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A Theory of Intermediality and its Application in Peter Greenaway's (상호매체성의 이론과 그 적용 - 피터 그리너웨이의 <프로스페로의 서재>를 중심으로)

  • PARK, Ki-Hyun
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.19
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    • pp.39-77
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    • 2010
  • The cinema of Peter Greenaway has consistently engaged questions of the relationship between the arts and particularly the relations of image and writing to cinema. When different types of images are correlated and merged with each other on the borders of painting, photography, film, video and computer animation, the interrelationships of the distinct elements cause a shift in the notion of the whole image. This analysis proposes to articulate the complex relationship between the 'interartial' dimension and the 'intermedial' dimension in Peter Greenaway's film, (1991). If the interartiality is interested in the interaction between various arts, including the transition from one to another, the intermediality articulates the same type of relationship between two or more media. The interactional relationship is the same on both sides; on the contrary, the relationship between art and media does not show the same symmetry. All art is based on one or more media - the media is a condition existence of art - but no art can't be reduced to the status of media. This suggests that if the interartiality always involves the intermediality, this proposal may not be reversed. First, we analyse a self-conscious investigation into digital art and technology. Prosospero's Books can be read as a daring visual essay that self-consciously investigates the technical and philosophical functions of letters, books, images, animated paintings, digital arts, and the other magical illusions, which have been modern or will be post-modern media to represent the world. Greenaway uses both conventional film techniques and the resources of high-definition television to layer image upon image, superimposing a second or third frame within his frame. Greenaway uses the frame-within-frame as the cinematic equivalent of Shakespeare's paly-within-play : it offer him the possibility to analyse the work of art/artist/spectator relationship. Secondly, we analyse the relationship between the written word, oral word and the books. Like the written word, the oral word changes into a visual image: The linguistic richness and nuances of Shakeaspeare's characters turn into the powerful and authoritative, but monotone, voices of Gielgud-Prospero, who speaks the Shakespearean lines aloud, shaping the characters so powerfully through his worlds that they are conjured before us. Specially each book is placed over the frame of the play's action, only partially covering the image, so that it gives virtually every frame at least two space-time orientations. Thirdly, we try to show how Peter Greenaway uses pictorial references in order to illustrate the context of the Renaissance as well as pictorial techniques and language in order to question the nature of artistic representation. For exemple, The storm is visualised through reference to Botticelli's : the storm of papers swirling around the library is constructed to look like a facsimili copy of Michelangelo's Laurentiana Library in Florence. Greenaway's modern mannerism consists in imposing his own aesthetic vision and his questioning of art beyond the play's meta-theatricality: in other words, Shakespeare''s text has been adapted without being betrayed.

Cone-beam computed tomographic analysis of the alveolar ridge profile and virtual implant placement for the anterior maxilla

  • Lim, Hyun-Chang;Kang, Do-Uk;Baek, Hyehyeon;Hong, Ji-Youn;Shin, Seung-Yun;Chung, Jong-Hyuk;Herr, Yeek;Shin, Seung-Il
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: To analyze the ridge profile of the anterior maxilla using cone-beam computed tomography and to assess the clinical significance of the ridge profile by performing virtual implant placement. Methods: Thirty-two cone-beam computed tomography scans of anterior maxillae were included. For each tooth, a vertical line was made along the longitudinal axis, and 3 horizontal lines at 1-, 3-, and 5-mm levels below the labial bone crest were drawn perpendicularly to the vertical reference. At these levels, the thickness of the alveolar ridge (RT), and the labial (LT) and palatal bone plate (PT) were measured. Then, virtual implant placement using standard and tapered implants was performed. A generalized linear mixed model was used for statistical analysis. Results: The teeth were located labially based on the proportion of LT and PT with respect to RT. At the 1-mm level, the value of LT was between $1.0{\pm}0.4mm$ for central incisors and $1.3{\pm}0.6mm$ for canines. A large number of teeth had area(s) with less than 1-mm-thick labial bone between the 1- and 5-mm levels below the crest. The mean PT was generally thicker than the LT in all tooth types. The greatest mean value of labial concavity was observed for canines, compared to other tooth types. Men had a greater RT than did women, but had a comparable LT. Less apical fenestration was observed when tapered implants were used. Conclusions: Most teeth in the anterior maxilla had a thin labial bone plate, with no significant difference between sexes. Tapered implants may be advantageous for the anterior maxilla.

Evaluation of Dose and Image Quality of Lens according to Baseline during Brain CT Scan (두부 전산화단층촬영 시 기준선에 따른 수정체 선량과 화질 평가)

  • Kim, Kyu-Hyung;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.699-704
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    • 2019
  • It is important to minimize the exposure dose during an examination and obtain good quality images at the same time. This study compared the beam harding effect according to the baseline superior orbito meatal line(SOML), orbito meatal line(OML), inferior orbito metal line(OML) and measured the exposure dose of the lens, especially in brain CT examinations, which generally apply to head diease patients. The beam harding effect assessment of each image along the baseline was performed quantitatively using the Image J program, and the exposure dose of the lens was detected by OSLDs and compared. As a result, As a result, when the SOML was used as the reference line, the dose of the lens was decreased by 85.08% at 80 kV and by 79.7% at 80 kV, compared to when IOML was used as the baseline. If the gantry angle at brain CT was parallel scan to SOML, there were no significant differences in the exposure to the lens and between the OML and IOML. Therefore, this study has shown that it is efficient to have a parallel scan on SOML as a protocol during Brain CT examinations.

Development of Valuation Framework for Estimating the Market Value of Media Contents (미디어 콘텐츠의 시장가치 산정을 위한 가치평가 프레임워크 개발)

  • Sung, Tae-Eung;Park, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2016
  • Since the late 20th century, there has been much effort to improve the market value of media contents which are commercialized in a digital format, by fusing digital data of video, audio, numerals, characters with IT technology together. Then by what criteria and methodologies could the market value for the drama "Sons of the Sun" or the animated film 'Frozen', often referred to in the meida, be estimated? In the circumstances there has been little or no research on the valuation framework of media contents and the status of their valuation system development to date, we propose a practical valuation models for various purposes such as contents trading, review of investment adequacy, etc., by formalizing and presenting a contents valuation framework for the four types of media of movies, online games, and broadcasting commercials, and animations. Therefore, we develope computational methods of cash flows which includes production cost by media content types, provide reference databases associated with key variables of valuation (economic life cycle, discount rates, contents contribution and royalty rates), and finally propose the valuation framework of media contents based on both income approach and relief-from-royalty method which has been applied to valuation of intangible assets so far.

Bioequivalence Test of Gabapentin 400 mg Capsules (가바펜틴 400밀리그람 캡슐의 생물학적동등성시험)

  • Kim, Se-Mi;Kang, Hyun-Ah;Cho, Hea-Young;Shin, Sae-Byeok;Yoo, Hee-Doo;Yoon, Hwa;Lee, Yong-Bok
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2008
  • Gabapentin, [1-(aminomethyl) cyclohexaneacetic acid], a structural analog of $\gamma$-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is being developed for the treatment of epilepsy. Unlike GABA, gabapentin crosses the blood-brain barrier after systemic administration. Gabapentin is an effective antiepileptic drug in patients with partial and secondarily generalized seizures who are uncontrolled with use of existing anticonvulsant drug therapy. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two gabapentin 400 mg capsules, $Neurontin^{(R)}$ capsule 400 mg (Pfizer Inc.) and Gabatin capsule 400 mg (Korean Drug Co. Ltd), according to the guidelines of the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). The release of gabapentin from the two gabapentin formulations in vitro was tested using KP VIII Apparatus II method with various dissolution media (pH 1.2, 4.0, 6.8 buffer solution and water). Twenty six healthy male subjects, 23.58$\pm$1.50 years in age and 66.74$\pm$8.31 kg in body weight, were divided into two groups and a randomized 2$\times$2 cross-over study was employed. After one capsule containing 400 mg as gabapentin were orally administered, blood was taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentrations of gabapentin in serum were determined using HPLC with fluorescence detector. The dissolution profiles of two formulations were similar at all dissolution media. In addition, the pharmacokinetic parameters such as $AUC_t$, $C_{max}$ and $T_{max}$ were calculated and ANOVA test was utilized for the statistical analysis of the parameters using logarithmically transformed $AUC_t$, $C_{max}$ and untransformed $T_{max}$. The results showed that the differences between two formulations based on the reference drug, $Neurontin^{(R)}$ capsule 400 mg, were 2.04, -3.68 and 16.79% for $AUC_t$, $C_{max}$ and $T_{max}$, respectively. There were no sequence effects between two formulations in these parameters. The 90% confidence intervals using logarithmically transformed data were within the acceptance range of log 0.8 to log 1.25 (e.g., log 0.91$\sim$log 1.16 and log 0.87$\sim$log 1.11 for $AUC_t$ and $C_{max}$, respectively). Thus, the criteria of the KFDA bioequivalence guideline were satisfied, indicating Gabatin capsule 400 mg was bioequivalent to $Neurontin^{(R)}$ capsule 400 mg.

Bioequivalence Test of Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 120 mg Tablets (염산펙소페나딘 120밀리그람 정제의 생물학적동등성시험)

  • Cho, Hea-Young;Kang, Hyun-Ah;Kim, Se-Mi;Lee, Yong-Bok
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2008
  • Fexofenadine, ($\pm$)-4-1-hydroxy-4-{4-(hydroxydiphenylmethyl)-1-piperidinyl}-butyl-a,a-dimethyl benzeneacetic acid, is a selective histamine $H_1$ receptor antagonist, and is clinically effective in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticaria as a first-line therapeutic agent. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two fexofenadine hydrochloride tablets, $Allegra^{(R)}$ (Handok Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.) and Alecort (Samchundang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), according to the guidelines of the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). The release of fexofenadine from the two fexofenadine hydrochloride formulations in vitro was tested using KP VIII Apparatus II method with various dissolution media. Twenty six healthy male subjects, 25.62$\pm$3.35 years in age and 70.05$\pm$11.71 kg in body weight, were divided into two groups and a randomized 2$\times$2 cross-over study was employed. After a single tablet containing 120 mg as fexofenadine hydrochloride was orally administered, blood samples were taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentrations of fexofenadine in serum were determined using HPLC with fluorescence detector. The dissolution profiles of two formulations were similar in all tested dissolution media. The harmacokinetic parameters such as $AUC_t$, $C_{max}$ and $T_{max}$ were calculated, and ANOVA test was utilized for the statistical analysis of the parameters using logarithmically transformed $AUC_t$, $C_{max}$ and untransformed $T_{max}$. The results showed that the differences between two formulations based on the reference drug, $Allegra^{(R)}$, were -1.37, 5.22 and 16.50% for $AUC_t$, $C_{max}$ and $T_{max}$, respectively. There were no sequence effects between two formulations in these parameters. The 90% confidence intervals using logarithmically transformed data were within the acceptance range of log 0.8 to log 1.25 (e.g., log 0.83$\sim$log 1.08 and log 0.81$\sim$log 1.03 for $AUC_t$ and $C_{max}$, respectively). Thus, the criteria of the KFDA bioequivalence guideline were satisfied, indicating Alecort tablet was bioequivalent to $Allegra^{(R)}$ tablet.

Seismic Moment Conversion of instrumented Earthquakes in and around the Korean Peninsula (Ⅰ):from$m_b$or$m_s$to$m_0$ (한반도 및 인근 지역 계기지진의 지진모멘트 환산(Ⅰ):$m_b$또는 $m_s$에서$m_0$)

  • No, Myeong-Hyeon;Lee, Sang-Guk;Choe, Gang-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2001
  • conversion equations to calculate seismic moment(M_0) from body-wave magnitude(m_b), surface-wave magnitude(M_s), or both were derived by using 50 earthquakes occurred within 32~44°N and 123~133°E whose M_0 were determined together with m_b or M_s. We divided those earthquakes into the deeper and the shallower ones based on the reference focal depth of 70 km. The unit of M_0 is dyne-cm. In case of M_s, the deeper earthquakes exhibit the higher seismic moment than the shallower ones. Standard deviations associated with conversion equations for deeper and shallower earthquakes are 0.25 and 0.16, respectively, in moment magnitude. , for deeper earthquakes , for shallower earthquakes. In case of m_b, the dependence of conversion equation on focal depth is not clearly observed. Associated standard deviation is 0.28 in moment magnitude. In case that both m_b and M_s were determined, a new magnitude, , were defined for shallower earthquakes to derive a more stable conversion equation. Associated standard deviation is 0.14 in moment magnitude. Conversion equations above can be used to unify the earthquake size into a single magnitude type, i.e., moment magnitude, in and around the Korea Peninsula.

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Effects of Forest Healing Programs on Resilience and Happiness of Employees - For University Employees - (산림치유 프로그램이 직장인의 회복탄력성과 행복감에 미치는 효과 - 대학 교직원을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Chang-Eun;Kim, Dong Jun;Shin, Chang Seob;Kim, Youn-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to reveal the effects of forest healing programs on recovery resilience and happiness of university employees. Fourteen people who agreed on experiments were selected as the study subject, with seven people classified the experimental group and seven people into the controlled group. The subjects in the experimental group participated in the forest healing program consisting of four 60-minute long weekly sessions from October 27 to November 17, 2015 in a forest managed by University C located in Cheongju-si of Chungcheongbuk-do. For data analysis, we examined the differences in recovery resilience and happiness before and after participation in the programs through the paired t-test using the SPSS 21.0 program, and the analysis results confirmed that the forest healing program helped to increase the recovery resilience and happiness of the university employees. Although there was no statistically significant change of the controlled group, the recovery resilience and happiness of the experimental group showed a statistically significant increase. The results of this study are expected to be utilized as reference data for clarifying the effects of forest healing programs for university employees.

Study on the hepatoprotective effects of lemon balm and dandelion leaf extract combination in carbon tetrachloride-mediated liver injured mice (사염화탄소 유도성 급성 간 손상 모델에서 레몬밤과 민들레 잎 추출물의 혼합 비율에 따른 간 보호 효능 연구)

  • Choi, Beom-Rak;Cho, Il Je;Jung, Su-Jin;Kim, Jae Kwang;Lee, Dae Geon;Ku, Sae Kwang;Park, Ki-Moon
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : Present study investigated the hepatoprotective effects of various combinations of lemon balm and dandelion (LD) leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride ($CCl_4$)-induced acute liver injury. Methods : Mice were orally treated with 200 mg/kg of LD extracts [1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, 2:1, 4:1, 6:1, or 8:1 (weight : weight)] for 7 days, and then intraperitoneally injected with $CCl_4$ (0.5 mL/kg). Silymarin (100 mg/kg) was used as reference drug. Body weight gain, relative liver weight, serum biochemistry, histopathologic analyses, and hepatic antioxidant system were examined to elucidate the fittest combination ratio of LD extract. Results : All varying combinations of LD extract significantly increased body weight gain and decreased relative liver weight by $CCl_4$. In addition, LD extract reduced serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. Histopathological analyses indicated that LD extract significantly decreased histological activity index score, degenerated hepatocytes, and infiltrated inflammatory cells induced by $CCl_4$. Moreover, LD extract reduced lipid peroxidation, and attenuated the reduction of hepatic glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase by $CCl_4$. Although there were no statistical differences in body weight gain between silymarin- and LD extract-treated groups, administration of 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1 combination of LD extract exhibited more favorable hepatoprotective effects than silymarin. Especially, 2:1 combination of LD extract showed the most potent hepatoprotective effects. Conclusion : Of various combinations of LD extract tested, present results suggest that 2:1 combination of LD extract would be a promising herbal formulation to protect liver from oxidative stress.

Children's Food Intake and Nutrition Levels, and Obesity by Maternal Employment: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2015 (어머니 취업여부에 따른 자녀의 영양소 섭취 수준과 비만 유병률 비교 - 국민건강영양조사 자료(2013-2015년) 활용 -)

  • Kang, Geunyeong;Lee, Yoonna;UM, Mihyang;Kye, Seunghee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.331-342
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study examines the intake of food and nutrients of children according to the employment and working hours of their mothers. Methods: The married women in the source data from the 6th National Health and Nutrition Survey were classified into full-time working mothers, part-time working mothers and housewives according to the working type and the data on their children from 3 to 18 years old were analyzed using SAS 9.4. Results: The group from 3 to 5 years old was the smallest group with 682 children (20.2%), followed by the group from 6 to 11 years with 1,345 children (39.8%) and the group from 12 to 18 years old with 1,355 children (40.1%). The lowest rates for having no breakfast and dinner were observed in the group with housewives (p<0.05). The calcium and phosphorous intakes were the highest in the group with housewives at 61.9% and 126.8%, respectively, and the lowest in the group with full-time working mothers at 54.7% and 115.3%, respectively (p<0.05). The group with full-time working mothers had the highest rate in the calcium and iron intake less than the dietary reference intake at 74.9% and 30.0%, respectively. It indicated that the group with full-time working mothers did not have sufficient nutrients as compared to the other two groups. Moreover, the group with the part-time working mothers showed the high vitamin A intake ratio of 41.4% (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study found evidence of a negative association between mother's employment status and children's diet quality. The employment and economic activity of married women will continuously increase in the future. Therefore, a national nutrition policy is required to provide quality nutrition care for children in the households.