• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing service satisfaction

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A Study on the Quality of Life for Home Care Nursing Patient (가정간호대상자의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kwak, Kyung-Sun;Jung, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.136-154
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : This study purposed to conduct a comprehensive survey of home care nursing clients' quality of life based on the PRECEDE model. Method : This study selected 74 home care nursing clients registered at a university hospital in Incheon and performed face-to-face interviews by structured questionnaire. The research period was two months from the 2nd of February to the 30th of March in 2004. Result : According to the result of assessment at each stage of the PRECEDE model, home care nursing clients' quality of life was 13.88 out of 25 points, health level 15.22 out of 21, abilities to perform activities of daily living 29.26 out of 100, cognitive abilities 16.00 out of 30, social support 13.68 out of 20, and satisfaction with home care nursing service 33.26 out of 40. According to the result of stepwise regression in order to identify factors influencing home care nursing clients' quality of life, social support and abilities of daily living were found to be significant variables among the characteristics of each assessment stage. Conclusion : It is necessary to develop nursing intervention strategies for strengthening social support and enhancing abilities to perform activities of daily living in order to improve home nursing clients' quality of life.

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Evaluation of Health Care Services of Public Health Centers: SERVQUAL (SERVQUAL을 적용한 일 보건소 이용자의 보건의료서비스 질적 수준 평가)

  • Joung, Hye Young;Byeon, Do Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.553-564
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the expectations and perceptions of health center users as to the services. SERVQUAL scale was used for measurement of service quality. The purpose of this study is to offer baseline data for improving the quality of health care services. Methods: The subjects were users of a health center in S City in Kangwon-do; 170 people participated in this study. Results: Regarding service quality depending on general characteristics, the following results were obtained. First, there were statistically significant differences depending on the gender, purpose of visit, and satisfaction in the health center. Second, the services fell short of the expectations. Third, the quality of 'safe, accurate services' scored the highest, while 'empathy and friendliness' scored the lowest. Fourth, 'internal, external environment of the health center' scored the highest, while 'courtesy of staff' scored the lowest. There were no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Based on the findings, the following are suggested. First, employee education should be provided for development of empathy and interaction with patients; those are the weakest areas in the health care services. Second, a system allowing patients to understand and participate in their treatment should be developed.

A study on Hospital based Home Health Care Service and the Level of Client Satisfaction (일 대학 병원의 가정간호시범사업 서비스 내용 및 만족도에 대한 조사연구)

  • Kim Chung Nam;Kwan Young Sook;Koh Hyo Jung;Kim Myung Ae;Park Chung Ja;Shin Yeong Hee;Lee Byung Sook;Lee Kyung Hee;Seo Hanng Suk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.246-259
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the provided home health care services and to evaluate the patient's satisfaction level of received home health care services. Well trained two home health care nurses interviewed with 138 respondents who received home health care by Keimyung University Hospital from January 1st to August 31st 1999. The results were summarized as follows : 1) Among 138 respondents, 55.8% were mail and 44.2% were female and 70.3% of them were over sixty years old. Respondents main family care givers were spouse(53.6%), daughters and sons(36.2%) and parents(7.2%). 2) 60.2% of cancer patients received home health care services, 23.3% of cerebral­cardiovascular patients, 7.5% of endocrine disorder patients, 2.3% of those who have indwelling foley catheter patients, 1.5% of those who have respiratory problems and others(5.2%). 3) 88.1% of respondents were satisfied with the number of home visits they received. 50.5% of respondents' were received 1 to 3 times of home visits by home health care nurse per month. 48.6% of respondents answered they were introduced by attending doctors or nurses to home health care services. 55.8% of respondents answered registration to home health care services was simple and easy. 97.4% of respondents answered home health care payment system was adequate. 64.9% of respondents answered the cost of home health care per visit was adequate and comfortable. 4) Health education, counselling, physical assessment was provided to most of the patients. Those who suffered with cerebral-cardiovascular disease was needed hands on direct care most of all. The least home health care service provided was medication. 5) The satisfaction measurement tool was composed with 13 items and 3 score scale. The mean score of satisfaction on provided home health care services was 2.67 out of 3. Among 13 items. 'home health care service was kind enough' was highest(2.84). 'nurse use precise word to understand and communicate'. 'nurse gave home visiting notice ahead of time and kept the home visiting promise on time' was 2.83. 'whenever I need home health care nurse I can give a call and meet the nurse' was lowest 2.41. Special Home Health care programs such as comprehensive hospice care programs for elders over sixty years old should be organized. Adequate and standardized home health care payment system should be developed as soon as possible. In korean family situation. when family members are getting sick and stay at home. family members were taking care of the patients. special program such as counselling family members are needed.

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A Study on the According to the Nursing Shortage of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Nurses (간호 인력난에 따른 간호사의 직무만족과 이직의도에 관한 연구 -부산지역 100병상 이상의 종합병원 중심-)

  • Jeong, Bong-Jae;Kim, Hye-Sook;Hwang, Sang-Kyu;Park, Jung-Hoon;Song, Su-Kyeong;Jeong, Mi-Yeong;Lim, Kyeong-Min;Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2011
  • Whether organizational members are satisfied with their job or not is most important in the organization that they belong to. Those who are more satisfied with their job have a less intention to get another occupation, and they are better motivated to improve their own job performance. Boosting job satisfaction is one of the sure ways to reduce invisible loss triggered by turnover or nonattendance and to enhance the quality of life of organizational members. Therefore the job satisfaction of organizational members should be raised to cut down on their turnover rate. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the general characteristics of nurses to their job satisfaction and turnover intention in a bid to identify factors affecting their job satisfaction and turnover intention. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, as for job satisfaction and turnover intention, the nurses investigated got a mean of 2.92 and 3.13 respectively on overall job satisfaction and turnover intention out of five points. Their job satisfaction was slightly above the average (2.5), which indicated that they weren't gratified with their job. Their turnover intention was a little above the average as well, which implied Their turnover intention was a little above the average as well, which implied that there was a tendency for them to seek another job.

The related factors of job satisfaction in care facilities for the aged (노인요양시설 직원의 직무만족 관련요인 -사회인구학적 특성과 시설특성을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyo Shin;Lee, Inn Sook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to search the related factors of job satisfaction in care facilities for the aged in order to improve quality of service and to help management of care facilities. Data was collected from staff who agreed with informed consent of this study among care facilities for the aged. Subjects were 152 staff members from 29 care facilities. The research was conducted during six month. The major findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, in the job satisfaction of staffs according to demographic characteristics of subjects, it was found that the workers with longer work experience in current facilities had higher job satisfaction. Secondly, in the job satisfaction according to characteristics of care facilities, it was found that when staff's opinion was accepted or considered that job experience was higher. In Conclusion, to increase job satisfaction of care facilities for the aged, we should consider the above two points.

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A Study of Health Condion and Shift Service of the Nurse in (종합병원 간호사의 교대근무와 건강상태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 1997
  • Continuing shift service of clinical nurses can be not only the cause of occupational dissatisfaction by being connected with the change of circadian rhythm and the burden of duties to be applicable to such changes. But also of inviting the lowering of nursing quality by being affected to the resignation of the nurses as the threat to the health of the nurses. This study has selected 500 nurses at random under non-probability sampling who have been serving by shift in 7 general hospitals which have over 400 sickbeds for the purpose of cross-sectional survey design from Sep. 7 through 20, 1996. Standardized modification of the CMI has been used which was designed for Koreans with Cornell Medical Index developed by Broadman and his fellow workers as the study device. The structure of the device was composed of 35 questions on physical appeal(Chronbach's α=8507) and 22 questions of mental appeal(Cronbach's α=.8166 totalling 57 questions. The collected data has been computerrized by using SPSS. General character, present symptom, perceived symptom and others are sought by practical number and percentage, and the health condition comparison followed by general characters was conducted by t-test and ANOVA. The post test was by Duncan's test by the level of p<.05. 1) The items of the answer that they have the physical symptom presently by 50% or over of the nurses were as "Do you often have spells of severe dizziness", "Are your eyes often red or inflamed", "Does press or pain in the head often make like miserable", "Are your ankles often badly swollen", "Do pains in the back make it hard for you to keep up with your work". 2) The items of the answer by over 50% of the nurses as the mental symptom at present were "do you fell bad when criticized?", "Do you get angry when everything is against your will?", "do you get angry when ordered to do this and that?", "do you feel uneasy by such a trifle thing?", "do you tremble or are you freightened by sudden sound?". The mental and physical symptoms which have appeared presently in connection with the shift service have been agreed with each other. But the physical condition has been worse than the mental one. 3) In the physical health conditions followed by demosociological character, there were the significant differences by sex, religion and place of residence(p<.05), and in the mental health conditions, there were the significant differences by age, marital status, residence place and the required time for attending hospital(p<.05). 4) There was significant difference by the degree of satisfaction about the duty in both the physical and mental health conditions. In short, the higher the degree of duty satisfaction, the better the health conditions. 5) There were the significant difference according to the times of night duty and whether they take the drug or not or the kinds of the drugs in the physical health conditions related with the characters of night shift. Mental health conditions in the night shift case showed significant differences according to their taking drug or not or the kinds of the drugs(p<.05). I can confirm that the nurses have been affected continuously by the shift service mentally and physically. The maintenance of the physical and mental health of the nurses and its promotion are very important problem to guarantee the quality nursing in the performance of the nursing service continuously and effectively, so the hospital should make every effort to improve the duty conditions by finding out the causes affecting to their health. In the nursing management viewpoint, I think that elevating the satisfaction degree about the duty would be a great help to the promotion of physical and mental health conditions. But what is most important is that the nurses themselves should take care of themselves in maintaining the good conditions in their service in the hospital.

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Perceptions of Quality Nursing care of Patients and Families (질적 간호에 대한 환자와 가족의 지각)

  • Chi, Sung-Ai;Kwon, Sung-Bok;Park, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.247-275
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to offer the results of content analysis and qualitative study that explored the perceptions about quality nursing care of patients and families as consumers and to identify the implications of this study for quality nursing care management and research. The data was collected from 12 adult patients and 9 families who were admmitted at medical and surgical nursing unit of one university hospital in Seoul from October, 1996 to January, 1997. Research participants were asked to response "what do you think quality nursing care?" and similar questions during the interviews was performed. Data were analyzed using open coding and content analysis with frequencies and percents of attributes of quality nursing care. Attributes of quality nursing care and meaning of quality nursing care that patients and families perceived were explored. 1. The attributes of quality nursing care that patient and families perceived were categorized into 56 attributes. The highest response rate among the attributes was 'one's heart at ease' (76.2%), and the next high response rates were ranked in order 'consideration' , 'care about' (each 61.9% 'expert skill' (57.1%), 'deal with problem promptly' , 'information offer' (42.9%), 'intimate feeling' (38.1%), 'smile' 'service spirit' , 'do one's best' (each 33.3%), 'frequent visit' (23.8%), 'observe the time' (23.8%), 'direct nursing care' , 'speaking warmly' , give a hope' , 'address kindly' , 'a sense of duty' , 'good facilities' (each 19.0%), 'inquire after a patient health' , 'patient-centered nursing care' , 'showing an example' , 'professional knowledge' , 'careless moraly patient' , 'give encourage to patients' , 'good answer a question' (each 14.3%), 'do not imprudently' , 'do not disregard' , 'broad knowledge' , 'emergency treatment skill' , 'dependability' ,'consolation' giving a sense of security' , 'a self sacrificing spirit' , 'a sense of responsibility' 'hard - working', 'enough disposition of nursing staff (each 9.5%), 'improve patient's pride' and the rest attributes exhibited 4.7%, respectively. 2. The attributes that were identified in patients' data only were 8 categories, 'service sprit' (58.3 %) 'expert knowledge' , 'good answer a question' (each 25.0%), 'hard working' (16.7%), 'a warm character', 'professional attainments', 'do without reserve', 'satisfaction' (each 8.3%), 3. The attributes were identified to families' data only were 31 categories, 'speaking warmly' , 'direct nursing care', 'adress kindly', 'patientcentered nursing care', 'showing an example' (each 33.3%). 'do not imprudently' , 'do not disregard' , 'consolation', 'giving a sense of security', 'broad knowledge' , 'emergency treatment skill', 'dependability' ,'a self - sacrificing spirit', 'a sense of responsibility' (each 22.2%), 'improve patient's pride' , 'without discrimination' , 'show kindness' , 'individual nursing care', 'being with patient' , 'helping' , 'accuracy' , 'without any mistake' , 'love' , 'self - confidence', 'self possession', 'a self - denying spirit' , 'a sense of duty' , 'tighten discipline' , 'disposed room with similar patient to diagnosis', 'compensatory relationship between me dical team' , 'role of connection' (each 11.1 %). 4. The attributes of quality nursing care were integrated into 11 categories that they were 'patientcentered nursing care' (25.1%), 'expertise' (22.1%), 'caring'(18.1%), 'kindness'(11.1%L 'nurse attainments(10.1%), 'sincerity' (7.5%), 'good environment' (2.0%), 'effective organizational management', 'coordination', 'enough nursing staff' ( each 1.0%), 'satisfaction' (0.5%) were showed in the order of the highest rate. 5. The concept of quality nursing care were defined as 'give a satisfaction to patients by patientcentered care based on professional skill and caring with kindness and sincerity'. The description of the meaning of quality nursing care provided by this research participants, patients and families can provide important information for quality nursing care management, medical marketing, education and researches of this field. On the basis of the above findings the following recommendations are made: to suggest to utilize this results for patient care in practice setting, development of quality assessment tool in nursing care, repeat study by the same subjects and method, and to a comparative study by the same method to nurse.

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Hospital Choice: Which Type of Healthcare Service Quality Matter? (의료서비스 질적 요인에 따른 종합병원 선택에 관한 연구: SERVQUAL 모델 적용을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ju-Yang;Lee, Sun Young;Cheong, Jong One
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 2017
  • The research is to examine medical service quality factors affecting choice of hospital(revisiting intention, and recommendation) in large general hospitals based on the SERVQUAL model. The study have surveyed 400 respondents in Gangbuk-gu not having any tertiary hospital. The main results of the analyses indicate: 1) 'assurance' and 'empathy' of medical service are basically, positively affect revisiting intention and recommendation; 2) 'empathy' is the most important factor affecting revisiting intention; and 3) 'tangibility' significantly affects recommendation of general hospitals to other people. The study suggests that it is necessary to pay more attention on 'empathy' among SERVQUAL factors to increase satisfaction of patients and to find better ways of improving medical service quality.

Impacts of Occupational Stress on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Certified Geriatric Caregivers (노인요양보호사의 직무스트레스가 직무만족과 조직몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hyenam
    • Journal of health informatics and statistics
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: An increase in the number of caregivers is necessary to provide services to the elderly, but more importantly, it is qualitative management for them. The purpose of this study was to identify occupational stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and to explore the impact of occupational stress on job satisfaction and organizational commitment among caregivers employed in health service centers for the elderly. Methods: This descriptive survey was a cross-sectional correlational design of 118 caregivers. The questionnaire included occupational stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Stepwise multiple regression was applied. Results: Job satisfaction and organization commitment of caregivers were found to be above the average. There was a high level of job stress due to lack of job autonomy, job demands, and inadequate compensation. It has been found that the inappropriate compensation, organization system, work culture, and lack of job autonomy affected job satisfaction of caregivers. The factors affecting organizational commitment were inadequate compensation, job insecurity, and work culture. Conclusions: Efforts should be made to assess and complement the appropriateness of compensation and work culture that are taken to relieve job stress to enhance the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of caregivers.

A Comparative Analysis on the Service Quality Between Korean and Western medicine clinic using the IPA Technique (IPA기법을 이용한 한양방 의원 서비스품질의 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Jeong Won;Lee, Hai Woong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate on the Korean and Western medicine clinic quality to use IPA matrix and to establish a Korean medicine service management strategy. Methods : In order to achieve the research purpose, medical consumers who visited 3 Korean and Western medicine clinics were surveyed. frequency analysis, paired t-test were used for the statistical analysis, and the mean of each variable was used for IPA analysis. Results : The major results of analysis are as follows: It was confirmed that the skill and the kindness of the human resources were important in both the Korean medicine clinic and the Western medicine clinic. And it was confirmed the difference of the satisfaction rate and IPA between the Korean medicine clinic and the Western medicine clinic. Especially Medical devices and equipment, Easy booking, reception, payment procedure were different in IPA analysis. Conclusions : We confirmed the similarities and differences between Korean medicine clinics and Western medicine clinics in terms of importance, satisfaction, and IPA. On the basis of these results, Korean Medicine clinic could arrange a management strategy in consideration of consumers' choice attribute.