• Title/Summary/Keyword: Object Size Measurement

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The Digital Model Generation for the Human Body Measurement (인체 계측을 위한 수치모형생성)

  • 이재기;최석근;임인섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 1997
  • The size and shape of the human body has been an important factor not only in anthropology but in integration of designs aimed for daily use. Although the three-dimensional measurements have been proposed and obtained introducing new methods, there still remains many problems concerning how to analyze and evaluate the results. In this study, we have got the internal and external orientation factors, image coordinates from the ac-quired photographs, have calaulated the object coordinates through Bundle Adjustment, have matched multi-images. have drawn the object in the computer, and smoothly handled the surface of the body model using the Au-to-CAD system or graphic processing utility then we could generate the digital model of human body. The. results show that once digital modeling of the body is generated. the information which a designer needs can be acquired and the adequate calculations for many application fields can be done easily and many geometrical properties could be extracted. Therefore we propose the possibility of indirect human body measurement through digital model generation.

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The morphological changes of the beach and dune using by periodical measurements (주기적 지형 측량을 통한 해빈과 해안사구의 지형변화: 충남 보령시 소황사구를 사례로)

  • KANG, Dong Kyun;SEO, Jong Cheol
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the mid-term changes of beach and dune morphology at Sohwang beach, Korea using by Total Station. Measurements executed 4 times during two year. Based on ArcInfo as point cloud obtained through precise measurement data by Total Station, alteration of beach and dune was analyzed at DEM, of which cell size is about 1m. Since these artificial constructions have influenced current systems of this region, the large-scale sand movements above mentioned have occurred around the jetty and the sea-wall. There occurred sedimentation in the north of the Jetty and erosion in the south of the Jetty, which is installed at the central part of object area. The direction of recent topographic development does not coincide with that of wind, and, rather, topographic changes occurred mainly at beaches and dunes due to the transformation of coastal water flow caused by artificial structure nearby. If precise measurement is conducted periodically, and long term monitoring is carried out by installing equipment measuring movement pattern of sediment around artificial structure, cause of topographic change around the object area could be discovered.

Computer Vision Based Measurement, Error Analysis and Calibration (컴퓨터 시각(視覺)에 의거한 측정기술(測定技術) 및 측정오차(測定誤差)의 분석(分析)과 보정(補正))

  • Hwang, H.;Lee, C.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 1992
  • When using a computer vision system for a measurement, the geometrically distorted input image usually restricts the site and size of the measuring window. A geometrically distorted image caused by the image sensing and processing hardware degrades the accuracy of the visual measurement and prohibits the arbitrary selection of the measuring scope. Therefore, an image calibration is inevitable to improve the measuring accuracy. A calibration process is usually done via four steps such as measurement, modeling, parameter estimation, and compensation. In this paper, the efficient error calibration technique of a geometrically distorted input image was developed using a neural network. After calibrating a unit pixel, the distorted image was compensated by training CMLAN(Cerebellar Model Linear Associator Network) without modeling the behavior of any system element. The input/output training pairs for the network was obtained by processing the image of the devised sampled pattern. The generalization property of the network successfully compensates the distortion errors of the untrained arbitrary pixel points on the image space. The error convergence of the trained network with respect to the network control parameters were also presented. The compensated image through the network was then post processed using a simple DDA(Digital Differential Analyzer) to avoid the pixel disconnectivity. The compensation effect was verified using known sized geometric primitives. A way to extract directly a real scaled geometric quantity of the object from the 8-directional chain coding was also devised and coded. Since the developed calibration algorithm does not require any knowledge of modeling system elements and estimating parameters, it can be applied simply to any image processing system. Furthermore, it efficiently enhances the measurement accuracy and allows the arbitrary sizing and locating of the measuring window. The applied and developed algorithms were coded as a menu driven way using MS-C language Ver. 6.0, PC VISION PLUS library functions, and VGA graphic functions.

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A Study on the Kinematic Surveying Method Using the Digital Video Recorder (디지털 비디오 리코더에 의한 이동 측량 기법 연구)

  • 함창학;김원대
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2003
  • This study recorded an object using a digital video recorder, and then tried to estimate 3-D positional information and to reconstruct an image. Firstly, the accuracy of measurement results from a video recorder was evaluated and tested for an applicability, then it applied to a real object to construct 3-D digital model. This study assumed that there is no lens distortion in a video recorder, and all bundles should precisely pass through the projection center of a lens. The image size for orientations is determined by the size of CCD chip and the number of pixels. The average squared error from the result by a digital video recorder and that by triangular survey from 1-second theodolite shows 0.0173m error in x,y coordinates. Without knowing the accurate information on the lens distortion and the coordinates of the projection center, this study reasonably produces acceptable results in the reconstruction of 3-D model. In consequence, this study found that the image from a digital video camera can be reconstructed 3-D model only from the information on a camera type.

Design of a Smart Phone App for Measuring Object Size in a Picture Image (화상 이미지내의 피사체 크기 계측을 위한 스마트 폰 어플 설계)

  • Oh, Sun-Jin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2013
  • With a rapid growth of hardware and product material industries, evolution of handheld terminal technologies is progressed. Various applications using mobile phone are the major trend in recent smart applications. Especially, interesting applications using camera module in a smartphone are developed continuously, mobile users are able to use various useful mobile applications nowadays. In this paper, we design and implement smartphone app for measuring real size of the shooting object in the image taken by a camera module in a smartphone precisely. We implement 4 different shooting modes for precise measurement of objects and 0 point control module is developed to minimize the differences of shooting images taken by different types and systems of various smartphones. The smartphone app proposed and implemented in this paper is analyzed and evaluated by a simulation study.

The accurate measurement of center position and orientation of SMD VR by using machine vision (머신비젼을 이용한 SMD VR의 중심위치와 홈방향 정밀계측)

  • Jhang, Kyung-Young;Kim, Byung-Yup;Han, Chang-Su;Park, Jong-Hyun;Gam, Do-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.1339-1347
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    • 1997
  • The automation of final inspection and tuning process in the manufacturing of electric products is hot issue now, because it is the only part that has not been wholey automized yet, mainly due to the difficulties to handle so small size of VR which is the final tuning point in the most of electric products. For the automation of this process, at first the accurate measurement of position and orientation of SMD VR on PCB in real time is strongly needed. In this paper, a new image processing algorithm to detect the center position and orientation of target VR by using machine vision is proposed for automatic final tuning of the 8mm camcoder's performance. In the method, the outline feature of object is used actively. The usefulness of the proposed methods were tested by several experiments, and the results showed enough accuracy for both of position and orientation. Additatively, we discussed about the total visual system construction and preprocessing of image.

Strain Distribution Measurement for Wall Thinning Defect in Pipe Bends by ESPI (ESPI 를 이용한 곡관 감육 결함부의 변형률 분포 측정)

  • Naseem, Akhter;Kim, Koung-Suk;Jung, Sung-Wook;Park, Jong-Hyun;Choi, Jung-Suk;Jung, Hyun-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2007
  • Put Abstract text here The strain distribution measurement for wall thinned pipe bends by ESPI is presented. Defect types observed in the steel piping in the nuclear power plants (NPP) are the crack at the weld part and the wall thinning defect in the pipe bends. Especially, the wall thinning defects in the pipe bends due to the flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) is a main type of defects observed in the carbon steel piping system. ESPI is one of the optical non-destructive testing methods and can measure the stress and the strain distribution of the object subjected by the tensile loading or the internal pressure. In this paper, the strain distribution of the wall thinned pipe bends due to the internal pressure will be measured by ESPI technique and the results are discussed. From the results, the size of the wall thinning defect can also be measured approximately.

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Hardware Accelerated Design on Bag of Words Classification Algorithm

  • Lee, Chang-yong;Lee, Ji-yong;Lee, Yong-hwan
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose an image retrieval algorithm for real-time processing and design it as hardware. The proposed method is based on the classification of BoWs(Bag of Words) algorithm and proposes an image search algorithm using bit stream. K-fold cross validation is used for the verification of the algorithm. Data is classified into seven classes, each class has seven images and a total of 49 images are tested. The test has two kinds of accuracy measurement and speed measurement. The accuracy of the image classification was 86.2% for the BoWs algorithm and 83.7% the proposed hardware-accelerated software implementation algorithm, and the BoWs algorithm was 2.5% higher. The image retrieval processing speed of BoWs is 7.89s and our algorithm is 1.55s. Our algorithm is 5.09 times faster than BoWs algorithm. The algorithm is largely divided into software and hardware parts. In the software structure, C-language is used. The Scale Invariant Feature Transform algorithm is used to extract feature points that are invariant to size and rotation from the image. Bit streams are generated from the extracted feature point. In the hardware architecture, the proposed image retrieval algorithm is written in Verilog HDL and designed and verified by FPGA and Design Compiler. The generated bit streams are stored, the clustering step is performed, and a searcher image databases or an input image databases are generated and matched. Using the proposed algorithm, we can improve convenience and satisfaction of the user in terms of speed if we search using database matching method which represents each object.

Automation of Bio-Industrial Process Via Tele-Task Command(I) -identification and 3D coordinate extraction of object- (원격작업 지시를 이용한 생물산업공정의 생력화 (I) -대상체 인식 및 3차원 좌표 추출-)

  • Kim, S. C.;Choi, D. Y.;Hwang, H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2001
  • Major deficiencies of current automation scheme including various robots for bioproduction include the lack of task adaptability and real time processing, low job performance for diverse tasks, and the lack of robustness of take results, high system cost, failure of the credit from the operator, and so on. This paper proposed a scheme that could solve the current limitation of task abilities of conventional computer controlled automatic system. The proposed scheme is the man-machine hybrid automation via tele-operation which can handle various bioproduction processes. And it was classified into two categories. One category was the efficient task sharing between operator and CCM(computer controlled machine). The other was the efficient interface between operator and CCM. To realize the proposed concept, task of the object identification and extraction of 3D coordinate of an object was selected. 3D coordinate information was obtained from camera calibration using camera as a measurement device. Two stereo images were obtained by moving a camera certain distance in horizontal direction normal to focal axis and by acquiring two images at different locations. Transformation matrix for camera calibration was obtained via least square error approach using specified 6 known pairs of data points in 2D image and 3D world space. 3D world coordinate was obtained from two sets of image pixel coordinates of both camera images with calibrated transformation matrix. As an interface system between operator and CCM, a touch pad screen mounted on the monitor and remotely captured imaging system were used. Object indication was done by the operator’s finger touch to the captured image using the touch pad screen. A certain size of local image processing area was specified after the touch was made. And image processing was performed with the specified local area to extract desired features of the object. An MS Windows based interface software was developed using Visual C++6.0. The software was developed with four modules such as remote image acquisiton module, task command module, local image processing module and 3D coordinate extraction module. Proposed scheme shoed the feasibility of real time processing, robust and precise object identification, and adaptability of various job and environments though selected sample tasks.

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Precise Position Control of a Linear Stage with I/Q heterodyne Interferometer Feedback

  • Moon, Chan-Woo;Lee, Sung-Ho;Chung, J.K.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1142-1146
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    • 2004
  • The ultra precision linear stage is an essential device in the fields of MEMS and Bio technology. A piezo electric motor is widely used for its better linear characteristics, faster response time, and smaller size than conventional electro-magnetic actuator. We develop a new inchworm type motor to implement an actuator-integrated a long stroke linear stage which can move fast. To implement a servo system, we use a heterodyne interferometer as a position sensor, and we propose a new measurement technique using I/Q demodulator, and we propose a counting method to measure the position of fast moving object with low cost circuitry. The characteristics of the actuator and servo system are evaluated by measuring its displacement with a commercial laser interferometer.

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