• Title/Summary/Keyword: New Women's Association

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A Study on the Type and Character of Apparel Brand Names for the Net-Generation (N세대 의류 브랜드명의 유형분류와 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이민경;한명숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.707-716
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to explane the Net generation's characters appearing in the apparel brand naming for them. For this study, first I was trying to explane the New generation characters, second 45 apparel brands were selected by market research and questionaire survey was conducted on 53 the Net generation collage women of age 20 thru 21. Third, the apparel brands were classified into four types according to the characters reflecting in the apparel brand naming : First, the apparel brand type using the figures such as STORM=292513, 1492Miles. Second, the apparel brand type that two or more words are abbreviated into one word. Third, the apparel brand type containing more than one meaning in a brand naming or spelling the words as it pronunciate. Fourth, the apparel brand type using of slang. In conclusion, These types of the apparel brands were related to characters of the New generation, i.e., they who have grown in the advance of digital civilization are skilled in the communication through computer, internet and mobile phone, so that they are familiar with the figures, combined words, or abbreviated words etc. Also, they have individual, sensitivity character and seek after individuality, current fashion. They have also a tendency to accept various the sense of value, while they have a refusing tendency a custom or convention which the older generation has conformited.

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Rukun and Adat in Javanese Villages: A New Territorial Model for Understanding Javanese Culture (자바 마을의 루꾼과 아닷: 자바 문화 이해를 위한 영토성 모델 제안)

  • CHO, Youn-Mee
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.195-234
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    • 2013
  • Javanese culture has been perceived as peace-oriented and conflict-avoiding in both academic studies and local people's discourses, and this perception has been crystallized in the "rukun model" for understanding Javanese culture. But in reality, although the rukun values have been internalized in Javanese mindset, violence has never ceased in Javanese society and even seems more widespread in the Indonesian reform era. Based on this understanding, this paper reveals the limitations of peace-oriented rukun model which cannot explain conflict and violence, and instead suggests an alternative "territorial model" which can involve both peace and conflict. For that purpose, the author examines aspects of territoriality embedded in three components of Javanese villages: people, territory, and adat, and argues that territoriality works as the principle of organizing and managing Javanese society, as shown in their social stratum and various cultural practices as well as the way morality and justice are defined. By theorization of territorial model, we can understand rukun values and adat from a new perspective and thus achieve a more complete understanding of Javanese culture.

A Change of Japanese Jyosei Manga in the 2010s -Disappearance of Romance and the appearance of a Self (2010년대 일본 여성만화의 변화 -로맨스의 증발과 자아의 출현)

  • Kim, So-Won
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.123-160
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    • 2020
  • Manga develops by reflecting a change of society, reader's needs, and their thoughts and changes of tastes, sensitively. Shojo manga and Jyosei manga also do. We can find several kinds of meaningful changes in Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s. The works which represent preciousness of daily life, women's narrative and self-realization are gradually increasing. In addition, the works that deal with very touchy issues such as sex discrimination at work, sexual harassment begin to emerge. It has never been found in the manga of the former era. While this paper analyzes the social and cultural causes of these changes of the works that exclude romance and treat gender issues focusing on recent works, it examines changes of Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s and their meanings. I investigate the current trends of Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s through Umimachi Diary that represents a precious everyday life with woman-centered narrative, Metamorphose no engawa that deals with women's story from a new perspective, Good-bye My Miniskirt that tackles gender issues. Furthermore I intensively analyze how Nagi's Long Vacation and Darucyan, which win popularity from women in their 20s~30, represent lives and troubles of contemporary Japanese women. Nagi's Long Vacation represents the heroine's quest for a self throwing everything out. While Darucyan deals with self-realization, it forms of a bond of sympathy of readers by representing the heroine who suffers sexual harassment and inequal conditions very realistically. Nagi's Long Vacation and Darucyan have something in common with portraying troubles and self-realization of the working women in their 20s based on a indigenous reality to Japanese society very realistically. However they are unusual in that it is different from the manga of the former era in dealing with heroine's troubles and their solutions. The most distinctive changes of Jyosei manga since 2010 are that real issues surfaced with social changes. In addition, these social contradictions result from irrational discriminations and old customs of Japanese society for a long time. Manga reflects subtly the portraits of the times, their images of women, and their values. These changes of Jyosei manga also show the concerns of readers at that time, and it means that women began to be aware of the issues.

Formative Characteristics of Fun Image in Fashion and Pattern (패션과 문양에 나타난 펀 이미지의 조형적 특성)

  • Ryu, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to help understanding of fun image in fashion & pattern to play a guideline's role in the development on fashion designs study. The methods of this study are academic literatures as well as practical study through case studies about actual works. Formative characteristics of fun image in fashion & pattern are summarized amusement, unexpecting, childishness, and incongruity as follows. First, Amusement pursuits pleasure, freedom, vitality of living and getting away from reality, while doing the mind gently. Second, Unexpecting leads to stop a moment by unforeseen circumstances which gives embarrassing. This embarrassing induces new ideas that led to a larger perspective on the will from exhilarating fun of the thrill of driving pleasure on fashion. Third, Childishness shows a pureness and relaxedness by approaching for innocent and naive child's Sights away from the desire required adult social roles. Fourth, Incongruity aim for fresh of fashion through humanism and freedom in mechanized and standardized society Recently fun images have received attention is interpreted that joy, pleasure, enjoyment because fun image gives emotional comfort in uncertainty, dissatisfaction, and rapid changes society.

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Geotourism using the Geographical Resources on Hong Island (홍도 지형 자원을 활용한 지오투어리즘)

  • Park, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2011
  • There are three natural conservation systems that UNESCO assigns: World Heritage, Biosphere Reserve and Geopark. Geopark is one of three preservation zones that UNESCO conducts. In this paper I will explain the meaning of a Geopark as well as suggest that one should be set up in Korea. Geotourism is one important aspect of Geopark. Geopark's main purpose is not only for sightseeing but also conservation and understanding the value of nature through geological and geographical features. I have analyzed the local guide's interpretations from a Hongdo Island cruise tour and suggested new way of interpretation for the tour with the concept of Korean Geotourism in mind.

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A Symbolic Meaning of Youth Fashion in Media Culture (미디어 문화에 나타난 청소년 패션의 상징적 의미)

  • Kim, So-Young;Yang, Hee-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2008
  • The media culture influences upon young people while introducing new cultures by every hour. Considering the mainstream culture, in which media has the greatest effect on young people, this article examines the symbolic significances of youth fashion through media culture. The results of this study can be summarized as the following: First, young people's popular culture ("pop culture") is becoming the medium that leads to the creation of similar cultures of the young people globally through various routes. Culture is being created by integration of diverse media, and not by what is seen through a single medium. Typical young people's culture, which is formed due to the influence of media culture, includes community culture, pun culture, virtual culture and fandom culture. Second, in order to examine youth fashion that is seen in those media, the survey has been conducted on media stars, tecktonik dance groups, fashion models, avatars and online communities, which are fashion icons influencing young people. Third, youth fashion, which has been formed centering on media culture, has the flexible property that varies the symbolic significance according to which culture becomes the main axis. The symbolic significance in fashion, which is seen on media culture young people are contacting, has been examined in the aspects of value orientation, diversity orientation, speed orientation and digital orientation.

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The Effects of Selective Attributes for PB Food of Convenience Store on Purchase and Mouth-to-mouth Intention

  • Kim, Ki-Pyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • The study has made theoretical system by thesis journals at home and abroad, material of the Association of Convenience Store Industry of Korea, materials of Statistics Korea and reference books. First, the study examined convenience store's brand image, cognized value, quality level, reliability upon brand, structural relation of purchasing intention, and designed models and theses. Second, the first questionnaire consisted of test items of precedent study, and inspected in advance to inspect reliability and appropriateness, and made correction and supplemented problems. Third, SPSS and AMOS statistics were used to conduct empirical analysis and to find out conclusion and implications. In this study, the subject was consumers who visited local convenience stores such as GS25, Seven Eleven and CU last 3 months to buy PB food. Consumers' consumption pattern and culture made change to be reasonable and practical owing to aging society, nuclear family, women's entering into the society, one person household consumer, and convenient and prompt buying to make different consumption pattern and to make change of commodity distribution pattern. Convenience store took action against change of the trend to expand business area by new distribution channels to get another growth source. Private brand (PB) food that was distributor's brand was expanded. The PB product has been competitiveness of food service industry.

Dispute Resolution Culture and Institution in Bangladesh: Shalish Tradition and Modern Extensions (방글라데시의 분쟁해결문화와 제도: Shalish전통과 현대적 확장)

  • Chung, Yongkyun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.139-160
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    • 2020
  • Shalish is a key ingredient of the dispute resolution culture in Bangladesh since a formal court system has been known to show inefficiencies, such as overburdened cases and litigation process delays. This paper investigates the main function of Shalish and examines the evolution of Shalish in the perspectives of its three variants: a community-based Shalish, a village court, and an NGO variant of Shalish in modern extensions. It was found that traditional Shalish may play a role in the dispute resolution system in modern villages. A village court is a kind of hybrid dispute resolution system combining an informal dispute resolution with a formal court system. A village court is administered by the Union Parishad without intervention from the central government. Both the Shalish and village court have the weakness of unfair verdict exercised by local elders within a community. For this reason, an NGO variant Shalish is to reflect voices of women and other lower people in the community. To this study's interpretation, a village court is a new kind of Shalish combined with a formal court system while an NGO variant Shalish is also a "new" Shalish combined with a mediation system. In this respect, core elements of Shalish tradition have not been changed although various forms of new dispute resolution systems have emerged in the modern world.

Rewriting Race in Hopkins's Of One Blood; Or, the Hidden Self: "the Hidden Self," Past/Memory, Incest, and Black Female Body (홉킨스의 인종 다시쓰기-"숨겨진 자아,"과거/기억, 근친상간, 그리고 흑인여성의 몸)

  • Kang, Hee
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.301-322
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    • 2008
  • Pauline Hopkins's Of One Blood; Or, the Hidden Self was published in the Colored American Magazine during 1902-03. As a literary experimentalist and a political protester, Hopkins uses her fiction as a medium to overcome and ameliorate the violently racialized surroundings of the turn-of-the-century America. Having been faced with racist rhetorics and theories growing on biological differences between races, Hopkins must have felt an overwhelming urgency to challenge the heritage of slavery in American history. In order to speak out her political agenda in such a milieu, she needed a new setting as well as new narrative materials for the new era. She had to move the setting from America to Africa, the ancient utopian Ethiopia; her interest in the ancient African civilization reflects both a popular African-American vision of Africa and the movement of "black nationalism" of the time. She also needed materials from nineteenthcentury sciences, the newly evolving theories of psychology and mysticism (spiritualism/mesmerism), to explore the meaning of "the hidden self" which unfolds the complex nature of Hopkin's position on race, "blood," and African-American racial subjectivity. Hopkins in the novel explores not the color line but the bloodline. Tracing the horrific legacy of incest in the history of slavery, she attempts to redefine the true racial identity of African-Americans in America and to reconstruct their past, both family and race history. At the very center of her major tropes in the novel-such as "of one blood," "the hidden self," and incest-exists female body. Black female body, though it represents the violent site of sexual body (rape and incest) in slavery, ultimately becomes a vehicle to convey and preserve the truth of racial memory/past/history for African-Americans. As a conveyor of the past, black women not just connect the past and the present but also reawaken AfricanAmericans with the legacy of the African 'pure' bloodline. Hopkins's vision here necessitates the reevaluation of black women's role in family and history, heralding the 20th-century black feminine writing. With the major tropes, Hopkins clearly suggests that the blood of (African-)Americans is unrecognizably intermixed. Although the novel ends with ambivalence and without resolution on what Africa signifies, those tropes certainly offer her a vehicle for criticizing as well as for challenging the racial reality of America.

Study of Merchandising Process of Fur Clothing (모피의류의 상품화과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2014
  • Fur clothing as fashion items is expanding into casual & ladies's wear market as well as fur market. The interest of fur fashion is rising. So this study compares and analyzes the merchandising process of textile clothing also it of fur clothing by merchandising steps. Fur clothing has so many change factors at time of purchase by scarcity of raw material, price fluctuation, exchange rate and others. Therefore it is primarily about securing of raw material. As soon as plan of product is finished, the purchase of fur raw material has to be started while progress of design products for commercializing the fur clothing. The design of fur clothing is consist of material design, color design and shape design. And It makes a new trend & market as we are developing new & various treatments. The some of imported materials are transferred to the factory for being treated first dressing, fabric treatments and dyeing processing according to the design. The first treated materials are transferred to the sewing factory again for secondary treatments and finally inspected and shipped. During secondary treatments the fur has gone through various manufacturing process for using like fabric materials and it takes long time because almost work is running manually. Unlike fabric clothing, fur clothing's manufacturing method is complicated and various from material process to shape process as per feature. Therefore the merchandising with fur cannot make mass production also needs detail craftsmanship depending by expert's skills. On this wise the fur clothing takes long time to the completion thus it has been risky and costly.

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