• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical shape

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Determination of Stream Reach for River Environment Assessment System Using Satellite Image (위성영상을 활용한 하천환경 평가 세구간 설정)

  • Kang, Woochul;Choe, Hun;Jang, Eun-kyung;Ko, Dongwoo;Kang, Joongu;Yeo, Hongkoo
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the use of satellite images for river classification and determination of stream reach, which is the first priority in the river environment assessment system. In the river environment assessment system used in South Korea, it is proposed to set a stream reach by using 10 or 25 times the width of the river based on the result of river classification. First, river classification for the main stream section of Cheongmi stream was performed using various river-related data. The maximum likelihood method was applied for land cover classification. In this study, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, which is an open data technology with a resolution of 10 m, was used. A total of four satellite images from 2018 was used to consider various flow conditions: February 2 (daily discharge = 2.39 m3/s), May 23 (daily discharge = 15.51 m3/s), June 2 (daily discharge = 3.88 m3/s), and July 7 (daily discharge = 33.61 m3/s). The river widths were estimated from the result of land cover classification to determine stream reach. The results of the assessment reach classification were evaluated using indicators of stream physical environments, including pool diversity, channel sinuosity, and river crossing shape and structure. It is concluded that appropriate flow conditions need to be considered when using satellite images to set up assessment segments for the river environment assessment system.

Comparison of Ultrasound Image Quality using Edge Enhancement Mask (경계면 강조 마스크를 이용한 초음파 영상 화질 비교)

  • Jung-Min, Son;Jun-Haeng, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2023
  • Ultrasound imaging uses sound waves of frequencies to cause physical actions such as reflection, absorption, refraction, and transmission at the edge between different tissues. Improvement is needed because there is a lot of noise due to the characteristics of the data generated from the ultrasound equipment, and it is difficult to grasp the shape of the tissue to be actually observed because the edge is vague. The edge enhancement method is used as a method to solve the case where the edge surface looks clumped due to a decrease in image quality. In this paper, as a method to strengthen the interface, the quality improvement was confirmed by strengthening the interface, which is the high-frequency part, in each image using an unsharpening mask and high boost. The mask filtering used for each image was evaluated by measuring PSNR and SNR. Abdominal, head, heart, liver, kidney, breast, and fetal images were obtained from Philips epiq5g and affiniti70g and Alpinion E-cube 15 ultrasound equipment. The program used to implement the algorithm was implemented with MATLAB R2022a of MathWorks. The unsharpening and high-boost mask array size was set to 3*3, and the laplacian filter, a spatial filter used to create outline-enhanced images, was applied equally to both masks. ImageJ program was used for quantitative evaluation of image quality. As a result of applying the mask filter to various ultrasound images, the subjective image quality showed that the overall contour lines of the image were clearly visible when unsharpening and high-boost mask were applied to the original image. When comparing the quantitative image quality, the image quality of the image to which the unsharpening mask and the high boost mask were applied was evaluated higher than that of the original image. In the portal vein, head, gallbladder, and kidney images, the SNR, PSNR, RMSE and MAE of the image to which the high-boost mask was applied were measured to be high. Conversely, for images of the heart, breast, and fetus, SNR, PSNR, RMSE and MAE values were measured as images with the unsharpening mask applied. It is thought that using the optimal mask according to the image will help to improve the image quality, and the contour information was provided to improve the image quality.

A study on multidisciplinary and convergent research using the case of 3D bioprinting (3D 바이오프린팅 사례로 본 다학제간 융복합 연구에 대한 소고)

  • Park, Ju An;Jung, Sungjune;Ma, Eunjeong
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.30
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2017
  • In the fields of science and engineering, multidisciplinary research is common, and researchers with a diverse range of expertise collaborate to achieve common goals. As the 4th industrial revolution gains currency in society, there is growing demand on talented personnel both with technical knowledge and skills and with communicative skills. That is, future engineers are expected to possess competence in social and artistic skills in addition to specialized knowledge and skills in engineering. In this paper we introduce an emerging field of 3D bioprinting as an exemplary case of interdisciplinary research. We have chosen the case to demonstrate the possibility of cultivating engineers with π-shaped expertise. Building on the concept of T-shaped talent, we define π-shaped expertise as having both technical skills in more than one specialized field and interpersonal/communicative skills. Wtih references to such concepts as trading zones and interactional expertise, we suggest that π-shaped expertise can be cultivated via the creation of multi-level trading zones. Trading zones are referred to as the physical, conceptual, or metaphorical spaces in which experts with different world views trade ideas, objects, and the like. Interactional expertise is cultivated, as interactions between researches are under way, with growing understanding of each other's expertise. Under the support of the university and the government, two researchers with expertise in printing technology and life sciences cooperate to develop a 3D bioprinting system. And the primary investigator of the research laboratory under study has aimed to create multiple dimensions of trading zones where researchers with different educational and cultural backgrounds can exchange ideas and interact with each other. As 3D bioprinting has taken shape, we have found that a new form of expertise, namely π-shaped expertise is formed.

Interior Settings of a Chamber and a Temporary Place of Enshrinement at Yeonghuijeon and Features of the Five Peak Screens for the Hall (영희전 감실 및 이안소의 공간 구성과 오봉산병풍의 특징)

  • SON Myenghee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.100-121
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    • 2023
  • This paper examines the interior settings of a chamber and of a temporary place of enshrinement at Yeonghuijeon (永禧殿, Hall of Eternal Happiness), the representative official portrait hall in which portraits of early and late Joseon kings were enshrined. Also, it discusses the features of the Five Peak screens used therein. The physical environment of a chamber at Yeonghuijeon mainly consisted of a four-panel folding screen with a painting of Five Peaks and a large wooden platform, which was adorned with dragon and lion patterns and attached to lotus-leaf column balustrades. The Five Peak screen was installed on a large platform in the shape of ⊓, spreading across the second and third panels on the back and folding out on the first and fourth panels on the right and left sides. When a portrait was enshrined in a temporary place, a simpler and smaller platform with railings was used. A four-panel folding screen of the Five Peak painting was installed in the same way as in a chamber, but was unfolded around a smaller platform behind it. A royal portrait was displayed in each chamber, whereas a case in which a portrait was rolled up was put on the smaller platform in a temporary place. The Five Peak screens for a chamber and a temporary place were all large four-panel folding screens with two wide panels in the middle and two narrow panels on each side, and only strips of silk were mounted on the four edges of the screens without additional wide lower-side mountings. While screens for the chamber used patterned silk for mounting and white paper for backing on screen frames, screens for the temporary place used plain silk and recycled failed test papers for mounting and backing, respectively. By examining records in the literature on the Five Peak screens for Yeonghuijeon, this paper highlights two Five Peak screens, both of which lost their provenance from the hall. The structures of the two screens reflected the way they were to be installed at the hall. Furthermore, this paper assumes that a Five Peak screen, which had been unfolded on the throne in the main hall of Changdeokgung Palace after the 1960s, was produced in 1858 for the purpose of temporarily enshrining King Sunjo's portrait due to the fact that failed test papers of the 1840s were laid taut over the frame.

Monitoring and Preventive Preservation of Cultural Heritages to Maintain Original Wooden Architectural Cultural Heritage (목조건축문화재 원형유지를 위한 문화재돌봄 모니터링과 예방보존)

  • CHUN Kyoungmee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.192-214
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    • 2023
  • Wooden architectural cultural heritages are one of the visible legacies that show the national's identity. Even when the concept of 'the original' of cultural heritages was not accurately understood, the emphasis of preservation and management of cultural heritages was placed on 'preservation of the original form' or 'maintenance of the original form'. Moreover, these days, following the trend of international preservation principles, cultural heritages are considered important as "values as historical objects." This paper is the result of an attempt to determine the scope and content of what parts should be monitored to maintain the original form of wooden architectural cultural heritage. The first thing to be done in monitoring wooden architectural cultural heritage is to check the condition of the ground and foundation. The second is the column. This is because the instability of the column causes damage to the joint with each member and the fitting part, resulting in physical changes leading to damage to the wall. The third is monitor the roof tiles. If the leak continues into the building due to the separation or damage of the roof, the defect should be partially dismantled and repaired, so it should be monitored to maintain its original shape as much as possible. The monitoring range of the base, column, and roof serves as a reference point for identifying what damage is being done to the relevant cultural heritages. In other words, the data at the time when monitoring began becomes the 'original' for the year. Alternatives based on the analysis of monitoring for the preservation of original cultural heritages should be actively introduced. In addition, by sharing the current state and situation of cultural heritages as a result of monitoring with various related organizations, preventive preservation should be established rather than preservation of cultural heritages by "intervention."

An Analysis of Wooden Wells from the Three Kingdoms Period in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강유역 삼국시대 목조우물에 대한 검토)

  • CHOI Misook
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.6-22
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the characteristics of wooden wells from the Three Kingdoms period that were discovered in the Yeongsan River basin, in addition to their functions based on the distribution of the remains and excavated artifacts found near the wells. A total of 11 wooden wells have been found at six archeological sites along the middle and upper reaches of the Yeongsan River basin. These wooden wells were built in a wider variety of forms than wells made of other materials due to the ease of processing resulting from the physical properties of wood. However, due to the limited geological conditions in which these wells can be installed and their rapid decay, the discovery of such wells is rare. They tend to be located in the clay and mud layers of old river channels or near river channels where it was relatively easy to obtain water from the riverbed. The wooden wells are mostly square or rectangular in shape and were assembled transversely, and some include support beams in their construction. The backfill was reinforced with either stone, a mixture of stone and clay, or a mixture of clay and pottery shards. The material mainly used was pine wood boards, with wood from chestnut trees being used as a sub-material. Various artifacts, such as pottery and wooden containers, animal bones, and seeds, have been excavated in small quantities. The excavated pottery items consist mostly of flat cups with a cover, mounted cups, pottery stands, wide-mouthed jars with a hole, and round pottery. Based on the environment and remains of the sites, the wells are thought to have been used for domestic and production purposes. The assumed primary function was to obtain domestic water, as most of the wells were located within residential spaces where the area's inhabitants lived. The wells were also used to obtain water for agricultural purposes, as well as for productive purposes such as for operating kilns and smelters. Lastly, the wooden wells were also found to be strongly associated with rites, as evidenced by the artifacts found inside them.

Current Status and Perspectives in Varietal Improvement of Rice Cultivars for High-Quality and Value-Added Products (쌀 품질 고급화 및 고부가가치화를 위한 육종현황과 전망)

  • 최해춘
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    • v.47
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2002
  • The endeavors enhancing the grain quality of high-yielding japonica rice were steadily continued during 1980s-1990s along with the self-sufficiency of rice production and the increasing demands of high-quality rices. During this time, considerably great progress and success was obtained in development of high-quality japonica cultivars and quality evaluation techniques including the elucidation of interrelationship between the physicochemical properties of rice grain and the physical or palatability components of cooked rice. In 1990s, some high-quality japonica rice cultivars and special rices adaptable for food processing such as large kernel, chalky endosperm, aromatic and colored rices were developed and its objective preference and utility was also examined by a palatability meter, rapid-visco analyzer and texture analyzer, Recently, new special rices such as extremely low-amylose dull or opaque non-glutinous endosperm mutants were developed. Also, a high-lysine rice variety was developed for higher nutritional utility. The water uptake rate and the maximum water absorption ratio showed significantly negative correlations with the K/Mg ratio and alkali digestion value(ADV) of milled rice. The rice materials showing the higher amount of hot water absorption exhibited the larger volume expansion of cooked rice. The harder rices with lower moisture content revealed the higher rate of water uptake at twenty minutes after soaking and the higher ratio of maximum water uptake under the room temperature condition. These water uptake characteristics were not associated with the protein and amylose contents of milled rice and the palatability of cooked rice. The water/rice ratio (in w/w basis) for optimum cooking was averaged to 1.52 in dry milled rices (12% wet basis) with varietal range from 1.45 to 1.61 and the expansion ratio of milled rice after proper boiling was average to 2.63(in v/v basis). The major physicochemical components of rice grain associated with the palatability of cooked rice were examined using japonica rice materials showing narrow varietal variation in grain size and shape, alkali digestibility, gel consistency, amylose and protein contents, but considerable difference in appearance and texture of cooked rice. The glossiness or gross palatability score of cooked rice were closely associated with the peak, hot paste and consistency viscosities of viscosities with year difference. The high-quality rice variety "IIpumbyeo" showed less portion of amylose on the outer layer of milled rice grain and less and slower change in iodine blue value of extracted paste during twenty minutes of boiling. This highly palatable rice also exhibited very fine net structure in outer layer and fine-spongy and well-swollen shape of gelatinized starch granules in inner layer and core of cooked rice kernel compared with the poor palatable rice through image of scanning electronic microscope. Gross sensory score of cooked rice could be estimated by multiple linear regression formula, deduced from relationship between rice quality components mentioned above and eating quality of cooked rice, with high probability of determination. The $\alpha$-amylose-iodine method was adopted for checking the varietal difference in retrogradation of cooked rice. The rice cultivars revealing the relatively slow retrogradation in aged cooked rice were IIpumbyeo, Chucheongyeo, Sasanishiki, Jinbubyeo and Koshihikari. A Tonsil-type rice, Taebaegbyeo, and a japonica cultivar, Seomjinbyeo, showed the relatively fast deterioration of cooked rice. Generally, the better rice cultivars in eating quality of cooked rice showed less retrogradation and much sponginess in cooled cooked rice. Also, the rice varieties exhibiting less retrogradation in cooled cooked rice revealed higher hot viscosity and lower cool viscosity of rice flour in amylogram. The sponginess of cooled cooked rice was closely associated with magnesium content and volume expansion of cooked rice. The hardness-changed ratio of cooked rice by cooling was negatively correlated with solids amount extracted during boiling and volume expansion of cooked rice. The major physicochemical properties of rice grain closely related to the palatability of cooked rice may be directly or indirectly associated with the retrogradation characteristics of cooked rice. The softer gel consistency and lower amylose content in milled rice revealed the higher ratio of popped rice and larger bulk density of popping. The stronger hardness of rice grain showed relatively higher ratio of popping and the more chalky or less translucent rice exhibited the lower ratio of intact popped brown rice. The potassium and magnesium contents of milled rice were negatively associated with gross score of noodle making mixed with wheat flour in half and the better rice for noodle making revealed relatively less amount of solid extraction during boiling. The more volume expansion of batters for making brown rice bread resulted the better loaf formation and more springiness in rice breed. The higher protein rices produced relatively the more moist white rice bread. The springiness of rice bread was also significantly correlated with high amylose content and hard gel consistency. The completely chalky and large grain rices showed better suitability far fermentation and brewing. The glutinous rice were classified into nine different varietal groups based on various physicochemical and structural characteristics of endosperm. There was some close associations among these grain properties and large varietal difference in suitability to various traditional food processing. Our breeding efforts on improvement of rice quality for high palatability and processing utility or value-adding products in the future should focus on not only continuous enhancement of marketing and eating qualities but also the diversification in morphological, physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of rice grain suitable for processing various value-added rice foods.ice foods.

Studies on the Method of Ground Vegetation Establishment of Denuded Forest Land in the Mudstone Region - The Characteristics of Mudstone and Speeded-up Reforestation - (니암지대황폐림지(泥岩地帶荒廢林地)의 지피식생(地被植生) 조성방법(造成方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 니암특성((泥岩特性)과 조기녹화(早期綠化) -)

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 1973
  • The results of ground vegetation experiment conducted at completely denuded forestland in the mudstone region are summerized as follows: On the reaults of soiling quantity the effect of soiling was observed where depth of soiling over 10 cm was practiced, and a plot where treated with 15cm soiling and without fertilizer showed poor growth and it was even worser than the plot where soiling was practiced only 1 cm in thikness but applied adequate amount of fertilizers. The depth of slits between 30cm and 40cm showed no significant difference in the effect. A plot where covered with vegetation bag showed somewhat better results in seed loss and early growth but no differences observed in the fall result over the none covered plot. And then, it is recommendable to have soiling over 10cm in thikness with slit of 30cm and 30cm in depth and to apply 30 gram of fertilizer (22;22:11, 50 gram) per slit. On various soiling materials trial there were no striking differences in the effect of soiling between weathered granite soil, wheathered tuffs soil and weathered mudstone soil. In the treatment with various green materials, a plot treated with straw mat showed a significant difference at 1 percent. The results show that weathered mudstone soil is effective to use as soiling materials and straw mat treatment was better. On forest fertilization trial, in the mudstone region where red and black pine trees already existing at a rate of 2,000-3,000 trees per hectare had applied 110kg of compound fertilizers (9:12:3 and 22:22:11) per hectare basis in terms of plant nutrient. As a result, the difference in effect between the compound fertilizers was not found however the leaf color and leaf length of the fertilizer added plot showed darker and longer at 30 percent over the no fertilizer received plot. Compound fertilizers, 14:37:12 and 9:12:3 were applied to alder trees at a rate of 20 gram and 40 gram per tree in terms of plant nutrient and a remarkable growth accelerantion was observed where 40 grams of plant nutrient applied. The effect difference between the compound fertilizers was not found. On investigation of tree root elongation, forty years old red pine trees showed only 15cm tap root elongation through mudstone while black pine had 23 cm tap root elongation. The total length of supporting root elongtion of red and black pines showed 20 and 13 meters, respectively. The tap roots of Black locusts were not able to elongate through mudstone, however, the supporting roots tended to develop to the underneath of pine tree where some moisture content is available. Black locusts And grown on the residual soil of mudstone normally die between 8 to 10 years. The red pine trees show flat in tree shape while black pine had triangle in the shape. With the results it can be said that in an artificial reforestation in denuded forest land of the mudstone region the adequate slit and enough amount of fertiliizer application must be provided for the succesful performance of the program. On integrated experimental results of 1972. for the establishment of ground vegetation on the completely denuded forest land in mudstone region, soiling could be effectively practiced with weathered mudstone soil and it would not specially necessiate to have either weathered granite or tuffssoil for the soiling. And the soiling depth should be more than 10 cm in thickness. Among green materials used the straw mat proved to be the most effective reatment. Three major factors which enable to establish ground vegetation by the shortest period of time: A. Physical improvement of soil is necessary to breakdown of the horizontal cracks sushas Slit, contour line plot, seeding hole and etc., and soiling with weathered mudstone soil. B. Chemical improvement of soil: is needed sufficient amount of fertilizer application 300~400kg ha, $N+P_2O_5+K_2O$), and increased production of ground covering and expedite resolution of the vegetation (ground vegetation, fallen leaves and twigs). C. Complete establishment of the basic structure for the erosion control (Prevention of surface soil erosion)

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Historical Studies on the Characteristics of Buyongjeong in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 후원 부용정(芙蓉亭)의 조영사적 특성)

  • Song, Suk-ho;Sim, Woo-kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2016
  • Buyongjeong, a pavilion in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace, was appointed as Treasure No. 1763 on March 2, 2012, by the South Korea government since it shows significant symmetry and proportion on its unique planar shape, spatial configuration, building decoration, and so forth. However, the designation of Treasure selection was mainly evaluated by concrete science, in that the selection has not clearly articulated how and why Buoungjeong was constructed as a present unique form. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the identity of Buyongjeong at the time of construction by considering its historical, ideological, philosophical background and building intention. Summary are as follows: First, Construction backgrounds and characters of Buyongjeong: Right after the enthronement, King Jeongjo had founded Kyujanggak(奎章閣), and sponsored civil ministers who were elected by the national examination, as a part of political reform. In addition, he established his own political system by respecting "Kaksin(閣臣)", Kyujanggak's officials as much as "Kain(家人)", internal family members. King Jeongjo's aggressive political reform finally enabled King's lieges to visit King's Rear Garden. In the reign of King Jeongjo's 16th year(1792), Naekaksangjohoe(內閣賞釣會) based on "Kaksin" was officially launched and the Rear Garden visitation became a regular meeting. The Rear Garden visitation consisted of "Sanghwajoeoyeon(賞花釣魚宴)" - enjoying flowers and fishing, and activities of "Nanjeongsugye". Afterward, it eventually became a huge national event since high rank government officials participated the event. King Jeongjo shared the cultural activities with government officials together to Buyongjeong as a place to fulfill his royal politics. Second, The geographical location and spatial characteristics of Buyongjeong: On the enthronement of King Jeongjo(1776), he renovated Taeksujae. Above all, aligning and linking Gaeyuwa - Taeksujae - a cicular island - Eosumun - Kyujangkak along with the construction axis is an evidence for King Jeongjo to determine how the current Kyujangkak zone was prepared and designed to fulfill King Jeonjo's political ideals. In 17th year(1793) of the reign of King Jeongjo, Taeksujae, originally a square shaped pavilion, was modified and expanded with ranks to provide a place to get along with the King and officials. The northern part of Buyongjeong, placed on pond, was designed for the King's place and constructed one rank higher than others. Discernment on windows and doors were made with "Ajasal" - a special pattern for the King. The western and eastern parts were for government officials. The center part was prepared for a place where government officials were granted an audience with the King, who was located in the nortern part of Buyongjeong. Government officials from the western and eastern parts of Buyongjeong, could enter the central part of the Buyongjeong from the southern part by detouring the corner of Buyongjeong. After all, Buyongjeong is a specially designed garden building, which was constructed to be a royal palace utilizing its minimal space. Third, Cultural Values of Buyongjeong: The Buyongjeong area exhibits a trait that it had been continuously developed and it had reflected complex King's private garden cultures from King Sejo, Injo, Hyunjong, Sukjong, Jeongjo and so forth. In particular, King Jeongjo had succeded physical, social and imaginary environments established by former kings and invited their government officials for his royal politics. As a central place for his royal politics, King Jeongjo completed Buyongjeong. Therefore, the value of Buyongjeong, as a garden building reflecting permanency of the Joseon Dynasty, can be highly evaluated. In addition, as it reflects Confucianism in the pavilion - represented by distinguishing hierarchical ranks, it is a unique example to exhibit its distinctiveness in a royal garden.

Cellular activities of osteoblast-like cells on alkali-treated titanium surface (알칼리 처리된 타이타늄 표면에 대한 골아 유사세포의 세포 활성도)

  • Park, Jin-Woo;Lee, Deog-Hye;Yeo, Shin-Il;Park, Kwang-Bum;Choi, Seok-Kyu;Suh, Jo-Young
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.37 no.sup2
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    • pp.427-445
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    • 2007
  • To improve osseointegration at the boneto-implant interface, several studies have been carried out to modify titanium surface. Variations in surface texture or microtopography may affect the cellular response to an implant. Osteoblast-like cells attach more readily to a rougher titanium surface, and synthesis of extracellular matrix and subsequent mineralization were found to be enhanced on rough or porous coated titanium. However, regarding the effect of roughened surface by physical and mechanical methods, most studies carried out on the reactions of cells to micrometric topography, little work has been performed on the reaction of cells to nanotopography. The purpose of this study was to examme the response of osteoblast-like cell cultured on blasted surfaces and alkali treated surfaces, and to evaluate the influence of surface texture or submicro-scaled surface topography on the cell attachment, cell proliferation and the gene expression of osteoblastic phenotype using ROS 17/2.8 cell lines. In scanning electron micrographs, the blasted, alkali treated and machined surfaces demonstrated microscopic differences in the surface topography. The specimens of alkali treatment had a submicro-scaled porous sur-face with pore size about 200 nm. The blasted surfaces showed irregularities in morphology with small(<10 ${\mu}m$) depression and indentation among flatter-appearing areas of various sizes. Based on profilometry, the blasted surfaces was significantly rougher than the machined and the alkali treated surfaces (p$TiO_2$) were observed on alkali treated surfaces, whereas not observed on machined and blasted surfaces. The attachment morphology of cells according to time was observed by the scanning electron microscope. After 1 hour incubation, the cells were in the process of adhesion and spreading on the prepared surfaces. After 3 hours, the cells on all prepared surfaces were further spreaded and flattened, however on the blasted and alkali treated surfaces, the cells exhibited slightly irregular shapes and some gaps or spaces were seen. After 24 hours incubation, most cells of the all groups had a flattened and polygonal shape, but the cells were more spreaded on the machined surfaces than the blasted and alkali treated surfaces. The MTT assay indicated the increase on machined, alkali treated and blasted surfaces according to time, and the alkali treated and blasted surfaces showed significantly increased in optical density comparing with machined surfaces at 1 day (p<0.01). Gene expression study showed that mRNA expression level of ${\alpha}\;1(I)$ collagen, alkaline phosphatase and osteopontin of the osteoblast-like cells showed a tendency to be higher on blasted and alkali treated surfaces than on the machined surfaces, although no siginificant difference in the mRNA expression level of ${\alpha}\;1(I)$ collagen, alkaline phosphatase and osteopontin was observed among all groups. In conclusion, we suggest that submicroscaled surfaces on osteoblast-like cell response do not over-ride the one of the surface with micro-scaled topography produced by blasting method, although the microscaled and submicro-scaled surfaces can accelerate osteogenic cell attachment and function compared with the machined surfaces.