• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing service satisfaction

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Unkindness Experience of Health Care Provider in Patients with Breast Cancer (유방암 환자의 의료인 관련 불친절 경험)

  • Sohn, Sue-Kyung;Kim, Ick-Jee;Kim, Mi-Sun;Shin, Kyeong-Hee;Lee, Min-Suk;Lee, Eun-Mee
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This phenomenological study aimed to identify breast cancer patients' experience of unkindness of healthcare providers. Methods: Ten participants who were diagnosed with breast cancer were recruited to participate in the study and asked to share their experience related to healthcare providers. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological method of Colaizzi. In-depth interviews were conducted from November, 2014 to March, 2015. Results: Seven consistent categories and fourteen theme clusters emerged from collected data. The seven themes were 'being treated thoughtlessly', 'not giving special services for breast cancer patients', 'cold and authoritative manner', 'incomplete explanation', 'not accepting an appeal', 'being sorry for having short consultation hours', and 'unskilled and careless treatment'. Conclusions: It is needed to develop health care services in the view of beneficiaries. This may reduce the patients' experience of unkindness of the healthcare providers and improve the satisfaction of health care service.

A Study of Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of the Occupational Health Services in Industries Located in Seoul (서울지역 산업장 근로자의 산업보건관리에 대한 지식, 태도, 실천 연구)

  • Jung, Yeun-Gang;Park, Shin-Ae;Lee, Na-Mi;Yoon, Soon-Young;Kim, Young-Im;Wang, Myoung-Ja;Lee, Soon-Nam;Kim, En-Hee;Ko, Young-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 1993
  • This research is undertaken for the purpose of providing basic data to improve the occupational health service for future. 415 workers of 46 firms in Seoul are included in this data points. Results from this analyzing are the following. 1) The level of knowledge, attitude and practice of workers on the occupational health is moderate. 2) The cognition of necessity about special health examination gains the highest point(3.94), but the understanding of the occupational health educational program gains the lowest point (.85) in the knowledge region. 3) In the attitude region, the highest point is marked by the workers' prudence of expending time on medical examination(3.45). The lowest one by the workers' feeling of satisfaction of the follow-up service after medical examination(1.79). 4) The workers' participation in medical examination is the most active(3.15), and that in occupational health education in the least active(.86) in the practical region.

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Examining High School Students' Digital Media Addiction Status: Focusing on Smartphones, Social Networking Service, Short-Form Content and Gaming (일개 고등학생의 디지털 미디어 중독 실태와 유형별 상관관계: 스마트폰, 소셜 네트워크 서비스, 숏폼 콘텐츠, 게임을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Jung Eun;Park, Seungmi;Been, Yongju;You, Jeonghee;Han, Jaehee
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This descriptive survey investigated the correlations between various forms/types of digital media and addiction among high school students. Methods: Data were collected on June 17, 2024, using an online questionnaire in a single high school. A total of 519 responses were analyzed using SPSS 26.0, employing t-tests, ANOVA, Scheffé's post-hoc, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. Results: Addiction scores for smartphones, social networking service (SNS), short-form content, and gaming varied significantly according to sex, grade, economic status, academic performance, satisfaction with school life, peers, and teachers. Significant positive correlations were observed among all addiction types. Particularly strong correlations were found between smartphone and SNS addiction (r=.69, p<.001), SNS and short-form content addiction (r=.67, p<.001), smartphone and short-form content addiction (r=.63, p<.001), and smartphone and gaming addiction (r=.61, p<.001). Conclusion: All media addiction types showed positive correlations, with levels varying by demographic characteristics. These findings indicate the need for a comprehensive approach to adolescent digital media addiction prevention and management that considers both demographic and psychosocial factors. This study provides foundational data for the development of effective programs to address digital media addiction among adolescents.

A Study on the Influence of Mental Health and Job Satisfaction on Perceived Job Stress of Financial Companies (금융권종사자들의 직무스트레스가 정신건강과 직무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Sang-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1612-1619
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    • 2013
  • This study is to investigate on the influence of mental health and job satisfaction on perceived job stress of financial companies. The subjects of research were total 132 working at the financial company in T and J city Gangwon Province from September 20 to October 15, 2012. The survey instrument used was 43-item scale for evaluating financial worker KOSS and 18-item scale for mental health, 12-item scale for job satisfaction. Data was analyzed by using SPSS Win17.0 program, ANOVA, t-test, pearson's correlation coefficient, Multiple regression analysis. In a comparison of factors of Job stress and mental health demonstrated positive correlation and showed significantly. Job satisfaction demonstrated negative correlation and showed significantly. Also, for the financial workers solve the Job stress and support positive significant in there's job satisfaction, it need to nursing intercession to supply more better service and financial environment.

Organizational Capacity and Performance of Local Public Health in Korea (지역공공보건조직의 역량과 조직성과)

  • Kim, Jae Hee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of capacity of local health organization to regional characteristics and the influence of organizational capacity on organizational performance. Methods: The study used the secondary data for 160 local public health organizations from 5th Community Health Plans and 2009 Community Health Survey. The collected data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. Results: Work force and budget showed differences in regional size and elderly population rate. And consumer satisfaction and health care utilization showed differenced in work force and budget. The regression model with total number of employee, number of registered nurses, number of doctors and budget against consumer satisfaction was statistically significant (F=14.70, p=<.001), and number of registered nurses was identified as a factor influencing consumer satisfaction. This model also explained 20.5% of service satisfaction. The regression model for consumer satisfaction was statistically significant (F=45.98, p=<.001), and total number of employee nurses was identified as a factor influencing health care utilization. This model also explained 53.1% of utilization. Conclusions: The findings of this study imply that organizational capacity as work force and budget should be increased to improve the organizational performance as consumer satisfaction and health care utilization.

The Influence of Depression on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly with Hypertension

  • Lee, Hun-Hee;Lee, Jung-Seo;Lee, Gyeong-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of depression on the life satisfaction of the elderly with hypertension. Also, we were focusing whether there is a mediating effect of subjective health status between depression and life satisfaction of the elderly with hypertension. 2,198 persons with hypertension over 65 years of age were selected from the data of KLoSA(Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing), administered by The Korea Employment Information Service in 2014. Life satisfaction was measured by 10-Likert. The depression measured by CES-D10. The mediating variable is subjective health status measured by 5-Likert. As the method of analysis, the multiple regressions were used with SPSS 19.0. The result of the study shows that depression has a negative influence on life satisfaction and a negative influence on subjective health status. It was also verified that the subjective health status variable has a mediating effect between depression and life satisfaction. These results present the importance of psychological approach for the health promotion experts intervening with the elderly with hypertension.

Life Satisfaction of College Students with Allergic disease (알러지 질환 대학생의 삶의 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seonhye
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.502-510
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    • 2021
  • This study was identified to affection factors the life satisfaction among the college students with allergies by ecological approaches. This study was secondary analysis by using the 2015 Korean Community Health Survey (CHS) raw data, it analyzed 1,862 college students with allergies. Male students' life satisfaction were explained by 7.9% as degree of allergic diseases, frequency of breakfast, networking with friends, social activities with relatives, social activities with religion, satisfaction of natural environment and medical health service. Female students' life satisfaction were explained by 3.0% as frequency of breakfast meal, social activities with relatives and satisfaction of natural environment. We need to make the strategies and policies to improve of student's intake breakfast and make campus' green space.

Development and Effects of a Simulation-based Education Program for Newborn Emergency Care (시뮬레이션 기반 신생아 응급간호 교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Yoo, So Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.468-477
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a simulation-based education program for newborn emergency care based on most needed topics found from the needs assessment. This study consisted of two phases: developing the program and evaluating its effectiveness. Methods: The effectiveness of the program was tested in July, 2012, with 49 junior nursing students from C Nursing College in Seoul, who did not have any clinical experience in newborn care. The experimental group was given a three-hour lecture, three hours of clinical training, and a two-hour simulation program, whereas the control group only had the three-hour lecture. Results: There was significant improvement in knowledge in both groups, but no significant differences according to educational methods. The experiment group was more confident of their care (4.32±.29) than the control group (3.60±.29) with the difference being significant (t=8.85, p<.001), and the experimental group was also more satisfied with the program (χ2=4.60, p=.032). Conclusion: As the results indicate 'the neonatal emergency care program' increased learners' knowledge, confidence and satisfaction with the program, it should be integrated into clinical training in pediatric nursing curriculum and in-service programs for nurses. To increase generalization further verification studies with various learner groups are needed.

Quality of Life and Health Service Utilization of the Migrant Workers in Korea (이주노동자의 의료서비스 이용실태 및 삶의 질)

  • Lee, Eunjoo;Lee, Jung Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.4370-4379
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to identify the utilization of health services and factors influencing the quality of life(QOL) of migrant workers. The participants were 135 migrant workers in Korea. Data was collected from September 10th 2012 to November 15th 2012. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheff' test, and hierarchical multiple regression. Immigrant workers experienced difficulty in using health services and had a 14.25±2.01 QOL, which was relatively low. The factors influencing QOL were the length of stay in Korea, residence areas, and satisfaction with health services. Final regression model accounted for 16.7% of the variance in QOL. The satisfaction level with health services was the most influential factors in the level of the QOL. Therefore, diverse strategies should be developed to enhance the satisfaction with health services in Korea migrant workers.

Comparative Study on the Job Satisfaction of Part-time Nurses and Internship Nurses (시간제 간호사 및 인턴간호사의 직무만족도에 관한 비교연구)

  • Choi, Sook-Ja
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 1999
  • Recently, Korean health care industry managers are paying more attention to customer oriented service, the rationalization of business administration, and quality control of service to adjust their business to outer environment since IMF bailout program. They are focusing on the cost reduction through remodeling the size and structure of man power, viz. labor flexibility. Nurses are not free from this juncture and contingent nurses are increasing fast. This article intends to verify the actual condition of two types of contingent nurses -part-time nurses and internship nurses-and to compare their job satisfaction to provide basic resource for efficient management of nurse man power. The concrete goals of this article are; Firstly, to verify the actual condition of their employment. Secondly, to compare their job satisfaction. And Thirdly, to the relation between employment condition and job satisfaction. To accomplish these research goals, a statistical survey was executed, in which 384 questionnaires - 66 for manager nurses, 318 for contingent nurses-were given to nurses working at 66 general hospitals-which have at least 100 beds-in Seoul. Among them, 121 questionnaires-of 28 general hospitals-were returned. Then, the data coded and submitted to mean, standard deviation, T-test, variance analysis (ANOVA), correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis with SAS program. The research results of the contingent nurses are followings: 1. Two types of contingent nurses shows similar age spans: they are mostly 21 - 30 years old and unmarried. But internship nurses have high level of educational career. Part - time nurses spread at general beds, out -patient part, intensive care part, operation part, etc, but internship nurses work mostly at general beds. 2. Two groups shows difference in actual employment condition: average employment career of part -time nurses is 7.0 months but internship nurses' is 2.0 months: average duty-on days per month of part - time nurses are 23.7 days but internship nurses' are 24.8 days. But there are little difference in average working time per day: 7.7 hours for part -time nurses and 0 hours for internship nurses. 3. The average wage per month for part -time nurses is 836,026 won but for internship nurses is 557,428 won-66.7% of part-time nurses'. Both groups are enjoying little additional pay. 4. Both groups are getting job not so much through advertisement of newspaper or hospitals as through acquainted person or college. 5. Both groups show very high level of job satisfaction: 3.2195 for part -time nurses and 3.2881 for internship nurses. But they show very low satisfaction on payment level compared with other categories and two groups show meaningful difference(P<.0001). 6. The multiple regression test reveals the factors related with job satisfaction: wage level, working part(OR or ICU), age, job career, and motive of contingent job-taking('because I can take care of family duties at the same time') influence positively: motive of contingent job-taking('because I can work regularly without alternation') influences negatively.

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