• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ortho Image

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Suitability of the PKNU 2 System for Generating the Orthophoto Map

  • Lee, Eun-Khung;Lee, Chang-Hun;Choi, Chul-Uong;Kim, Young-Seup
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.100-102
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    • 2003
  • This system is capable of obtaining quantitative information from images using natural features on the ortho-image maps that correspond with those from topographical maps. However, the qualitative information can also be obtained because because of the excellent visibility of ortho-image maps. There are plenty of promise for the use of ortho-image maps in the next generation topographic technology because of its wider applicability within the field. In keeping with the cutting edge, we produced ortho-image maps by scanning a specified area in narrow sections using the PKNU 2: a multispectral digital aerial photographing system made by ourselves. We evaluated the precision of the ortho-image maps, and performed an evaluation of the PKNU 2 system's capacity to improve the equipment of the PKNU 2. Ortho-image maps were made using Ground Control Points (GCPs) which were obtained from digital maps and aerial photographs of the PKNU 2. Thus, we demonstrated that it was possible to produce the ortho-image maps, which has a good constant level rate of less than 1m. The PKNU 2 system needs to be improving in the sensitivity of level maintenance equipment in the evaluation in terms of performance. It is thus required to survey the GCPs precisely for an accurate study.

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High Quality Ortho-image Production Using the High Resolution DMCII Aerial Image (고해상도 DMCII 항공영상을 이용한 고품질 정사영상 제작)

  • Kim, Jong Nam;Um, Dae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2015
  • An Ortho-image is the production of removed geometrical displacement, which is generated the aerial image distortion and the relief displacement, etc., using the DSM (Digital Surface Model). Accordingly, the resolution of raw image and the accuracy of DSM will has significant impacts on the ortho-image accuracy. Since the latest DMCII250 aerial camera delivers the high resolution images with five centimeters Ground Sampling Distance(GSD), it expects to generate the high density point clouds and the high quality ortho-images. Therefore, this research has planned for reviewing the potentiality and accuracy of high quality ortho-image production. Following to proceed the research, DSM has been produced through the high density point cloud extracted from DMCII250 aerial image to supply of high density DSM by creation of ortho-image. The research results has been identified that images with the DSM brought out higher degrees in positional accuracy and quality of ortho-image, compared with the ortho-image, produced from the existing digital terrain map or DSM data.

The Study of the Plan regarding DSM Generation for Production of True-Orthophoto in Urban Areas (도심지역 실감정사영상 제작을 위한 정밀 DSM 생성 방안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Kim, Hong-Sub;Yoo, Kang-Min;Kang, In-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.103-106
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    • 2007
  • Recently, production and application of ortho image using high resolution image are increasing by acquired high quality data from development of photogrammetry and IT technology. Generally, An ortho image has some problems that cannot remove completely to relief displacement about cultural feature like building and overpass because of performance rectification using DEM. Therefore, in this study, I generated DSM each of four experiment cases for production of true ortho image which is removed relief displacement of building using digital photogrammetry technique and LiDAR data, presented the plan of DSM production that is appropriate to production true ortho image by analyzing an accuracy after manufacture an ortho image each of DSM.

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Accuracy Assessment Geoposition of Airborne Line-Scanner Image (라인방식 디지털 항공 카메라영상의 위치 정확도 평가)

  • Cho, Han-Kun;Wie, Gwang-Jae;Choi, Yun-Soo;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2011
  • We produced true ortho images after interpolating occlusion areas and relief displacement of building as well as producing ortho-images to use backward image of ADS which is a aerial digital camera of line type. Also, I was able to produce high quality ortho-images using a small mount of Ground Control Points(GCP) relatively to compare to frame type camera from the evaluation of horizontal position accuracy using ground check points, photo control points for the verification of ortho-images and true-ortho images. Also, I was able to verify the effectiveness in interpolating occlusion areas cause the length overlap was 100% when producing true-ortho images of line type camera.

Generation of Ortho-Image of Close-Range Photographs by Digital Image Processing Technique (수치화상처리기법을 이용한 지상사진의 정사투영화상의 작성)

  • Ahn, Ki Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 1993
  • Investigation is given to the detailed procedure of a computer assisted automatic technique for ortho-image generation from digital stereo image data of close-range photographs scanned by the CCD camera scanner. After rectification of geometric scanning errors, the bundle adjustment technique was used to determine the exterior orientation parameters of terrestrial camera. An automatic correlation matching technique was applied to search for the conjugate pixels in digital stereo pairs. And the 3-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding pixels were calculated by the space intersection method. For the generation of ortho-image from the calculated coordinates and right image data values, inverse-weighted-distance average method was used. And the accuracy of the resulting ortho-image was checked by comparing its image coordinates with there corresponding ground coordinates for the check points.

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Generation of Simulated Geospatial Images from Global Elevation Model and SPOT Ortho-Image

  • Park, Wan Yong;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2014
  • With precise sensor position, attitude element, and imaging resolution, a simulated geospatial image can be generated. In this study, a satellite image is simulated using SPOT ortho-image and global elevation data, and the geometric similarity between original and simulated images is analyzed. Using a SPOT panchromatic image and high-density elevation data from a 1/5K digital topographic map data an ortho-image with 10-meter resolution was produced. The simulated image was then generated by exterior orientation parameters and global elevation data (SRTM1, GDEM2). Experimental results showed that (1) the agreement of the image simulation between pixel location from the SRTM1/GDEM2 and high-resolution elevation data is above 99% within one pixel; (2) SRTM1 is closer than GDEM2 to high-resolution elevation data; (3) the location of error occurrence is caused by the elevation difference of topographical objects between high-density elevation data generated from the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM)-based global elevation data. Error occurrences were typically found at river boundaries, in urban areas, and in forests. In conclusion, this study showed that global elevation data are of practical use in generating simulated images with 10-meter resolution.

Construction of Multi-Dimensional Ortho-Images with a Digital Camera and the Multi-Image Connection Method (디지털카메라와 다중영상접합법을 이용한 다차원 정사영상의 구축)

  • Kim, Dong Moon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2014
  • Essential to the establishment of such 3D spatial information are the laser scanning technology to obtain high-precision 3D point group data and the photography-metric camera to obtain high-resolution multispectral image information. The photography-metric camera, however, lacks in usability for its broad scope of utilization due to the high purchase price, difficult purchase channel, and low applicability. This study thus set out to investigate a technique to establish multi-dimensional ortho-image data with a single lens reflex digital camera of high speed and easy accessibility for general users. That is, the study remodeled a single lens reflex digital camera and calibrated the remodeled camera to establish 3D multispectral image information, which is the essential data of 3D spatial information. Multi-dimensional ortho-image data were collected by surveying the reference points for stereo photos, taking multispectral shots of the objects, and converting them into ortho-images.

Development of New Photogrammetric Software for High Quality Geo-Products and Its Performance Assessment

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Rhee, Soo-Ahm;Kim, Hyeon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we introduce a newly developed photogrammetric software for automatic generation of high quality geo-products and its performance assessment carried out using various satellite images. Our newly developed software provides the latest techniques of an optimized sensor modelling, ortho-image generation and automated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation for diverse remote sensing images. In particular, images from dual- and multi-sensor images can be integrated for 3D mapping. This can be a novel innovation toward a wider applicability of remote sensing data, since 3D mapping has been limited within only single-sensor so far. We used Kompsat-2, Ikonos, QuickBird, Spot-5 high resolution satellite images to test an accuracy of 3D points and ortho-image generated by the software. Outputs were assessed by comparing reliable reference data. From various sensor combinations 3D mapping were implemented and their accuracy was evaluated using independent check points. Model accuracy of 1~2 pixels or better was achieved regardless of sensor combination type. The high resolution ortho-image results are consistent with the reference map on a scale of 1:5,000 after being rectified by the software and an accuracy of 1~2 pixels could be achieved through quantitative assessment. The developed software offers efficient critical geo-processing modules of various remote sensing images and it is expected that the software can be widely used to meet the demand on the high-quality geo products.

Generation of the KOMPSAT-2 Ortho Mosaic Imagery on the Korean Peninsula (아리랑위성 2호 한반도 정사모자이크영상 제작)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Yyn, Hee-Cheon;Kim, Youn-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we established the ortho mosaic imagery on the Korean Peninsula using KOMPSAT-2 images and conducted an accuracy assessment. Rational Polynomial Coefficient(RPC) modeling results were mostly less than 2 pixels except for mountainous regions which was difficult to select a Ground Control Point(GCP). Digital Elevation Model(DEM) which was made using the digital topographic map on the scale of 1:5,000 was used for generating an ortho image. In the case of inaccessible area, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) DEM was used. Meanwhile, the ortho mosaic image of the Korean Peninsula was produced by each ortho image aggregation and color adjustment. An accuracy analysis for the mosaic image was conducted about a 1m color fusion image. In order to verify a geolocation accuracy, 813 check points which were acquired by field survey in South Korea were used. We found that the maximum error was not to exceed 5m(Root Mean Square Error : RMSE). On the other hand, in the case of inaccessible area, the extracted check points from a reference image were used for accuracy analysis. Approximately 69% of the image has a positional accuracy of less than 3m(RMSE). We found that the seam-line accuracy among neighboring image was very high through visual inspection. However, there were a discrepancy with 1 to 2 pixels at some mountainous regions.

Automatic Extraction of the Building Using IKONOS Ortho-Image (IKONOS 정사영상을 이용한 건물의 자동추출)

  • 이재기;정성혁;임인섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2003
  • As recently, high-resolution satellite images of 1m spatial resolution are opened to the public and able to be used commercially, the studies that make ortho-images using them and apply to digital mapping and database of geo-spatial information system are having been progressed actively. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to establish the auto-extraction methods and to develope algorithms for automatically extracting buildings out of man-made structures, after making the IKONOS ortho-image. As the result of this study, we can extract buildings automatically at 72% out of the whole buildings. And we have analyzed the error trend by means of the comparison with ortho-image, digital map and drawing result, then we could know that obtain the good result for extraction of the building through the methods and algorithms of this study.