• Title/Summary/Keyword: Otsu Method

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A Segmentation Method for Counting Microbial Cells in Microscopic Image

  • Kim, Hak-Kyeong;Lee, Sun-Hee;Lee, Myung-Suk;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.224-230
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a counting algorithm hybridized with an adaptive automatic thresholding method based on Otsu's method and the algorithm that elongates markers obtained by the well-known watershed algorithm is proposed to enhance the exactness of the microcell counting in microscopic images. The proposed counting algorithm can be stated as follows. The transformed full image captured by CCD camera set up at microscope is divided into cropped images of m$\times$n blocks with an appropriate size. The thresholding value of the cropped image is obtained by Otsu's method and the image is transformed into binary image. The microbial cell images below prespecified pixels are regarded as noise and are removed in tile binary image. The smoothing procedure is done by the area opening and the morphological filter. Watershed algorithm and the elongating marker algorithm are applied. By repeating the above stated procedure for m$\times$n blocks, the m$\times$n segmented images are obtained. A superposed image with the size of 640$\times$480 pixels as same as original image is obtained from the m$\times$n segmented block images. By labeling the superposed image, the counting result on the image of microbial cells is achieved. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed mettled in counting the microbial cell on the image, we used Acinetobacter sp., a kind of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, and compared the proposed method with the global Otsu's method the traditional watershed algorithm based on global thresholding value and human visual method. The result counted by the proposed method shows more approximated result to the human visual counting method than the result counted by any other method.

Reconstruction and Elimination of Optical Microscopic Background Using Surface Fitting Method

  • Kim Hak-Kyeong;Kim Dong-Kyu;Jeong Nam-Soo;Lee Myung-Suk;Kim Sang-Bong
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2001
  • One serious problem among the troubles to identify objects in an optical microscopic image is contour background due to non-uniform light source and various transparency of samples. To solve this problem, this paper proposed an elimination method of the contour background and compensation technique as follows. First, Otsu's optimal thresholding method extracts pixels representing background. Second, bilinear interpolation finds non-deterministic background pixels among the sampled pixels. Third, the 2D cubic fitting method composes surface function from pivoted background pixels. Fourth, reconstruction procedure makes a contour image from the surface function. Finally, elimination procedure subtracts the approximated background from the original image. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, this algorithm is applied to the yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Acinetobacter sp. Labeling by this proposed method can remove some noise and is more exact than labeling by only Otsu's method. Futhermore, we show that it is more effective for the reduction of noise.

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Morphological Feature Extraction of Microorganisms Using Image Processing

  • Kim Hak-Kyeong;Jeong Nam-Su;Kim Sang-Bong;Lee Myung-Suk
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a procedure extracting feature vector of a target cell more precisely in the case of identifying specified cell. The classification of object type is based on feature vector such as area, complexity, centroid, rotation angle, effective diameter, perimeter, width and height of the object So, the feature vector plays very important role in classifying objects. Because the feature vectors is affected by noises and holes, it is necessary to remove noises contaminated in original image to get feature vector extraction exactly. In this paper, we propose the following method to do to get feature vector extraction exactly. First, by Otsu's optimal threshold selection method and morphological filters such as cleaning, filling and opening filters, we separate objects from background an get rid of isolated particles. After the labeling step by 4-adjacent neighborhood, the labeled image is filtered by the area filter. From this area-filtered image, feature vector such as area, complexity, centroid, rotation angle, effective diameter, the perimeter based on chain code and the width and height based on rotation matrix are extracted. To prove the effectiveness, the proposed method is applied for yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxn. It is also shown that the experimental results from the proposed method is more efficient in measuring feature vectors than from only Otsu's optimal threshold detection method.

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Automatic Thresholding Selection for Image Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithm (유전자알고리즘을 이용한 영상분할 문턱값의 자동선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Ryong;Truong, Quoc Bao;Pham, Van Huy;Kim, Hyoung-Seok
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.587-595
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we focus on the issue of automatic selection for multi-level threshold, and we greatly improve the efficiency of Otsu's method for image segmentation based on genetic algorithm. We have investigated and evaluated the performance of the Otsu and Valley-emphasis threshold methods. Based on this observation we propose a method for automatic threshold method that segments an image into more than two regions with high performance and processing in real-time. Our paper introduced new peak detection, combines with evolution algorithm using MAGA (Modified Adaptive Genetic Algorithm) and HCA (Hill Climbing Algorithm), to find the best threshold automatically, accurately, and quickly. The experimental results show that the proposed evolutionary algorithm achieves a satisfactory segmentation effect and that the processing time can be greatly reduced when the number of thresholds increases.

Research on Water Edge Extraction in Islands from GF-2 Remote Sensing Image Based on GA Method

  • Bian, Yan;Gong, Yusheng;Ma, Guopeng;Duan, Ting
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.947-959
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    • 2021
  • Aiming at the problem of low accuracy in the water boundary automatic extraction of islands from GF-2 remote sensing image with high resolution in three bands, new water edges automatic extraction method in island based on GF-2 remote sensing images, genetic algorithm (GA) method, is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the GA-OTSU threshold segmentation algorithm based on the combination of GA and the maximal inter-class variance method (OTSU) was used to segment the island in GF-2 remote sensing image after pre-processing. Then, the morphological closed operation was used to fill in the holes in the segmented binary image, and the boundary was extracted by the Sobel edge detection operator to obtain the water edge. The experimental results showed that the proposed method was better than the contrast methods in both the segmentation performance and the accuracy of water boundary extraction in island from GF-2 remote sensing images.

An Image Segmentation based on Chamfer Algorithm (Chamfer 알고리듬에 기초한 영상분리 기법)

  • Kim, Hak-Kyeong;Jeong, Nam-Soo;Lee, Myung-Suk;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06b
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    • pp.670-675
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    • 2001
  • This paper is to propose image segmentation method based on chamfer algorithm. First, we get original image from CCD camera and transform it into gray image. Second, we extract maximum gray value of background and reconstruct and eliminate the background using surface fitting method and bilinear interpolation. Third, we subtract the reconstructed background from gray image to remove noises in gray image. Fourth, we transform the subtracted image into binary image using Otsu's optimal thresholding method. Fifth, we use morphological filters such as areaopen, opening, filling filter etc. to remove noises and isolated points. Sixth, we use chamfer distance or Euclidean distance to this filtered image. Finally, we use watershed algorithm and count microorganisms in image by labeling. To prove the effectiveness, we apply the proposed algorithm to one of Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, Acinetobacter sp. It is shown that both Euclidean algorithm and chamfer algorithm show over-segmentation. But Chamfer algorithm shows less over-segmentation than Euclidean algorithm.

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Liver Segmentation and 3D Modeling from Abdominal CT Images

  • Tran, Hong Tai;Oh, A Ran;Na, In Seop;Kim, Soo Hyung
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2016
  • Medical image processing is a compulsory process to diagnose many kinds of disease. Therefore, an automatic algorithm for this task is highly demanded as an important part to construct a computer-aided diagnosis system. In this paper, we introduce an automatic method to segment the liver region from 3D abdominal CT images using Otsu method. First, we choose a 2D slice which has most liver information from the whole 3D image. Secondly, on the chosen slice, we enhanced the image based on its intensity using Otsu method with multiple thresholds and use the threshold to enhance the whole 3D image. Then, we apply a liver mask to mark the candidate liver region. After that, we execute the Otsu method again to segment the liver region from the chosen slice and propagate the result to the whole 3D image. Finally, we apply preprocessing on the frontal side of 3D images to crop only the liver region from the image.

Binarization Based on the Spatial Correlation of Gray Levles (그레이 레벨의 공간적 상관관계 기반 이진화)

  • Seo, Suk-T.;Son, Seo-H.;Lee, In-K.;Jeong, Hye-C.;Kwon, Soon-H.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.466-471
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    • 2007
  • Conventional thresholding methods including Otsu's thresholding method are based on the gray levels frequency histogram. But the gray levels frequency histogram is obtained by recomposing only frequency information from an input image, where frequency histogram dose not contain any other informations such as the distribution of gray levels and relation between gray levels. Therefore the methods using the gray levels frequency histogram occasionally present inappropriate threshold values because it cannot reflect informations of the given image sufficiently. In this paper, we define a correlation function of gray levels and propose a novel thresholding method using the gray levels frequency histogram and the spatial correlation information. The effectiveness of the proposed method will be shown through comparison with Otsu's thresholding method.

Coronary Vessel Segmentation by Coarse-to-Fine Strategy using Otsu Algorithm and Decimation-Free Directional Filter Bank

  • Trinh, Tan Dat;Tran, Thieu Bao;Thuy, Le Nhi Lam;Shimizu, Ikuko;Kim, Jin Young;Bao, Pham The
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.557-570
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a novel hierarchical approach is investigated to extract coronary vessel from X-ray angiogram. First, we propose to combine Decimation-free Directional Filter Bank (DDFB) and Homographic Filtering (HF) in order to enhance X-ray coronary angiographic image for segmentation purposes. Because the blood vessel ensures that blood flows in only one direction on vessel branch, the DDFB filter is suitable to be used to enhance the vessels at different orientations and radius. In the combination with HF filter, our method can simultaneously normalize the brightness across the image and increases contrast. Next, a coarse-to-fine strategy for iterative segmentation based on Otsu algorithm is applied to extract the main coronary vessels in different sizes. Furthermore, we also propose a new approach to segment very small vessels. Specifically, based on information of the main extracted vessels, we introduce a new method to extract junctions on the vascular tree and level of nodes on the tree. Then, the window based segmentation is applied to locate and extract the small vessels. Experimental results on our coronary X-ray angiography dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach can outperform standard method and attain the accuracy of 71.34%.

Multilevel Threshold Selection Method (다중 임계값 결정기법)

  • Seo, Seok-Tae;Lee, In-Geun;Gwon, Sun-Hak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.283-286
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    • 2007
  • 임계값을 이용한 영상 분할은 대표적인 영상 분할 기법으로 Otsu의 임계값 결정법, Fuzzy 엔트로피를 이용한 H&W의 기법 및 Clustering을 이용한 Kwon의 기법 등 많은 방법이 있다. 대부분의 임계값 결정 기법은 영상에서 얻어진 빈도수 히스토그램의 분석을 통해서 임계값을 결정한다. 특히 Otsu의 임계값 결정 기법은 빈도수 히스토그램의 분산을 최대화하는 방법으로 임계값을 결정하는 빈도수 히스토그램에 기반한 대표적 기법이다. 하지만 영상 기술이 발전함에 따라서 하나의 임계값으로부터 영상을 이진화 하는 기법은 효용성이 떨어지고 있다. 따라서 다중의 임계값을 결정하는 효과적인 방법이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 그레이 레벨간의 관계성을 파악하고 이러한 관계성으로부터 다중의 임계값을 결정하는 기법을 제안한다. 제안된 기법의 효용성은 모의실험에서 다중 임계값을 사용한 분할영상을 통해서 보인다.

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