• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing service satisfaction

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An Ethnography of Child-Rearing Experiences of Korean Mothers Living on Koje Island (우리나라 어머니의 자녀 양육의 의미 - 거제지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Soo-Yeon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.518-535
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    • 2001
  • Nursing practices should be based on the understanding of human beings. In order to understand human beings, it is important to study the lifestyles and thoughts of people in their natural environment. In this sense, the cultural aspects of a society need to be studied for a culture-bound nursing service. Child care, which is an important element of nursing, is also strongly influenced by the culture of a society. Therefore, a cultural study is necessary to understand the child-rearing practices of any society. The major purpose of this dissertation is to provide basic foundations for developing a culture-based theory for nursing intervention through studying traditional cultural elements of child care in Korean society. The study examined child-rearing practices in a small village on Koje Island in the southern part of Korea. It utilized ethnographic methodologies including participatory observations and in-depth interviews. The study participants were 9 Korean mothers living on Koje Island. The average age was 52. The data were collected between July in 1998 and December in 1999. The average number of interviews per person was 7-8, and the duration of each interview was approximately 2 hours. The data were analyzed using the Spradley Analytical Method. The following 9 major child-rearing aspects of mothers on Koje Island were discovered as a result of the study: 1. Firstly, mothers on Koje Island were mostly concerned about the "Old Birth Goddess' Curse", especially during their child's early years. This concern was evidenced by their careful behavior when their child was very young and by their praying to the Old Birth Goddess not to be jealous of their babies. 2. Secondly, they wished their children to live a different and better life than themselves. It was represented by their strong motivation toward their children's education as well as their expectation for their children's success. In traditional Korean culture, Korean people think that the rise and fall of the household depend on their offsprings. Therefore, Korean mothers wish their children attain to a higher level of social status through education. 3. Third, mothers are concerned about their children's righteousness. Mothers on Koje island expect their children to live with discretion, justice, strength, respect, harmony, and to do their best in life. 4. Next was an 'anticipation of their children's happy marriage'. The attributes of this category were an 'anxiety about their children's married life', and 'an expectation of a good spouse for their children'. Because Korean people believe that only a son can continue the bloodline of a family, especially Korean mothers have a great concern of the possibility of their daughters not having a son after marriage. Also they have different expectations toward their daughter-in-laws than son-in-laws. 5. Korean mothers also derived their satisfaction from their son. It was characterized by 'excessive affection toward their son', 'dependency on their son', and 'being afraid of their married daughter having a girl like themselves'. Korean society has been a patriarchy. Therefore, a son is beloved as someone who will take care of his old parents, be in charge of ancestral rites, and provide a daughter-in-law who can conceive a son. 6. The sixth category concerned 'the differences in their expectations for their children'. The attributes in this category were 'different expectations depending on their children's gender', 'different expectations depending on their children's ability', and a 'great sympathy toward children with low abilities'. Korean mothers expect their son to become better than their daughter. 7. The seventh category was related to their 'roles in child-caring practices'. Traditionally a child was raised in an extended family system in Korea So it was not the sole duty of a mother to bring up the child. Korean mothers used to receive much help rasing children from their in-laws, and family members. On the other hand, many children grew up by themselves, because their mothers were very busy taking care of housework. Furthermore, many children also grew up in poverty. 8. Mothers also had issues related to 'conflicts in child rearing'. They were characterized by 'lack of understanding', 'rudeness of children', and 'giving vent to one's anger'. 9. Finally, mothers regretted not doing their best in child-rearing practices. It was characterized by a 'bitter feeling of repentance', 'feeling irritated', and 'feeling of unsatisfaction'.

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Case Report on the Activities for Cost Reduction and Performance Improvement in the Central Supply Room in A University Hospital (종합병원의 비용절감과 업무개선을 위한 중앙공급실의 활동)

  • Song, Kyu Nam;Song, Sun Ok;Hwang, Un Soon;Koo, Bon Up;Choi, Hye Sook;Lee, Sang Yun
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.6 no.1_2
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    • pp.150-160
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    • 1999
  • Background : Because hospitals had to faced with financial hardship, we have to have more effective hospital management. In this study, we tried to improve job performance and to reduce cost maintaining safety in fields of patients care. Methods : Central Supply Room(CSR) staffs taught strategy of material cost reduction to middle level managers and staffs 14 times. All staffs and voluntary service workers, working in 33 nursing units, participated in this activity. We developed questionnaire to check the degree of participate in cost reduction activity and job performance in CSR, and quality improvement in the wards. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed and 197 returned. Results : Because CSR staffs developed new items and every item was managed at each department, stocks of each department were reduced. Overall, by comparing before and after cost reduction activity, almost 1.2 billion won reduced for one year. Staffs' loyalty and spirits of cost reduction were improved by changing clothes and duty environment. Furthermore, these activity improved patients' satisfaction. Conclusion : We suggest that CSR activity in a university hospital contributes to improve job performance and to reduce cost without any problem in patient care.

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Rediscovering A Path to Aging in Place: Development of Housing Cooperatives for Rural Elderly

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeong
    • Architectural research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2011
  • Profit-keeping behaviors naturally occur in the market to satisfy consumers, and the logic behind it lies in the economies of scale. On the flip side, some commodities transacted in the market are not available or can not be easily acquired unless the demand is high enough. Under this proposition, some consumers rise and find their own solution to meet the services at a reasonable cost or at an adequate level. The commonly adopted way is to establish a cooperative, and it stirs purchasing power by pooling resources and further bargains price and service quality. As a consumer cooperative, housing cooperatives notably found in rural towns enable the elderly to continue independent living. This study is to take a closer look at residential life of the rural elderly in housing cooperatives. Utilizing in-depth focus group interviews with 40 residents in four housing cooperatives, this qualitative research draws main factors affecting the decision to move in, residential assessment, and strengths and weakness of living in a housing cooperative. The primary factor influencing the moving decision is to continue to independent living in a familiar community, and the bottom line is planning ahead. Frailty and bereavement are found to be the leading occasions for them to move. The participants are satisfied with the independent living arrangement, and particularly, cited such features as safety and security, elderly-friendly design, common spaces, freedom, social activities and efficient living. Also, it is stated that some cooperative natures such as control over the property and giving a voice on management render positive impacts on the satisfaction with communal living. In spite of all the benefits and strengths, participants face with a public notion that an independent living arrangement like a housing cooperative has never done before in rural towns, so that most people recognize it as part of dependent living arrangements like nursing home.

The Effects of Hospital Accreditation Participation Factors on Hospital Management Performances (의료기관 인증제도 참여요인이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Yumin;Kim, Kyung Sook;Lee, Sunhee
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.74-86
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    • 2017
  • Purposes: This study was performed to understand the recognition about accreditation motives, support within the hospital and accreditation survey process for the hospitals that participated in the accreditation program and to find out whether these factors are related to hospital management performances, so that the study can suggest plans for activation and development of the accreditation program. Methodology: This study was performed targeting 98 hospitals answered th the survey among 189 acute care hospitals that acquired accreditation from December 2010 to February 2014. For data analysis, frequency analysis, χ2χ2-test, reliability analysis, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis H test and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 21.0 were used. Findings: The hospitals that had staff in charge of patient safety had bigger hospital culture change than those that didn't have(p<.05). In addition, the hospital culture change was bigger as internal motives were bigger, and as CEO's will was bigger(p<.05). Meanwhile, as maintenance rate of internal management after accreditation was higher, and as CEO's will was bigger, process improvement level was higher(p<.05). The quality improvement and patient satisfaction level were higher as CEO's will was bigger, and as suitability of survey process was recognized to be high(p<.05). As a result of analyzing the factors that affect hospital management performances with hospital culture change, process improvement and quality improvement combined, as internal management maintenance rate was higher, as CEO's will was bigger, and as suitability of survey process was higher, performances were higher(p<.05). Practical Implications: Hospitals need to reinforce internal motives to improve internal competences such as the whole system maintenance opportunity and staff training. In addition, the will of hospital director is most important, and if there is hospital director's interest in quality improvement and improvement intention definitely, employees voluntarily participate in and cooperate with the accreditation program, so that prompt medical service provision and high quality of medical services can be guaranteed, leading to hospitals' management performances.

The Influence of Autonomy, Competency, Relatedness on Burnout among Nurses (자율성, 유능감, 관계성이 간호사 소진에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Young-Mun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.491-500
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to assess the influence of burnout with satisfaction of basic psychological needs among nurses. From oct, 25, 2013 to nov, 25, 2013, participants included 160 nurses from 6 major general hospital located in urban areas in Korea. Data for basic psychological needs and burnout were collected through a self-reported questionnaire and were analyzed with independent t-test and analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. This study shows negative correlations between burnout and autonomy(r=-.45, P<.001), competency(r=-.52, P<.001), relatedness(r=-.49, P<.001). The variables predicting burnout were autonomy(β=.26β=.26), competency(β=.30β=.30), relatedness(β=.12β=.12), age(β=.17β=.17), number of service years(β=.09β=.09). These variables accounted for 34.3% of the variance of burnout in nurses. Our results indicated that it is necessary to increase basic psycological needs to decrease burnout. Therefore nursing managers should develop programs in order to increase autonomy, relatedness and competency.

Education Need of the Visit ing Health Service Workers in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do Public Health Facilities (일부 공공보건기관 방문보건요원의 교육요구도 조사)

  • Kim, Young-Lak;Kim, Shin-Woel;Chung, Eun-Kyung;Choi, Jin-Su
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2002
  • This study was aimed to provide the basic data for the development of effective educational program by reflecting the opinions of the visiting health service workers. The subjects were 144 visiting health service workers in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do area who responded the mail questionnaire. The data were collected from June to July, 2001 using questionnaire composed of the education need, knowledge by subjective appraisal, and experience of education. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The number of respondents who received at least one education within recent three years were 43(29.9%) at the central level, 57(39.6%) at the provincial level and 53(36.8%) at the district level. The satisfaction with education was higher at the central level than at the provincial and district level. 2. Knowledges by subjective appraisal on the 'chronic degenerative diseases management' and 'health promotion' was relatively high. while that of 'rehabilitation' was low. 3. The knowledge by subjective appraisal of visiting health service was related with experience of education and license status. The knowledge was higher in registered nurses than in nurse aids. The curricula related to increased level of knowledge of visting health service workers were 'elderly health care', 'rehabilitation' and 'psychiatric-mental health nursing' educations at the central level 'continuing education for the community health practioners' and 'psychiatric-mental health education' at the provincial level and 'elderly health care', 'rehabilitation' 'psychiatric-mental health' and 'acute diseases control' educations at the district level. 4. The respondents preferred elderly health management as the contents of education, officer group education as the method of education, province(30.4%) as the main body of education, exercise and practice as the form of education, 2-3 times per year as the frequency of education, and 3-5days as the period of education. The findings of this study could suggest that future education program should be planned to increae the knowledge level of visiting health service workers by reflecting their educational need.

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The Characteristics and Medical Utilization of Migrant Workers (외국인 노동자의 특성과 의료이용 실태)

  • Ju, Sun Me
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.164-176
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    • 1998
  • This study deals with the current medical utilization for migrant workers and the characteristics of them. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic information to establish proper medical policy. For the study self-made questionnaire was used, which was answered by 453 migrant workers working in the area of manufacturing and non-technical work in 10 cities like Seoul, Inchon, Namyangju, Sungnam, Kwangju, Pyungchon, Kunpo, Kimpo, Masuk in Kyungki-do and Chunan in Chungchungnam-do. Besides, 303 medical records of those who had visited free medical check-up center were analyzed. The period of accumulating data is 6 months, from November 1st, 1996 to April 30th, 1997. The characteristics of migrant workers and current medical utilization are analyzed by percentage and the relation between characteristics and current medical utilization were analyzed using χ2χ2-test, t-test, ANOVA. The finding of this study was as follows : 1) The number of nationality was 16. The first majority was Philippians as 32.0%. Among 16 nationalities Southeastern and Northern Asians were 48.9%, Southwestern Asian was 46.5%, the rest was 7.3%. Men were 81.0%, those who are aged from 26 to 30 were 39.0%, Graduatee from high school 92.7%, Christians 56.3%, unmarried 55.4% and salary from 600,000 Won to 800,000 Won 53.8% averaging monthly payment 669,810 Won. As for their residence, those who resided over 3 years were 31.9% and the illegal residence reached 77.4%. As for Korean language, those who speak in middle level were 5.6%. 2) As for kind of work and circumstances, manufacturing was 81.1%, 4 off-days per month 72.2% and 9-10 working hours per day 42.1%. As for accommodation, residence in fabric was 62.6% and one or two members as roommate 40.2%. 3) The characteristics of health behavior showed that 89.4% of migrant workers had 3 meals, 70.9% of them did not drink alcohol, 73.5% of them did not smoke. 4) As a characteristic of health status, 71.8% of them perceived of their health. 76.1% thought that they had no illness before coming Korea. Among them who recognized their illness, those who had problem in circulatory system was 35.3%, respiratory system ENT 19.1% and nervous system 19.1%.66.2% of those having illness had already had sickness when coming to Korea. 5) During last one month, 79.2% of them were known as ones having no illness. Among the sick, those who had problem in circulatory system was 31.6%, nervous system 23.7% and respiratory system 21.1%. 60.3% of the sick were not cured at that time. 6) Sorting the symptom of those who visited free medical check up, dental care was 24.2%, orthopedic 14.0% and digestive system 13.8%. Teethache was 34.4%, stomach problem 11.6%, upper respiratory inflammation 10.2% and back pain 5.9%. Averagely they visited free medical check up 1-2 times. According to symptom, epilepsy 25.5 times, heart and vascular disease 9 times, constipation 2.8%, neurosis 2.38 times and stomach problem 2.34 times. 7) The most frequently visited medical service by migrant workers was hospital. The most mentioned reason was good healing as 36.3%. The medical service satisfied migrant workers mostly was hospital as 64.3%. The reason of satisfaction was also good healing as 45.9%. 8) 77.2% of respondents did not spend money for medical check. Average monthly medical cost was 25,100 Won, 3.7% of income. Those who had no medical security was 73.4%. In their case, 67.7% got discount from hospital or support from working place and religious organization. 9) As for the difference of medical utilization according for the characteristics of migrant workers, legal workers and no-Korean speaker used hospital more frequently. 10) Those who were satisfied most of all with the service of hospital were female workers, hinduists and buddhists, legal workers or manufacture workers. 11) Christians, those who have 3 meals or recognize themselves as healthy ones mostly had no illness. As a result, the most of migrant workers in Korea are from Asia. They are good educated but are working in manufacturing and illegal. Their average income is under 700,000 Won which in not enough for medical cost. They have no medical security and medical fee is supported by religious organization or discounted. Considering these facts the medical policy by government is to be established.

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Need Assessment for Enlargement of Oriental Medical Care Service Room in Rural Community Health Center (농촌지역 보건소 한방진료실 확대설치 요구도 및 관련요인 - 일개 군 보건소 한방진료실 내소자를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Dae-Feel;Song, Mi-Sook;Song, Hyun-Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: The oriental medical care has been getting popular in community health centers because of uniqueness, changing of disease patterns, and increasing of elderly population. From 1998, oriental medical doctors has been working in several rural community health centers for their military obligations. At this point of time, it is necessary to evaluate the oriental public health doctors system. This study was performed to investigate the utilization patterns, the degree of satisfactions, needs of oriental medical care service provided by community health center in a designated Gun area. This study focused on the need for extending over Myun area of community health center's oriental medical care services. Methods: Person-to-person interview survey method through a structured questionnaire was done by a personnel at a oriental medical care service room in a Gun community health center. The major statistical method used for the analysis were the t-test, ANOVA, and logistic analysis. Results: The total number of responded subjects in this study was 163 residents. Among these 65.0% were aged 61 or over, and only 13.5% recognized themselves were healthy. 73.7% of the respondents demanded establishment of more oriental medical care services provided by community health center to other Myun area. Factors affecting the need for enlargement of oriental medical care service room were education level, subjective awareness of access to community health center, and cost satisfaction of oriental medical service provided by community health center. Thus, a resident who had graduation of middle school achievement or above(OR=3.35), had a long way to center(OR=2.47), satisfied with oriental medical service cost(OR=2.78) had demonstrated increased chance of need by logistic regression analysis.

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A Study on Interdepartmental Organizational Effectiveness of Medium and Small Sized Hospitals (서울지역 중소병원의 부서간 조직효과성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Wook-Soo;Ha, Ho-Wook;Sohn, Tae-Yang
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.64-87
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is aimed to grasp the factors, which may influence the harmonized organizational efficiency of the objects of hospital structure as well as its structural constituents of each departments of administration, nursing, and para-medical personnels, in order to provide basic data enable to contribute in the development of hospital. The survey data involved in the study was derived from 385 personnels working in 5 medium and small sized hospitals in Seoul area. The main finding of the study can be summarized as follows; 1. The organizational efficiency in accordance with the general characteristics of subjects in order of male, over 30 years of age, university graduates, long-term tenure and high position is higher, whereas, in as much as wage and well trained personnels in administration departments are higher, its organizational efficiency is higher in comparison with those of nursing and para-medical departments. 2. The organizational efficiency in accordance with satisfaction and the motive contributional factors is higher as much as the high satisfactory level in every departments in general. 3. The organizational efficiency in accordance with the factors of job characteristics is higher in as much as difficulty of the jobs is lesser, however there was not statically significance between administration and para-medical departments. In as much as the job circulation is intact, job standard level is higher and the more job responsibility the higher organizational efficiency, while the more workload and the more work feud resulted lower organizational efficiency. It was obvious that the higher professional expertise as well as the training and application level are improving the organizational efficiency. 4. The organizational efficiency in accordance with the factors of structural characteristics was higher in as much as the intercommunication was smooth and the structural formalization level are higher, however there was not statically significance between the participation level of decision making and the organizational efficiency. 5. In as much as higher educational level of over university graduates, management of organization and the job level are satisfied, the psychological motive contributional level is higher, while the lesser job difficulty, the smooth job performance, the higher level of professional expertise, the higher structural formalization level, the smooth intercommunication, have affected as major influence factors of the structural characteristics of organizational efficiency. 6. As the management of hospital organization, the job level and personal relation are satisfied or psychological motive is provided, especially when there are no difficult jobs or smooth job circulation and no job feud are prevailing, it was apparent that the organizational efficiency is improving accordingly. The nursing departments has high educational standard and is satisfied in the management and job level of hospital organization as there are no difficult jobs while the level of hospital's organizational formality is high and the intercommunication is smooth, which are improving the organizational efficiency. The para-medical departments is also satisfied the management and job level of hospital organization and it was apparent that the organizational efficiency is higher in as much as the level of job standardization is high and the intercommunication is smooth. As a result of this study, in order for improving the organizational efficiency of the medium and small sized hospitals, the management and job level as well as personal relation are preferably satisfied, whereas the level of job circulation, job responsibility, the expertise and formalization of organization, intercommunication and etc. should be satisfied, and, therefore, it is advisable to buildup discriminated organizational management and environment for different division on the basis above factors. Since this study is carried on several hospitals in Seoul area, there is a certain limit to generalize its result to all domestic hospitals, nevertheless the gallop poll was made by developing the questionnaires with reasonability and reliability. Especially, as the study was carried by analyzing the comparison of influence factors' difference of organizational efficiency in accordance with the divisional characteristics of the medium and small sized hospitals.

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Research on the Interior Environment Planning of a Postpartum Care Center. (산후 조리원 실내 환경 계획에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hee
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.69
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2007
  • The postpartum care center is a facility which made its debut only about 10 years ago but has now changed the nation's postpartum care culture. Women delivered of a child use the postpartum care center at this time since the low rate of childbirth has become a social phenomenon. However, while the postpartum care center is not supported legally and systematically, anybody can run it after they only file a report on businessman status with the tax office. So there are disordered wave of postpartum care startups which do not have basic facilities. Thus, this study is intended to suggest an interior environment plan considering an efficient space and users' benefits of a postpartum care center which has a characteristic difference from that of ordinary facilities in terms of targeted persons or operations but for which standards are not clear in terms of the Health and Welfare Law and the Medical Service Law. This study was conducted by investigating the actual condition of the entrance space, living space, common-use space, nursing space, administration and attached space in the six postpartum care centers selected from Seoul and Kyeonggi-do region and suggesting the direction of improvements, thus establishing the direction of interior designs and an interior environment plan. Hopefully, this study would be used as basic data on interior building plans, thus being helpful in enhancing the satisfaction of the postpartum care center user and operating the facility.

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