• 제목/요약/키워드: Negative pressure wave

검색결과 40건 처리시간 0.03초

고압 배관망에서 배관 손상에 의한 누출 및 관내 저압확장파의 전파 특성 해석 (Analysis of Propagation of Negative Pressure Wave Due to Leak Through Damaged Hole in High Pressure Piping System)

  • 김왕연;하종만;하태웅
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2008
  • The safe operation of high pressure pipe line systems is of significant importance. Leaks due to faulty operation from the pipelines can lead to considerable product losses and to exposure of community to dangerous gases. There are several leak detection methods of pipeline network which have recently been suggested. The negative pressure wave detection technology, which has advantages of short time detection availability, accurate leaking location estimate capability and cost effective, is concentrated in this study. Theoretical analysis of the flow characteristics for leaking through a hole on the pipe wall has been performed by using Fluent 6.3, commercial CFD package. The results of 3-dimensional analysis near leaking hole confirm the occurrence of negative pressure wave, and the results of 2-dimensional analysis verify the characteristics of propagation of the wave which travels with speed equal to the speed of sound in the pipeline contents. Characteristics of leakage and pressure in a pipe with a hole have been analyzed for the various pipe and hole sizes.

In vitro apical pressure created by 2 irrigation needles and a multisonic system in mandibular molars

  • Ronald Ordinola-Zapata;Joseph T. Crepps;Ana Arias;Fei Lin
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.14.1-14.7
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical pressure generated by 2 endodontic irrigation needles and the GentleWave system in mandibular molars. Materials and Methods: The mesial and distal root canals of 12 mandibular molars were irrigated with a 30-gauge close-end needle or with a 30-gauge open-end needle. Procedures were performed in the mesial and distal canals. The GentleWave procedure and irrigation at 1 mm from the apex in the distal roots using an open-end needle were used, respectively, as negative and positive controls. The apical pressure was measured using a data acquisition pressure setup. Apical pressure exerted by the different needles in the 2 different canal types was statistically compared using 2-way analysis of variance. Results: Significant differences were found in the apical pressure for both needles and the canal type. The lowest values were obtained with close-end needles and in mesial canals. Negative apical pressure values were obtained using GentleWave. Conclusions: The needle and the canal type influenced the apical pressure. The GentleWave procedure produced negative apical pressure.

유량 밸런스 특성을 활용한 송유관 누유 감지 시스템의 오알람 필터링 알고리즘 개발 (False Alarm Filtering Algorithm Development of Pipeline Leak Detection System using Flow Volume Balance)

  • 김민성;김희식;정해균
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제53권10호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2016
  • 육상에서 석유 제품의 수송에 가장 많이 활용되는 방법이 송유관을 이용하는 방법이다. 그러나 누유 혹은 도유로 인한 대형사고 및 환경 재해의 위험이 있기 때문에 일반적으로 누유 감지 시스템 (Leak Detection System)을 활용하여 이에 대처하고 있다. 장거리 송유관에 많이 활용되는 방법은 저압확장파((Negative Pressure Wave)를 활용한 누유 감지 기법인데 저압확장파 기반의 시스템은 감지 성능이 뛰어나지만 높은 오알람 발생률로 인하여 누유 알람의 신뢰성이 저하되는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 송유관 양단의 유량 차이 (Volume Balance) 비교를 추가로 활용하여 저압확장파 기반 누유 감지 시스템의 오알람을 필터링하는 알고리즘과 실험 결과를 제시한다.

저압확장파 검출을 통한 배관 누출 및 누출위치 예측 (Leak and Leak Point Prediction by Detecting Negative Pressure Wave in High Pressure Piping System)

  • 하태웅;하종만;김동혁;김영남
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2007
  • 고압 가스 배관망의 안전관리는 매우 중요한 문제로 배관의 외적 손상으로 구멍이 생길 경우 발생하는 누출은 폭발 및 환경오염을 포함한 막대한 경제적 손실을 야기할 수 있다. 누출 검지를 위한 PLDS(Pipeline leak detection system린 기술로 저압확장파 검지 기술이 적용되고 있으며 본 논문에서는 CFD++ 상용코드를 활용하여 배관 누출시 유동특성을 이론적으로 해석하여 저압확장파의 발생 메커니즘과 음속으로 확장되는 전파특성을 규명하였다. 또한 긴 배관망에 적용하기 위한 1차원 해석 방법을 제시하고 신뢰성을 CFD해석 결과로 검증하였다.

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Study on PIV-Based Pressure Estimation Method of Wave Loading under a Fixed Deck

  • Lee, Gang Nam;Duong, Tien Trung;Jung, Kwang Hyo;Suh, Sung Bu;Lee, Jae Yong
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a particle image velocimetry (PIV)-based pressure estimation method was investigated, with application to the wave-in-deck loading phenomenon. An experimental study was performed in a two-dimensional wave tank using a fixed deck structure under a focused wave, obtaining local pressures by pressure sensors, global loads by load cells, and instantaneous velocity fields using the PIV measurement technique. The PIV-based pressure estimation method was applied using the Euler equation as the governing equation, and the proper time step for the wave impact pressure was studied using the normalized root-mean-square deviation. The pressure estimation method showed good agreement for the local impact pressure in comparison with the measured pressure by the pressure sensors. However, some differences were observed in the peak pressure due to the limitations of the Euler equation and the sampling rate of the measurement system. Using the estimation method, the pressure fields during wave-in-deck loading were determined in the study, with an analysis of the mechanism of impact and negative pressure occurrence.

급수용 급속공기밸브의 성능특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Performance Characteristics of High Speed Air Valve for Water Works)

  • 이선곤;강세호;양철수;우창기
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2014
  • When the fluid energy convert into kinetic energy due to water hammer, the propagation velocity of pressure wave appear. The propagation velocity of pressure wave(1050 m/s) of very fast could be damage to the pipeline system. If the occurrence of water hammer is due to down-pressure, the faster the air exhaust or supply device is needed. it is high Speed Air Valve. In this paper, Each 3.12, 3.13, 3.72, $3.74kg/cm^2$ pipeline pressure were setting, and then executed pressure rapid drop for obtaining a high Speed Air Valve Operating time and pressure change data. the result was that pipe line pressure stabilization time were each 0.98, 1, 1.22, 1.25 sec. In other words, that pressure drop experimental results pipe line pressure was equal to atmospheric pressure without negative pressure After about one second. The study result would be useful to pipe line system stability design because this data could be foresee pressure stabilization time.

음이항회귀모형을 이용한 꽃게 출하량에 관한 연구 (A Study on Shipments of Swimming Crab Using Negative Binomial Regression Model)

  • 남영은;서지현;최가영;이경준
    • Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.2941-2951
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 해양기상관측자료인 평균 풍속, 평균 기압, 평균 상대습도, 평균 기온, 평균 수온, 평균 최대파고, 평균 유의파고, 최고 유의파고, 최고 최대파고, 평균 파주기, 최고 파주기 등의 요인들이 꽃게의 출하건수에 미치는 영향을 음이항 회귀모형을 통해 확인하고 모형적합을 시도하였다. 염분과 수온이 갑각류의 성숙 및 산란에 영향을 미치며, 특히 수온은 성장에 관여하는 대사 작용에 영향을 끼친다고 알려져 있고 최근 지구온난화로 인해, 얼음이 녹으면서 바다의 유의, 최대, 평균파고와 파주기, 그리고 수온까지 영향을 미치고 있어 꽃게 출하건수를 예측하는데 있어 중요한 변수라고 생각할 수 있다. 분석결과 꽃게의 출하건수에 영향을 주는 요인은 평균 풍속, 평균 기압, 평균 상대습도, 평균 해수온도, 최대 파고, 평균 파주기, 최대 파주기로 결정되었다. 꽃게의 출하건수는 평균 풍속, 평균 기압, 평균 상대습도, 평균 해수온도, 평균 파주기가 높을수록 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있고, 최대 파고, 최대 파주기가 낮을수록 꽃게의 출하건수는 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있었다.

Space-Time Characteristics of the Wall Shear-Stress Fluctuations in an Axial Turbulent Boundary Layer with Transverse Curvature

  • Shin, Dong-Shin;Lee, Seung-Bae;Na, Yang
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제19권8호
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    • pp.1682-1691
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    • 2005
  • Direct numerical simulation database of an axial turbulent boundary layer is used to compute frequency and wave number spectra of the wall shear-stress fluctuations in a low-Reynolds number axial turbulent boundary layer. One-dimensional and two-dimensional power spectra of flow variables are calculated and compared. At low wave numbers and frequencies, the power of streamwise shear stress is larger than that of spanwise shear stress, while the powers of both stresses are almost the same at high wave numbers and frequencies. The frequency/streamwise wave number spectra of the wall flow variables show that large-scale fluctuations to the rms value is largest for the stream wise shear stress, while that of small-scale fluctuations to the rms value is largest for pressure. In the two-point auto-correlations, negative correlation occurs in streamwise separations for pressure, and in span wise correlation for both shear stresses.

축방향 난류경계층에서 벽면마찰 섭동량의 공간 및 시간에 따른 특성 (Space-Time Characteristics of the Wall Shear-Stress Fluctuations in a Low-Reynolds Number Axial Turbulent Boundary Layer)

  • 신동신
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.895-901
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    • 2003
  • Direct numerical simulation database of an axial turbulent boundary layer is used to compute frequency and wave number spectra of the wall shear-stress fluctuations in a low-Reynolds number axial turbulent boundary layer. One-dimensional and two-dimensional power spectra of flow variables are calculated and compared. At low wave numbers and frequencies, the power of streamwise shear stress is larger than that of spanwise shear stress, while the powers of both stresses are almost the same at high wave numbers and frequencies. The frequency/streamwise wave number spectra of the wall flow variables show that large-scale fluctuations to the ms value is largest for the streamwise shear stress, while that of small-scale fluctuations to the rms value is largest for pressure. In the two-point auto-correlations, negative correlation occurs in streamwise separations for pressure and spanwise shear stress, and in spanwise correlation for both shear stresses.

액주를 이용한 충격파 완화에 대한 수치해석 (Computational Analysis of Mitigation of Shock wave using Water Column)

  • 라자세칼;김태호;김희동
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2022
  • The interaction of planar shock wave with rectangular water column is investigated numerically. The flow phenomenon like reflection, transmission, cavitation, recirculation of shock wave, and large negative pressure due to expansion waves was discussed qualitatively and quantitatively. The numerical simulation was performed in a shock tube with a water column, and planar shock was initiated with a pressure ratio of 10. Three cases of the water column with different thicknesses, namely 0.5D, 1D, and 2D, were installed and studied. Water naturally has a higher acoustic impedance than air and mitigates the shock wave considerably. The numerical simulations were modelled using Eulerian and Volume of fluids multiphase models. The Eulerian model assumes the water as a finite structure and can visualize the shockwave propagation inside the water column. Through the volume of fluids model, the stages of breakup of the water column and mitigation effects of water were addressed. The numerical model was validated against the experimental results. The computational results show that the installation of a water column significantly impacts the mitigation of shock wave.