• Title/Summary/Keyword: Observation-based Movement Control

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Development of the Flexible Observation System for a Virtual Reality Excavator Using the Head Tracking System (헤드 트래킹 시스템을 이용한 가상 굴삭기의 편의 관측 시스템 개발)

  • Le, Q.H.;Jeong, Y.M.;Nguyen, C.T.;Yang, S.Y.
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2015
  • Excavators are versatile earthmoving equipment that are used in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, grading and landscaping, pipeline construction and mining. Effective operator training is essential to ensure safe and efficient operating of the machine. The virtual reality excavator based on simulation using conventional large size monitors is limited by the inability to provide a realistic real world training experience. We proposed a flexible observation method with a head tracking system to improve user feeling and sensation when operating a virtual reality excavator. First, an excavation simulator is designed by combining an excavator SimMechanics model and the virtual world. Second, a head mounted display (HMD) device is presented to replace the cumbersome large screens. Moreover, an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is mounted to the HMD for tracking the movement of the operator's head. These signals consequently change the virtual viewpoint of the virtual reality excavator. Simulation results were used to analyze the performance of the proposed system.

Electrical Stimulation System Design for Pharyngeal Dysfunction of Stroke Patients (뇌졸중 환자의 인두기능 회복을 위한 전기자극기 설계)

  • 김성민;배하석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1232-1235
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to design electrical stimulation system for pharyngeal dysfunction(dysphagia) in stroke patients. Pharyngeal muscle group activity is important, because contracting muscles provide the driving force at the initiation of the swallow and generate the pressure gradients necessary for bolus movement into the esophagus. Although we have many treatment methods for dysphagia, electrical stimulation system will be useful for stroke patients having dysphagia. Electrical stimulation can be divided into the body stimulation and electrodes. The body stimulation is divided again into frequency counter, time control and current measurement part. These parts are to control the current intensity, frequency and stimulating time. And they can be variable according to the patient's clinical assessment. The electrode plays a role to deliver the current from the system to the muscle. Also the position of the electrode can be variable according to the treatment method. We performed the clinical experiment with the stroke patient who has swallowing disorder. The videofluoroscopy was used for the observation. From the result of clinical experiment based on electrical stimulation, we expected that the dysfunction(in pharynx) level of the patient can be improved. However we could not have enough effectiveness of the treatment because of the number of patients, patient's adaptation and treatment period. We will design the optimized electrical stimulation system based on enough clinical experiment in the future.

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Healing of the Bone around Hydroxyapatite-Coated Implants without Primary Bone Contact (초기 골 접촉이 없는 수산화 인회석 피복 임프란트 주위 골의 치유)

  • Cho, Hyung-Soo;Shin, Kwang-Yong;Kim, Heung-Joong;Park, Joo-Cheol;Han, Kyung-Yoon;Kim, Byung-Ock
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.415-433
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    • 1999
  • Implant stability is the key to long-term successful outcome for osseointegrated implants. To evaluate the initial healing response of bone around HA-coated implants without primary bone contact. 21 HA-coated thread type implants(STERI-OSS?) were placed in the femurs of 5 mongrel dogs, about 1-year old. Implants, 8 mm in length and 3.8mm(experimental 1group), 5.0mm(experimental 2group) and 6.0mm(control group) in diameter, were inserted after 3 holes of 6.0mm in diameter and 10mm in depth were prepared in the surgical sites each dog. Implants were supported by only nonresorbable membrane($Teflon^{(R)}$), in order to prevent the ingrowth of upper soft tissue into the gap between bone and implant, and to maintain each implant to be positioned in the center of the drilled hole. 9 implants with different diameters were inserted in 3 dogs for histologic observation, and 12 implants were inserted in 2 dogs for mobility test and removal torque test. Fluorescent dyes were injected for the observation of new bone formation in order of $Terramycin^{(R)}$, Arizarin $Red^{(R)}$, and $Calcein^{(R)}$ at an interval of 2 weeks. 3 dogs were sacrificed for histologic observation at 4, 8, and 12-week after placement. Light microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to qualitatively characterize the bone around HA-coated implant. 2 dogs were sacrificed for mobility test($Periotest^{(R)}$, Simens AG, Bensheim, Germany) and removal torque test($Autograph^{(R)}$ AGS-1000D series, Japan) at 8 and 12-week after placement The results were as follows: 1. Histologic observation showed that osseointegration occurred to both control and experimental groups as time lapse, but delayed bone healing was revealed in 3.8mm group (experimental 1group), compared to contrtol group and 5.0mm group (experimental 2group). 2. The mobility test showed that the experimental groups had no distinguishable movement during experimental periods of 8 and 12-week, and there was no difference in mobility depending on the gap between bone and implant, and time lapse. 3. The removal torque forces were increased depended on the gaps decreasing between bone and implant, and time lapse. The results suggest that HA-coated implant without primary bone contact, based on guided bone regeneration could obtain its stability in all experimental groups as time lapse, but bone healing was delayed in experimental group of 3.8mm. And the results suggested that studies on correlationship between mobility test and removal torque test for implant stability would be necessary.

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The Effects of Storytelling-Centered Arts Educational Activities Based on the Famous Painting Appreciation on Young Children's Appreciation Ability of Pictures and Creativity (명화 감상에 기초한 스토리텔링 중심 예술교육활동이 유아의 그림감상능력과 창의성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eunah;Byon, Kil Hee;Shim, Seong Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.807-823
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of storytelling-centered arts educational activities based on the famous painting appreciation on young children's appreciation ability of pictures and creativity. The study was conducted with a total of 50 5-year-old young children in two classes of B Day Care Center in the city of J, Jeollabukdo. The children were randomly divided into an experimental group(25) and a control group(25). The storytelling-centered arts educational activities based on the famous painting appreciation was conducted for the experimental group for 12 weeks from April 29, 2013 to July 19, 2013. The activities were composed of 3 steps of 'appreciation-expression-exhibition & assessment' on the basis of 2-week basic units. The appreciation activities were composed basing upon the types of the famous painting appreciation and storytelling, and expression and exhibition & assessment activities were composed of 4 areas of arts(music/movement/language/art). The results of the study are as follows. First, the storytelling-centered arts educational activities based on the famous painting appreciation generally improved young children's painting appreciation abilities in all sub-areas(observation and description/artist's intention of subject expression/mood of a work/material and technique/artistic factors/attitude to the work). Second, the storytelling-centered arts educational activities based on the famous painting appreciation generally improved young children's creativities in all sub-areas(originality/fluency/flexibility/imagination).

A Study on Variable Conductance Radiator using Liquid Metal for Highly Efficient Satellite Thermal Control (인공위성의 고효율 열제어 구현을 위한 액체금속형 가변 전도율 방열판에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gwi-Jung;Go, Ji-Seong;Oh, Hyun-Ung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2019
  • The observation satellites which uses high heat-dissipating equipment such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites require a radiator to transmit heat from the equipment into outer space. However, during cold conditions it requires a heater to maintain the temperature of equipment within the allowable minimum limit when it is not in operation. In this study, we proposed a variable conductivity radiator that changes its thermal conductivity value through movement of the liquid metal between two reservoirs based on the temperature condition. This reduces the power consumption of the heater by limiting heat transfer path to the radiator in cold condition, while effectively transferring heat to the radiator during hot condition. The feasibility of the proposed radiator was validated through comparison of the thermal control performance with the conventional fixed conductivity radiator via a thermal analysis.

Proposal for a Sensory Integration Self-system based on an Artificial Intelligence Speaker for Children with Developmental Disabilities: Pilot Study

  • YeJin Wee;OnSeok Lee
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1216-1233
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    • 2023
  • Conventional occupational therapy (OT) is conducted under the observation of an occupational therapist, and there are limitations in measuring and analyzing details such as degree of hand tremor and movement tendency, so this important information may be lost. It is therefore difficult to identify quantitative performance indicators, and the presence of observers during performance sometimes makes the subjects feel that they have to achieve good results. In this study, by using the Unity3D and artificial intelligence (AI) speaker, we propose a system that allows the subjects to steadily use it by themselves and helps the occupational therapist objectively evaluate through quantitative data. This system is based on the OT of the sensory integration approach. And the purpose of this system is to improve children's activities of daily living by providing various feedback to induce sensory integration, which allows them to develop the ability to effectively use their bodies. A dynamic OT cognitive assessment tool for children used in clinical practice was implemented in Unity3D to create an OT environment of virtual space. The Leap Motion Controller allows users to track and record hand motion data in real time. Occupational therapists can control the user's performance environment remotely by connecting Unity3D and AI speaker. The experiment with the conventional OT tool and the system we proposed was conducted. As a result, it was found that when the system was performed without an observer, users can perform spontaneously and several times feeling ease and active mind.

A VLSI Architecture of Systolic Array for FET Computation (고속 퓨리어 변환 연산용 VLSI 시스토릭 어레이 아키텍춰)

  • 신경욱;최병윤;이문기
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1115-1124
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    • 1988
  • A two-dimensional systolic array for fast Fourier transform, which has a regular and recursive VLSI architecture is presented. The array is constructed with identical processing elements (PE) in mesh type, and due to its modularity, it can be expanded to an arbitrary size. A processing element consists of two data routing units, a butterfly arithmetic unit and a simple control unit. The array computes FFT through three procedures` I/O pipelining, data shuffling and butterfly arithmetic. By utilizing parallelism, pipelining and local communication geometry during data movement, the two-dimensional systolic array eliminates global and irregular commutation problems, which have been a limiting factor in VLSI implementation of FFT processor. The systolic array executes a half butterfly arithmetic based on a distributed arithmetic that can carry out multiplication with only adders. Also, the systolic array provides 100% PE activity, i.e., none of the PEs are idle at any time. A chip for half butterfly arithmetic, which consists of two BLC adders and registers, has been fabricated using a 3-um single metal P-well CMOS technology. With the half butterfly arithmetic execution time of about 500 ns which has been obtained b critical path delay simulation, totla FFT execution time for 1024 points is estimated about 16.6 us at clock frequency of 20MHz. A one-PE chip expnsible to anly size of array is being fabricated using a 2-um, double metal, P-well CMOS process. The chip was layouted using standard cell library and macrocell of BLC adder with the aid of auto-routing software. It consists of around 6000 transistors and 68 I/O pads on 3.4x2.8mm\ulcornerarea. A built-i self-testing circuit, BILBO (Built-In Logic Block Observation), was employed at the expense of 3% hardware overhead.

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  • Fattah, A.;Nishiwaki, Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1051-1054
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    • 1993
  • The International Atomic Energy Agency's Statute in Article III.A.5 allows it“to establish and administer safeguards designed to ensure that special fissionable and other materials, services, equipment, facilities and information made available by the Agency or at its request or under its supervision or control are not used in such a way as to further any military purpose; and to apply safeguards, at the request of the parties, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement, or at the request of a State, to any of that State's activities in the field of atomic energy”. Safeguards are essentially a technical means of verifying the fulfilment of political obligations undertaken by States and given a legal force in international agreements relating to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The main political objectives are: to assure the international community that States are complying with their non-proliferation and other peaceful undertakings; and to deter (a) the diversion of afeguarded nuclear materials to the production of nuclear explosives or for military purposes and (b) the misuse of safeguarded facilities with the aim of producing unsafeguarded nuclear material. It is clear that no international safeguards system can physically prevent diversion. The IAEA safeguards system is basically a verification measure designed to provide assurance in those cases in which diversion has not occurred. Verification is accomplished by two basic means: material accountancy and containment and surveillance measures. Nuclear material accountancy is the fundamental IAEA safeguards mechanism, while containment and surveillance serve as important complementary measures. Material accountancy refers to a collection of measurements and other determinations which enable the State and the Agency to maintain a current picture of the location and movement of nuclear material into and out of material balance areas, i. e. areas where all material entering or leaving is measurab e. A containment measure is one that is designed by taking advantage of structural characteristics, such as containers, tanks or pipes, etc. To establish the physical integrity of an area or item by preventing the undetected movement of nuclear material or equipment. Such measures involve the application of tamper-indicating or surveillance devices. Surveillance refers to both human and instrumental observation aimed at indicating the movement of nuclear material. The verification process consists of three over-lapping elements: (a) Provision by the State of information such as - design information describing nuclear installations; - accounting reports listing nuclear material inventories, receipts and shipments; - documents amplifying and clarifying reports, as applicable; - notification of international transfers of nuclear material. (b) Collection by the IAEA of information through inspection activities such as - verification of design information - examination of records and repo ts - measurement of nuclear material - examination of containment and surveillance measures - follow-up activities in case of unusual findings. (c) Evaluation of the information provided by the State and of that collected by inspectors to determine the completeness, accuracy and validity of the information provided by the State and to resolve any anomalies and discrepancies. To design an effective verification system, one must identify possible ways and means by which nuclear material could be diverted from peaceful uses, including means to conceal such diversions. These theoretical ways and means, which have become known as diversion strategies, are used as one of the basic inputs for the development of safeguards procedures, equipment and instrumentation. For analysis of implementation strategy purposes, it is assumed that non-compliance cannot be excluded a priori and that consequently there is a low but non-zero probability that a diversion could be attempted in all safeguards ituations. An important element of diversion strategies is the identification of various possible diversion paths; the amount, type and location of nuclear material involved, the physical route and conversion of the material that may take place, rate of removal and concealment methods, as appropriate. With regard to the physical route and conversion of nuclear material the following main categories may be considered: - unreported removal of nuclear material from an installation or during transit - unreported introduction of nuclear material into an installation - unreported transfer of nuclear material from one material balance area to another - unreported production of nuclear material, e. g. enrichment of uranium or production of plutonium - undeclared uses of the material within the installation. With respect to the amount of nuclear material that might be diverted in a given time (the diversion rate), the continuum between the following two limiting cases is cons dered: - one significant quantity or more in a short time, often known as abrupt diversion; and - one significant quantity or more per year, for example, by accumulation of smaller amounts each time to add up to a significant quantity over a period of one year, often called protracted diversion. Concealment methods may include: - restriction of access of inspectors - falsification of records, reports and other material balance areas - replacement of nuclear material, e. g. use of dummy objects - falsification of measurements or of their evaluation - interference with IAEA installed equipment.As a result of diversion and its concealment or other actions, anomalies will occur. All reasonable diversion routes, scenarios/strategies and concealment methods have to be taken into account in designing safeguards implementation strategies so as to provide sufficient opportunities for the IAEA to observe such anomalies. The safeguards approach for each facility will make a different use of these procedures, equipment and instrumentation according to the various diversion strategies which could be applicable to that facility and according to the detection and inspection goals which are applied. Postulated pathways sets of scenarios comprise those elements of diversion strategies which might be carried out at a facility or across a State's fuel cycle with declared or undeclared activities. All such factors, however, contain a degree of fuzziness that need a human judgment to make the ultimate conclusion that all material is being used for peaceful purposes. Safeguards has been traditionally based on verification of declared material and facilities using material accountancy as a fundamental measure. The strength of material accountancy is based on the fact that it allows to detect any diversion independent of the diversion route taken. Material accountancy detects a diversion after it actually happened and thus is powerless to physically prevent it and can only deter by the risk of early detection any contemplation by State authorities to carry out a diversion. Recently the IAEA has been faced with new challenges. To deal with these, various measures are being reconsidered to strengthen the safeguards system such as enhanced assessment of the completeness of the State's initial declaration of nuclear material and installations under its jurisdiction enhanced monitoring and analysis of open information and analysis of open information that may indicate inconsistencies with the State's safeguards obligations. Precise information vital for such enhanced assessments and analyses is normally not available or, if available, difficult and expensive collection of information would be necessary. Above all, realistic appraisal of truth needs sound human judgment.

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