• Title/Summary/Keyword: Network models

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Spatio-Temporal Incidence Modeling and Prediction of the Vector-Borne Disease Using an Ecological Model and Deep Neural Network for Climate Change Adaption (기후 변화 적응을 위한 벡터매개질병의 생태 모델 및 심층 인공 신경망 기반 공간-시간적 발병 모델링 및 예측)

  • Kim, SangYoun;Nam, KiJeon;Heo, SungKu;Lee, SunJung;Choi, JiHun;Park, JunKyu;Yoo, ChangKyoo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2020
  • This study was carried out to analyze spatial and temporal incidence characteristics of scrub typhus and predict the future incidence of scrub typhus since the incidences of scrub typhus have been rapidly increased among vector-borne diseases. A maximum entropy (MaxEnt) ecological model was implemented to predict spatial distribution and incidence rate of scrub typhus using spatial data sets on environmental and social variables. Additionally, relationships between the incidence of scrub typhus and critical spatial data were analyzed. Elevation and temperature were analyzed as dominant spatial factors which influenced the growth environment of Leptotrombidium scutellare (L. scutellare) which is the primary vector of scrub typhus. A temporal number of diseases by scrub typhus was predicted by a deep neural network (DNN). The model considered the time-lagged effect of scrub typhus. The DNN-based prediction model showed that temperature, precipitation, and humidity in summer had significant influence factors on the activity of L. scutellare and the number of diseases at fall. Moreover, the DNN-based prediction model had superior performance compared to a conventional statistical prediction model. Finally, the spatial and temporal models were used under climate change scenario. The future characteristics of scrub typhus showed that the maximum incidence rate would increase by 8%, areas of the high potential of incidence rate would increase by 9%, and disease occurrence duration would expand by 2 months. The results would contribute to the disease management and prediction for the health of residents in terms of public health.

Hydraulic Stability Examination of Rainwater Reservoir Pipe Network System on Various Inflow Conditions (유입량 변화에 따른 도심지 내 우수저류조 관망시스템의 안정성 검토)

  • Yoo, Hyung Ju;Kim, Dong Hyun;Maeng, Seung Jin;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • Recently, as the occurrence frequency of sudden floods due to climate change increased, it is necessary to install the facilities that can cope with the initial stormwater. Most researches have been conducted on the design of facilities applying the Low Impact Development (LID) and the reduction effect on rainfall runoff to examine with 1D or 2D numerical models. However, the studies on the examination about flow characteristics and stability of pipe network systems were relatively insufficient in the literature. In this study, the stability of the pipe network system in rainwater storage tank was examined by using 3D numerical model, FLOW-3D. The changes of velocity and dynamic pressure were examined according to the number of rainwater storage tank and compared with the design criteria to derive the optimal design plan for a rainwater storage tank. As a results of numerical simulation with the design values in the previous study, it was confirmed that the velocity became increased as the number of rainwater storage tank increased. And magnitude of the velocity in pipes was formed within the design criteria. However, the velocity in the additional rainwater storage pipe was about 3.44 m/s exceeding the allowable range of the design criteria, when three or more additional rainwater storage tanks were installed. In the case of turbulence intensity and bottom shear stress, the bottom shear stress was larger than the critical shear stress as the additional rainwater storage was increased. So, the deposition of sediment was unlikely to occur, but it should be considered that the floc was formed by the reduction of the turbulence intensity. In addition, the dynamic pressure was also satisfied with the design criteria when the results were compared with the allowable internal pressure of the pipes generally used in the design of rainwater storage tank. Based on these results, it was suitable to install up to two additional rainwater storage tanks because the drainage becomes well when increasing of the number of storage tank and the velocity in the pipe becomes faster to be vulnerable to damage the pipe. However, this study has a assumption about the specifications of the rainwater storage tanks and the inflow of stormwater and has a limitation such that deriving the suitable rainwater storage tank design by simply adding the storage tank. Therefore, the various storage tank types and stormwater inflow scenarios will be asked to derive more efficient design plans in the future.

Analysis of Surface Urban Heat Island and Land Surface Temperature Using Deep Learning Based Local Climate Zone Classification: A Case Study of Suwon and Daegu, Korea (딥러닝 기반 Local Climate Zone 분류체계를 이용한 지표면온도와 도시열섬 분석: 수원시와 대구광역시를 대상으로)

  • Lee, Yeonsu;Lee, Siwoo;Im, Jungho;Yoo, Cheolhee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1447-1460
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    • 2021
  • Urbanization increases the amount of impervious surface and artificial heat emission, resulting in urban heat island (UHI) effect. Local climate zones (LCZ) are a classification scheme for urban areas considering urban land cover characteristics and the geometry and structure of buildings, which can be used for analyzing urban heat island effect in detail. This study aimed to examine the UHI effect by urban structure in Suwon and Daegu using the LCZ scheme. First, the LCZ maps were generated using Landsat 8 images and convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning over the two cities. Then, Surface UHI (SUHI), which indicates the land surface temperature (LST) difference between urban and rural areas, was analyzed by LCZ class. The results showed that the overall accuracies of the CNN models for LCZ classification were relatively high 87.9% and 81.7% for Suwon and Daegu, respectively. In general, Daegu had higher LST for all LCZ classes than Suwon. For both cities, LST tended to increase with increasing building density with relatively low building height. For both cities, the intensity of SUHI was very high in summer regardless of LCZ classes and was also relatively high except for a few classes in spring and fall. In winter the SUHI intensity was low, resulting in negative values for many LCZ classes. This implies that UHI is very strong in summer, and some urban areas often are colder than rural areas in winter. The research findings demonstrated the applicability of the LCZ data for SUHI analysis and can provide a basis for establishing timely strategies to respond urban on-going climate change over urban areas.

Development of a deep neural network model to estimate solar radiation using temperature and precipitation (온도와 강수를 이용하여 일별 일사량을 추정하기 위한 심층 신경망 모델 개발)

  • Kang, DaeGyoon;Hyun, Shinwoo;Kim, Kwang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2019
  • Solar radiation is an important variable for estimation of energy balance and water cycle in natural and agricultural ecosystems. A deep neural network (DNN) model has been developed in order to estimate the daily global solar radiation. Temperature and precipitation, which would have wider availability from weather stations than other variables such as sunshine duration, were used as inputs to the DNN model. Five-fold cross-validation was applied to train and test the DNN models. Meteorological data at 15 weather stations were collected for a long term period, e.g., > 30 years in Korea. The DNN model obtained from the cross-validation had relatively small value of RMSE ($3.75MJ\;m^{-2}\;d^{-1}$) for estimates of the daily solar radiation at the weather station in Suwon. The DNN model explained about 68% of variation in observed solar radiation at the Suwon weather station. It was found that the measurements of solar radiation in 1985 and 1998 were considerably low for a small period of time compared with sunshine duration. This suggested that assessment of the quality for the observation data for solar radiation would be needed in further studies. When data for those years were excluded from the data analysis, the DNN model had slightly greater degree of agreement statistics. For example, the values of $R^2$ and RMSE were 0.72 and $3.55MJ\;m^{-2}\;d^{-1}$, respectively. Our results indicate that a DNN would be useful for the development a solar radiation estimation model using temperature and precipitation, which are usually available for downscaled scenario data for future climate conditions. Thus, such a DNN model would be useful for the impact assessment of climate change on crop production where solar radiation is used as a required input variable to a crop model.

Optimization of Multiclass Support Vector Machine using Genetic Algorithm: Application to the Prediction of Corporate Credit Rating (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 다분류 SVM의 최적화: 기업신용등급 예측에의 응용)

  • Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 2014
  • Corporate credit rating assessment consists of complicated processes in which various factors describing a company are taken into consideration. Such assessment is known to be very expensive since domain experts should be employed to assess the ratings. As a result, the data-driven corporate credit rating prediction using statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. In particular, statistical methods such as multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) and multinomial logistic regression analysis (MLOGIT), and AI methods including case-based reasoning (CBR), artificial neural network (ANN), and multiclass support vector machine (MSVM) have been applied to corporate credit rating.2) Among them, MSVM has recently become popular because of its robustness and high prediction accuracy. In this study, we propose a novel optimized MSVM model, and appy it to corporate credit rating prediction in order to enhance the accuracy. Our model, named 'GAMSVM (Genetic Algorithm-optimized Multiclass Support Vector Machine),' is designed to simultaneously optimize the kernel parameters and the feature subset selection. Prior studies like Lorena and de Carvalho (2008), and Chatterjee (2013) show that proper kernel parameters may improve the performance of MSVMs. Also, the results from the studies such as Shieh and Yang (2008) and Chatterjee (2013) imply that appropriate feature selection may lead to higher prediction accuracy. Based on these prior studies, we propose to apply GAMSVM to corporate credit rating prediction. As a tool for optimizing the kernel parameters and the feature subset selection, we suggest genetic algorithm (GA). GA is known as an efficient and effective search method that attempts to simulate the biological evolution phenomenon. By applying genetic operations such as selection, crossover, and mutation, it is designed to gradually improve the search results. Especially, mutation operator prevents GA from falling into the local optima, thus we can find the globally optimal or near-optimal solution using it. GA has popularly been applied to search optimal parameters or feature subset selections of AI techniques including MSVM. With these reasons, we also adopt GA as an optimization tool. To empirically validate the usefulness of GAMSVM, we applied it to a real-world case of credit rating in Korea. Our application is in bond rating, which is the most frequently studied area of credit rating for specific debt issues or other financial obligations. The experimental dataset was collected from a large credit rating company in South Korea. It contained 39 financial ratios of 1,295 companies in the manufacturing industry, and their credit ratings. Using various statistical methods including the one-way ANOVA and the stepwise MDA, we selected 14 financial ratios as the candidate independent variables. The dependent variable, i.e. credit rating, was labeled as four classes: 1(A1); 2(A2); 3(A3); 4(B and C). 80 percent of total data for each class was used for training, and remaining 20 percent was used for validation. And, to overcome small sample size, we applied five-fold cross validation to our dataset. In order to examine the competitiveness of the proposed model, we also experimented several comparative models including MDA, MLOGIT, CBR, ANN and MSVM. In case of MSVM, we adopted One-Against-One (OAO) and DAGSVM (Directed Acyclic Graph SVM) approaches because they are known to be the most accurate approaches among various MSVM approaches. GAMSVM was implemented using LIBSVM-an open-source software, and Evolver 5.5-a commercial software enables GA. Other comparative models were experimented using various statistical and AI packages such as SPSS for Windows, Neuroshell, and Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Experimental results showed that the proposed model-GAMSVM-outperformed all the competitive models. In addition, the model was found to use less independent variables, but to show higher accuracy. In our experiments, five variables such as X7 (total debt), X9 (sales per employee), X13 (years after founded), X15 (accumulated earning to total asset), and X39 (the index related to the cash flows from operating activity) were found to be the most important factors in predicting the corporate credit ratings. However, the values of the finally selected kernel parameters were found to be almost same among the data subsets. To examine whether the predictive performance of GAMSVM was significantly greater than those of other models, we used the McNemar test. As a result, we found that GAMSVM was better than MDA, MLOGIT, CBR, and ANN at the 1% significance level, and better than OAO and DAGSVM at the 5% significance level.

Evaluating Reverse Logistics Networks with Centralized Centers : Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach (집중형센터를 가진 역물류네트워크 평가 : 혼합형 유전알고리즘 접근법)

  • Yun, YoungSu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.55-79
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) approach to effectively solve the reverse logistics network with centralized centers (RLNCC). For the proposed HGA approach, genetic algorithm (GA) is used as a main algorithm. For implementing GA, a new bit-string representation scheme using 0 and 1 values is suggested, which can easily make initial population of GA. As genetic operators, the elitist strategy in enlarged sampling space developed by Gen and Chang (1997), a new two-point crossover operator, and a new random mutation operator are used for selection, crossover and mutation, respectively. For hybrid concept of GA, an iterative hill climbing method (IHCM) developed by Michalewicz (1994) is inserted into HGA search loop. The IHCM is one of local search techniques and precisely explores the space converged by GA search. The RLNCC is composed of collection centers, remanufacturing centers, redistribution centers, and secondary markets in reverse logistics networks. Of the centers and secondary markets, only one collection center, remanufacturing center, redistribution center, and secondary market should be opened in reverse logistics networks. Some assumptions are considered for effectively implementing the RLNCC The RLNCC is represented by a mixed integer programming (MIP) model using indexes, parameters and decision variables. The objective function of the MIP model is to minimize the total cost which is consisted of transportation cost, fixed cost, and handling cost. The transportation cost is obtained by transporting the returned products between each centers and secondary markets. The fixed cost is calculated by opening or closing decision at each center and secondary markets. That is, if there are three collection centers (the opening costs of collection center 1 2, and 3 are 10.5, 12.1, 8.9, respectively), and the collection center 1 is opened and the remainders are all closed, then the fixed cost is 10.5. The handling cost means the cost of treating the products returned from customers at each center and secondary markets which are opened at each RLNCC stage. The RLNCC is solved by the proposed HGA approach. In numerical experiment, the proposed HGA and a conventional competing approach is compared with each other using various measures of performance. For the conventional competing approach, the GA approach by Yun (2013) is used. The GA approach has not any local search technique such as the IHCM proposed the HGA approach. As measures of performance, CPU time, optimal solution, and optimal setting are used. Two types of the RLNCC with different numbers of customers, collection centers, remanufacturing centers, redistribution centers and secondary markets are presented for comparing the performances of the HGA and GA approaches. The MIP models using the two types of the RLNCC are programmed by Visual Basic Version 6.0, and the computer implementing environment is the IBM compatible PC with 3.06Ghz CPU speed and 1GB RAM on Windows XP. The parameters used in the HGA and GA approaches are that the total number of generations is 10,000, population size 20, crossover rate 0.5, mutation rate 0.1, and the search range for the IHCM is 2.0. Total 20 iterations are made for eliminating the randomness of the searches of the HGA and GA approaches. With performance comparisons, network representations by opening/closing decision, and convergence processes using two types of the RLNCCs, the experimental result shows that the HGA has significantly better performance in terms of the optimal solution than the GA, though the GA is slightly quicker than the HGA in terms of the CPU time. Finally, it has been proved that the proposed HGA approach is more efficient than conventional GA approach in two types of the RLNCC since the former has a GA search process as well as a local search process for additional search scheme, while the latter has a GA search process alone. For a future study, much more large-sized RLNCCs will be tested for robustness of our approach.

A Study on Searching for Export Candidate Countries of the Korean Food and Beverage Industry Using Node2vec Graph Embedding and Light GBM Link Prediction (Node2vec 그래프 임베딩과 Light GBM 링크 예측을 활용한 식음료 산업의 수출 후보국가 탐색 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Seong;Jun, Seung-Pyo;Seo, Jinny
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.73-95
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    • 2021
  • This study uses Node2vec graph embedding method and Light GBM link prediction to explore undeveloped export candidate countries in Korea's food and beverage industry. Node2vec is the method that improves the limit of the structural equivalence representation of the network, which is known to be relatively weak compared to the existing link prediction method based on the number of common neighbors of the network. Therefore, the method is known to show excellent performance in both community detection and structural equivalence of the network. The vector value obtained by embedding the network in this way operates under the condition of a constant length from an arbitrarily designated starting point node. Therefore, it has the advantage that it is easy to apply the sequence of nodes as an input value to the model for downstream tasks such as Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest. Based on these features of the Node2vec graph embedding method, this study applied the above method to the international trade information of the Korean food and beverage industry. Through this, we intend to contribute to creating the effect of extensive margin diversification in Korea in the global value chain relationship of the industry. The optimal predictive model derived from the results of this study recorded a precision of 0.95 and a recall of 0.79, and an F1 score of 0.86, showing excellent performance. This performance was shown to be superior to that of the binary classifier based on Logistic Regression set as the baseline model. In the baseline model, a precision of 0.95 and a recall of 0.73 were recorded, and an F1 score of 0.83 was recorded. In addition, the light GBM-based optimal prediction model derived from this study showed superior performance than the link prediction model of previous studies, which is set as a benchmarking model in this study. The predictive model of the previous study recorded only a recall rate of 0.75, but the proposed model of this study showed better performance which recall rate is 0.79. The difference in the performance of the prediction results between benchmarking model and this study model is due to the model learning strategy. In this study, groups were classified by the trade value scale, and prediction models were trained differently for these groups. Specific methods are (1) a method of randomly masking and learning a model for all trades without setting specific conditions for trade value, (2) arbitrarily masking a part of the trades with an average trade value or higher and using the model method, and (3) a method of arbitrarily masking some of the trades with the top 25% or higher trade value and learning the model. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the performance of the model trained by randomly masking some of the trades with the above-average trade value in this method was the best and appeared stably. It was found that most of the results of potential export candidates for Korea derived through the above model appeared appropriate through additional investigation. Combining the above, this study could suggest the practical utility of the link prediction method applying Node2vec and Light GBM. In addition, useful implications could be derived for weight update strategies that can perform better link prediction while training the model. On the other hand, this study also has policy utility because it is applied to trade transactions that have not been performed much in the research related to link prediction based on graph embedding. The results of this study support a rapid response to changes in the global value chain such as the recent US-China trade conflict or Japan's export regulations, and I think that it has sufficient usefulness as a tool for policy decision-making.

Application of Support Vector Regression for Improving the Performance of the Emotion Prediction Model (감정예측모형의 성과개선을 위한 Support Vector Regression 응용)

  • Kim, Seongjin;Ryoo, Eunchung;Jung, Min Kyu;Kim, Jae Kyeong;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2012
  • .Since the value of information has been realized in the information society, the usage and collection of information has become important. A facial expression that contains thousands of information as an artistic painting can be described in thousands of words. Followed by the idea, there has recently been a number of attempts to provide customers and companies with an intelligent service, which enables the perception of human emotions through one's facial expressions. For example, MIT Media Lab, the leading organization in this research area, has developed the human emotion prediction model, and has applied their studies to the commercial business. In the academic area, a number of the conventional methods such as Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) or Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been applied to predict human emotion in prior studies. However, MRA is generally criticized because of its low prediction accuracy. This is inevitable since MRA can only explain the linear relationship between the dependent variables and the independent variable. To mitigate the limitations of MRA, some studies like Jung and Kim (2012) have used ANN as the alternative, and they reported that ANN generated more accurate prediction than the statistical methods like MRA. However, it has also been criticized due to over fitting and the difficulty of the network design (e.g. setting the number of the layers and the number of the nodes in the hidden layers). Under this background, we propose a novel model using Support Vector Regression (SVR) in order to increase the prediction accuracy. SVR is an extensive version of Support Vector Machine (SVM) designated to solve the regression problems. The model produced by SVR only depends on a subset of the training data, because the cost function for building the model ignores any training data that is close (within a threshold ${\varepsilon}$) to the model prediction. Using SVR, we tried to build a model that can measure the level of arousal and valence from the facial features. To validate the usefulness of the proposed model, we collected the data of facial reactions when providing appropriate visual stimulating contents, and extracted the features from the data. Next, the steps of the preprocessing were taken to choose statistically significant variables. In total, 297 cases were used for the experiment. As the comparative models, we also applied MRA and ANN to the same data set. For SVR, we adopted '${\varepsilon}$-insensitive loss function', and 'grid search' technique to find the optimal values of the parameters like C, d, ${\sigma}^2$, and ${\varepsilon}$. In the case of ANN, we adopted a standard three-layer backpropagation network, which has a single hidden layer. The learning rate and momentum rate of ANN were set to 10%, and we used sigmoid function as the transfer function of hidden and output nodes. We performed the experiments repeatedly by varying the number of nodes in the hidden layer to n/2, n, 3n/2, and 2n, where n is the number of the input variables. The stopping condition for ANN was set to 50,000 learning events. And, we used MAE (Mean Absolute Error) as the measure for performance comparison. From the experiment, we found that SVR achieved the highest prediction accuracy for the hold-out data set compared to MRA and ANN. Regardless of the target variables (the level of arousal, or the level of positive / negative valence), SVR showed the best performance for the hold-out data set. ANN also outperformed MRA, however, it showed the considerably lower prediction accuracy than SVR for both target variables. The findings of our research are expected to be useful to the researchers or practitioners who are willing to build the models for recognizing human emotions.

Design of Intersection Simulation System for Monitoring and Controlling Real-Time Traffic Flow (실시간 교통흐름의 모니터링 및 제어를 위한 교차로 시뮬레이션 시스템 설계)

  • Jeong Chang-Won;Shin Chang-Sun;Joo Su-Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we construct the traffic information database by using the acquired data from the traffic information devices installed in road network, and, by referring to this database, propose the intersection simulation system which can dynamically manage the real-time traffic flow for each section of road from the intersections, This system consists of hierarchical 3 parts, The lower layer is the physical layer where the traffic information is acquired on an actual road. The traffic flow control framework exists in the middle layer. The framework supports the grouping of intersection, the collection of real-time traffic flow information, and the remote monitoring and control by using the traffic information of the lower layer, This layer is designed by extending the distributed object group framework we developed. In upper layer, the intersection simulator applications controlling the traffic flow by grouping the intersections exist. The components of the intersection application in our system are composed of the implementing objects based on the Time-triggered Message-triggered Object(TMO) scheme, The intersection simulation system considers the each intersection on road as an application group, and can apply the control models of dynamic traffic flow by the road's status. At this time, we use the real-time traffic information collected through inter-communication among intersections. For constructing this system, we defined the system architecture and the interaction of components on the traffic flow control framework which supports the TMO scheme and the TMO Support Middleware(TMOSM), and designed the application simulator and the user interface to the monitoring and the controlling of traffic flow.

  • PDF

Articulated Human Body Tracking Using Belief Propagation with Disparity Map (신뢰 전파와 디스패리티 맵을 사용한 다관절체 사람 추적)

  • Yoon, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2012
  • This paper suggests an efficient method which tracks articulated human body modeled with markov network using disparity map derived from stereo images. The conventional methods which only use color information to calculate likelihood for energy function tend to fail when background has same colors with objects or appearances of object are changed during the movement. In this paper, we present a method evaluating likelihood with both disparity information and color information to find human body parts. Since the human body part are cylinder projected to rectangles in 2D image plane, we use the properties of distribution of disparity of those rectangles that do not have discontinuous distribution. In addition to that we suggest a conditional-messages-update that is able to reduce unnecessary message update of belief propagation. Since the message update has comprised over 80% of the whole computation in belief propagation, the conditional-message-update yields 9~45% of improvements of computational time. Furthermore, we also propose an another speed up method called three dimensional dynamic models assumed the body motion is continuous. The experiment results show that the proposed method reduces the computational time as well as it increases tracking accuracy.