• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nokyongdaebotang

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Preventive Effects of Nokyongdaebotang on Hyperlipidemia Rats (녹용대보탕(鹿茸大補湯) 투여에 의한 흰쥐의 고지혈증(高脂血證) 예방(豫防)에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Woon;Jeong Chan-Gil;Kuim Kwang-Ho;Soh Kyung-Sun
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2003
  • In order to study the preventive effects of hyperlipidemia depending on endogenous and exogenous methods of induction, after observing what happens when Nokyongdaebotang, a strengthening up treatment is orally administrated into the ways that cause hyperlipidemia either by the exogenous hyperlipidemia condition model method, which is the way where you orally administrate the cholesterol that was dissolved in olive oil, or the endogenous hyperlipidemia model method, where it uses the injecting the Triton WR-1339 vein method, or to the already inducted white rats, the following conclusions could be drawn. 1. The endogenous induction method, cholesterol diet, helps preventing Total Cholesterol, TG, and LDL-Cholesterol, Free Fatty Acid, Phospholipid's augmentation within the blood in the white rats that is being induced or just inducted with hyperlipidemia 2. The exogenous induction method, Triton WR injection, helps preventing Total Cholesterol, TG, and LDL-Cholesterol, Free Fatty Acid, Phospholipid's augmentation within the blood in the white rats that is being induced or just inducted with hyperlipidemia 3. The HDL-Cholesterol did not increase in regard. This is considered to be because when the geological features the HDL-Cholesterol increases proportionally. In deference to the above results, Nokyongdaebotang, which strengthens the vitality, showed that it helps prevent white rats that is being induced or just inducted with hyperlipidemia no matter whether it is endogenous or exogenous.

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A Bibliographical Research of the Correlation Among Sasang Constitutional Disease(사상체질병증) and the Pulse Diagnosis(맥진) (사상체질병증(四象體質病症)과 맥진(脈診)의 상관성(相關性)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Dong-Jun;Kim, Jung-Ryul;Kim, Dal-Rae
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.23-37
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the correlation Among Sasang Constitutional Disease and Examination of the pulse. I have gone over literatures of mainly ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Soose Bowon${\lrcorner}$ and the others Oriental Medical book was studied about the Pulse Diagnosis. And then I came to get some conclusion as follows. 1. Soeumin(소음인) the initial-stage symptoms of wulkwang disease(울광증) ; when the Superficial Pulse and the Superficial+ Moderate Pulse is made a diagnosis, Ceongunggyegitang(천궁계지탕) and Gunggyuhyangsosan(궁귀향소산) can be used. 2. Soeumin(소음인) the initial-stage blood disease symptoms of wulkwang disease(울광증) ; when the Minute+deep Pulse is made a diagnosis, Palmulgnnjatang(팔물군자탕) and Guakhyanggeonggisan(곽향정기산) can be used. 3. Soeumin(소음인) the initial-stage symptoms of mangyang disease(망양증) ; when the Yang region Superficial Pulse and the Yin region Weak Pulse is made a diagnosis, Hwanggigyegitang(황기계지탕), Bojungikgitang(보증익기탕) and Sengyangikgitang(승양익기탕) can be used. 4. Soeumin(소음인) the symptoms of taeum disease(태음증) ; when the Minute Pulse and Deep+Thin Pulse is made a diagnosis, Sasang Prescription can be used. 5. Soeumin(소음인) the symptoms of soeum disease(소음증) ; when the Minute+Thin Pulse, Deep Pulse and Thin+Deep+Rapid Pulse is made a diagnosis, Sasang Prescription can be used. 6. Soyangin(소양인) Wind of soyang disease(소양상풍증) ; when the Superficial+Tight Pulse is made a diagnosis, Hungbangpaedogsan(형방패독산) can be used. And when the Deep+Full with strong power Pulse is made a diagnosis, Hyungbangdojeoksan(형방도적산) can be used. 7. Soyangin(소양인) the symptoms of mangyeum disease(망음증) ; when the Superficial+Large+Rapid Pulse and Flood+Large Pulse is made a diagnosis, Hungbangsabaeksan(형방사백산) can be used. And when the Wiry+Thin Pulse is made a diagnosis, Hungbanggiwhangtang(형방지황탕) can be used. 8. Soyangin(소양인) the chest-phrenic fever syndrome(흉격열증) ; when the Superficial Pulse, Flood+Full+Rapid Pulse and Flood+Large Pulse is made a diagnosis, Sasang Prescription can be used. 9. Soyangin(소양인) the after fever syndrome(음허오열증) ; when the Empty+Soft+Rapid Pulse is made a diagnosis, Sasang Prescription can be used. 10. Taeumin(태음인) the upper neck exterior disease caused by Cold(배추표병) ; when the Superficial and Superficial+Tight Pulse is made a diagnosis, Mawhangbalpoytang(마황발표탕) can be used, And when the Superficial and Superficial+Tight with strong power on left hand Pulse is made a diagnosis, Ungdamsan(웅담산) and Handayulsotang(한다열소탕) can be used. 11. Taeumin(태음인) the Coldness syndrome in esophagus(위완한증) ; when the Superficial+Tight Pulse with weak power on left hand Pulse is made a diagnosis, Taeumjowetang(태음조위탕) can be used. 12. Taeumin(태음인) the Dryness-Heat syndrome(조열증) ; when the Flood+Large Pulse, Long Pulse and Long+Large Pulse is made a diagnosis, Galgeunhaegitang(갈근해기탕) can be used. And when the Tight+Full+Rapid Pulse with deep region is made a diagnosis, Yuldahansotang(열다한소탕) can be used. And when the Superficial+Slippery Pulse is made a diagnosis, Chungsimyunjatang(청심연자탕) can be used. 13. Taeumin(태음인) the symptoms of Yin-blood Exhaustion(음혈모갈증) ; when the Superficial with weak power Pulse is made a diagnosis, Nokyongdaebotang(녹용대보탕) can be used. And when the Deep with weak power Pulse is made a diagnosis, Gongjinheukwondan(공진흑원단) can be used. 14. Taeyangin(태양인) a slight Lumbar vertebrae disease(외감경증) ; when the Superficial+Hollow Pulse is made a diagnosis, Gunshitang(건시탕) can be used. 15. Taeyangin(태양인) the Generalized and Fatigue syndrome(해역증) ; when the Moderate+Choppy Pulse with left hand chi region(척맥) is made a diagnosis, Ogapijangchuktang(오가피장척탕) can be used. 16. Taeyangin(태양인) a slight Small Intestine disease(내촉경증)