• Title/Summary/Keyword: Organizational Design

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A Study on the Moderating Effect of Job Crafting in the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, and Innovative Behavior

  • Jina KIM;Byoung-Goo KIM
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership (TL), knowledge sharing, and innovative behavior, and to empirically analyze the moderating effect of job crafting on each of these relationships. Research design, data and methodology: For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 320 franchise academy instructors from February 5 to March 20, 2024, using both online and offline methods. The collected data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis with SPSS 29.0. Results: The conclusions derived from this study are as follows. First, higher levels of transformational leadership (TL) are associated with increased knowledge sharing. Second, higher levels of transformational leadership (TL) lead to enhanced innovative behavior. Third, regarding the moderating effect of job crafting on the relationship between transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and innovative behavior, it was found that employees with lower levels of job crafting experience a stronger interaction effect between transformational leadership and job crafting than those with higher levels. Conclusions: This study contributes academically by expanding the scope of organizational behavior research and offers practical insights into effective human resource management strategies in the education service sector. Additionally, it highlights the importance of fostering collaboration and autonomous job improvement within organizations as key drivers of performance, providing practical implications for developing relevant strategies and programs.

Layout Principles of Renaissance Classicism Architectural Style and Its Application on Modern Fashion Design - Focused on Classic Style Fashion after the Year 1999 - (르네상스 고전주의 건축양식의 조형원리와 현대패션디자인에의 적용 - 1999년 이후 클래식 스타일 패션을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Shin-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.261-276
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    • 2010
  • The analysis of an art trend in the principle dimension starts by observing the object of work in the perspective of formative composition and recognizing it as a universal system. It can be said that it is consistent with an interpretation method for a form theory of formal history by Heinrich W$\ddot{o}$lfflin, a leading form critic in art criticism. Hence, the purpose of this study was to find out what are the formative principles in Renaissance Classicism as a design principle to be applicable to modern fashion by reviewing the formative characteristics of Renaissance Classicism Architecture with which W$\ddot{o}$lfflin directly dealt. As for the theoretical literature review, I used W$\ddot{o}$lfflin's theoretical framework and looked at the Renaissance Classicism Architecture that he studied and examined the possibility of utilizing his theory as a layout principle and the characteristics. As for analysis of design cases, I applied the aforementioned architecture layout principle to modern fashion and conducted case study analysis to delve into distinctive layout principles found in fashion. The study showed that the Renaissance Classicism Architectural Style is marked by linearity, planarity, closing and multiple unity: linearity was expressed in the observation form in fixed frontal view and an emphasis on a tangible silhouette homeogenous and definite line structures; planarity was achieved in the form of paralleled layers of frontal view element, planarity style, and identical and proportional repetition of various sizes.; closing signified the pursuit of complete and clear regularity, and architecture developed in a constructive phase through organizational inevitability and absolute invariability.; multiple unity was expressed in self-completedness and independent parallel of discrete forms and harmony of emphasized individual elements in a totality. Applying these layout characteristics of the Renaissance Classicism Architectural style and to see their individual expressive features, I found out that in adopting layout principles of the Renaissance Classicism Architecture to modern fashion, it turned out to be an emphasis of individual silhouettes, a flattened space, completed objects, organic harmony among independent parts: the emphasis of individual silhouettes was expressed in individual definitiveness of formative lines of clothes in accordance with body joints and an emphasis on formative lines of clothes; the flattened space was marked by single layer structure, planarity of elements of clothes, and listing arrangement by appropriate proportion.; the completedness of the objects was expressed by the stationary state where overall image is fixed, the construction of homogeneous and complete space, and absolute inevitability of internal layout in proportion; lastly, organic harmony of independent parts was stressed in independent completedness of each detail, and organic harmony of the whole. The expressive features would lead to a unique expression style of linear emphasis, proportion, constructive forms, and two-dimensional arrangement. The meaning of this study is follows: The characteristics of art school of thought are given shape by appling & analysing the architectural layout principles of historical art school of thought to modern fashion in the view point of formal construction dimension. The applied possibility of historical art school of thought as the source of inspiration about the fashion design is extended.

Research on Corporate Transition from CI to BI due to change of Corporate Structure (기업의 조직 체제의 변화에 의한 CI에서 BI로의 기업 아이덴티티 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Baik, Kum-Nam;Son, Young-Bum
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2006
  • This is a study related to CI and BI, focusing on the change of an organization: a corporation. The organization of a corporation, in order to achieve the goal of an organization, get the injection(labor, technology, resources) and send it out to society by transforming them into a form of products(goods and services). While this production means the organization plays a social part for the accomplishment of a goal of the society, it indicates the society exerts influence on the process of setting the goal of an organization. On the other hand, a society influences the existence of a corporation through need and change directly or indirectly and in order to adjust to this, a corporation adapt the form of the organization to the need and change of a society. This study presents the causes of change from CI to BI according to the organizational changes of a corporation and theoretical basis through Elbin Toefler's "The Adaptive Corporation".

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Design of Performance Measurement Indicators for the Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Company (중소(中小)제조업의 성과평가를 위한 성과측정지표 설계 방법)

  • Hong, Hyun-Gi;Oh, Sang-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.887-894
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    • 2009
  • Recently many companies has implied the measurement system to measure the organizational and personal performance. For that purpose the measurement system based on Balanced Scorecard(BSC) is broadly implemented. For the successful and effective measurement of performance measurement the design of measurement methodology and indicators should be carried out by experts in this field, and "the objectivity" should be kept in the whole process. But due to the financial difficulties many of the companies have relied on the standard (performance measurement) software, which is avaliable in the market. In this paper the performance measurement. Indicators has been presented for the small and medium sized manufacturing company. As the result of this research the presented performance measurement indicators for administration, operation and R&D part are statistically verified as it is effective.

Analysis of Studies on Job Satisfaction among Korean Nurses (간호사의 직무만족에 관한 논문 분석)

  • Ahn, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.319-331
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to identify patterns of and trends in studies of job satisfaction among Korean nurses as selected from master theses whose research had covered studies from the period $1972{\sim}1997$. These studies were analyzed for publication date, research design, theoretical framework, research questions, and research hypotheses, subjects, sampling methods, measurement tools, statistical analyses, job satisfaction-related variables, and suggestions for further research. The findings of the analysis were as follows: 1) The number of studies on the subjects of job satisfaction has increased enormously since the 1980s. 2) In research design, 73.8% of the studies involved correlation research. 3) Conceptual frameworks, research questions, and hypotheses were not involved in 88.8%, 76.3%, and 68.% of the studies respectively. 4) With respect to subjects, 53.7% involved head nurses, charge nurses, and staff nurses. 5) As sampling methodology, questionnaires were employed in all the studies. 6) Measurement instruments developed by Slavitts et al.(1978) and Stamps et al.(1978) were used in 27 studies and 24 studies, respectively. 7) For the statistical analysis, ANOVA(30.7%), t-test(23.7%), and correlation(23.7%) were used. 8) The number of job satisfaction-related variables were eight items and 36 sub-concepts. 37.5%(30 studies) employed applied variables related to organizational characteristics. 9) 93.7% of the studies made suggestions for further research. On the basis of the above findings, the following recommendations were made: 1) Qualitative research should be performed to identify variables related to job satisfaction. 2) Research on developing interventions is needed to elevate job satisfaction. 3) Development of measurement tools is needed to evaluate the job satisfaction of Korean nurses. 4) Correlation studies are needed to identify the relationship between job satisfaction of nurses and outcomes to patients.

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Creating a Family-Friendly Community Support Center for Local Community: Focus on the Healthy Family · Multicultural Family Support Center in Seoul & Incheon (지역 공동체 활성화와 가족친화를 위한 지원센터에 관한 연구: 서울과 인천소재 건강가정 · 다문화가족 지원센터의 물리적 공간환경 조사를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jeong Hyun;Choi, Jae Soon
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.457-471
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    • 2014
  • Family instability has a negative effect on not only an individual household but also the society. The government continues to operate family support centers as a countermeasure to family instability issues. A healthy and multicultural family support center is considered an effective support system that extends from a family unit to the local community. In this study, the satisfaction and demand levels of each center, located in Seoul and Incheon, were examined with respect to items such as operation contents, physical space, and organizational structure. The results showed that various efforts for creating a family-friendly community were implemented in healthy family support centers and multicultural family support centers. It was found that the center organizers and operators focused more on software and programs than on the physical environment. There was mostly a shortage of physical and environmental space. This space shortage limited the planned and ongoing activities in terms of the residents' self-directed participation and space formation for a family-friendly educational culture. Therefore, it was necessary to set up the space-related criteria for each center in order to solve this environmental issue. We identified the baseline data of the criteria for a center's physical and spatial design and size. In particular, it was suggested that a more strategic physical and spatial design is needed to achieve an integral and effective operation for the connection of the family with the local society.

In-depth Study on the Turnover and Stress of Fashion Industry Workers in Their 20s-30s (20~30대 패션업계 종사자들의 이직과 스트레스에 대한 심층연구)

  • Joo, Mi Young;Hong, Yun Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.43-60
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to conduct an in-depth examination into the cause of stress as well as reasons for turnover relative to fashion industry workers in their 20s-30s, thereby seeking effective improvement methods to reduce turnover. The study method consisted of one-on-one in-depth interviews to collect data on 15 fashion industry workers. Results were as follow. First, causes of stress for fashion industry workers in their 20s-30s include work related factors, interpersonal relations, and organizational culture, while the most frequently mentioned reasons for turnover were concerns about career track and aptitude as well as annual salary, revealing that self-improvement related growth potential is the most significant factor for turnover. Second, it was not one stress factor that influenced turnover but a composite of several stress factors that motivated individuals to change jobs. Last, time flexibility, self-esteem, and development potential were critical factors for turnover. Self-esteem and development potential that provide a sense of acknowledgment were especially emphasized as the most significant, revealing that the younger generation considers personal happiness to be critical and the more this aspect is not treated adequately the more the odds of choosing turnover. To mitigate this issue, an in-house educational system for self-development and an assignment rotation system must be adopted for workers to change to positions that fit their aptitude.

Isolation Effectiveness by Progressive Space Organization in Negative Pressured Isolation Unit (음압격리병실에 있어서 단계별 공간구성의 격리효과)

  • Kwon, Soonjung;Sung, Minki
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of Progressive Space Organization (ante-rooms) in Negative Pressured Isolation Unit(NPIU) such as National and Regional Isolation Units in Korea in order to build basic data for the evidence based design of Airborne Infection Isolation Units which should prepare and respond effectively to the public health crisis due to the hazardous airborne infectious disease. Methods: 1) Gas(SF6) test and analysis on the 23 Korean Isolation Units under operation. 2) Assessment of the isolation level of the space components by checking the Gas concentration. 3) Analysis of the Isolation Effectiveness according to Space Organizational levels. Results: 1) The higher segregation level is, the lower Gas(SF6) concentration is. 2) Too many segregations(anterooms) of Isolation Unit are not efficient for the prevention of infectious bacillus spread. For example, 4 level of segregation has similar segregation effect to the 3 level of segregation. Implications: Many anterooms in front of the isolated patient bedroom will guarantee the safe environment against the danger of hazardous airborne nosocomial infection. On the other hand, too many segregations is inefficient, expensive, inconvenient, narrow(unflexible) and so on. This study can be used as basic data for further development of design guidelines of isolation units.

Development of a Competency-Based Master Gardener Coordinator Curriculum: Focusing on Public Service Rural Extension Workers

  • Kim, Ji-Sung;Han, Seung-Won
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the role of master gardener coordinators and develop an education program to enhance their job competencies. To analyze and develop the new job of master gardener coordinator, we used the CBC method for curriculum development. The research findings can be summarized as follows. The analysis result of need and importance of education based on the performance level and demand level revealed 20 core competencies, which were classified into organizational education, learning by experience, individual learning, low-priority competencies for program development, with focus on the importance and need for education. The 17 courses are comprised of Eastern and Western Garden History, Understanding of Community Garden, Garden Aesthetics and Environmental Design, Master Gardener's Mission & Management, Garden Plants, and Garden Design and Practice etc. and the curriculum is 33 hours in total. The master gardener coordinator education program was conducted on 73 rural extension workers and the curriculum was evaluated by those who completed the program. The overall satisfaction was 4.29 and 97.1% of the trainees decided that the program would help them perform their duties. The analysis result discovered that all 20 core competencies increased after the program. As a result of conducting contingent valuation to determine the value of the program, willingness to pay (WTP) per hour was KRW 33,223 and the total WTP was KRW 1.096 million, which, when multiplied by 73 participants, is approximately KRW 80.008 million. This is relatively higher than the budget used (KRW 22.943 million), indicating that the program is worth it.

The Influence of Behavioral Intention on Usage Behavior of Chinese Online Fashion Platform Consumers Using the Expanded Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology - Focusing on Generation MZ - (확장된 통합기술수용이론을 활용한 중국 온라인 패션 플랫폼 소비자의 사용의도가 사용행동에 미치는 영향 - MZ세대를 중심으로 -)

  • Zi Wei Li;Jin Young Kim
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.291-303
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of technical acceptance factors of Chinese MZ generation consumers' use of online fashion platforms on behavioral intentions and usage behavior, and to determine whether satisfaction plays an additional role in the relationship between behavioral intentions and usage behavior. The research results can be summarized as follows. First, among the technology acceptance factors that influence Generation MZ consumers when they use online fashion platforms, it was found that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, habit, and content quality significantly influence the behavioral intention to use online fashion platforms. Second, the facilitating conditions and the platform usage intention of Chinese Generation MZ consumers directly and significantly influence the usage behavior on online fashion platforms. In contrast, it was confirmed that habit does not significantly influence actual usage behavior. Third, this study confirmed the moderating effect of satisfaction on the relationship between behavioral intention and usage behavior on online fashion platforms. This research, which proposes a research model explaining the usage intention and behavior of online fashion platforms based on UTAUT2, integrating not only the organizational aspect but also the consumer aspect to empirically verify the usage intention and the final usage behavior from the general consumer's perspective, has academic significance.