• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical shape

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Three-dimensional Analysis of the Spine using Formetric 4D according to Upper Limb Movement and Resistance Application (상지의 움직임과 저항 적용에 따른 Formetric 4D를 이용한 척추의 3차원적 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jin;Shin, Won-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2020
  • PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to measure changes in spine inclination and thoracolumbar structure and morphology according to upper-extremity movements with and without resistance in order to evaluate the spine stability in workers. METHODS: Forty-eight middle-aged male workers (mean age, 40.48 ± 6.27 years) participated in this study. Using the spine analysis system, changes in the inclination of the spine and structure as well as shape of the thoracolumbar spine were measured. For posture measurement, the postures of standing, lifting the right and left arms (shoulder joint 90° flexion), and lifting with both arms were measured in random order. In addition, variables were measured using a resistance of 3 kg for each posture. The statistical significance level was set at α = .05 for all variables. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences between the front and back inclinations of the spine, kyphotic curve of the thoracic spine, lordotic curve of the lumbar spine, rotation changes in the thoracolumbar spine, and rotation changes in the T4 vertebra (p < .05). However, there was no significant difference in the left and right tilts of the spine. In the post-hoc analysis, rotation changes in the T4 vertebra showed a significant difference in posture when resistance was applied to the left and right sides CONCLUSION: Causes of musculoskeletal diseases include excessive thoracic spine rotation, torsion, and hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the working environment in order to ensure a healthy posture and prevent musculoskeletal diseases that can reduce the ability to carry various and/or excessive loads.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome(TOS) (흉곽출구증후군)

  • Kang, Jeom-Deok;Park, Youn-Ki
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2003
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome is actually a collection of syndromes brought about by abnormal compression of the neurovascular bundle by bony, ligamentous or muscular obstacles between the cervical spine and the lower border of the axilla. First of all a syndrome is defined as a group of signs and symptoms that collectively characterize or indicate a particular disease or abnormal condition. The neurovascular bundle which can suffer compression consists of the brachial plexus plus the C8 and T1 nerve roots and the subclavian artery and vein. The brachial plexus is the network of motor and sensory nerves which innervate the arm, the hand, and the region of the shoulder girdle. The vascular component of the bundle, the subclavian artery and vein transport blood to and from the arm. the hand. the shoulder girdle and the regions of the neck and head. The bony, ligamentous, and muscular obstacles all define the cervicoaxillary canal or the thoracic outlet and its course from the base of the neck to the axilla or arm pit. Look at the scheme of this region and it all becomes more easily understood. Compression occurs when the size and shape of the thoracic outlet is altered. The outlet can be altered by exercise, trauma, pregnancy, a congenital anomaly, an exostosis, postural weakness or changes. Thoracic outlet syndrome has been described as occurring in a diverse population. It is most often the result of poor or strenuous posture but can also result from trauma or constant muscle tension in the shoulder girdle. The first step to beginning any treatment begins with a trip to the doctor. Make a list of all of the symptoms which seem to be present even if the sensations are vague. Make a note of what activities and positions produce or alleviate the symptoms and the time of day when symptoms are worst. Also, note when the symptoms first appeared. This list is important and should also include any questions one may have.

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A Research on the Types of Middle Aged Women's Body Figures (중년 여성의 체형에 관한 연구 - 직접계측을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.677-687
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    • 2007
  • This research aims to classify the physical characteristics of middle aged women. The characteristics are esteemed to be adopted for the formalisation of the types of their body figures and their characteristics for each type. For this purpose, middle aged women in the significant change of their body shapes were sampled for body measurement which would be used for the comparison between each measured figure. A group of sample for this research was constructed with 154 middle aged women who is currently living in Seoul and its Metropolitan area and being in their age of $35{\sim}59$. Particularly, the analysis on the girth of belly shows a significant difference subject to each age group so that a distinguished change in the girth of belly is observed as the age gets older. With the SPSS programme, the physical characteristics of middle aged women were analysed by the variation analysis and correlation analysis. In terms of the analysis on the body mass index and the flatness index, the observed result that there is a significant difference between the indices for late middle aged women and early and mid middle aged women shows far more different result from Yu-Kyung Choi(1997) that the body figures of middle aged women tend to start rapidly to change from their ages of 49. This can be explained to some extent in that the increased interest in much healthier and slimmer body shapes beginning from widely-spread so called "well-being" syndrome results in the increase in the number of middle aged women taking care of their health management so that the ages starting their body shape to become obese tend to be deferred. Another explanation is also feasible to partly extent that the middle aged women living in Seoul and Kyung-Gi area are much more looking after their health management than those living in other areas. However, this research has a limitation in that the physical measurement for this research has been conducted focusing on the women living in Seoul and Kyung-Gi area. Hence, it is further expected going forward that the physical measurement for middle aged women living in other areas should follow for the comparison purpose.

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A Study on physical conception expressed in exhibition space -Focused on Movement- (전시공간에 표현되어진 체(體)지각 개념의 유형고찰 - '움직임'을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Rang;Cha, Sang-Gi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2007
  • The space where one's body lives is not only a space as the simple environment that is built with the physical factors, but also a space experienced by a movement accompanied by the concept of body perception including mental activities. In this study, the importance of the body is recognized and the meaning of the space of body perception including mental activities is understood. In this manner, the spatial unfolding phase and expression features are to be investigated through a standard of "What do they change?" by grasping those as a flexible space that changes spatial recognition. The following results have been drawn in this study; First, the application of the flexible concept in the space can give rise to the activities of an experiencing person in terms of being the object of spatial experience and appreciation. Also, the application changes a slightly static concept into a relative and dynamic space by introducing the movement. Second, the establishment of a space by a human's movement is accompanied by all perceptions and enables to perceive the space shape, the space itself and mutual communication between the spaces. Third, the expression of the human's movement in the fixed form of space lies in the extension of the fused spacial area with an observer beyond the physical spatial limitation. As human body intervenes in space, the meaning of the space has become more abundant and diverse and the space will be presented as the arena for sensitive and flexible communication as a responsive space that corresponds.

Kinematic Analysis of Lower Limb during Inside Penalty Kick toward Different Targets in Soccer (축구 인사이드 페널티킥 동작 시 목표변화에 따른 하지분절의 운동학적 분석)

  • So, Jae-Moo;Kim, Jai-Jeong;Park, Hye-Lim;Kang, Sung-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to provide data to increase the success rate of penalty kicks through quantifying the shape of skilled kicks by performing a kinematic analysis on the change of movement during the kicking phase which the goalkeeper uses as a vital clue. Three high definition video cameras(GR-HD1KR, JVC, Japan) were used for the study and 18 reflective markers were attached to the body joints. Corners of the goal, difficult for goalkeepers to block, were set as aims and 1 m by 1.2 m targets were installed. Each subject had five sets of kicks at random, and the analysis was done on the movements that hit the target. Time, speed of the right lower limb's center of mass, joint angle, and angular velocity were chosen as factors and the results of the analysis showed statistical significance. The player taking a penalty kick should train to avoid leaning one's body towards the kicking direction and change the angle of the right foot right before the impact to decide the direction of the ball. The goalkeeper can increase the save success rate by studying the angle of the kicker's body and the right foot as well as the timing of the kick.

Psychological, Physical and Genetic Traits of Sasang Typology (사상인(四象人)의 생리적 특성 연구)

  • Chae, Han;Hong, Moo-Chang;Bae, Hyun-Su;Shin, Min-Kyu
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.304-314
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    • 2005
  • The major concept of Sasang typology is that the disease susceptibility and drug response as well as physiological characteristics are presumed to be different depending on their Sasang types. Although characterizing fundamental basis of their traits are crucial in this research field, only pathological susceptibility and physical appearances were thoroughly studied. We evaluated their physiological characteristics by tapping psychological, physical and genetic traits of each Sasang types. After determining the Sasang type of one hundred three college students based on the Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution Classification, the psychological, physical and genetic traits of each type were analyzed with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and genetic polymorphism test, respectively. Each of the Sasang types showed significantly different profiles (Generalized estimation equation, coef=11.88, z=2.13, p=0.033), and could be distinctively classified based on their MBTI scores (discriminant analysis Wilks Lambda=0.611, df=8, chi-square=36.7, p<0.001). Subjects with the So-Eum type (Introversion and Judging) and the So-Yang type (Extroversion and Perceiving) showed contrasting psychological features, however they had similar anthropometric characteristics. Subjects with the Tae-Eum type showed bigger Body Mass Index ($R^2$=0.22, df=4, 74, F=5.07, p=0.001) and body shape compared to others. Although there were no significant differences in G-protein beta-3 subunit polymorphism, angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphism and Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymprhisms among groups with Sasang types, it was shown that the dopamine system could be one for genetic marker for Sasang typology. These results demonstrated distinctive and essential traits of Sasang typology using reproducible psychometric, anthropometric and genetic evaluations. We also found that the Sasang typology was a bio-psychological typology which could show trait-specific guideline for individualized medicine.

Effects of Pilates Reformer Core and Mat Core Exercises on Standing Posture Alignment

  • Sim, Gyeongseop;Kim, Donghoon;Jeon, Hyeseon
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.282-288
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    • 2022
  • Background: Pilates exercises are used for body shape correction because they can achieve correct posture alignment through spinal stabilization. Objects: This study aimed to determine whether the use of reformers increases the effectiveness of Pilates core exercises on body alignment in standing. Methods: The study included 30 women without known diagnoses of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders or cancer. Those who had taken more than 10 Pilates lessons were excluded. The participants were randomly assigned to either the reformer exercise group or the mat exercise group, and interventional Pilates exercises were performed for 60 minutes a day, three times a week, for a total of 8 weeks. Ten movements of the reformer and mat Pilates core exercise programs were included. Exbody® 9100 MOMI musculoskeletal analysis equipment (Exbody Inc.) was used to assess the alignment of the standing posture in the frontal plane. Results: As a result of comparing the differences within and between the groups before and after the intervention using the two-way mixed analysis of variance test, height differences in the head, pelvis, left and right, shoulders, scapulas, knees, and ankles in the frontal plane after the intervention were found in both groups. For example, the left-right symmetry of the body alignment in the standing posture was significantly improved within each group (p < 0.05). However, no significant difference was found between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Both the reformer and mat Pilates core exercises were effective for standing posture alignment, which has clinical significance. If an exercise program is developed based on the analysis of movements necessary for posture improvement and the target muscles to be strengthened, the same effect can be achieved only with mat exercise without using the reformer equipment at the beginner stage.

ACMs-based Human Shape Extraction and Tracking System for Human Identification (개인 인증을 위한 활성 윤곽선 모델 기반의 사람 외형 추출 및 추적 시스템)

  • Park, Se-Hyun;Kwon, Kyung-Su;Kim, Eun-Yi;Kim, Hang-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2007
  • Research on human identification in ubiquitous environment has recently attracted a lot of attention. As one of those research, gait recognition is an efficient method of human identification using physical features of a walking person at a distance. In this paper, we present a human shape extraction and tracking for gait recognition using geodesic active contour models(GACMs) combined with mean shift algorithm The active contour models (ACMs) are very effective to deal with the non-rigid object because of its elastic property. However, they have the limitation that their performance is mainly dependent on the initial curve. To overcome this problem, we combine the mean shift algorithm with the traditional GACMs. The main idea is very simple. Before evolving using level set method, the initial curve in each frame is re-localized near the human region and is resized enough to include the targe region. This mechanism allows for reducing the number of iterations and for handling the large object motion. The proposed system is composed of human region detection and human shape tracking modules. In the human region detection module, the silhouette of a walking person is extracted by background subtraction and morphologic operation. Then human shape are correctly obtained by the GACMs with mean shift algorithm. In experimental results, the proposed method show that it is extracted and tracked efficiently accurate shape for gait recognition.

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A Study on the Lighting Characteristics Appeared Architectural Space by Steven Hall and Richard Meier's works (스티븐 홀과 리차드 마이어의 건축공간에서 나타나는 빛의 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Gon;Koh, Gwi-han;Bang, Moon-sun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2013
  • Space and figure are formed not by themselves but by the existence of light. It is important that plays a role as an intermediary of cognition which enables the formation of space and figure through Human's recognition in the process of design. Human perceive space and identity every basic form by the contrast of light and dark. The existence of light is very inclusive concept in the space, so space and form are completed by light. The change of based on time, place, and its amount acts as an important element Which can change the form of Space. In Space light doesn't work simply as light itself, but have a very close relation with Space, Form, Structure, Material, Color elements, Space is limited by physical form but human perceive space relatively by many other conditions, So same space can be experienced differently by the characters of light. Human can recognized and observe an object in the space as he processes information collected through light. In this process light make it possible for human to see the shape in space. therefore, the shape of space can get meanings when light exists. the space recognized by light is the mean that activates human activates in space.

The Photometric Brightness Variation of Geostationary Orbit Satellite

  • Seo, Haingja;Jin, Ho;Song, Yongjun;Lee, Yongseok;Oh, Youngseok
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2013
  • Photometric observation is one of the most effective techniques for determining the physical characteristics of unknown space objects and space debris. In this research, we examine the change in brightness of the Communication, Ocean, Meteorological Satellite-1 (COMS-1) Geostationary Orbit Satellite (GEO), and compare it to our estimate model. First, we calculate the maximum brightness time using our calculation method and then derive the light curve shape using our rendering model. The maximum brightness is then calculated using the induced equation from Pogson's formula. For a comparison with our estimation, we carried out photometric observation using an optical telescope. The variation in brightness and the shape of the light curve are similar to the calculations achieved using our model, but the maximum brightness shows a slightly different value from our calculation result depending on the input parameters. This paper examines the photometric phenomenon of the variation in brightness of a GEO satellite, and the implementation of our approach to understanding the characteristics of space objects.