 판단할 수 있다. 수행하고자 하는 정보처리 기법에 따라 다소 상이할 수 있으나, 1분을 주기로 모돈의 섭식 분석을 수행하고자 할 경우 최도 150 MByte의 정보량을 처리하기 위한 최소의 클럭수는 단순 대입의 경우 2.5 Mhz (clock/second) ($=1clock/Byte{\times}150MByte/60seconds$) 이며 덧셈(4 clock)의 경우 10 Mhz, 곱셈(16 clock)의 경우 40 Mhz의 클럭이 필요하다. 또한 정보의 저장 및 도시를 위해 필요한 부가적인 회로(LCD, SD메모리) 구동을 위해 필요한 클럭을 고려할 경우 추가적인 클럭이 필요하다. 이를 종합적으로 고려하여 120 Mhz ($= 40Mhz{\times}3$) 이상의 클럭이 필요하다고 판단할 수 있다. 또한 센서 계측 주기의 시간 분해능을 균등하게 유지하기 위해선 계측->도시->저장의 과정을 교차적으로 수행해야 한다. 이러한 과정을 거처 최종적으로 선정한 마이크로 프로세서는 ARM Cortex-M4이며 168 MHz로 연산 수행이 가능하여 목표하고자 하는 신호처리를 수행 할 수 있다. 현장 예비 실험을 통해 기대 성능을 만족하였으며, 시간 복잡도가 높은 연산을 대비하여 최적 시분할 스케쥴링 기법에 대한 보완이 필요하다고 판단되었다.

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Survey and model development of the mechanization for swine farming (양돈농가의 기계화 실태분석 및 모델개발)

  • 이성현;박원규;강창호;오권영
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to survey basic information of swine farms on the machine holdings. facility type. management of manure by farm scale and operation, and then to develop the mechanization model. Manual feeding was common for sows and nursing sows. but automation feeding was normally furnished for weaners. growing pigs and castrated male pigs. Water supplies was completely automated for all of the surveyed swine farms. Fully mechanized and automated system would not be feasible and affordable for the small scale farms breeding less than 500 heads. Because the environmental control for the nursing sows and weaner was important, some swine houses were constructed with the windowless type. However, the furnished rates ranged from 22.2% to 44.4% of the surveyed nursing sow and weaner houses at the farm scales. In the future, a computerized ventilation system would be commended for the efficient use of heat energy and to maintain the desirable temperature of swine buildings. Over-investment for large scale farm and over-crowded pigpen of small farm would cause wasting construction expenses and spreading epidermic diseases Hence, the size of swine building should follow the recommended scale. The fermentation drier was recommended for the manure management. Urine could be recycled or discharged after treating by the activated sludge process.

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Evaluation of the Degrees of Genetic Connectedness Among Duroc Breed Herds (국내 두록종 농장간 유전적 연결성 추정)

  • Cho, Chungil;Choi, Jaekwan;Park, Byoungho;Kim, Sidong;Kwon, Ohsub;Choi, Youlim;Choy, Yunho
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.337-340
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    • 2012
  • The genetic connectedness between herds is an essential requirement to make robust across-herd estimation of the breeding values of the animals. In this study, genetic connectedness between herds was evaluated by a connectedness rating method. A total of 24,971 records of days to 90 kg (D90KG) of the pigs on performance testing programs collected from six herds (labeled from 'A' to 'F') of Duroc breed along with pedigree information comprising 456,697 families were used. Results showed that a total of eight boars were used for semen exchange programs among participant farms. Herds 'A' through 'E' were found strongly connected among them. But 'F' herd was genetically connected strongly only with 'A' herd. The highest average connectedness rating was 91.7% between 'A' herd and 'C' herd. The lowest average connectedness rating was 65.1% between 'D' and 'F'. The concept of a single genetic group comprising six Duroc herds studied is meaningful due to high connectedness rates among them. Therefore, with this high genetic ties between participant Duroc farms, the more accurate genetic evaluation would be possible.

The Strengthening of Export Competitiveness through the 6th Agriculture Industrialization and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대에 농업의 6차산업화와 이를 통한 수출경쟁력 강화)

  • Jung, Jin-Sup;Khoe, Kyungil
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - With the technology of the 4th industrial revolution, business models of agricultural sector are changing rapidly toward convergence and high value-added business models due to the 6th industrialization of agricultural. Our goals is to examine the 6th industrialization of agriculture, and then to apply the technology of the 4th industrial revolution to the 6th industrialization of agriculture, suggesting the possibility of future agriculture, and then linking the export competitiveness of agricultural products. Research design, data, and methodology - As the methodology, case studies and empirical analyzes were conducted as well as literature studies. The case analyses included tomatoes, pig breeding farms, and an empirical analysis was conducted using the AHP analysis by experts of the 6th industrialization. In addition, using 124 survey data, this study examined and analyzed the items of the 4th industrial revolution technology for the 6th industrialization of agriculture and the strengthening of export competitiveness. Results - Results showed that the technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution helped "6th industrialization of agriculture" and "the strengthening of export competitiveness" using two successful cases. The AHP analysis was also carried out, and it was found that the improvement of the technology in the 4th industrial revolution could contribute to the future industrialization as well as the 6th industrialization of agriculture. First of all, we looked many conditions were important and urgent. Among the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, the mobile, big data were important. Moreover, it was recognized that linkage and convergence related efforts would greatly contribute to strengthening export competitiveness of agriculture such as price and quality competitiveness. Conclusions - The 4th industrial revolution such as hyper-connectivity, hyper-intelligence and hyper-predictability contribute greatly to the 6th industrialization of agriculture, and therefore it is essential to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector by using the technology of the 4th industrial revolution. In particular, based on analyses of the diamond model, the "demand conditions" was the most important factor for the activation of the 6th Industrialization, and then "related and supporting fields", "factor conditions" and "business context" were followed in order. The results of this study can be useful for policy, practical and academic sectors.

Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Direct and Maternal Effects on Litter Size and Teat Numbers in Korean Seedstock Swine Population

  • Song, Guy-Bong;Lee, Jun-Ho;Lee, Deuk-Hwan
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.187-190
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for total number of born (TNB), number of born alive (NBA) and teat numbers (TN) of Landrace and Yorkshire breeds in Korean swine population using multiple trait animal model procedures. Total numbers of 4,653 records for teat numbers and 8,907 records for TNB and NBA collected from 2004 to 2008 on imported breeding pigs and their litter size records were used in this study. To find the appropriate model for estimation of genetic parameters (heritabilities and genetic correlations), five statistical models (two models for reproductive traits, two models for teat numbers, one model for combining these traits) considering only direct additive genetic effects, including maternal effects were used and Akaike information criteria (AIC) of each two models for reproductive traits and teat trait were compared. The means and standard deviations of TNB, NBA, and TN were $11.52{\pm}3.34$, $10.55{\pm}2.96$ and $14.30{\pm}0.83$, respectively. Estimated heritabilities for TNB and NBA traits using the model which considered only additive genetic effect were low (0.06 and 0.05, respectively). However, estimated heritabilities considering maternal genetic effects were a little bit higher than that of the model considering only additive genetic effect (0.09 for TNB and NBA, respectively). Estimated heritability for TN using the model which considered only additive genetic effect was 0.40. However, estimated heritability of direct genetic effects from a model considering maternal genetic effect was high (0.60). All results of AIC statistics, the models considering maternal effect was more appropriate than the models considering only additive genetic effect. Genetic correlations of direct additive genetic effect between litter size (TNB, NBA) and teat numbers were low (-0.18 and -0.14, respectively). However, genetic correlations of maternal effect between litter size (TNB, NBA) and teat numbers were a little bit higher than those of direct additive genetic effect (0.08 and 0.16, respectively).

Sex Determination in Somatic and Embryonic Cells of the Pig by FISH and PCR (FISH와 PCR에 의한 돼지 체세포 및 배아세포의 성 판정)

  • Chung, Y.;Jeon, J.T.;Kim, K.D.;Lee, S.H.;Hong, K.C.
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 1996
  • Predetermination of sex in mammalian species has many aspects of application including the prenatal diagnoses of genetic disorders in humans and sex-selected breeding programs in the animal industry. Embryos sexing can be carried out using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify specific sequences present in the sex chromosomes, or by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of specific probes to the X and Y chromosomes. A 3.3 kb porcine male-specific DNA fragment (pEM39) was cloned previously in our laboratory. In this study, FISH and PCR methods were employed to examine if the pEM39 can be used a sex-specific DNA probes Porcine ovaries were obtained from a local slaughter house and oocytes collected. All oocytes were subjected to in vitro maturation followed by 1n vitro fertilization. Parthenogenetically activated embryos were served as a negative control. Embryonic samples were collected at the 2-cell stages and PCR was performed to analyze DNA. Among 10 embryos examined, four embryos were identified as males and six were females. The cloned male-specific DNA fragment showed male-specificity for the cells in the liver tissue and the porcine early embryos by FISH. It was also demonstrated that the cloned male-specific DNA is localized on the hetero chromatic region of the long arm in the Y chrom-osome (Yq) as shown by the FISH and karyotyping. The results suggest that the cloned male-specific DNA fragment may be useful for predetermination of sex with a few embryonic cells. The porcine male-specific sequence can be a reliable index for embryo sexing by PCR.

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Associations of the Porcine Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene with Growth Traits in Duroc Pigs (듀록 품종의 Melanocortin-4 Receptor(MC4R) 유전자와 성장형질과의 연관성 분석)

  • Cho, K.H.;Kim, M.J.;Choi, B.H.;Jeon, G.J.;Ryu, J.W.;Jung, H.J.;Kim, I.C.;Lee, H.K.;Jeon, G.J.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.437-442
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    • 2007
  • The melanocortin-4 receptor(MC4R) is virtually expressed in all brain regions and plays an important role in energy homeostasis in mammals. MC4R has been intensively studied as a trait gene controlling economically important traits, such as growth and feed conversion, etc. Six hundreds and sixty Duroc pigs were genotyped for the MC4R locus and analyzed their relationships with breeding values for average daily gain(ADG), backfat thickness(BF), days to 90kg(D90) and feed conversion(FC). The estimated genotype frequencies for the all Duroc pigs were: 30.8%, 45.2%, 24.1% for AA, AB and BB genotypes, respectively. The mutant A allele was significantly associated with ADG, D90 and BF whereas no significant relationship was found with FC. The change of gene frequencies by generation was shown in both selected and culled groups. These results indicate that the MC4R polymorphism could be integrated in the present selection program to realize a marker-assisted selection for the growth traits of the Duroc population.

Comparison of Two Commercial Antibody Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Detection of Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection (돼지생식기호흡기증후군(PRRS) 바이러스 감염 항체 검출 ELISA 상용 키트의 정확도 비교)

  • Pak, Son-Il;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Park, Kyung-Ae
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 2016
  • More than 20 years after the first report of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in Korea, the disease is still having major impact on domestic pig health and relevant industries. Although ELISA tests are commonly used by veterinarians to guide herd management, data on diagnostic performance of the test in field settings are very limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate two commercially available PRRSV ELISA (IDEXX PRRS X3 ELISA and Bionote PRRSV ELISA 4.0) to detect antibodies against PRRSV on serum samples. To this end, a total of 1,108 sera were recruited from 35 swine farms located in Gyeonggi province and tested at the Gyeonggi Province Veterinary Service Center. All tests were performed according to the manufacturer's instructions, by laboratory technicians who routinely perform PRRS testing on blood samples. Samples were collected from two sources of swine populations with different PRRS prevalence; 60 samples (5.4%) were originated from breeding farms and the remaining 1,048 samples (94.6%) were from farrow-to-finish farms. We applied Bayesian latent class model (LCM) for two-tests in the two-population when the accuracy of the gold standard is not available. The model estimated that Bionote ELISA was a bit more specific but slightly less sensitive. The estimated sensitivity and specificity of the IDEXX ELISA were 99.8% (95% CI 98.1-100%) and 86.4% (95% CI 81.4-96.5%), respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for Bionote kit were 98.7% (95% CI 92.8-100%), 89.8% (95% CI 86.2-93.1%), 93.8% (95% CI 91.5-96.0%), and 97.8% (95% CI 87.1-100%), respectively. Based on the Bayesian 95% credible intervals, the sensitivity and specificity of the two ELISAs were not significantly different each other when assuming that two kits were imperfect, indicating that two kits performed equally well in terms of sensitivity and specificity in our filed setting.