• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural objects

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Interrelation between the Korean Traditional Medicine and Taoism (한의학(韓醫學)의 특징(特徵)과 노자철학(老子哲學)의 연관성(聯關性) -"황제내경(黃帝內經)"과 "도덕경(道德經)"을 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we will discuss the main characteristics of Korean traditional medicine and their bond with the philosophy of Noja(老子) to ultimately examine how "Dodeokgyeong(道德經)" affected medicine as a pragmatic field of study. Noja(老子) viewed the universe and the creatures living in it to be constituted by gi(氣), and that everything continuously moves and changes as a result of the conflicts between two opposing energies within, eum(陰) and yang(陽). "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)" is about how this theory is applied to human lives. "Dodeokgyeong" speaks of the Heaven, Human, and Do accordance, offering the theoretical basis for the correspondence between nature and human in the "Hwangjenaegyeong", where the Heaven, Human and Do(道) accordance theory is embodied into each element of the human vital activity, establishing the identity of Korean traditional medicine as natural medicine. Noja declared life in accordance with Do(道) as an ideal way to live. "Hwangjenaegyeong" applies this idea to human vital activity setting the realization of Do the ultimate goal of life and offers actual guidelines. The preventive aspect of Korean traditional medicine is the characteristic most affected by "Dodeokgyeong". "Hwangjenaegyeong" and "Dodeokgyeong" both recognized the relativity of objects, and spoke of harmony and balance as the answer to conflicts between matters.

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Classified Fishery Grade Using Analysis of Coastal Environmental Based on Object-Oriented Data Model (객체지향 데이터 모델에 기반한 해양환경 분석에 따른 어장 등급 분류)

  • Lee, Jae-Bong;Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2005
  • This paper will specify geo-objects and geo-fields of the geo-ecological contamination source and implement the system for evaluating an ocean Environmental contamination based on the spatial statistical analysis. In order to produce the grade of fishery that can evaluate the ocean effect, we will analysis the degree of the spatial correlation by semi-veriogram and predicate the elevation raster of spatial data using ordinary kriging method. This paper is to estimate the grade of fishery contamination region and produce the ratio of the area according to the fishery grade. Therefore, we can contribute to produce fishery grade that evaluates the ocean effect by means of deciding an efficient fishery environment.

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Thinning Based Global Topological Map Building with Application to Localization (세선화 기법을 이용한 전역 토폴로지컬 지도의 작성 및 위치추적)

  • Choi, Chang-Hyuk;Song, Jae-Bok;Chung, Woo-Jin;Kim, Mun-Sang
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.822-827
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    • 2003
  • Topological maps have drawn more attention recently because they are compact, provide natural interfaces, and are applicable to path planning easily. To build a topological map incrementally, Voronoi diagram was used by many researchers. The Voronoi diagram, however, has difficulty in applying to arbitrarily shaped objects and needs long computation time. In this paper, we present a new method for global topological map from the local topological maps incrementally. The local topological maps are created through a thinning algorithm from a local grid map, which is built based on the sensor information at the current robot position. A thinning method requires simpler computation than the Voronoi diagram. Localization based on the topological map is usually difficult, but additional nodes created by the thinning method can improve localization performance. A series of experiments have been conducted using a two-wheeled mobile robot equipped with a laser scanner. It is shown that the proposed scheme can create satisfactory topological maps.

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The Design of Platform for Ecotourism Information Supply (생태 관광 정보 제공을 위한 플랫폼 설계)

  • Kwon, Seong-Hyeon;Kim, Young-Geun;Son, Cheol-Su;Kim, Won-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.419-426
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    • 2018
  • Ecotourism refers to tourism that senses and observes superior natural resources, cultural resources and history around. Today, as the current leisure patterns of the people change, a healing trip to find nature is being activated. In this paper, we propose a platform design and construction for providing ecotourism information. In the proposed platform, first, the image file of the eco-tourism objects taken every day from the image capture device is collected, converted into a video, uploaded to the server, then, when the tourist arrives at the eco-tourism object, It is designed to be able to watch.

Two-Dimensional Model of Hidden Markov Lattice (이차원 은닉 마르코프 격자 모형)

  • 신봉기
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.3 no.6
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    • pp.566-574
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    • 2000
  • Although a numbed of variants of 2D HMM have been proposed in the literature, they are, in a word, too simple to model the variabilities of images for diverse classes of objects; they do not realize the modeling capability of the 1D HMM in 2D. Thus the author thinks they are poor substitutes for the HMM in 2D. The new model proposed in this paper is a hidden Markov lattice or, we can dare say, a 2D HMM with the causality of top-down and left-right direction. Then with the addition of a lattice constraint, the two algorithms for the evaluation of a model and the maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters are developed in the theoretical perspective. It is a more natural extension of the 1D HMM. The proposed method will provide a useful way of modeling highly variable patterns such as offline cursive characters.

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A study on automated speed enforcement system algorithm for using image processing (영상처리를 이용한 과속단속 알고리즘 연구)

  • Park, Geon-Yeong;Jeon, Min-ho;Oh, Chang-heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.833-836
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we proposed an intelligent surveillance system which can be determined by the overspeed of vehicle which continuously collects by video imaging device. Imaging device to capture images continuously, and filtering errors that occur as a natural, long-distance moving objects by comparing the images collected before and after the images. To measure the size of things, it proves that able to measure speed of the vehicle, depending on the amount of growing pixels using the pixel processing.

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Editing Graphical Objects using Noise Editing (노이즈 편집을 이용한 그래픽스 객체 편집)

  • Yoon Jong-Chul;Lee In-Kwon;Choi Jung-Ju
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.11_12
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    • pp.675-681
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    • 2005
  • Noise is used to create realistic animations that look like natural phenomena as well as procedural textures and shapes by adding randomness to graphical applications. In this paper, we suggest a method to edit noise values to satisfy the constraints that reflect the user's demands while maintaining the inherent statistical features of the noise function. Noise editing uses optimization to minimize the difference between the statistical characteristics of the ideal and edited versions of a noise source. Using our editing method, detailed control of animation and shape data that include noise is possible.

Analysis of adhesive material for joining pottery fragments excavated from Duurlig Nars, Mongolia (몽골 도르릭나르스 유적 토기의 접합에 사용한 물질 분석)

  • Yun, Eunyoung;Kang, Hyungtae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2014
  • The adhesive material was found for joining pottery fragments from Duurlig Nars, Mongolia estimated in AD 1C. In this study, analysis of natural substance for joining fragments of pottery was performed using gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer. As a result, it was identified triterpenoid substances, such as lupeol and betulin which were known to constituents of birch bark tar. It was suggested that Mongolian used adhesives made by birch bark tar for joining pottery fragments. Therefore if organic materials of ancient objects are systematically researched, it can provide significant evidence related to the way of life of ancient people.

Tradition and Transformation of Batik in Indonesia (인도네시아 바틱의 전승과 활용)

  • Kim, Soon-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.676-690
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    • 2013
  • This study explored the historical meaning and the present practices of Indonesian batik. Relevant literature was reviewed first; subsequently, interviews and observations were conducted to achieve the purpose of the study. Historically, batik was an integral part of the Javanese court art as well as a representation of each regional culture. Batik also became an important means to reveal a national identity in postcolonial Indonesia in the 1950s. There exist two types of traditional and modern type batik in present Indonesia. The traditional batik refers to batik tulis, batik cap, and the combination of tulis and cap. The modern batik is comprised of a batik print as well as the combination of the print and the traditional batik. The traditional batik was practiced at the small-sized village batik workshops and in the government batik research center. A few batik workshops often co-operate with modern screen print factories; however, the use natural dyes for the dyeing of batik cloth is rarely found. Batik was used for varied objects made from fabric materials that include clothing, small fashion items, living supplies and furniture, as well as fine art such as paintings and wooden crafts.


  • Stumpf, H.W.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2001
  • Measurements of the initial values lead to an inverse and mathematically unprecisely formulated problem. A precise definition of an inverse problem is possible. It is to state a mathematical model of a physical process with clearly defined initial and exit values for the system behind the process. One can grasp the idea of an inverse problem by considering the tire as a copy of the objects of nature in a room with observations. Interpretation of nature is generally a result of an inverse problem. On one hand, the tire may be represented through the sensory organs and the nervous system as well as the experiences of the developer's existing apparatus of the projection of reality. On the other hand, it may be represented by a physical law or a model that can be confirmed or is to be refuted with the help of suitable measurements. During reconstruction of a measuring signal and the identification of a black box that can be assumed to be linear and causal, the tire becomes a first type Volterra integral equation of the convolution type. But measurements of the initial values are always fuzzy, the errors grow and the system behavior can no longer be forecasted. Thus, we have to deal with a chaotic system. This chaos produces fractals in a natural way. These are self-similar geometric structures. This self-similarity is clearly visible in the design.

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