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Quantitative Analysis of Human- and Cow-Specific 16S rRNA Gene Markers for Assessment of Fecal Pollution in River Waters by Real-Time PCR

  • Jeong, Ju-Yong;Park, Hee-Deung;Lee, Kyong-Hee;Hwang, Jae-Hong;Ka, Jong-Ok
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2010
  • The base sequences representing human- and cow-specific 168 rRNA gene markers identified in a T-RFLP analysis were recovered from clone libraries. The human- and cow-specific primers were designed from these sequences and their specificities were analyzed with fecal DNAs from human, cow, and pig. The AllBac primer set showed positive results for all human, cow, and pig samples, whereas the human-specific primer set showed positive result only for the human sample but not for the cow or pig samples. Likewise, the cow-specific primer set showed positive results only for the cow sample but not for the human or pig samples. Real-time PCR assay with these primers was developed for the identification and quantification of fecal pollution in the river water. The human- and cow-specific markers were detected in the order of 9 $\log_{10}$ copies per gram wet feces, which were two orders of magnitude lower than those of total Bacteroidales. For the river water samples, the human-specific marker was detected in $1.7-6.2\;\log_{10}$ copies/100 ml water, which was 2.4-4.9 orders of magnitude lower than those of total Bacteroidales. There was no significant correlation between total Bacteroidales and conventional fecal indicators, but there was a high correlation between Bacteroidales and the human-specific marker. This assay could reliably identify and quantify the fecal pollution sources, enabling effective measures in the watersheds and facilitating water quality management.

Comparison between TCDD and 3MC Action on CYPIAI Expression and EROD Activity in the Isolated Perfused Male Rat Liver

  • Ahn, Mee R.;Sheen, Yhun Y.
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 1998
  • In order to understand the mechanism of the regulation of CYPIAI gene expression and ethoxy-resorufin deethylase (EROD) activity in ex vivo system, we have studied the action of TCDD and 3MC in theisolated perfused male rat liver. CYPIAI myNA level and EROD activity were measured in rat liver that wasisolated and perfused with va.ious chemicals such as 2,3,7,8-tet.achlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3MC), $17{\beta}$-est.adios ($E_2$), morin. TCDD or 3MC alone perfusion into male rat liver resulted in increase of CYPIAI mRNA level and the magnitude of stimulation was one and half times higher with TCDD treatment than 3MC treatment. However $E_2$ perfusion into male rat liver showed slight stimulation of CYPIAI mRNA level. When $10_{-8}$ M $E_2$ was perfused concomitantly with either $10_{-9}$ M TCDD or $10_{-9}$ M 3MC, stimulated CYPIAI mRNA by either TCDD or 3MC was inhibited. Morin was examined for its effects on CYPIAI mRNA level and result was similar to that was observed with estrogen except that morin alone did not change the level of CYPIAI mRNA. EROD activity was also stimulated with either TCDD or 3MC perfusion, and the magnitude of EROD stiumlation was similar to that of CYPIAI mRNA stimulation in response to TCDD or 3MC perfusion. This data is different from the data that we have obtained with female rat liver. Concomitant perfusion either $E_2$ or morin with TCDD or 3MC inhibited 3MC perFusion or TCDD perfusion stimulated EROD activity. These data confirm the hypothesis that TCDD and 3MC might act through the same mechanism of action on the regulation of CYPIAI gene expression in male rat liver.

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Fault Diagnosis System based on Sound using Feature Extraction Method of Frequency Domain

  • Vununu, Caleb;Kwon, Oh-Heum;Moon, Kwang-Seok;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.450-463
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    • 2018
  • Sound based machine fault diagnosis is the process consisting of detecting automatically the damages that affect the machines by analyzing the sounds they produce during their operating time. The collected sounds being inevitably corrupted by random disturbance, the most important part of the diagnosis consists of discovering the hidden elements inside the data that can reveal the faulty patterns. This paper presents a novel feature extraction methodology that combines various digital signal processing and pattern recognition methods for the analysis of the sounds produced by the drills. Using the Fourier analysis, the magnitude spectrum of the sounds are extracted, converted into two-dimensional vectors and uniformly normalized in such a way that they can be represented as 8-bit grayscale images. Histogram equalization is then performed over the obtained images in order to adjust their very poor contrast. The obtained contrast enhanced images will be used as the features of our diagnosis system. Finally, principal component analysis is performed over the image features for reducing their dimensions and a nonlinear classifier is adopted to produce the final response. Unlike the conventional features, the results demonstrate that the proposed feature extraction method manages to capture the hidden health patterns of the sound.

Analysis of Deformation and Stress Generated by Repair Welding and Its Accuracy (보수용접시 발생하는 변형 및 응력의 해석 및 정도)

  • Chang Kyong-Ho;Lee Sang-Hyong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2004
  • Steel bridges, which have been damaged by load and corrosion, need repair or strengthening. That is a cause of decreasing the durability of structure. In order to solve these problems, welding repair and strengthening methods can be considered. In general, cutting and welding procedure is carried out during the repair welding. Therefore, the investigation of the behavior of residual stress and deformation generated by cutting and welding is very important for safety of structure. Residual stress and deformation produced by gas cutting and arc welding were analyzed using 2D and 3D thermal elasto-plastic FEM. According to the results, the magnitude of temperature was analyzed by 2D-FEM is smaller than that was analyzed using the 3D-FEM at the start and end edge of flange. And the magnitude and distribution of residual stress of perpendicular direction of the cutting line and welding line was analyzed by the 2D-FEM was similar to that was analyzed by 3D-FEM. Therefore, it is possible to predict cutting and welding residual stress by 2D and 3D FEM.

Solubility Studies of Uranyl Hydrolysis Precipitates (우라닐 가수분해물의 용해도 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Joon;Pyo, Hyung-Ryul;Kim, Won-Ho;Chun, Kwan-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 1996
  • The effects of chemical species in groundwater on the solubility of the uranyl hydrolysis precipitates formed at pH 6.4 and 9.7 were investigated. Based on the chemical composition of the groundwater, the synthetic groundwater was prepared. The colloid-free (separated) groundwater was also prepared by removal of both organic and inorganic colloids from the sampled groundwater. Solubilities of precipitates formed in the hydrolysis of uranyl ion in groundwater, separated groundwater, synthetic groundwater and 0.1 M NaCl solution were measured over neutral to alkaline pH range, and especially, the effect of the anions and cations found in groundwater on the solubility was investigated. Solubility in groundwater was approximately two orders of magnitude greater than that in 0.1 M NaCl solution. Soubililties of uranyl hydrolysis precipitates formed at pH 9.7 and 6.4 were compared in groundwater and synthetic groundwater. Solubilities of the precipitates formed at different pH were found to be in the same order of magnitude in groundwater and synthetic groundwater, however the uranyl hydolysis precipitates formed at higher pH values showed a tendency of higher solubility.

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Design and Evaluation of Vaned Pipe Bends of Liquid Propellant for Satellite Launch Vehicles (소형위성 발사체용 액체 추진제 곡관 배관 설계 및 유동 성능 해석)

  • Lee Hee Joon;Han Sang Yeop;Ha Sung Up;Kim Young Mog
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2005
  • The use of pipe-bends brings about non-uniform flows at the exit of them due to the velocity difference between inner and outer flows inside the bend. These phenomena may cause turbopump of satellite launch vehicle to run off-design and reduce its efficiency, and also introduce unstable influx of propellants to engine manifold after passing through a turbopump. In order to improve the uniformity of flow at the bend exit, certain turning vanes are set up in the bend pipe normally. Correspondingly the design is an $90^{\circ}\;and\;45^{\circ}$ bend pipes that incorporate with the maximum three turning vanes. All designs were analyzed with numerical analysis by solving the Navier-Stokes equations in three dimensions in case of each respective fuel and oxidizer. Evaluations of the vaned pipe bends designs were accomplished by the velocity magnitude distributions and the predicted pressure drops. We could find that the more vaned bend pipe and larger angle pipe under consideration effectively, the more uniform velocity magnitude of the bend and pressure losses.

Comparison Between TCDD and 3MC Action on CYP1A1 Expression and EROD Activity in the Isolated Perfused Female Rat Liver

  • Ahn, Mee R.;Sheen, Yhun Y.
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 1998
  • In order to understand the mechanism if the regulation of CYP 1A1 gene expression and ethoxyresorufin deethylase (EROD) activity in ex vivo system, we have studied the action of TCDD and 3MC in the isolated perfused female rat liver. CYP1A1 mRNA level and EROD activity were measured in rat liver that was isolated and perfused with various chemicals such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC), 17$\beta$-estradiol (E$_2$), morin. TCDD or 3MC alone perfusion into female rat liver resulted in increase of CYP 1A1 mRNA level and the magnitude of stimulation was six times higher with TCDD treatment than 3MC treatment. However E$_2$ perfusion into female rat liver showed inhibition of CYP 1A1 mRNA level. When 10$^{-8}$ M E$_2$ was administered concomitantly with either 10$^{-9}$ M TCDD or 10$^{-9}$ M 3MC, stimulated CYP 1A1 mRNA by either TCDD or 3MC was inhibited. Morin was examined for its effects on CYP 1A1 mRNA level and result was similar to that was observed with estrogen. EROD activity was also stimulated with either TCDD or 3MC perfusion, and the magnitude of EROD stiumlation was smaller than that of CYP 1A1 mRNA stimulation in response to TCDD or 3MC perfusion. Unlike CYP1A1 mRNA level, stimulation of EROD activity was greater with 3MC than TCDD. Concomitant perfusion either E$_2$ or morin with TCDD or 3MC inhibited 3MC perfusion or TCDD perfusion stimulated EROD activity. These data suggested that TCDD and 3MC might act diffrently in terms of regulation of CYP 1A1 gene expression in rat liver.

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Accurate and Robust Computations of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows Part 2: Preconditioned Two-Phase Schemes for All Speeds (액체-기체 2상 유동장의 정확하고 강건한 해석 Part 2: 전 마하수 영역 해석을 위한 예조건화)

  • Ihm, Seung-Won;Kim, Chong-Am
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2009
  • Two-phase RoeM and AUSMPW+ schemes are preconditioned for the simulation of all Mach number flows, which are generally of interest for many gas-liquid two-phase application problems, because of large speed of sound in liquid region and low speed of sound in mixture or gas region. Conventional characteristic based schemes lose their accuracy or robustness in low Mach number flows, because their numerical dissipation terms are scaled by speed of sound, which is too large compared with local velocity magnitude in a low Mach region. All speed versions of RoeM and AUSMPW+ reflect the eigenvalues of the preconditioned governing system, which have the same order of magnitude even in low Mach number region. From the asymptotic analysis, it is observed that the discretized system by the developed schemes is consistent with the continuum system in the incompressible limit. The numerical results show the accurate and robust behavior of the proposed shcemes for all speed two-phase flows.

A Study on the Robust Pitch Period Detection Algorithm in Noisy Environments (소음환경에 강인한 피치주기 검출 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Seo Hyun-Soo;Bae Sang-Bum;Kim Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.481-484
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    • 2006
  • Pitch period detection algorithms are applied to various speech signal processing fields such as speech recognition, speaker identification, speech analysis and synthesis. Furthermore, many pitch detection algorithms of time and frequency domain have been studied until now. AMDF(average magnitude difference function) ,which is one of pitch period detection algorithms, chooses a time interval from the valley point to the valley point as the pitch period. AMDF has a fast computation capacity, but in selection of valley point to detect pitch period, complexity of the algorithm is increased. In order to apply pitch period detection algorithms to the real world, they have robust prosperities against generated noise in the subway environment etc. In this paper we proposed the modified AMDF algorithm which detects the global minimum valley point as the pitch period of speech signals and used speech signals of noisy environments as test signals.

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Direct Comparison of Two Mislocalization Phenomena: The Pulfrich Phenomenon and Flash Lag Effect (두 위치 오류 현상의 직접적인 비교: Pulfrich 현상과 명멸 지체 효과)

  • Kham, Kee-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.223-244
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    • 2007
  • Two well known mis-localization effects, flash-lag effect (FLE) and the Pulfrich effect, have similar phenomena and theoretical explanations. In order to directly compare two phenomena, thereby examining the possibility that two phenomena have a common mechanism, the magnitudes of two effects were measured under the same experimental settings and stimuli. The Pulfrich depth was measured from each of four different brightness ratios of two moving stimuli, each of which was projected to each eye. The magnitude of FLE was measured from each of five different brightness levels, which were the same levels used in the Pulfrich experiment. The Pulfrich depth was increased with the increase of brightness ratio, whereas similar pattern was not found in the magnitude of FLE. Furthermore, actual Pulfrich depths were greatly different from those predicted from the difference of two FLEs. These results suggest that two phenomena may not have a common mechanism.

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