• Title/Summary/Keyword: Non- Newtonian Fluid

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Rheological Properties of Exopolysaccharide Produced by Xanthomonas sp. EPS-1 (Xanthomonas sp. EPS-1이 생산하는 다당류의 리올로지 특성)

  • Son, Bong-Soo;Park, Seok-Kyu;Kang, Shin-Kwon;Lee, Sang-Won;Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 1995
  • For the screening of a new functional exopolysaccharide, sugar composition and rheological properties of exopolysaccharide produced from Xanthomonas sp. EPS-1 were investigated. The average molecular weight of exopolysaccharide was determined to be approximately 2.l × 106 dalton. The new exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was composed of mannose, glucose, galactose and gluco- samine. IR analysis showed that the exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was assumed to be polymer with carbohydrates. NMR analysis showed that exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was presumed to be 4 units of sugar and trace of CH3 group. Exopolysaccharide EPS-1 solution showed a characteristic of non-Newtonian fluid properties. At the concentration of 1.0%, the consistency index and the flow behavior index were shown at 10.8352 poise-sec and 0.4419, respectively. All dispersions were pseudoplastic fluids described accurately by Power-law model. Exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was highly viscous at low concentration, with good stability over a wide range of pH 5 to 13. The excellent compatibility of exopolysaccharide EPS-1 was represented with salts such as sodium chloride.

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Numerical Study on the Blood Flow in the Abdominal Artery with Real Geometry (실제 형상을 통한 복부대동맥의 혈류 유동에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Kang, Han-Young;Kim, Min-Cheol;Hong, Yi-Song;Lee, Chong-Sun;Lee, Jong-Min;Kim, Charn-Jung
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.747-752
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    • 2003
  • Many clinical studies have suggested that the blood flow in ideal geometry is involved in the development of atherosclerosis. This study simulated blood flow in the abdominal artery with real geometry to investigate MWSS(mean wall shear stress), AWSS(amplitude of wall shear stress) and OSI(oscillator shear index). The calculation grid for the real geometry was constructed by extracting the surface of arterial wall from CT(Computed Tomography) or MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) sheets called as DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicines). The calculated MWSS, AWSS and OSI are much different from those of ideal geometry calculation. The MWSS increased while the AWSS decreased. Many shear forces are related to shapes of gradient. This paper will give clinical datum where the MWSS, AWSS and OSI are strong or weak. The hemodynamic analysis based on real geometry can provide surgeons with more reliable information about the effect of blood flow.

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Study of Flow Characteristics of Gel Propellant through Various Injector Geometries (인젝터 형상 변화에 따른 Gel 추진제의 유동 특성 연구)

  • Oh, Jeong-Su;Jeon, Doo-Sung;Choi, Sang-Tae;Kim, Deok-Yoon;Choi, Yang-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Hyuk;Moon, Hee-Jang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.300-303
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    • 2010
  • The present study investigates the flow characteristics of simulant gel propellant(carbopol 0.5%wt) in a variety of injectors. Rheological data for gel propellant has been measured and injector flow characteristics for plain-orifice, chamfered-orifice and venturi type injector have been numerically analyzed. The apparent viscosity of plain-orifice and chamfered-orifice have tendency to increase along axial direction, whereas for venturi type injector, low viscosity has been achieved in the injector flow. This phenomenon was clearly pronounced as Reynolds number is increased.

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Analysis on Hot Plate Welding of Thermoplastic Elastomer Packing (열가소성 엘라스토머 패킹의 열융착 해석)

  • Kim, Min Ho;Lee, Yong Tae;Chung, Jae Dong
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.477-482
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    • 2016
  • Airtight containers have been widely used in many industries and household. They need a packing for sealing between the inside and outside. Previous packing materials have some drawbacks like stench, stickiness, and difficulty of applying to automated manufacturing systems. So, a new packing material which is harmless and suitable for automation is needed. This study performed a hot plate welding process of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) as the packing material. The hot plate welding process included a phase change process of solidification and melting. The porosity-enthalpy method was adopted in order to simulate phase change problems. The TPE showed non-Newtonian fluid characteristics during the melting process. Since properties of SEBS are not well-defined, we established TPE properties by observing the melting behavior of TPE. In order to find an optimized condition, a parametric study including packing thickness, shapes, hot plate temperature, and thermal resistance, was conducted.

Rheological Properties of Biopolymer Produced by Bacillus coagulans CE-74 (Bacillus coagulans CE-74가 생산하는 Biopolymer의 물성)

  • Lee, Seon-Ho;Son, Gyu-Mok;Choi, Cheong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2000
  • A highly viscous biopolymer from Bacillus coagulans CE-74 was purified and its rheological properties were studied The rheological properties of biopolymers produced by Bacillus coagulans CE-74 were studied at the temperature ranges with 20~80C, at the concentration of 0.5~4.0%, at the pH ranges from 3 to 1 and at the shear rate fo 7.34~73.38 sec-1. The apparent viscosity of biopolymer was decreased with increasing shear rate, and thereby biopolymer showed pseudoplastic characteristics. Biopolymer solution showed a characteristic of non-Newtonian fluid properties. At the concentration of 1%, the consistency index and the flow behavior index were shown at 2.64 poise. sec11 and 0.8571, respectively. All dispersions were pseudoplastic fluids described accurately by Herschel-Bulkley model. The change of the biopolymer viscosity on pH showed the highest value at the pH 7.0 and it showed lower at acidic conditon that at alkaline condition comparatively.

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Forces and flow around three side-by-side square cylinders

  • Zheng, Qinmin;Alam, Md. Mahbub;Rehman, S.;Maiti, D.K.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • A numerical investigation on forces and flow around three square cylinders in side-by-side arrangement is conducted at a Reynolds number Re = 150 with the cylinder center-to-center spacing ratio L/W = 1.1 ~ 9.0, where W is the cylinder side width. The flowat this Re is assumed to be two-dimensional, incompressible, and Newtonian. The flow simulation is conducted by using ANSYS-Fluent. The flow around the three side-by-side cylinders entails some novel flow physics, involving the interaction between the gap and free-stream side flows as well as that between the two gap flows. An increase in L/W from 1.1 to 9.0 leads to five distinct flow regimes, viz., base-bleed flow (L/W < 1.4), flip-flopping flow (1.4 < L/W < 2.1), symmetrically biased beat flow (2.1 < L/W < 2.6), non-biased beat flow (2.6 < L/W < 7.25) and weak interaction flow (7.25 < L/W < 9.0). The gap flow behaviors, time-averaged and fluctuating fluid forces, time-averaged pressure, recirculation bubble, formation length, and wake width in each flow regime are discussed in detail.

A Study on the Multiphase Flow Characteristics in an Mud System (머드시스템의 다상 유동 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Wang-Do;Han, Sang-Mok;Chun, Joong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.24 no.6_2
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    • pp.737-744
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    • 2021
  • An investigation is conducted to study a solid-liquid mixture vertically upward hydraulic transport of solid particles by non-Newtonian fluids in the Mud system. Rheology of particulate suspensions in viscoelastic fluids is of importance in many applications such as particle removal from surfaces, transport of proppants in fractured reservoir and cleaning of drilling holes, etc. In this study a clear acrylic pipe was used in order to observe the movement of solid particles. Annular velocities varied from 0.4 m/s to 1.2 m/s. The mud systems which were utilized included aqueous solution of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) solutions. Main parameters considered in the study were inner-pipe rotary speed, fluid flow regime and particle injection rate. Solid volumetric concentration and pressure drops were measured for the various parameters such as inclination angle, flow rate, and rotational speed of inner cylinder.

Properties of Biopolymer YU-122 from Metarrhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorok (Metarrhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorok이 생산하는 Biopolymer YU-122의 물리, 화학적 특성)

  • Choi, Yong-Suk;Ohk, Seung-Ho;Yu, Ju-Hyun;Bai, Dong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 1997
  • A new biopolymer YU-122 from Metarrhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorok consisting of glucose and galactose was tested for its physical properties and flow behavior characteristics. Xanthan gum showed slightly higher viscosity than biopolymer YU-122. Viscosity of biopolymer YU-122 at various pHs and temperatures was also tested. The viscosity of biopolymer YU-122 was very stable up to pH 11 and 60C, indicating that it has a great possibility for the application such as food additives, emulsifier, and drug release agents. Flow behavior index (n) from Power Law equation is 0.173. Biopolymer YU-122 solution was a pseudoplastic non-Newtonian fluid, which indicated that it had one or more side chains. When biopolymer YU-122 was used as a emulsifier, it stabilized the emulsion up to 120 hours, which was much better than xanthan gum. The biopolymer YU-122 could form an excellent but less clear film compared with xanthan and pullulan.

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Flocculation of Red Tide Organisms in Sea Water by Using an Ignited Oyster Shell Powder and Loess Combination (소성굴패각분말과 황토의 동시 사용에 의한 적조생물의 응집)

  • KIM Sung-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.716-722
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    • 2003
  • This study determined the optimum dosage for coagulation reactions of red tide organisms (RTO) using a combination of ignited oyster shell powder (10sp) and loess and examined the electrokinetic and rheological characteristics of their flocs. Two kinds of RTO, Cylindrotheca closterium and Skeletonema costatum, were sampled in Masan Bay and cultured in the laboratory. Coagulation experiments were conducted using various concentrations of IOSP, loess, IOSP+1oess, RTO, and a jar tester RTO cell numbers were counted for both the supernatant and RTO culture solution. The removal rates increased rapidly with increasing IOSP concentrations up to 50 mg/L and loess concentrations up to 800 mg/L. A removal rate of 100% was reached at 400 mg/L of IOSP and 6,400 mg/L of loess. The highest increment (16.7%) of the rates of coagulation reaction occurred using both IOSP and loess (50+200 mg/L) in comparison with IOSP alone. The rate of coagulation reaction using both IOSP and loess (50+200 mg/L), 90.6%, was similar to employing either IOSP of 150 mg/L or loess of 3,200 mg/L. All of the coagulation liquids for RTO, IOSP (200 mg/L), loess (200 ma/L), and IOSP+1oess (200+200 mg/L) revealed non-Newtonian fluid properties and therefore their shear rate vs. shear stress curves were non-linear. The coagulation liquids revealed elastic body properties at a lower shear rate increasing in the following order: RTO, IOSP (200 mg/L), loess (200 mg/L), and IOSP+1oess (200+200 mg/L. IOSP+1oess (200+200 mg/L) especially demonstrated plastic flow properties at a lower shear rate.

Fluid Properties and Quality of Agar Solution from Cheju Seaweed, Gellidium amansii (제주산 우뭇가사리로 부터 추출한 한천의 품질 및 용액 특성)

  • KANG Hoon-I;KO Moon-Sub;KIM Hyeon-Ju;KIM Sung-Woo;BAE Tae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.716-721
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    • 1996
  • To bring out the functional properties of Agar-agar extracted with 0.01N H2SO4 from Gellidium amansii produced in Che-ju Udo and its fluid properties were investigated. The yield of agar from Gellidium amansii produced was 32.7%, the content ratio of agarose and agaropectin was 79 to 21, gelation ability was 0.19% and jelly strength was 413.8dyne/cm2. Agar-agar solution showed the movement of non-Newtonian fluid and pseudoplastic property was emerged as its concentration go higher. The yield stresses in the range of 0.5\~5% agar-agar solution were 0.09\~1.21dyne/cm2at80C,0.12\~5.29dyne/cm2at60Cand4.84\~58.37dyne/cm2at50C.

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