• 제목/요약/키워드: Optimum production line

검색결과 73건 처리시간 0.021초

프레스 라인 적정 로트 크기의 결정에 관한 사례 연구 (A Case Study of an Optimum Lot Size of Press Line)

  • 김연민
    • 산업공학
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2011
  • This paper develops a mathematical model which searches an optimum lot size of a press line, and applies this model to the scheduling of the press line. This mathematical model is not a widely studied cost model but a model which considers the utilization of the press line under a lean production system. In this paper, the optimum lot size is a minimum lot size which does not exceed the total work time of the press line. A production volume and the priority of the production in the press line are adjusted using this optimum lot size. A mathematical model developed in this paper will allow determining the optimum lot size easily in case of variable production environments such as an introduction of a new product and a fluctuation of production volume of each item. Therefore, our model will make a better scheduling of the press line and will enhance the utilization of it.

재고설비규모를 위한 최적분배 모델의 연구 (A Study on the Optimum Allocation Model for Inventory Capacity)

  • 최진영;정기호
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제5권6호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1982
  • The objective of this thesis to Provide a better insight into the effect of the amount of in-process storage has on the efficiency of production line with variable operation times. It is assumed that the material enters the line at the first work station and is then processed progressively through the line until it exits at the last work station, a finite amount of in-process storage is provided before all but the first work station of the line and the operation time of the work stations are statistically independent and follow exponential distribution. Under the above assumption, optimum allocation model is developed and following two approaches are used : 1) Given the available storage capacity, optimum allocation which minimizes the number of items in the line. 2) Given the available storage capacity, optimum allocation which. maximizes the utilization factor of the line. In a balanced three stage line, the production line efficiency is maximized under both categories when the second in-process storage is larger than the first.

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Line Balancing을 위한 최적 Cycle Time의 결정방법 (A Study on the Determination of Optimum Cycle Time for Assembly Line Balancing)

  • 이근부
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 1980
  • Although the product line produces a large volume of goods in a relatively short time, once the product line is established there are numerous problems that arise in connection with this product line. One of these problems is the problem of balancing operations or stations in terms of equal times and in terms of the times required to meet the desered rate of production. The objective of line balancing is minimizing the idle time on the line for all combinations of work stations subject to certain restrictions. In general, there are two types of line-balancing situations : (1) assembly line balancing and (2) fabrication line balancing. Two approaches to the assembly line balancing problem have been used. The first assumes a filed cycle time and find the optimum number of work stations. The second approach to the assembly line balancing problem assumes the number of work stations to be fixed and systematically coverages on a solution which minimizes the total delay time by minimizing the cycle time. Here the cycle time is determined by the longest station time. In this paper, by using the second approach method, a general mathematical model, problem solutions, and computer program for the assembly line balancing problem is presented. Data used is obtained from the company which has been confronted with many problems arising in connection with their assembly line.

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혼류 생산시스템의 주기적 생산순서 (Cyclic Sequencing in Mixed-Model Production Systems)

  • 최원준;김연민;박창권;이용일
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2004
  • In mixed-model production systems, various models of products are produced alternately on the same production line. When the total number of models or the total production quantity is large, it takes a long time to determine the production sequence of the products. In this paper, we will show that in case of product rate variation problem (PRV) problem with nonidentical symmetric convex discrepancy function, an optimum sequence can be obtained by repeating an optimum sequence in a reduced subproblem.

독말풀(Datura stramonium var. tatula Torr.) 모상근의 성장과 tropane alkaloid 생성에 미치는 pH, 서당 및 비타민의 영향 (Effects of pH, Sucrose and Vitamins on the Growth and Tropane Alkaloid Production of Hairy Roots of Datura stramonium var. tatula Torr.)

  • 양덕조;강현미;이강섭;김용해;양덕춘
    • 식물조직배양학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 1997
  • 모상근의 성장 및 tropane alkaloids의 생성에 미치는 pH, 서당, 비타민의 영향을 구명하기 위하여, 독말풀(Datura stramonium var. tatula Torr.)의 잎에 Agrobacterium tumefaciens $A_4$T를 접종하여 모상근을 유도하였다. 유도된 모상근 중 성장률이 양호한 clone (DTLA9)을 선발하고, 이를 pH, 서당, 비타민을 각각 여러 농도로 처리한 SH(Schenk and Hildebrandt, 1972) 기본배지에 배양하였다. 모상근의 성장에 있어 최적 pH는 6.3이었으며, 최적 서당농도는 3.0%이었다. Tropane alkaloids의 함량에 있어 최적 PH는 6.5이었으며, 최적 서당농도는 2.8%이었다. 한편, 비타민이 제거된 SH기본배지에 ascorbic acid, D-pantothenate, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin. 그리고 thiamine을 각각 농도별로 첨가하여 배양한 경우에, 모상근의 성장에 있어 비타민의 최적 농도는 각각 0.1, 0.003, 0.07, 0.002, 0.025, 0.01 mM이었다. Tropane alkaloids의 함량은 0.1 mM의 ascorbic acid 단독처리구에서 대조구(vitamin-free구) 및 SH기본배지에서의 경우에 비하여 가장 높게 나타났다.

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라인파이프용 고강도 열연강판의 기계적 성질 (Mechanical Properties of High Strength Hot Strips For Line Pipe Application)

  • 김문수;김준성;강기봉;노광섭
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1999년도 제3회 압연심포지엄 논문집 압연기술의 미래개척 (Exploitation of Future Rolling Technologies)
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    • pp.383-389
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of alloying and rolling condition on the mechanical properties and to develop high strength line pipe steels with good toughness. Tests were carried out by the laboratory experiments followed by mill trials and mass production. It was found that a small addition of microalloying elements, such as Nb, V with Mo or Ti remarkably increased the strength and toughness of hot strips. The optimum condition of thermomechanical rolling on low carbon microalloyed steel improved the toughness through the formation of a fine and uniform microstructure. Based on this mill trials following the fundamental research, the production technology of line pipe steels, grade X70∼X100 with high toughness, has been established. These grade steels exhibit excellent low temperature toughness (vTs= under -80$^{\circ}C$) and sufficient strength in both the base metal and the ERW seam weld position, respectively.

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On-line streaming potential 측정에 의한 in-line 약품응집/정밀여과 공정의 최적화 (Optimization of In-line Coagulation/MF Process Using On-line Streaming Potential Measurement)

  • 오정익;이석헌
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.522-528
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    • 2004
  • Microfiltration with in-line rapid coagulation for drinking water production was examined. The in-line rapid coagulation was conducted using newly developed mixing device instantaneous flash mixer. The flux decline during membrane filtration was monitored with coagulant dosage varied. Flux decline was minimized at 1.1mg/L of coagulant dosage, where streaming potential of coagulated water was near zero. The optimum dosage for the process control was explained by dimensionless distance (${\kappa}{\times}a$) of particle pairs, obtained from electrophoresis parameter describing electrostatic repulsion relative to Van der Waals energy between particle pairs in the pre-coagulated water.

다이싱 블레이드 제조공정의 생산성향상에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Productivity Improvement of the Dicing Blade Production Process)

  • 문정수;박수용;이동형
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2016
  • Industry 4.0's goal is the 'Smart Factory' that integrates and controls production process, procurement, distribution and service based on the fundamental technology such as internet of the things, cyber physical system, sensor, etc. Basic requirement for successful promotion of this Industry 4.0 is the large supply of semiconductor. However, company I who produces dicing blades has difficulty to meet the increasing demand and has hard time to increase revenue because its raw material includes high price diamond, and requires very complex and sensitive process for production. Therefore, this study is focused on understanding the problems and presenting optimal plan to increase productivity of dicing blade manufacturing processes. We carried out a study as follows to accomplish the above purposes. First, previous researches were investigated. Second, the bottlenecks in manufacturing processes were identified using simulation tool (Arena 14.3). Third, we calculate investment amount according to added equipments purchase and perform economic analysis according to cost and sales increase. Finally, we derive optimum plan for productivity improvement and analyze its expected effect. To summarize these results as follows : First, daily average blade production volume can be increased two times from 60 ea. to 120 ea. by performing mixing job in the day before. Second, work flow can be smoother due to reduced waiting time if more machines are added to improve setting process. It was found that average waiting time of 23 minutes can be reduced to around 9 minutes from current process. Third, it was found through simulation that the whole processing line can compose smoother production line by performing mixing process in advance, and add setting and sintering machines. In the course of this study, it was found that adding more machines to reduce waiting time is not the best alternative.

열간압연 스케줄변경에 따른 최적연삭조건 결정 (Decision of Optimum Grinding Condition by Pass Schedule Change)

  • 배용환
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2008
  • It is important to prevent roll failure in hot rolling process for reducing maintenance cost and production loss. The relationship between rolling pass schedule and the work roll wear profile will be presented. The roll wear pattern is related with roll catastrophic failure. The irregular and deep roll wear pattern should be removed by On-line Roll Grinder(ORG) for roll failure prevention. In this study, a computer roll wear prediction model under real process working condition is developed and evaluated with hot rolling pass schedule. The method of building wear calculation functions for center portion abrasion and marginal abrasion respectively was used to develop a work roll wear prediction mathematical model. The three type rolling schedule are evaluated by wear prediction model. The optimum roll grinding methods is suggested for schedule tree rolling technique.