• Title/Summary/Keyword: Near Space

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Dependence of spacecraft anomalies at different orbits on energetic electron and proton fluxes

  • Yi, Kangwoo;Moon, Yong-Jae;Lee, Ensang;Lee, Jae-Ok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.45.2-45.2
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    • 2016
  • In this study we investigate 195 spacecraft anomalies from 1998 to 2010 from Satellite News Digest (SND). We classify these data according to types of anomaly : Control, Power, Telemetry etc. We examine the association between these anomaly data and daily peak particle (electron and proton) flux data from GOES as well as their occurrence rates. To determine the association, we use two criteria that electron criterion is >10,000 pfu and proton criterion is >100 pfu. Main results from this study are as flows. First, the number of days satisfying the criteria for electron flux has a peak near a week before the anomaly day and decreases from the peak day to the anomaly day, while that for proton flux has a peak near the anomaly day. Second, we found a similar pattern for the mean daily peak particle (electron and proton) flux as a function of day before the anomaly day. Third, an examination of multiple spacecraft anomaly events, which are likely to occur by severe space weather effects, shows that anomalies mostly occur either when electron fluxes are in the declining stage, or when daily proton peak fluxes are strongly enhanced. This result is very consistent with the above statistical studies. Our results will be discussed in view of the origins of spacecraft anomaly.

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High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy of IRAS 16316-1540: Evidence of Accretion Burst

  • Yoon, Sung-Yong;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Park, Sunkyung;Lee, Seokho;Herczeg, Gregory J.;Mace, Gregory;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.42.3-42.3
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    • 2019
  • The high-resolution near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy can reveal the evidence of the accretion burst (e.g., the broadened absorption features produced by the Keplerian disk motion) although the moment of the outburst was not caught. The embedded protostar IRAS 16316-1540 observed with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS, $R={\Delta}{\lambda}/{\lambda}{\sim}45000$) shows the broad absorption features in atomic and CO transitions, as seen in FU Orionis objects (FUors), indicative of an outburst event. We examine whether the spectra of IRAS 16316-1540 arise from the rotating inner hot gaseous disk. Using the IGRINS spectral library, we show that the line profiles of IRAS 16316-1540 are more consistent with an M1.5 V template spectrum convolved with a disk rotation profile than the protostellar photosphere absorption features with a high stellar rotation velocity. We also note that the absorption features deviated from the expected line profile of the accretion disk model can be explained by a turbulence motion generated in the disk atmosphere. From previous observations that show the complex environment and the misaligned outflow axes in IRAS 16316-1540, we suggest that an impact of infalling clumpy envelope material against the disk induces the disk precession, causing the accretion burst from the inner disk to the protostar.

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  • Sakon, Itsuki;Onaka, Takashi;Usui, Fumihiko;Shimamoto, Sayaka;Ohsawa, Ryou;Wada, Takehiko;Matsuhara, Hideo;Arai, Akira
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.101-103
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    • 2017
  • We have carried out the near-infrared spectroscopic observations of recent classical novae (e.g., V2468Cyg, V1280Sco) within a few years from the outburst with AKARI as a part of AKARI Open Time Observing Program for Phase 3-II "Spectral Evolution of Novae in the Near-Infrared based on AKARI Observations (Proposal ID: SENNA)". The homogeneous datasets of near-infrared spectra from $2.5{\mu}m$ to $5{\mu}m$ with AKARI/IRC collected in this program are useful to infer the physical conditions of the shell formed by the ejected materials, to examine the chemical properties of the ejecta gas, and to examine the properties of dust formed in the nova ejecta.


  • Kim, J.W.;Kang, A.;Shin, I.G.;Chun, S.H.;Sohn, Y.J.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2007
  • We report photometric features of the HB, MSTO, and SGB for a set of metal-poor Galactic globular clusters on the near-IR CMDs. The magnitude and color of the MSTO and SGB are measured on the fiducial normal points of the CMDs by applying a polynomial fit. The near-IR luminosity functions of horizontal branch stars in the classical second parameter pair M3 and M13 indicate that HB stars in M13 are dominated by hot stars that are rotatively faint in the infrared, whereas HB stars in M3 are brighter than those in M13. The luminosity functions of HB stars in the observed bulge clusters, except for NGC 6717, show a trend that the fainter hot HB stars are dominated in the relatively metal-poor clusters while the relatively metal-rich clusters contain the brighter HB stars. It is suggestive that NGC 6717 would be an extreme example of the second-parameter phenomenon for the bulge globular clusters.

Mid-latitude Geomagnetic Field Analysis Using BOH Magnetometer: Preliminary Results

  • Hwang, Jun-Ga;Choi, Kyu-Cheol;Lee, Jae-Jin;Park, Young-Deuk;Ha, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2011
  • Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute researchers have installed and operated magnetometers at Mt. Bohyun Observatory to measure the Earth's magnetic field variations in South Korea. We, in 2007, installed a fluxgate magnetometer (RFP-523C) to measure H, D, and Z components of the geomagnetic field. In addition, in 2009, we installed a Overhauser proton sensor to measure the absolute total magnetic field F and a three-axis magneto-impedance sensor for spectrum analysis. Currently three types of magnetometer data have been accumulated. In this paper, we provide the preliminary and the first statistical analysis using the BOH magnetometer installed at Mt. Bohyun Observatory. By superposed analysis, we find that daily variations of H, D, and Z shows similar tendency, that is, about 30 minutes before the meridian (11:28) a minimum appears and the time after about 3 hours and 30 minutes (15:28) a maximum appears. Also, a quiet interval start time (19:06) is near the sunset time, and a quiet interval end time (06:40) is near the sunrise time. From the sunset to the sunrise, the value of H has a nearly constant interval, that is, the sun affects the changes in H values. Seasonal variations show similar dependences to the sun. Local time variations show that noon region has the biggest variations and midnight region has the smallest variations. We compare the correlations between geomagnetic variations and activity indices as we expect the geomagnetic variation would contain the effects of geomagnetic activity variations. As a result, the correlation coefficient between H and Dst is the highest (r = 0.947), and other AL, AE, AU index and showed a high correlation. Therefore, the effects of geomagnetic storms and geomagnetic substorms might contribute to the geomagnetic changes significantly.

The Role of SPICA/FPC in the SPICA System

  • Jeong, Woong-Seob;Matsumoto, Toshio;Lee, Dae-Hee;Pyo, Jeong-Hyun;Park, Sung-Joon;Moon, Bong-Kon;Ree, Chang-Hee;Park, Young-Sik;Han, Won-Yong;Lee, Hyung-Mok;Im, Myung-Shin;SPICA/FPC Team, SPICA/FPC Team
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.64.2-64.2
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    • 2012
  • The SPICA (SPace Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics) project is a next-generation infrared space telescope optimized for mid- and far-infrared observation with a cryogenically cooled 3m-class telescope. It will achieve the high resolution as well as the unprecedented sensitivity from mid to far-infrared range. The FPC (Focal Plane Camera) is a Korean-led near-infrared instrument as an international collaboration. The FPC-S and FPC-G are responsible for the scientific observation in the near-infrared and the fine guiding, respectively. The FPC-G will significantly reduce the alignement and random pointing error through the observation of guiding stars in the focal plane. We analyzed the pointing requirement from the focal plane instruments. The feasibility study was performed to achieve the requirements. Here, we present the role of SPICA/FPC as a fine guiding camera.

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Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in Mid-Latitude Geomagnetic Field During International Quiet Days: BOH Magnetometer

  • Hwang, Junga;Kim, Hyang-Pyo;Park, Young-Deuk
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2012
  • Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute researchers have installed and operated magnetometers at Bohyunsan Observatory to measure the Earth's magnetic field variations in South Korea. In 2007, we installed a fluxgate magnetometer (RFP-523C) to measure H, D, and Z components of the geomagnetic field. In addition, in 2009, we installed a Overhauser proton sensor to measure the absolute total magnetic field F and a three-axis magneto-impedance sensor for spectrum analysis. Currently three types of magnetometer data have been accumulated. In this paper, we use the H, D, Z components of fluxgate magnetometer data to investigate the characteristics of mid-latitude geomagnetic field variation. To remove the temporary changes in Earth's geomagnetic filed by space weather, we use the international quiet days' data only. In other words, we performed a superposed epoch analysis using five days per each month during 2008-2011. We find that daily variations of H, D, and Z shows similar tendency compared to previous results using all days. That is, H, D, Z all three components' quiet intervals terminate near the sunrise and shows maximum 2-3 hours after the culmination and the quiet interval start from near the sunset. Seasonal variations show similar dependences to the Sun. As it becomes hot season, the geomagnetic field variation's amplitude becomes large and the quiet interval becomes shortened. It is well-known that these variations are effects of Sq current system in the Earth's atmosphere. We confirm that the typical mid-latitude geomagnetic field variations due to the Sq current system by excluding all possible association with the space weather.

Calibration of ShadowCam

  • David Carl Humm;Mallory Janet Kinczyk;Scott Michael Brylow;Robert Vernon Wagner;Emerson Jacob Speyerer;Nicholas Michael Estes;Prasun Mahanti;Aaron Kyle Boyd;Mark Southwick Robinson
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.173-197
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    • 2023
  • ShadowCam is a high-sensitivity, high-resolution imager provided by NASA for the Danuri (KPLO) lunar mission. ShadowCam calibration shows that it is well suited for its purpose, to image permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) that occur near the lunar poles. It is 205 times as sensitive as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC). The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is greater than 100 over a large part of the dynamic range, and the top of the dynamic range is high enough to accommodate most brighter PSR pixels. The optical performance is good enough to take full advantage of the 1.7 meter/pixel image scale, and calibrated images have uniform response. We describe some instrument artifacts that are amenable to future corrections, making it possible to improve performance further. Stray light control is very challenging for this mission. In many cases, ShadowCam can image shadowed areas with directly illuminated terrain in or near the field of view (FOV). We include thorough qualitative descriptions of circumstances under which lunar brightness levels far higher than the top of the dynamic range cause detector or stray light artifacts and the size and extent of the artifact signal under those circumstances.


  • Suh, kyung-Won
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2007
  • We present infrared color-color diagrams of AGB stars from the observations at near and mid infrared bands. We compile the observations for hundreds of OH/IR stars and carbon stars using the data from the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX), the two micron sky survey (2MASS), and the IRAS point source catalog (PSC). We compare the observations with the theoretical evolutionary tracks of AGB stars. From the new observational data base and the theoretical evolution tracks, we discuss the meaning of the infrared color-color diagrams at different wavelengths.