• Title/Summary/Keyword: Parcels of Land

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The Compensation Cost Analysis of Parcels for Land Alternation according to Occupation Ratio to Road (도로 편입률에 따른 토지이동 대상필지 보상비 분석)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Park, Jong Ahn;Cho, Mi Su;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2014
  • Recently, many civil appeals have been occurred in land management work because of discord between cadastral records and actual land use pattern. it is important to select parcels for land alternation exactly using land information and to evaluate compensation cost according to scenarios for advancing this problem. This study operated GIS spatial overlay based on serial cadastral maps and actual-width of the road and analyzed the number and area of the parcels for land alternation by the land classification and ownership applying fuzzy membership function according to occupation ratio to road. Also compensation cost was calculated according to scenarios using individual public land price information of the parcels for land alternation and was arranged by district as Eup and Myeon according to land classification and ownership. This study can efficiently support the work of the parcels for land alternation complying with the financial condition of local government, by supplying compensation cost according to scenarios to the parcels of land alternation by district as Eup and Myeon.

The Analysis of Parcels for Land Alternation in Jinan-Gun jeollabuk-Do based on GIS (GIS 기반 전라북도 진안군의 토지이동 필지 분석)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Park, Jong Ahn;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2014
  • Cadastre is a set of activity registering diverse land information in national scope land management works. A nation examine land information and register it in a cadastral book, and must update data when necessary to properly maintain the information. Currently, local governments execute work about parcels of land alternation by manual work based on KLIS road map. Therefore, it takes too much time-consuming and makes problem as missing lots of parcels of land alternation. This study suggests the method selecting the parcels of land alteration for Jinan-Gun of Jeollabuk-Do using the GIS spatial overlay and the following results are as belows. Firstly, the manual work on the parcels of land alteration was greatly improved through automatically extracting the number and area of parcels according to the land classification and ownership by GIS spatial overlay based on serial cadastral maps and KLIS road lines. Secondly, existing work based on KLIS road lines could be advanced by analyzing the parcels of land alternation using the actual-width of the road from new address system to consider all road area for study site. Lastly, this study can supply efficient information in determining the parcels of land alternation consistant with road condition of local governments by analyzing the number and area of parcels according to the land classification and ownership within various roadsides ranging from 3m, 5m, and 10m by GIS buffering method.

A Study on the patterns of land use change based on the digital parcels (필지중심 토지이용변화패튼엔 관한 연구)

  • 김정훈
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2002
  • This used a new method to capture the neighbouring relationship among parcels. To define the neighbouring relationship, all the surrounding parcels in the study area can be identified as neighbours of the current parcel as long as they touch each other even at a point. To examine neighbouring parcels on all polygons of the study area, this study used ArcViews avenue programming which visited each polygon in turn and produced an outfile containing the parcel record ID and the contents of each of the adjacent parcels. The second thing is to translate the record IDs of neighbouring parcels into land use. For this, this study used the Lookup function in Excel to obtain neighbouring land use. To deal with how to calculate the ratio of each land use to neighbouring land uses, this study used Visual Basic. finally, this study considered a term of neighbour land use as the ratio of the number of urban use adjacent parcels to the total number of adjacent parcels. This study shows that GIS and spatial analysis can be applied to land use change in the urban fringe area at a very detailed level using municipal parcel data which occupies about 80% of administrative affairs, especially at the local government level in Korea. The results of analysis can be useful for local government to understand its situation and to manage land use efficiently in the urban fringe. The methodology developed in this study is especially useful for an empirical approach.

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A Study on the Problem and Improvement Plan of Management of Public Land Parcels (국공유지 필지 관리의 문제점 및 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Jin;Jung, Young-Jin;Kim, Jun-Ho;Lee, Hyun-Joon;Hong, Sung-Eon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.136-145
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzes the status and problems of current parcel management in the public land, and it suggests measures for improvement based on the analysis. For this, it looked into the status and problems of the public land's parcel management. One of the major problems was that the number of parcels was continuously increasing due to insufficient parcel management. The study found that the number was increasing every year by 128,520 parcels on average as of 2008. It also found that there was also non-coincidence between the status and the land use conditions in the cadastral records. An increasing set of minute parcels (minute polygon) has appeared because of these outstanding issues, and these errors have been included in the statistics survey on parcels, negatively influencing the credibility of the data. This study suggests ways to improve these issues including reduction in the number of parcels through annexation, enhancement of credibility of cadastral information through cadastral confirmation survey, and registration and management of public land parcels in consideration of the current status.

Automatic Methods for Selecting Comparative Standard Land Parcels Using Spatial Multicriteria Making Rules (공간 다기준 의사결정 방법을 이용한 개별공시지가 비교표준지 선정)

  • 박수홍;홍성언;김현석;김정엽
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2003
  • Currently, selecting comparative standard land parcels for evaluating individual public land price is done by cadastral officers manually. Due to the amount of land parcels to be evaluated in a short period of time and the subjective methodology adopted, the results are not satisfactory and affect the final individual public land price evaluation. This study aims to develop, implement, and test a new automatic and objective methodology for selecting comparative standard land parcels using spatial multi criteria decision making rules. We conclude that spatial multiattribute decision making rules perform very well in this kind of problem and especially an AHP based method is highly appropriate for this purpose.

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Calculation of Compensation to Parcels for Land Alternation Considering the Range of Adjoining Zone to Road (접도구역 구간을 고려한 토지이동 대상필지 보상비 산정)

  • LEE, Geun-Sang;CHOI, Myeong-Hei;CHOI, Yun-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 2015
  • The parcels of land alteration by existing manual work was very inefficient in terms of time and costs. Especially it caused many difficulty in estimating compensation since the work didn't take into account the range of adjoining zone to road. This study selected Gimje City of Jeollabuk-Do as a study site and could analyze the numbers and areas of parcels of land alteration considering the range of adjoining zone to road based on cadastral maps and wide road layers from new address system. Also this study applied a fuzzy membership function according to occupation ratio to road, and analyzed compensation by the range of adjoining zone to road using individual public land price information of the parcels for land alternation. Especially, the change aspect of public and private parcels could be investigated by the range of adjoining zone to road according to the fuzzy membership function. And this study could provide very efficient data in determining the priority of the parcels for land alternation through calculating compensation of the parcels for land alternation by Eup Myeong Dong according to the range of adjoining zone to road.

Evaluating Cross-correlation between Officially Land Price and Solar Radiation for Agricultural Field Parcels ('전' 지목 필지에 대한 공시지가와 일사량의 상관성 분석)

  • Joo, Seung Min;Choi, Jin Ho;Shin, Hye Jin;Um, Jung Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2014
  • It is usual for the officially land price of agricultural field parcels to be determined by real estate appraisers's experienced knowledge and intuition without considering quantitatively physical factors that directly influence agricultural productivity. Solar radiation is the most important predictor of agricultural productivity. GIS based simulation techniques were used to evaluate correlation between the officially land price and solar radiation for agricultural field parcels. The results show that officially land price shows random distribution patterns in relation to solar radiation, which proves that officially land price for agricultural field does not reflect agricultural productivity. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference to support more scientific and objective decision-making in the official pricing process of agricultural field parcels.

An Optimization Approach for a Spanning Tree-Based Compactness Measure in Contiguous Land Acquisition Problems (토지 획득 문제에서 공간적 밀집도 측정을 위한 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Jin;Xiao, Ningchuan
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.724-737
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    • 2011
  • The goal of solving a contiguous land acquisition problem is to find an optimal cluster of land parcels so that one can move from an acquired parcel to another without leaving the cluster. In many urban and regional planning applications, criteria such as acquisition cost and compactness of acquired parcels are important. Recent research has demonstrated that spatial contiguity can be formulated in a mixed integer programming framework. Spatial compactness, however, is typically formulated in an approximate manner using parameters such as external border length or other shape indices of acquired land parcels. This paper first develops an alternative measure of spatial compactness utilizing the characteristics of the internal structure of a contiguous set of land parcels and then incorporates this new measure into a mixed integer program of contiguous land acquisition problems. A set of computational experiments are designed to demonstrate the use of our model in a land acquisition context.

Construction of Land Use Suitability Assessment System for Establishing Urban Management Plan - Focused on Jinju City - (도시관리계획수립을 위한 토지적성평가시스템 구축 -진주시를 중심으로-)

  • 유환희;김성삼;구흥대;정동기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2004
  • The Land Use Suitability Assessment System was recently introduced by the $\ulcorner$Act on Planning and Utilization of the National Territory$\lrcorner$ to use, manage, and develop the national territory, which integrated the National Land Use and Management Act and the Urban Planning Act. It provides a guideline for classifying land use into 5 classes according to locational characteristics, usability, and developmental conditions of land in the vicinity. The database is constructed with LMIS cadastral data, posted land price data, and data of related agencies such as the Korea Forest Service, the Ministry of Environment, and the Korea Water Resources Corporation etc. After the database construction, individual parcels are analysed by steps and classified into 3 sub areas - conservation, agriculture, and development using GIS. In this paper we evaluate land use suitability for individual parcels by constructing the Land Use Suitability Assessment System for Jinju city. Therefore, we suggest that this system provides vital data in the urban management planning process.

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An Automatic Method for Selecting Comparative Standard Land Parcels in Land Price Appraisal Using a Decision Tree (의사결정트리를 이용한 개별 공시지가 비교표준지의 자동 선정)

  • Kim, Jong-Yoon;Park, Soo-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2004
  • The selection of comparative standard parcels should be objective and reasonable, which is an important task in the individual land price appraisal procedure. However, the current procedure is mainly done manually by government officials. Therefore, the efficiency and objectiveness of this selection procedure is not guaranteed and questionable. In this study, we first defined the problem by analyzing the current comparative standard land parcel selection method. In addition, we devised a decision tree-based method using a machine learning algorithm that is considered to be efficient and objective compared to the current selection procedure. Finally the proposed method is then applied to the study area for evaluating the appropriateness and accuracy.

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