• Title/Summary/Keyword: Network mapping

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A Study on Satisfaction Factors of Pedestrian Road in Residence District according to Usage Purpose (보행자전용도로의 이용목적에 따른 만족요인 연구)

  • Yeom, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.1205-1212
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    • 2011
  • As serving people's activities, pedestrian road systems are basic and necessary facilities in urban structure. To provide and utilize these pedestrian road systems in residential area would enhance urban environment as well as quality of life. For this reason, pedestrian road should be planned by consideration of people's activity in residential area. Evaluation of existing pedestrian road should be also oriented how people use it and what people do in it. This study amis to investigate functions of pedestrian road system throughout evaluation of user's satisfaction in order to improve better pedestrian road system in residential area. The purposes of this study are to analyze components of factors affecting on user's satisfaction, and to find the relationship among affecting factors. For this study, the on-site questionnaire method was applied to 267 individuals who were collected as the study areas where locate Toyogaoka and Kaidori, Japan. The collected data were clarified exploratory factors, and analyzed relationship between the factors and satisfaction by applying quantitative statistical techniques for the mapping investigation, Mann-Whitney u-test, and correlation. The results of this study are follows. The pedestrian road system is more preferred than surroundings of vehicle roads in residential district area where maintains pedestrian road as open space. In addition, satisfactions of the pedestrian road for each purpose were highly evaluated, because of conformability and convenience for usage. Consequently, the pedestrian road which is secure and greening as an open space is well carried out for the living circulation of residents. It would suggest that pedestrian road have to be managed and planned not a function of circulation but an open space system.

Concordant Surgical Treatment: Non-melanocytic Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck

  • Ryu, Wan Cheol;Koh, In Chang;Lee, Yong Hae;Cha, Jong Hyun;Kim, Sang Il;Kim, Chang Gyun
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2017
  • Background: Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Of the 4 million skin lesions excised annually worldwide, approximately 2 million are considered cancerous. In this study, we aimed to describe a regional experience with skin cancers treated by a single senior surgeon and to provide a treatment algorithm. Methods: The medical records of 176 patients with head and neck non-melanocytic skin cancer (NMSC) who were treated by a single surgeon at our institution between January 2010 and May 2016 were retrospectively reviewed, and their data (age, sex, pathological type, tumor location/size, treatment modality) were analyzed. Patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) who were classified as a high-risk group for nodal metastasis underwent sentinel node mapping according to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. Results: Among the patients with NMSC who were treated during this period, basal cell carcinoma (BCC; n=102, 57.9%) was the most common pathological type, followed by cSCC (n=66, 37.5%). Most lesions were treated by complete excision, with tumor-free surgical margins determined via frozen section pathology. Thirty-one patients with high-metastasis-risk cSCC underwent sentinel node mapping, and 17 (54.8%) exhibited radiologically positive sentinel nodes. Although these nodes were pathologically negative for metastasis, 2 patients (6.5%) later developed lymph node metastases. Conclusion: In our experience, BCC treatment should comprise wide excision with tumor-free surgical margins and proper reconstruction. In contrast, patients with cSCC should undergo lymphoscintigraphy, as nodal metastases are a possibility. Proper diagnosis and treatment could reduce the undesirably high morbidity and mortality rates.

Implementation of System for Next Generation Hotel Multimedia Services (차세대 호텔 멀티미디어 서비스를 위한 시스템 구현)

  • Chun-Kwan, Park;Byung-Chun, Jeon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2004
  • These days, it is essential that a business-class hotel provide customers with Internet service. So the most hotels have been installing facilities actively for Internet service. Businessmen also want to use Internet service level to their own office or home in hotel room. But now TV and VoD(partial) based-on CATV in hotel is supplied, and the additional network are installed for Internet service. The existing TV also must be replaced to HDTV within 2 or 3 years. The objective of this paper is to implement the next generation hotel multimedia service system using xDSL technology, VLAN mapping technology, and QoS technology. This system can provide each room in hotel with high-quality video service and Internet service simultaneously, and can also supply Internet access service using wireless LAN for the Places, such as lobby, conference room, and coffee shop in hotel. Therefore, this system can create the new market in hotel multimedia service field by connecting xDSL technology to VLAN mapping technology for charging and QoS technology for video stream transmission.

An Integrated Face Detection and Recognition System (통합된 시스템에서의 얼굴검출과 인식기법)

  • 박동희;배철수
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1312-1317
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents an integrated approach to unconstrained face recognition in arbitrary scenes. The front end of the system comprises of a scale and pose tolerant face detector. Scale normalization is achieved through novel combination of a skin color segmentation and log-polar mapping procedure. Principal component analysis is used with the multi-view approach proposed in[10] to handle the pose variations. For a given color input image, the detector encloses a face in a complex scene within a circular boundary and indicates the position of the nose. Next, for recognition, a radial grid mapping centered on the nose yields a feature vector within the circular boundary. As the width of the color segmented region provides an estimated size for the face, the extracted feature vector is scale normalized by the estimated size. The feature vector is input to a trained neural network classifier for face identification. The system was evaluated using a database of 20 person's faces with varying scale and pose obtained on different complex backgrounds. The performance of the face recognizer was also quite good except for sensitivity to small scale face images. The integrated system achieved average recognition rates of 87% to 92%.

State-of-the-art 3D GIS: System Development Perspectives

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 1998
  • Since the mid-1990′s, researches on 3D GIS have been regarded as one of main issues both in the academic sites and commercial vendors; recently, some prototyped systems or the first versioned software systems of commercial basis are being reported and released. Unlike conventional 2D GIS, which consists in intelligent structured GIS or desktop GIS, every 3D GIS has its own distinguished features according to data structure-supporting capability, GIS-styled functionality, external database accessibility, interfacing extents with 2D GIS, 3D visualization/texture mapping ability, and so forth. In this study, technical aspects related to system development, SERI-Web3D GIS ver. 1.2, are explained. Main features in this revised 3D GIS can be summarized: 2-tier system model(client-server), VGFF(Virtual GIS File Format), internal GIS import, Feature manager(zoning, layering, visualization evironment), Scene manager(manage 3D geographic world), Scene editor, Spatial analyzer(Intersect, Buffering, Network analysis), VRML exporter. While, most other 3D GISes or cartographic mapping systems may be categorized into 3D visualization systems handling terrain height-field processing, 2D GIS extension modules, or 3D geometric feature generation system using orthophoto image: actually, these are eventually considered as several parts of "real 3D GIS". As well as these things, other components, especially web-based 3D GIS, are being implemented in this study: Surface/feature integration, Java/VRML linkage, Mesh/Grid problem, LOD(Level of Detail)/Tiling, Public access security problem, 3-tier architecture extension, Surface handling strategy for VRML.

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A Wavelet-Based EMG Pattern Recognition with Nonlinear Feature Projection (비선형 특징투영 기법을 이용한 웨이블렛 기반 근전도 패턴인식)

  • Chu Jun-Uk;Moon Inhyuk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a novel approach to recognize nine kinds of motion for a multifunction myoelectric hand, acquiring four channel EMG signals from electrodes placed on the forearm. To analyze EMG with properties of nonstationary signal, time-frequency features are extracted by wavelet packet transform. For dimensionality reduction and nonlinear mapping of the features, we also propose a feature projection composed of PCA and SOFM. The dimensionality reduction by PCA simplifies the structure of the classifier, and reduces processing time for the pattern recognition. The nonlinear mapping by SOFM transforms the PCA-reduced features to a new feature space with high class separability. Finally a multilayer neural network is employed as the pattern classifier. From experimental results, we show that the proposed method enhances the recognition accuracy, and makes it possible to implement a real-time pattern recognition.

Design and Implementation of Thin Client SVG Map Service System for LBS (LBS를 위한 서버기반 SVG Map 서비스 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Chung Yeong-Jee;Kim Myung-Sam
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1588-1596
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    • 2004
  • Recently, many WMS(Web Mapping Services) and POI(Point of Interest) service on to be in service on the Internet using Web CIS(Geographic Information System) as information Technology and computer HW are evolved faster in its speed, network bandwidth and features. The Web GIS is, however, limited and constrained on the specification of its system configuration, the service class provided and the presentation methodology of a map. As the mobile Internet becomes popular in mobile service, Web GIS service on mobile environment is strongly required and to be provided by LBS(Location Based Service) on a mobile client such as PDA with location information of the user. In this paper, we made an effort to design and implement a GIS computing environment by thin client for mobile web mapping service. For implementing the thin client GIS computing environment, we were using NGII's(National Geographic Information Institute's) DXF map, representing the map by SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) recommended by OGC(OpenGis Consortium), and adapting standard XML web service to provide the thin client GIS service on PDA by applying the location information of the user in realtime with GPS on mobile environment.

Logic Synthesis Algorithm for TLU-Type FPGA (TLU형 FPGA를 위한 기술 매핑 알고리즘)

  • Park, Jang-Hyeon;Kim, Bo-Gwan
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.5
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    • pp.777-786
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    • 1995
  • This paper describes several algorithms for technology mapping of logic functions into interesting and popular FPGAs that use look-up table memories. In order to improve the technology mapping for FPGA, some existing multi-level logic synthesis, decomposition reduction and packing techniques are analyzed and compared. And then new algorithms such as node-pair decomposition, merging fanin, unified reduction and multiple output decomposition which are used for combinational logic design, are proposed. The cost function is used to minimize the number of CLBs and edges of the network. The cost is a linear combination of each weight that is given by user. Finally we compare our new algorithm with previous logic design technique[8]. In an experimental comparison our algorithm requires 10% fewer CLB and nets than SIS-pga.

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A Study of QoS Mapping based on SLA in B3G Networks (B3G 네트워크에서 SLA 기반 QoS 매핑을 위한 연구)

  • Moon, Hyun-Joo;Lee, Jin-Kwan;Jung, Kyu-Chul;Lee, Jong-Chan;Park, Sang-Joon;Shin, Seong-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2011
  • The QoS management is an agreement of service user and service provider in B3G networks, and service provider must support proper the network service to service users by the agreement facts. The service provider must provide the QoS method to maintain the agreed service, which manages the detail method of system level from policy level. By the agreement of service policy, the service provider can give the QoS to the service customer with the service agreement. Hence, in this paper we propose a QoS mapping method of heterogeneous networks to provide the customer service through the service agreement based on the SLA of B3G networks.

A Converting Method to Simulate DEVS Models on AddSIM (컴포넌트기반 체계모의환경(AddSIM)에서 실행하기 위한 DEVS 모델 변환 방법)

  • Kim, Dohyung;Oh, Hyunshik;Park, Juhye;Park, Samjoon
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.488-493
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    • 2015
  • An AddSIM(Adaptive distributed and parallel Simulation environment for Interoperable and reusable Models) is an integrated engagement simulation environment with high-resolution weapon system models for estimation and analysis of their performance and effectiveness. AddSIM can simultaneously handle the continuous dynamical system models based on continuous time, and command, control(C2) and network system models based on a discrete event. To accommodate legacies based on DEVS(Discrete Event System Specification) modeling, DEVS legacies must first be converted into AddSIM models. This paper describes how to implement DEVS models on AddSIM. In this study a method of mapping from hierarchical DEVS models to AddSIM players was developed: The hierarchical DEVS model should be flattened into a one layered model and four DEVS functions of the model, external transition, internal transition, output and time advance, should be mapped into functions of the AddSIM player.