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Quality Characteristics of Kimchi with Added Purified Licorice(Glycyrrhiza uralensis) Extract (감초정제물 첨가 김치의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Su-Hyun;Ko, Young-Tae
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.5 s.95
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    • pp.609-616
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    • 2006
  • The effects of purified licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) extract (PLE) as a sugar substitute on kimchi quality were evaluated by investigating acid formation, growth of lactic acid bacteria, sensory properties, and volatile odor components of PLE-added kimchi. The pH of kimchi with higher amounts of added PLE increased slightly with two or three days ripening. The acidity of unripened kimchi or kimchi ripened for one day significantly increased with addition of PLE, while that of kimchi ripened for two or three days decreased significantly (p<0.05). Addition of PLE had no significant effect on the lactic acid bacteria count of kimchi compared to that of sugar. Overall acceptability and taste of 0.005 or 0.01% PLE-added kimchi ripened for two to three days were higher than those of other samples, whereas addition of more than 0.01% PLE to kimchi unripened or ripened for one day resulted in lower overall acceptability and taste than the reference sample. Diallyl sulfide and methyl trisulfide were newly produced by ripening of kimchi, and the amounts of some volatile odor components in kimchi were also changed during ripening.

Using Film Music for Second Language, Target Culture, and Ethics Education: With Reference to the OST of The Lion King (제 2언어, 문화 및 윤리 교육 자료로서의 영화 음악 활용: 라이온 킹 OST를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hye-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.509-519
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    • 2017
  • This study addresses the effective utilization of film music as learning material for language, target culture, and ethics education. Music is intertwined with language and culture, and even with ethics. This study focuses on the potential power of film music in the processes of teaching and learning in a classroom. For this purpose, five songs are selected from the soundtrack of Disney's famous animation The Lion King: "Circle of life", "I just can't wait to be king", "Be prepared", "Hakuna Matata", and "Can you feel the love tonight?", and concrete learning activities are suggested based on these. Using these five songs, gap-filling and singing-recoding tasks are proposed as listening and speaking activities respectively. Film music is also very useful in learning vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar. Learners participate in a writing activity involving creating their own lyrics for the tunes reflecting their experiences. Next, for culture education, a teacher asks their students to discuss about, and be aware of, food culture using a specific character's song. Finally, for ethics education, a philosophy of life, natural logic, leadership qualities, and the motto Hakuna Matata("no worries") are explored and discussed through an analysis of the lyrics. The open-ended questionnaire survey is conducted. The result shows that music has a positive effect on culture and ethics education. Film music can be effective in learning a second language, target culture, and ethics.

Efficiency Analysis for TV Home Shopping Companies Using DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) (DEA 모형을 이용한 TV홈쇼핑기업의 상대적 효율성 연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Hong;Ahn, Young-Hyo;Oh, Seung-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The method of TV home shopping is a kind of retail method that provides the viewer with information about products and, further, sells the products to consumers through the media of television. The domestic home-shopping industry has been expanding since 1995, and there are six companies in this arena as of 2012. In this study, we evaluate the management efficiency of TV home-shopping companies and provide suggestions for improving efficiency, using the DEA (data envelopment analysis) model. Hence, we expect to contribute to the progress of the companies' efficiency and the development of the TV home-shopping industry, where deepening competition is inevitable because it is experiencing the maturing market stage in its life cycle. Research design, data, and methodology - Efficiency is the ratio of the quantity of input to the quantity of output of a product or service. It is necessary to estimate aggregate inputs and aggregate outputs, which are calculated by applying a weighting to a number of input and output factors, to measure the efficiency. The DEA model is divided into the CCR model and the BCC model. The CCR model is a basic model that assumed constant returns to scale (CRS), and the BCC model extends the CCR model to accommodate technologies exhibiting variable returns to scale (VRS), and concerns only the technical efficiency without considering the efficiency of returns to scale. In this study, we consider six companies each year from 2008 to 2012 as a DMU (Decision Making Unit) and analyze the differences in efficiency for each company in each year. Furthermore, we evaluate the operating characteristics of TV home-shopping companies, using three models, in accordance with the overall performance, profitability, and marketability of the business. Results - The result of the analysis, using DEA models, shows that Hyundai Home Shopping (2009, 2010, 2011), GS Home Shopping (2011), NS Home Shopping (2011) and CJ O Shopping (2012) possess MPSS (most productive scale size), with a score 1.0 in CCR, BCC, and scale efficiency. Particularly, Hyundai Home Shopping is shown to be the most efficient in terms of overall business performance, marketability, and profitability. The overall efficiency of the home shopping industry has displayed an increasing trend since 2008, even though it decreased marginally in 2012; further, we can observe that home shopping companies operate with increasing efficiency with the passage of time. Conclusions - Home shopping companies have focused on market expansion rather than profits, as they displayed better efficiency in marketability than increase in profitability during the period 2008-2012. In addition, the main reason for the increased efficiency in the home shopping industry is the market expansion through the revenue increase of each home shopping company. This study can be used as a reference when home shopping companies attempt to devise future strategies, as it suggests efficiency benchmarks and development levels for each home shopping company.

Head to Head Comparison of the Chun Nomogram, Percentage Free PSA and Primary Circulating Prostate Cells to Predict the Presence of Prostate Cancer at Repeat Biopsy

  • Murray, Nigel P;Reyes, Eduardo;Orellana, Nelson;Fuentealba, Cynthia;Jacob, Omar
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.2941-2946
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    • 2016
  • Background: The limitations of total serum PSA values remain problematic, especially after an initial negative prostate biopsy. In this prospective study of Chilean men with a continued suspicion of prostate cancer due to a persistently elevated total serum PSA, abnormal digital rectal examination and initial negative prostate biopsy were compared with the use of the on-line Chun nomagram, detection of primary malignant circulating prostate cells (CPCs) and free percent PSA to predict a positive second prostate biopsy. We hypothesized that men negative for circulating prostate cells have a small risk of clinically significant prostate cancer and thus may be conservatively observed. Men positive for circulating prostate cells should undergo biopsy to confirm prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: Consecutive men with a continued suspicion of prostate cancer underwent 12 core TRUS prostate biopsy; age, total serum PSA and percentage free PSA and Chun nomagram scores were registered. Immediately before biopsy an 8ml blood simple was taken to detect primary mCPCs. Mononuclear cells were obtained by differential gel centrifugation and identified using double immunostaining with anti-PSA and anti-P504S. Biopsies were classifed as cancer/no-cancer, mCPC detecton test as negative/positive and the total number of cells/8ml registered. Areas under the curve (AUC) for percentage free PSA, Chun score and CPCs were calculated and compared. Diagnostic yields were calculated with reference to the number of possible biopsies that could be avoided and the number of clinically significant cancers that would be missed. Results: A total of 164 men underwent a second biopsy; 41 (25%) had cancer; the AUCs were 0.65 for free PSA, 0.76 for the Chun score and 0.87 for CPC detection, the last having a significantly superior prediction value (p=0.01). Using cut off values of free PSA <10%, Chun score >50% and ${\geq}1$ CPC detected, CPC detection had a higher diagnostic yield. Some 4/41 cancers complied with the criteria for active surveillance, free PSA and the Chun score missed a higher number of significant cancers when compared with CPC detection. Conclusions: Primary CPC detection outperformed the use of free PSA and the Chun nomagram in predicting clinically significant prostate cancer at repeat prostate biopsy.

Analysis on Spatial Impact Zone of the place_name on the Direction Sign in Urban Using the Road Sign Management System Database In Changwon city (도시부 방향표지 안내지명의 공간적 영향권 설정방안 연구 - 창원시 도로표지관리시스템 DB를 활용하여 -)

  • Jung, In-Taek;Rhee, Kyoung-Ah;Chong, Kyu-Soo;Lee, Young-In
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2014
  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) Affairs of Korean government improved RSMS to be linked with GIS data and now we have research foundation. In case of expressway and rural national highway, there is a referenced place-name for direction road sign, but there is no reference in urban road and is only a guideline. Direction signs in urban could not have consistent place-name and it is vary difficult to select the proper place-name. Based on the change of analysis environment and perception of road sign - related problem, This study is aimed to suggest how to deduce the spatial impact zone of place-name from DB and GIS in RSMS of Changwon City. The results indicated that there is a spatial difference between place-names according to whether is near or far on the road sign. It is expected that this method would be effectively used in case of new road sign and so the process to select the place-name would be simple.

Consecutive Difference Expansion Based Reversible DNA Watermarking (연속적 차분 확장 기반 가역 DNA 워터마킹)

  • Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.7
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2015
  • Of recent interests on high capacity DNA storage, DNA watermarking for DNA copyright protection, and DNA steganography for DNA secret communication are augmented, the reversible DNA watermarking is much needed both to embed the watermark without changing the functionality of organism and to perfectly recover the host DNA sequence. In this paper, we address two ways of DE based reversible DNA watermarking using noncoding DNA sequence. The reversible DNA watermarking should consider the string structure of a DNA sequence, the organism functionality, the perfect recovery, and the high embedding capacity. We convert the string sequence of four characters in noncoding region to the decimal coded values and embed the watermark bit into coded values by two ways; DE based multiple bits embedding (DE-MBE) using pairs of neighbor coded values and consecutive DE-MBE (C-DE-MBE). Two ways process the comparison searching to prevent the false start codon that produces false coding region. Experimental results verified that our ways have more high embedding capacity than conventional methods and produce no false start codon and recover perfectly the host sequence without the reference sequence. Especially C-DE-MBE can embed more high two times than DE-MBE.

A Study on Motion Estimation Encoder Supporting Variable Block Size for H.264/AVC (H.264/AVC용 가변 블록 크기를 지원하는 움직임 추정 부호기의 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Sam;Sohn, Seung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1845-1852
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    • 2008
  • The key elements of inter prediction are motion estimation(ME) and motion compensation(MC). Motion estimation is to find the optimum motion vectors, not only by using a distance criteria like the SAD, but also by taking into account the resulting number of 비트s in the 비트 stream. Motion compensation is compensate for movement of blocks of current frame. Inter-prediction Encoding is always the main bottleneck in high-quality streaming applications. Therefore, in real-time streaming applications, dedicated hardware for executing Inter-prediction is required. In this paper, we studied a motion estimator(ME) for H.264/AVC. The designed motion estimator is based on 2-D systolic array and it connects processing elements for fast SAD(Sum of Absolute Difference) calculation in parallel. By providing different path for the upper and lower lesion of each reference data and adjusting the input sequence, consecutive calculation for motion estimation is executed without pipeline stall. With data reuse technique, it reduces memory access, and there is no extra delay for finding optimal partitions and motion vectors. The motion estimator supports variable-block size and takes 328 cycles for macro-block calculation. The proposed architecture is local memory-free different from paper [6] using local memory. This motion estimation encoder can be applicable to real-time video processing.

Prognostic Value of Biochemical Response Models for Primary Biliary Cholangitis and the Additional Role of the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio

  • Yoo, Jeong-Ju;Cho, Eun Ju;Lee, Bora;Kim, Sang Gyune;Kim, Young Seok;Lee, Yun Bin;Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Yu, Su Jong;Kim, Yoon Jun;Yoon, Jung-Hwan
    • Gut and Liver
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.714-721
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    • 2018
  • Background/Aims: Recently reported prognostic models for primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) have been shown to be effective in Western populations but have not been well-validated in Asian patients. This study aimed to compare the performance of prognostic models in Korean patients and to investigate whether inflammation-based scores can further help in prognosis prediction. Methods: This study included 271 consecutive patients diagnosed with PBC in Korea. The following prognostic models were evaluated: the Barcelona model, the Paris-I/II model, the Rotterdam criteria, the GLOBE score and the UK-PBC score. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was analyzed with reference to its association with prognosis. Results: For predicting liver transplant or death at the 5-year and 10-year follow-up examinations, the UK-PBC score (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUCs], 0.88 and 0.82) and GLOBE score (AUCs, 0.85 and 0.83) were significantly more accurate in predicting prognosis than the other scoring systems (all p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the performance of the UK-PBC and GLOBE scores. In addition to the prognostic models, a high NLR (>2.46) at baseline was an independent predictor of reduced transplant-free survival in the multivariate analysis (adjusted hazard ratio, 3.74; p<0.01). When the NLR was applied to the prognostic models, it significantly differentiated the prognosis of patients. Conclusions: The UK-PBC and GLOBE scores showed good prognostic performance in Korean patients with PBC. In addition, a high NLR was associated with a poorer prognosis. Including the NLR in prognostic models may further help to stratify patients with PBC.

The Optimized Analysis Zone Districting Using Variogram in Urban Remote Sensing (도시원격탐사에서 베리오그램을 이용한 최적의 분석범위 구역화)

  • Yoo, Hee-Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2008
  • Recently, a considerable number of studies have been conducted on the high resolution imagery showing the boundaries of objects clearly. When urban areas are analyzed in detail using the high resolution imagery, the size of analyzed zone is apt to be decided arbitrarily. Sufficient prior information about study area makes the decision of analysis zone possible; otherwise, it is difficult to determine the optimized analysis zone using only satellite imagery. In this study, the variograms of artificial simple images are analyzed before applying to the real satellite images. As a result of the analysis of simple images, the sill has an effect on the density of objects and also the size of objects and spacing influence the range. The variograms of real satellite images are analyzed with reference to the result of model test and are applied to determining the optimized analysis zone. This study shows that variogram can be applied to determining effectively the optimized analysis zone in case of no prior information on study area; moreover it will be expected to be used for an index to express the characteristics of urban imagery as well as conventional kriging and simulation.

Synthesis of Binuclear Bismacrocyclic Iron(II) Complex by the Aerobic Oxidation of Iron(II) Complex of 1,4,8,11-Tetraazacyclotetradecane

  • Myunghyun Paik Suh;Gee-Yeon Kong;Il-Soon Kim
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.439-444
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    • 1993
  • The aerobic oxidation of the Fe(II) complex of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, [Fe(cyclam)$(CH_3CN)_2](ClO_4)_2$, in MeCN in the presence of a few drops of $HClO_4$ leads to low spin Fe(III) species [Fe(cyclam)$(CH_3CN)_2](ClO_4)_3$. The Fe(III) cyclam complex is further oxidized in the air in the presence of a trace of water to produce the deep green binuclear bismacrocyclic Fe(II) complex $[Fe_2(C_{20}H_{36}N_8)(CH_3CN)_4](ClO_4)_4{\cdot}2CH_3CN$. The Fe(II) ions of the complex are six-coordinated and the bismacrocyclic ligand is extensively unsaturated. $[Fe_2(C_{20}H_{36}N_8)(CH_3CN)_4](ClO_4)_4{\cdot}2CH_3CN$ crystallizes in the monoclinic space group $P2_1/n$ with a= 13.099 (1) ${\AA}$, b= 10.930 (1) ${\AA}$, c= 17.859 (1) ${\AA}$, ${\beta}$= 95.315 $(7)^{\circ}$, and Z= 2. The structure was solved by heavy atom methods and refined anisotropically to R values of R= 0.0633 and $R_w$= 0.0702 for 1819 observed reflections with F > $4{\sigma}$ (F) measured with Mo K${\alpha}$ radiation on a CAD-4 diffractometer. The two macrocyclic units are coupled through the bridgehead carbons of ${\beta}$-diimitie moieties by a double bond. The double bonds in each macrocycle unit are localized. The average bond distances of $Fe(II)-N_{imine}$, $Fe(II)-N_{amine}$, and $Fe(II)-N_{MeCN}$ are 1.890 (5), 2.001 (5), and 1.925 (6) ${\AA}$, respectively. The complex is diamagnetic, containing two low spin Fe(II) ions in the molecule. The complex shows extremely intense charge transfer band in the near infrared at 868 nm with ${\varepsilon}$= 25,000 $M^{-1}cm^{-1}$. The complex shows a one-electron oxidation wave at +0.83 volts and two one-electron reduction waves at -0.43 and-0.72 volts vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The complex reacts with carbon monoxide in $MeNO_2$ to form carbonyl adducts, whose $v_{CO}$ value (2010 $cm^{-1}$) indicates the ${\pi}$-accepting property of the present bismacrocyclic ligand.