• Title/Summary/Keyword: Out of distribution

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An Experimental Study on the Degree of Phonetic Similarity between Korean and Japanese Vowels (한국어와 일본어 단모음의 유사성 분석을 위한 실험음성학적 연구)

  • Kwon, Sung-Mi
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    • no.63
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2007
  • This study aims at exploring the degree of phonetic similarity between Korean and Japanese vowels in terms of acoustic features by performing the speech production test on Korean speakers and Japanese speakers. For this purpose, the speech of 16 Japanese speakers for Japanese speech data, and the speech of 16 Korean speakers for Korean speech data were utilized. The findings in assessing the degree of the similarity of the 7 nearest equivalents of the Korean and Japanese vowels are as follows: First, Korean /i/ and /e/ turned out to display no significant differences in terms of F1 and F2 with their counterparts, Japanese /i/ and /e/, and the distribution of F1 and F2 of Korean /i/ and /e/ in the distributional map completely overlapped with Japanese /i/ and /e/. Accordingly, Korean /i/ and /e/ were believed to be "identical." Second, Korean /a/, /o/, and /i/ displayed a significant difference in either F1 or F2, but showed a great similarity in distribution of F1 and F2 with Japanese /a/, /o/, and /m/ respectively. Korean /a/ /o/, and /i/, therefore, were categorized as very similar to Japanese vowels. Third, Korean /u/, which has the counterpart /m/ in Japanese, showed a significant difference in both F1 and F2, and only half of the distribution overlapped. Thus, Korean /u/ was analyzed as being a moderately similar vowel to Japanese vowels. Fourth, Korean /${\wedge}$/ did not have a close counterpart in Japanese, and was classified as "the least similar vowel."

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Sea state description of Asabo offshore in Nigeria

  • Jasper, Agbakwuru A.;Bernard, Akaawase T.;Gudmestad, Ove T.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2020
  • A study of the wave conditions for the Asabo offshore location at the Qua Iboe oil field in Eastern Nigeria has been carried out. Statistical analysis was applied to three (3) years of data comprising spectral periods, Tp and significant wave heights, Hs. The data was divided into two (2); data from October to April represents one set of data and data from May to September represents another set of data. The results were compared with similar studies at other locations offshore of West Africa. It was found that there is an absence of direct swellwaves from the Southern Ocean reaching the location under study (the Asabo site). This work suggests that the wave system is largely emanating from the North Atlantic storms. The presence of numerous islands near the Asabo location shields the site from effects of storms from south west and therefore swells from the Southern Ocean. It is noted that the local wind has little or no contribution. An Hs maximum of 2 m is noted at the Asabo offshore location. It is found that the Weibull distribution best describes the wave distribution at Asabo. Thus, the Weibull distribution is suggested to be adequate for long term prediction of extreme waves needed for offshore design and operations at this location.

Design and Analysis of Lorentz Force-type Magnetic Bearing Based on High Precision and Low Power Consumption

  • Xu, Guofeng;Cai, Yuanwen;Ren, Yuan;Xin, Chaojun;Fan, Yahong;Hu, Dengliang
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2017
  • Magnetically suspended control & sensitive gyroscope (MSCSG) is a novel type of gyroscope with the integration of attitude control and attitude angular measurement. To improve the precision and reduce the power consumption of Lorentz Force-type Magnetic Bearing (LFMB), the air gap flux density distribution of LFMB has been studied. The uniformity of air gap flux density is defined to qualify the uniform degree of the air gap flux density distribution. Considering the consumption, the average value of flux density is defined as well. Some optimal designs and analyses of LFMB are carried out by finite element simulation. The strength of the permanent magnet is taken into consideration during the machining process. To verify the design and simulation, a high-precision instrument is employed to measure the 3-dimensional magnetic flux density of LFMB. After measurement and calculation, the uniform degree of magnetic flux density distribution reaches 0.978 and the average value of the flux density is 0.482T. Experimental results show that the optimal design is effective and some useful advice can be obtained for further research.

A Study for Source and Distribution of Boron in Nakdong River (낙동강 수역의 붕소 오염원과 분포특성 연구)

  • Lee, Joung-Man;Park, Chung-Kil;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the source(s) and distribution of boron in Nak-dong River. In the year of 2002, the boron has been adopted as a toxic constituent for Korean drinking water standard. In this study, the analytical samples were collected at 11 stations in March, June, September and December 2002. These samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass (ICP-MS) method. The recovery, relative standard deviation and method detection limit of the ICP-MS method for boron was $89{\sim}111.3%$, $2.21{\sim}3.81%$ and $5{\mu}g/L$, respectively. The distribution of boron was ranged $65{\sim}155{\mu}g/L$ in March, $26{\sim}125{\mu}g/L$ in June, $22{\sim}140{\mu}g/L$ in September and $50{\sim}162{\mu}g/L$ in December. The higher levels of boron were found at Kum-ho river nearby the industrial complex, which seemed to be greatly affected by domestic sewages and wastewater from the upper streams. Thus, the concentration of boron and that of other components showed strong statistical correlation in this area. In the Nak-dong River, industrial wastewater and domestic sewages is thought to be the sources of boron.

Analysis on the Yeongdong Downslope Windstorms Generation Condition Verified by Observation Cases (관측사례로 검증한 영동강풍 발생조건 분석)

  • Park, Yu-Jung;Han, Youn-Deok
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.405-420
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    • 2021
  • Forest fire happens every year at Yeongdong, Gangwon-do, due to the strong local wind during the spring time and it causes a huge damage. This wind is named "Yangganjipung" or "Yanggangjipung" that blows along Yeongdong. However, the occurrence conditions of the wind have been still unclear. To identify the occurrence mechanism of local strong wind through three-dimensional observation data, Gangwon Regional Meteorological Administration performed Joint Gangwon-Yeongdong 3D Observation Project in 2020. The special observation was carried out for 6 times from March to April. The observation data was analyzed by focusing on the structure of synoptic pressure distribution and inversion layer. The result showed that the strength of wind is different depending on the latitude of low pressure, intensity of inversion layer, and changes on height in the south-high and north-low pressure distribution. As the interval of the upper and lower parts of the inversion layer was narrow, the strength of the wind became stronger, which is one of the observational characteristics of the springtime wind pattern at Yeongdong, Gangwon-do. In future, the clear mechanism of the local wind in the Yeongdong during the spring time is expected to be verified based on the accumulative observation data and close analysis.

Research on The Development Strategy of Chinese Cross-Border E-Commerce SMEs under the Background of COVID-19

  • Shulei BI
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study analyses the current development of cross-border e-commerce in China, outlines the challenges faced by Chinese cross-border e-commerce SMEs, and finally summarises the development strategies of Chinese cross-border e-commerce SMEs in the post-covid-19 era, which will provide opinion references for the development of Chinese cross-border e-commerce SMEs. Research design, data and methodology: The methodology used in this study is to analyse the current situation of cross-border e-commerce development in China in the context of covid-19 through literature; and to summarise the challenges encountered by Chinese cross-border e-commerce SMEs through semi-structured interviews. Results: The article summarises the current status of China's cross-border e-commerce development in the context of covid-19 in terms of cross-border e-commerce trade volume, cross-border e-commerce enterprise and user scale, cross-border e-commerce logistics, cross-border e-commerce global co-operation, government policy, and cross-border e-commerce product distribution, outlining challenges encountered by China's cross-border e-commerce SMEs in terms of logistic pricing, operating capital chain, product service support, and trade protection The paper Finally, it is pointed out that Chinese cross-border e-commerce SMEs must adopt new strategies to adapt to the new development in the context of covid-19. Conclusions: Specific development strategies are provided for Chinese cross-border e-commerce enterprises and reference suggestions are provided for the post-covid-19 era.

Probabilistic analysis of spectral displacement by NSA and NDA

  • Devandiran, P.;Kamatchi, P.;Rao, K. Balaji;Ravisankar, K.;Iyer, Nagesh R.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.439-459
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    • 2013
  • Main objective of the present study is to determine the statistical properties and suitable probability distribution functions of spectral displacements from nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis within the frame work of Monte Carlo simulation for typical low rise and high rise RC framed buildings located in zone III and zone V and designed as per Indian seismic codes. Probabilistic analysis of spectral displacement is useful for strength assessment and loss estimation. To the author's knowledge, no study is reported in literature on comparison of spectral displacement including the uncertainties in capacity and demand in Indian context. In the present study, uncertainties in capacity of the building is modeled by choosing cross sectional dimensions of beams and columns, density and compressive strength of concrete, yield strength and elastic modulus of steel and, live load as random variables. Uncertainty in demand is modeled by choosing peak ground acceleration (PGA) as a random variable. Nonlinear static analysis (NSA) and nonlinear dynamic analysis (NDA) are carried out for typical low rise and high rise reinforced concrete framed buildings using IDARC 2D computer program with the random sample input parameters. Statistical properties are obtained for spectral displacements corresponding to performance point from NSA and maximum absolute roof displacement from NDA and suitable probability distribution functions viz., normal, Weibull, lognormal are examined for goodness-of-fit. From the hypothesis test for goodness-of-fit, lognormal function is found to be suitable to represent the statistical variation of spectral displacement obtained from NSA and NDA.


  • Kim, J. Y.;Kim, H. J.;Park, S. H.;Lee, C. S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11c
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    • pp.827-834
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    • 2000
  • A granular herbicide applicator attached to conventional ride-on rice transplanter with 6 rows was developed in order to carry out both transplanting and herbicide application at once. It resulted in labor saving by 98%. The prototype is composed of a metering device and a spinning disc spreader. The application rate per 10a can be varied from 1 to 3 kg and the application swath is 1.8 m, which is the planting width of the ride-on rice transplanter with 6 rows. The angular speed of spinning disc and the application height were used as design factors to obtain the uniform distribution of herbicide granules. As the result of experiment, the distribution uniformity showed a tendency to be proportional to the increases of both spinner angular speed and application height. The prototype with angular speed of spinning disc of 7359 rpm and the application height of 20 cm was made and its distribution uniformity was relatively uniform with the CV(coefficient of variation) of 21.7%. In field test, when the tested herbicides such as ACl40+Stomp and Londax+YRC were applied, the weed control has continued for 65 days since transplanting was done.

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The Efficiency of Cooperatives : a Case of National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (협동조합의 효율성 : 수협중앙회의 사례)

  • 정상진
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 1995
  • WTO system has just begun and the development for fishing industry is being carried out. The task of National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives(NFFC ) is not only to support producers' competitive edge, but also to realize the efficiency embodied in the businesses of NFFC itself. Then it can continue to compete other firms and offer the comprehensive services only when it achieves its efficiency. The efficiency of NFFC is the economies of scale and scope. NFFC should achieve its scale and scope economies to be efficient. NFFC needs to expand its size in fish distribution and banking business to have scale economies. Also, the communication and coordination systems among member-supporting, fish distribution, and banking business need to be strengthened to get its scope economies. It is interesting theoretically and in policy making to test the hypotheses that cooperatives are capable of offering the comprehensive services such as distribution, credit, and insurance to the members. It is meaningful to their development for agricultural and small businesses cooperatives as well as fisheries cooperatives to survive the fierce competition under WTO system. National Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives(NFAC) is much greater in business size than NFFC. The estimation and test in the multiproduct cost function of NFAC will show interesting results.

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Reliability analysis of the switch installation in the main feeder and in the radial/loop lateral feeders in distribution system (간선 및 분기선의 개폐기 설치 효과 분석(I))

  • Cho, Nam-Hun;O, Jae-Hyeong;Lee, Heung-Ho;Ha, Bok-Nam
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2002
  • The addition of switches to a distribution feeder does, in general, increase reliability by decreasing the duration of the outage of many to the customers on the feeder. To cover its service area so that feeder-level delivery reaches sufficiently close to all customers, feeders typically split their routes many times, in what is often called a lateral feeder. It is interesting to note, however, that the effectiveness of a switch is very much dependent on the types of lateral feeder. The types of lateral are classified into two types. The first is loop lateral feeder that can connect its load to an adjacent feeder through a tie line in case that a fault occurs in its feeder and it is laid out so that every feeder has complete fault backup through re-switching of its loads to other sources like a main feeder. The second is the radial lateral feeder cannot connect its load to an adjacent line, no provision is made for contingency backup of feeders. There are no other circuits in the radial lateral feeder form which to restore power. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of a switch installation between on the radial and loop lateral feeders to increase reliability by decreasing the duration of the outage. These results can help power utility to design the switch layouts on the radial and loop lateral feeder system.

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