• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nd-Fe-B alloy

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Effect of Cu and DyF3 Powder Additions on the Coercivity of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets (Cu와 DyF3 분말의 혼합이 Nd-Fe-B 소결자석의 보자력에 미치는 영향)

  • NamKung, S.;Lee, M.W.;Dhakal, D.R.;Lim, T.H.;Kim, T.H.;Lee, S.R.;Jang, T.S.
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2012
  • Effect of Cu and $DyF_3$ powder mixing with Cu-free (Nd, Dy)-Fe-B jet-milled powder on the magnetic properties of sintered magnets was investigated. The coercivity of a magnet prepared from the Cu-free (Nd, Dy)-Fe-B powder was about 10 kOe even though the alloy powder already contained some Dy (3.5 wt%). When small copper powder was blended, however, the coercivity of the magnet increased almost 100%, exhibiting about 20 kOe. On the contrary, the coercivity enhancement was moderate, about 4 kOe, when dysprosium content in the sintered magnet was simply increased to 4.9 wt% by the addition of small $DyF_3$3 powder.

The Effect of Die Upset and Heat Treatment on the Magnetic Properties of Mechanically Ground Nd-Fe-B Alloys (기계적 분쇄한 Nd-Fe-B 합금의 다이업셋과 열처리가 자기적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 정원용;박정덕;곽창섭;양현수
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 1994
  • The effect of die upset and heat treatment on the magnetic properties of mechanically ground $Nd_{16}Fe_{78}B_{6}$ alloys has been studied. Although stripe domain patterns parallel to the compression direction were observed after die upset, it was found that crystallographic c-axes of a specimen were not completely aligned along the compression direction' which resulted in the decrease of Br. The average grain size of a die-upset specimen annealed for 5 hours at $1000^{\circ}C$ was about $20\mu\textrm{m}$, resulting in reduced values of Br and $_{i}H_{c}$. The maximum magnetic properties (Br=7.8 kG and $(_{i}H_{c}=14\;kOe) were obtained from the magnet die-upset at $750^{\circ}C$ using the alloy powder ground for 13 hours.

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Effects of Disk Surface Velocity on the Microstructures and Magnetic Properties of Anisotropic ${(Nd_{0.8}Dy_{0.2})}_{12}Fe_{80}B_8$ Melt-spun Ribbons (이방성${(Nd_{0.8}Dy_{0.2})}_{12}Fe_{80}B_8$ 급속 응고리본의 미세조직 및 자기특성에 미치는 디스크 표면속도의 영향)

  • 신현철;김동환;김택기;김윤배
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 1991
  • The effects of disk surface velocity on the microstructures and magnetic properties of ${(Nd_{0.8}Dy_{0.2})}_{12}Fe_{80}B_8$ melt-spun ribbons were investigated. From the X-ray diffraction results. it is confirmed that the lower the surface velocity ($V_{s}$), the better the orientation of c-axis normal to the ribbon plane. The results of magnetic property measurements for the powder solidfied in magnetic field showed that the highest remanence was obtained from the alloy quenched at medium velocity of $V_{s}=14.6m/s$. The remanence of the powder solidfied in magenetic field was about 10 % higher than that of the powder solidfied in non-magnetic field.

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Novel Properties of Boron Added Amorphous Rare Earth-transition Metal Alloys for Giant Magnetostrictive and Magneto-optical Recording Materials

  • Jai-Young Kim
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.78-81
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    • 1998
  • Large magneto crystalline anisotropy energy and demagnetization energy of rare earth-transition metal (RF-TM) alloys play roles of bottlenecks towards their commercial applications for giant magnetostrictive and blue wavelength magneto optical recording materials, respectively. To solve the above problems, boron is added into amorphous RE-TM alloys to produce its electron transferring. The boron added amorphous RE-TM alloys show novel magnetic and magneto-optical properties as follows; 1) an amorphous $(Sm_{33}Fe_{76})$97B3 alloy obtains the magnetostriction of$ -550{times}10^{-6}$ at 400 Oe compared with saturation magnetostriction of$ -60{\times}10^{-6}$ in conventional Ni based alloys, 2) an amorphous$ (Nd_{33}Fe_{67})_{95}B_5$ alloy increases effective magnetic anisotropy to$ -0.5{\times}10^{-6} ergs/cm^3 from -3.5{\times}10^6 ergs/cm^3$ without boron, which correspond to the polar Kerr rotation angles of 0.52$^{\circ}$and 0.33$^{\circ}$, respectively. These results attribute to selective 2p-3d electron orbits exchange coupling (SEC).

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A Study on the Stress and Crystal in Die-Upsetted Nd-Fe-B-Cu Alloys as a Function of Working Temperature (가공온도에 따라 다이업셋한 Nd-Fe-B-Cu 합금의 응력과 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, J.D.;Yang, H.S.;Kwak, C.S.;Jeung, W.Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 1994
  • This study is to investigate the stress distributions, crystal orientations and magnetic properties during die-upsetting according to working temperature of Nd-Fe-B-Cu alloys. The stress distributions in the specimens during compressing process were calculated by a finite element method program(SPID). The calculated stresses were effective stress (${\sigma}_{eff}$), compression stress(${\sigma}_z$), radial direction stress(${\sigma}_r$) rotational direction stress(${\sigma}_e$) and shear stress(${\tau}_{rz}$). The stress distributions of ${\sigma}_z$, obtained by a computer simulation showed that the stress components causing the magnetic alignment during die-upsetting of the cast magnets were very high at the center-part of a specimen, and decreased toward the periphery-part of a specimen. In view of the above results the magnetic properties should be better at the center-part of a specimen than any other parts. But the measured magnetic properties were better at the mid-part. These results should be due to the fact that the specimens were casted. Normally the magnetic properties are affected by the casting process as well as by the stress levels. ${\sigma}_r$, ${\sigma}_e$ are thought to affect the liquid phase flowing and domain patterns, respectively. The influence of ${\tau}_{rz}$ was trivial, ${\sigma}_{eff}$ distributed similar throughout the specimen. The Nd-rich phase appeared at the peripheral of the specimen where the stress level of ${\sigma}_r$, ${\sigma}_z$, was low or the stress level of ${\sigma}_e$ was high. The Nd-rich phase was squeezed out during die-upsetting. This phase had an effect on the crystal orientation and grain growth. The stress distributions of alloy were irregular at the parts of the specimen where the die contacted with specimen.

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