• Title/Summary/Keyword: Partial coverage

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Reconstruction of the Defect in Perineum using Local perforator based flap (천공지 기저 국소 피판을 이용한 회음부 결손의 재건)

  • Lee, Joo Hong;Yun, In Sik;Lee, Dong Won;Lee, Won Jai;Rah, Dong Kyun
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.565-570
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Numerous techniques have been introduced to reconstruct the perineal area in order to preserve function of both the recipient and the donor site while satisfying aesthetic results. There are several advantages of using the pudendal aretery perforator based flap in that it provides thin coverage of defect area and a relatively excellent circulation through perforators. The perineal region can be divided into two areas : the urogenital triangle and the anal triangle. Since each area differs in structure and function so does its reconstructive plan. The authors of this article report clinical results obtained from pudendal artery perforator based reconstructed cases according to each differrent triangles. Methods: A total of 15 patients who underwent perineal reconstruction were enrolled in our study between the year 2002 and 2006. There were 4 cases of vaginal cancer, 4 cases of extramammary Paget's disease, 1 case of rectovaginal fistula in females and 2 cases of Paget's disease and 4 cases of Fournier's gangrene in male cases. The follow up period was on average 6 month. In female, superfical pudendal artery perforator based local flap were used to reconstruct the urogenital triangle defects, while internal pudendal artery perfoator based local flaps were used to reconstruct the anal traingle defects. In males the gracilis myocutaneous flap and internal pudendal artery perforator based local flaps were used in reconstruction of the scrotum and perineal defect. Result: In females, there was 1 case of partial flap necorsis that employed the superficial pudendal artery perforator but secondary repair through the internal pudendal artery perforator based local flap was done. In addition, there were 4 wound dehiscence cases in females and 2 cases in males. Conclusion: We believe that a better aesthetic and functional outcome can be achieved in perineal reconstruction if discrete surgical planning is carried out systematically categorizing the choice of flap employed acccording to distinct anatomical regions : the urogenital and the anal triangle.

A Study of System and Practices of the Old Age Pension in North Korea (북한 년로년금의 제도와 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Ki-Chae;Cho, Sung-Eun;Han, Kyoung-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.60
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    • pp.133-173
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    • 2018
  • This paper analyzes the consistency and the discrepancy between system and practices of the old age pension(Nyunronyungeum) in North Korea. The literature review is conducted to analyze the system. Specifically, the North Korean law and North Korean dictionaries were carefully examined. The interviews with 25 North Korean refugees were conducted to grasp the exact state of the old age pension in North Korea. Major findings are as follows: the consistency between system and practices of the old age pension in North Korea is identified only certain portions of that. Beneficiaries(blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, farmers, soldiers, and employees in foreign-invested enterprises), contribution periods, earning-related schemes, the totalization of periods of coverage(workplace transitions), the absence of double benefits and early retirement pension, and the delivery system around Civic Service offices(Dong offices) are confirmed by complete consistency. Preservation age, variations in the implementation of the pension system by region, and premium of the old age pension are confirmed by partial consistency. The length of service, the labor regulation, lump-sum payment, and double dipping are confirmed by discrepancies. It's important that this study brings about a better understanding the old age pension in North Korea through various original texts of North Korea and interviews with refugees. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the policy production for the age income security system after the unification and to the spread of unification perspectives.

Dosimetric Comparison of Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Radiotherapy and Helical Tomotherapy Partial Breast Cancer (유방암 환자의 3D-CRT, TOMO 방법에 따른 선량 분포 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Woong;Kim, Jong-Won;Choi, Yun-Kyeong;Kim, Jung-Soo;Hwang, Jae-Woong;Jeong, Kyeong-Sik;Choi, Gye-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The goal of radiation treatment is to deliver a prescribed radiation dose to the target volume accurately while minimizing dose to normal tissues. In this paper, we comparing the dose distribution between three dimensional conformal radiation radiotherapy (3D-CRT) and helical tomotherapy (TOMO) plan for partial breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients were included in the study, and plans for two techniques were developed for each patient (left breast:10 patients, right breast:10 patients). For each patient 3D-CRT planning was using pinnacle planning system, inverse plan was made using Tomotherapy Hi-Art system and using the same targets and optimization goals. We comparing the Homogeneity index (HI), Conformity index (CI) and sparing of the organs at risk for dose-volume histogram. Results: Whereas the HI, CI of TOMO was significantly better than the other, 3D-CRT was observed to have significantly poorer HI, CI. The percentage ipsilateral non-PTV breast volume that was delivered 50% of the prescribed dose was 3D-CRT (mean: 40.4%), TOMO (mean: 18.3%). The average ipsilateral lung volume percentage receiving 20% of the PD was 3D-CRT (mean: 4.8%), TOMO (mean: 14.2), concerning the average heart volume receiving 20% and 10% of the PD during treatment of left breast cancer 3D-CRT (mean: 1.6%, 3.0%), TOMO (mean: 9.7%, 26.3%) Conclusion: In summary, 3D-CRT and TOMO techniques were found to have acceptable PTV coverage in our study. However, in TOMO, high conformity to the PTV and effective breast tissue sparing was achieved at the expense of considerable dose exposure to the lung and heart.

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The dosimetric guide of treatment modalities for Left side breast irradiation after conservative surgery (좌측 유방암 방사선 치료 시 치료 기법에 따른 선량적 고찰)

  • Kim, Tae Min;Moon, Sung Kong;Kim, Li Zzy;Kim, Se Young;Park, Ryeung Hwang;Kim, Joo Ho;Cho, Jung Heui
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.30 no.1_2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : We retrospectively analyzed doses of each radiation therapy technique used in the treatment for left breast cancer patients after partial mastectomy through dose results for normalorgans and tumor volume to use this as a clinical reference for radiation therapy of domestic left breast cancer patients. Materials and Methods : 40 patients who underwent partial mastectomy on left breast cancer were classified in 3 treatment methods. The treatment plan was evaluated by HI(homogeneity index), $D_{95%}$, and CI(conformity index), and the $V_{hot}$ for gross tumor volume and clinical target volume of each treatment method. In Cyberknife treatment, tumor volume was the same as high dose volume in the other techniques, so no consideration was given to clinical target volume. Treatment plan evaluation for normal organs were evaluated by mean dose on ipsilateral lung, heart, left anterior descending artery, opposite breast and lung, and non-target tissue. Result : Treatment with volumetric arc radiotherapy(VMAT) showed $95.84{\pm}0.75%$ of $D_{95%}$ on the clinical target volume, significantly higher than that of 3D-CRT. The $D_{95%}$ value of the total tumor volume was slightly higher than the other treatments. In Cyberknife treatment, the dose to the normal organs was significantly lower than other treatments. Overall, the maximum dose and mean dose to the heart were $26.2{\pm}6.12Gy$ and $1.88{\pm}0.2Gy$ in VMAT treatment and $20.25{\pm}9.35Gy$ and $1.04{\pm}0.19Gy$ in 3D-CRT therapy, respectively. Conclusion : In comparison on 3D-CRT and VMAT, most of the dosimetric parameters for the evaluation of the treatment plan showed similar values, so that there is no significant difference in treatment plan evaluation. It is possible to select the treatment method according to the patient's anatomical structure or possibility of breath control. Cyberknife treatment is very useful treatment for normal organs because of its accurate dose exposure to the tumor volume However, it has restrictions to treat the local area, to have relatively long treatment time and to involve invasive procedure.

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Two stage reconstruction of bilateral alveolar cleft using Y-shaped anterior based tongue flap and iliac bone graft (Y-형 전방 기저 설 피판과 장골 이식을 이용한 양측성 치조열의 이단계 재건술)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Kim, Myung-Jin;Kang, Jin-Han;Kang, Na-Ra;Lee, Jong-Hwan;Choi, Won-Jae;Choi, Jin-Young
    • Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2000
  • Objective: When an alveolar cleft is too large to close with adjacent mucobuccal flaps or large secondary fistula following a primary bilateral palatoplasty exists, a one-stage procedure for bone grafting becomes challenging. In such a case, we used the tongue flap to repair the fistula and cleft alveolus in the first stage, and bone grafting to the cleft defect was performed in the second stage several months later. The purpose of this paper is to report our experiences with the use of an anteriorly-based Y-shaped tongue flap to fit the palatal and labial alveolar defects and the ultimate result of the bone graft. Patients: A series of 14 patients underwent surgery of this type from January 1994 to December 1998.The average age of the patients was 15.8 years old (range: 5 to 28 years old). The mean period of follow-up following the 2nd stage bone raft operation was 45.9 months (range: 9 to 68 months). In nine of the 14 cases, the long-fork type of a Yshaped tongue flap was used for extended coverage of the labial side alveolar defects with the palatal fistula in the remaining cases the short-forked design was used. Results: All cases demonstrated a good clinical result after the initial repair of cleft alveolus and palatal fistula. There was no fistula recurrence, although Partial necrosis of distal margin in long-forked tongue flap was occurred in one case. Furthermore, the bone graft, which was performed an average of 8 months after the tongue flap repair, was always successful. Occasionally, the transferred tongue tissue was bulging and interfering with the hygienic care of nearby teeth; however, these problems were able to be solved with proper contour-pasty performed afterwards. No donor site complications such as sensory disturbance, change in taste, limitations in tongue movement, normal speech impairments or tongue disfigurement were encountered. Conclusion: This two-stage reconstruction of a bilateral cleft alveolus using a Y-shaped tongue flap and iliac bone graft was very successful. It may be indicated for a bilateral cleft alveolus patient where the direct closure of the cleft defect with adjacent tissue or the buccal flap is not easy due to scarred fibrotic mucosa and/or accompanied residual palatal fistula.

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Studies on Restoration of Forest-Floor Vegetation Devastated by Recreational Trampling (I) -Seeding, Fertilizing and Soil Surface Treatment Effect on Restoration of Forest-Floor Vegetation- (답압(踏壓)으로 훼손(毁損)된 임간나지(林間裸地)의 임상식생복원(林床植生復元)에 관한 연구(硏究)(I) -임상식생복원(林床植生復元)에 미치는 파종(播種), 시비(施肥) 및 표토처리효과 (表土處理效果)-)

  • Oh, Koo Kyoon;Woo, Bo Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 1992
  • For elucidating effective methods of restoration of forest recreational sites where management goals are maintaining naturalness and conserving natural ecosystem, seeding, fertilization and soil surface treatment were used for four years at the devastated forest-floor. For restoration of forest-floor vegetation, factorial experiment was used with a split plot design(main plot : fertilization, subplot : soil surface${\times}$seeding) and a randomized complete block design (fertilization${\times}$seeding) at the Kwanaksan Aboretum, Anyang, Kyonggido. Results were summarized as follows : Soil surface softening with tipping and ripping and straw-mat mulching (70% coverage) treatment was effective on germination, survival and growth of seeded vegetation at devastated forest-floor. Especially, straw-mat mulching treatment was effective on soil surface stabilization and seedling's survival at eroded soil surface, while complete soil surface softening treatment was effective on germination, survival and early growth of tree species of late-successional series. Introducing seeds of native species of pioneer or early-successional series, with good growth capability in barren soil was effective on rapid restoration in devastated forest-floor with its soil surface previously compacted and its surviving seeds washed away. When the seeding and straw-mat mulching after partial soil surface softening with tipping and ripping treatment were employed, it took about three years to restore the devastated forest-floor where surface erosion had been undertaken for an extended period of time and where naturally surviving seeds of native species had been washed away. Softening treatment of soil surface was effective for about two years, and seeding and soil surface treatment increased number of seedlings and improved soil surface environment through fixing of movement of the fallen leaves. Fertilizing effect was not oberserved, mainly due to seeding exposure and poor physical condition including soil surface erosion, low soil water potential and drought, etc, at the field experimental site. However, application of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers was effective on seedling survival of the species in late-successional series, while lime application adversely affected the seedling survival.

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Radiation Therapy of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (비인두강 종양의 방사선치료성적)

  • Nho Young Ju;Cho Jeong Gill;Ahn Seung Do;Choi Eun Kyung;Kim Jong Hoon;Kang One Chul;Chang Hyesook
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : This is a retrospective study to evaluate the results of radiation therapy and prognostic factors influencing the results in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Materials and Methods: From October 1989 to May 1996. 56 Patients were treated for nasopharyngeal carcinoma at Department of Radiation On-cology. According to stage, patients were distributed as follows : stage I (2), II (13). II (11), IV (30). Twenty-eight patients were treated with radiation therapy only, 7 patients were treated with neoadiuvant chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy. Twenty-one Patients were treated with radiation therapy and weekly CDDP. After external beam radiotherapy of 60Gy, 46Patients received boost dose with intracavitary radiation and 9 Patients with 3D conformal therapy. One patient received boost dose with 2 dimensional Photon beam therapy. The tumor dose ranged from 69.4Gy to 86.2Gy with median dose of 74.4Gy. The follow-up Period ranged from 5 months to 92 months with a median of 34 months. Results : Forty-seven patients achieved complete response and 8 Patients showed partial response. One Patient showed minimal response. Patterns of failure were as follows : locoregional recurrence (8) and distant metastasis (18). Among these patients, 2 patients failed locoregionally and distantly. The sites of distant metastasis were bone (8), lung (8) and liver (4). Five years survival rate was $67.2\%$ and 5 years disease-free survival rate was $53.6\%$. KPS (P=0.005) and response ol radiation therapy (P=0.0001) were significant prognostic factors for overall survival. KPS (P= 0.02) and response of radiation therapy (P=0.005) were significant Prognostic factors for disease-free survival. Conclusion : This retrospective study showed that distant metastasis was the Predominant pattern of relapse in nasopharyngeal cancer Neoadiuvant chemotherapy or weekly CDOP did not influence the distant metastasis-free survival. For advanced T stage, 3D conformal therapy Provided an improved dose coverage compared to ICR But further follow-up was needed in Patients with 3D conformal therapy to assess the efficacy of this therapy. Development of techniques of radiation therapy to improve locoregional control and of more effective systemic chemotherapy regimen are needed.

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Effect of location of glass fiber pre-impregnated with light-curing resin on the fracture strength and fracture modes of a maxillary complete denture (광중합형 레진에 함침시킨 유리섬유의 위치가 상악 총의치의 파절강도와 파절양상에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Hyun-Sang;Sung, Su-Jin;Jo, Jae-Young;Lee, Do-Chan;Huh, Jung-Bo;Jeong, Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of glass fiber pre-impregnated with light-curing resin on the fracture strength and fracture modes of a maxillary complete denture. Materials and methods: Maxillary acrylic resin complete dentures reinforced with glass fiber pre-impregnated with light-curing resin (SES MESH, INNO Dental Co., Yeoncheongun, Korea) and without reinforcement were tested. The reinforcing material was embedded in the denture base resin and placed different regions (Control, without reinforcement; Group A, center of anterior ridge; Group B, rugae area; Group C, center of palate; Group D, full coverage of denture base). The fracture strength and fracture modes of a maxillary complete denture were tested using Instron test machine (Instron Co., Canton, MA, USA) at a 5.0 mm/min crosshead speed. The flexure load was applied to center of denture with a 20 mm diameter ball attachment. When fracture occurred, the fracture mode was classified based on fracture lines. The data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA at the significance level of 0.05. Results: There were non-significant differences (P>.05) in the fracture strength among test groups. Group A showed anteroposterior fracture and posterior fracture mainly, group B, C and control group showed partial fracture on center area mostly. Most specimen of group D showed posterior fracture. Conclusion: The location and presence of the fiber reinforcement did not affect the fracture strength of maxillary complete denture. However, reinforcing acrylic resin denture with glass fiber has a tendency to suppress the crack.


  • 박만배
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1995.02a
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 1995
  • The objective of this research is to test the feasibility of developing a statewide truck traffic forecasting methodology for Wisconsin by using Origin-Destination surveys, traffic counts, classification counts, and other data that are routinely collected by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). Development of a feasible model will permit estimation of future truck traffic for every major link in the network. This will provide the basis for improved estimation of future pavement deterioration. Pavement damage rises exponentially as axle weight increases, and trucks are responsible for most of the traffic-induced damage to pavement. Consequently, forecasts of truck traffic are critical to pavement management systems. The pavement Management Decision Supporting System (PMDSS) prepared by WisDOT in May 1990 combines pavement inventory and performance data with a knowledge base consisting of rules for evaluation, problem identification and rehabilitation recommendation. Without a r.easonable truck traffic forecasting methodology, PMDSS is not able to project pavement performance trends in order to make assessment and recommendations in the future years. However, none of WisDOT's existing forecasting methodologies has been designed specifically for predicting truck movements on a statewide highway network. For this research, the Origin-Destination survey data avaiiable from WisDOT, including two stateline areas, one county, and five cities, are analyzed and the zone-to'||'&'||'not;zone truck trip tables are developed. The resulting Origin-Destination Trip Length Frequency (00 TLF) distributions by trip type are applied to the Gravity Model (GM) for comparison with comparable TLFs from the GM. The gravity model is calibrated to obtain friction factor curves for the three trip types, Internal-Internal (I-I), Internal-External (I-E), and External-External (E-E). ~oth "macro-scale" calibration and "micro-scale" calibration are performed. The comparison of the statewide GM TLF with the 00 TLF for the macro-scale calibration does not provide suitable results because the available 00 survey data do not represent an unbiased sample of statewide truck trips. For the "micro-scale" calibration, "partial" GM trip tables that correspond to the 00 survey trip tables are extracted from the full statewide GM trip table. These "partial" GM trip tables are then merged and a partial GM TLF is created. The GM friction factor curves are adjusted until the partial GM TLF matches the 00 TLF. Three friction factor curves, one for each trip type, resulting from the micro-scale calibration produce a reasonable GM truck trip model. A key methodological issue for GM. calibration involves the use of multiple friction factor curves versus a single friction factor curve for each trip type in order to estimate truck trips with reasonable accuracy. A single friction factor curve for each of the three trip types was found to reproduce the 00 TLFs from the calibration data base. Given the very limited trip generation data available for this research, additional refinement of the gravity model using multiple mction factor curves for each trip type was not warranted. In the traditional urban transportation planning studies, the zonal trip productions and attractions and region-wide OD TLFs are available. However, for this research, the information available for the development .of the GM model is limited to Ground Counts (GC) and a limited set ofOD TLFs. The GM is calibrated using the limited OD data, but the OD data are not adequate to obtain good estimates of truck trip productions and attractions .. Consequently, zonal productions and attractions are estimated using zonal population as a first approximation. Then, Selected Link based (SELINK) analyses are used to adjust the productions and attractions and possibly recalibrate the GM. The SELINK adjustment process involves identifying the origins and destinations of all truck trips that are assigned to a specified "selected link" as the result of a standard traffic assignment. A link adjustment factor is computed as the ratio of the actual volume for the link (ground count) to the total assigned volume. This link adjustment factor is then applied to all of the origin and destination zones of the trips using that "selected link". Selected link based analyses are conducted by using both 16 selected links and 32 selected links. The result of SELINK analysis by u~ing 32 selected links provides the least %RMSE in the screenline volume analysis. In addition, the stability of the GM truck estimating model is preserved by using 32 selected links with three SELINK adjustments, that is, the GM remains calibrated despite substantial changes in the input productions and attractions. The coverage of zones provided by 32 selected links is satisfactory. Increasing the number of repetitions beyond four is not reasonable because the stability of GM model in reproducing the OD TLF reaches its limits. The total volume of truck traffic captured by 32 selected links is 107% of total trip productions. But more importantly, ~ELINK adjustment factors for all of the zones can be computed. Evaluation of the travel demand model resulting from the SELINK adjustments is conducted by using screenline volume analysis, functional class and route specific volume analysis, area specific volume analysis, production and attraction analysis, and Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) analysis. Screenline volume analysis by using four screenlines with 28 check points are used for evaluation of the adequacy of the overall model. The total trucks crossing the screenlines are compared to the ground count totals. L V/GC ratios of 0.958 by using 32 selected links and 1.001 by using 16 selected links are obtained. The %RM:SE for the four screenlines is inversely proportional to the average ground count totals by screenline .. The magnitude of %RM:SE for the four screenlines resulting from the fourth and last GM run by using 32 and 16 selected links is 22% and 31 % respectively. These results are similar to the overall %RMSE achieved for the 32 and 16 selected links themselves of 19% and 33% respectively. This implies that the SELINICanalysis results are reasonable for all sections of the state.Functional class and route specific volume analysis is possible by using the available 154 classification count check points. The truck traffic crossing the Interstate highways (ISH) with 37 check points, the US highways (USH) with 50 check points, and the State highways (STH) with 67 check points is compared to the actual ground count totals. The magnitude of the overall link volume to ground count ratio by route does not provide any specific pattern of over or underestimate. However, the %R11SE for the ISH shows the least value while that for the STH shows the largest value. This pattern is consistent with the screenline analysis and the overall relationship between %RMSE and ground count volume groups. Area specific volume analysis provides another broad statewide measure of the performance of the overall model. The truck traffic in the North area with 26 check points, the West area with 36 check points, the East area with 29 check points, and the South area with 64 check points are compared to the actual ground count totals. The four areas show similar results. No specific patterns in the L V/GC ratio by area are found. In addition, the %RMSE is computed for each of the four areas. The %RMSEs for the North, West, East, and South areas are 92%, 49%, 27%, and 35% respectively, whereas, the average ground counts are 481, 1383, 1532, and 3154 respectively. As for the screenline and volume range analyses, the %RMSE is inversely related to average link volume. 'The SELINK adjustments of productions and attractions resulted in a very substantial reduction in the total in-state zonal productions and attractions. The initial in-state zonal trip generation model can now be revised with a new trip production's trip rate (total adjusted productions/total population) and a new trip attraction's trip rate. Revised zonal production and attraction adjustment factors can then be developed that only reflect the impact of the SELINK adjustments that cause mcreases or , decreases from the revised zonal estimate of productions and attractions. Analysis of the revised production adjustment factors is conducted by plotting the factors on the state map. The east area of the state including the counties of Brown, Outagamie, Shawano, Wmnebago, Fond du Lac, Marathon shows comparatively large values of the revised adjustment factors. Overall, both small and large values of the revised adjustment factors are scattered around Wisconsin. This suggests that more independent variables beyond just 226; population are needed for the development of the heavy truck trip generation model. More independent variables including zonal employment data (office employees and manufacturing employees) by industry type, zonal private trucks 226; owned and zonal income data which are not available currently should be considered. A plot of frequency distribution of the in-state zones as a function of the revised production and attraction adjustment factors shows the overall " adjustment resulting from the SELINK analysis process. Overall, the revised SELINK adjustments show that the productions for many zones are reduced by, a factor of 0.5 to 0.8 while the productions for ~ relatively few zones are increased by factors from 1.1 to 4 with most of the factors in the 3.0 range. No obvious explanation for the frequency distribution could be found. The revised SELINK adjustments overall appear to be reasonable. The heavy truck VMT analysis is conducted by comparing the 1990 heavy truck VMT that is forecasted by the GM truck forecasting model, 2.975 billions, with the WisDOT computed data. This gives an estimate that is 18.3% less than the WisDOT computation of 3.642 billions of VMT. The WisDOT estimates are based on the sampling the link volumes for USH, 8TH, and CTH. This implies potential error in sampling the average link volume. The WisDOT estimate of heavy truck VMT cannot be tabulated by the three trip types, I-I, I-E ('||'&'||'pound;-I), and E-E. In contrast, the GM forecasting model shows that the proportion ofE-E VMT out of total VMT is 21.24%. In addition, tabulation of heavy truck VMT by route functional class shows that the proportion of truck traffic traversing the freeways and expressways is 76.5%. Only 14.1% of total freeway truck traffic is I-I trips, while 80% of total collector truck traffic is I-I trips. This implies that freeways are traversed mainly by I-E and E-E truck traffic while collectors are used mainly by I-I truck traffic. Other tabulations such as average heavy truck speed by trip type, average travel distance by trip type and the VMT distribution by trip type, route functional class and travel speed are useful information for highway planners to understand the characteristics of statewide heavy truck trip patternS. Heavy truck volumes for the target year 2010 are forecasted by using the GM truck forecasting model. Four scenarios are used. Fo~ better forecasting, ground count- based segment adjustment factors are developed and applied. ISH 90 '||'&'||' 94 and USH 41 are used as example routes. The forecasting results by using the ground count-based segment adjustment factors are satisfactory for long range planning purposes, but additional ground counts would be useful for USH 41. Sensitivity analysis provides estimates of the impacts of the alternative growth rates including information about changes in the trip types using key routes. The network'||'&'||'not;based GMcan easily model scenarios with different rates of growth in rural versus . . urban areas, small versus large cities, and in-state zones versus external stations. cities, and in-state zones versus external stations.

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