• Title/Summary/Keyword: National medical policy

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Changes in Public Health Perceptios after the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease-19 among the Gangwon Province Residents Focusing on the Results of the Gangwon Province Residents' Panel Survey 2019-2020 (코로나바이러스감염증-19 전후 강원도민의 공공의료 인식 비교 : 2019-2020 강원도민 보건의료패널조사 결과를 중심으로)

  • Yu Seong Hwang;Heui Sug Jo;Su Mi Jung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate changes in public health-related perceptions of residents of Gangwon province after the outbreak of Coronavirus disease-19(COVID-19) of the public. Methods: We performed paired T-test analysis to measure the change in public health-related perceptions before and after COVID-19. We also utilized generalized estimating equations to identify demographic factors correlated with public health-related perceptions. Results: The public perceived public health as 'All citizens can use medical care and protect/promote health.' The concept was the most popular, from 94.3% in 2019 to 95.5% in 2020. In addition, after COVID-19, residents of Gangwon province's satisfaction with medical services increased, but the overall level was not high. Among the eight essential healthcare needs after COVID-19, cardiovascular disease and injury services have emerged as preferred services. However, by sociodemographic factors, distinctive responses were detected. Conclusions: Through COVID-19, Gangwon residents' awareness of the public's health rights has increased. Those living in vulnerable areas or with unmet medical care, supported strengthening public health care. In addition, although medical satisfaction has increased, it is not satisfied, so listening to the voices of the population group with low satisfaction is essential. Lastly, since the necessity of essential health care may change due to specific events, the local government needs to plan health projects reflecting the needs of residents. Therefore, when designing the public health care strategy in Gangwon province, the local government should consider not only political factors but also environmental factors, demographic and conceptual factors.

An Evaluation of Accountable Care Organization in USA and Policy Implications for Korean Health Care System (미국의 책임의료조직(Accountable Care Organization) 운영현황 분석과 국내 의료정책에서 정책적 함의 평가)

  • Seo, Kyung Hwa;Jung, Yu Min;Kim, Min Ji;Lee, Sun Hee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.396-412
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    • 2014
  • Background: As a reform plan of health care system, Accountable Care Organization (ACO) has became an object of attention in the United States after Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was enacted. ACO is a group of various health care providers and provide coordinated care to its assigned beneficiaries. If ACOs improve the quality level and reduce the cost of care, they can get financial incentives. Under the discussion for a quite long time and demonstration projects, ACO has been established. We aimed to analysis and discuss the history, policy mechanism, contents, status and outcomes of ACO. Also, we intended to suggest political implication Korean health care system with regard to ACO. Methods: We searched the articles related ACO in PubMed and selected several available papers about ACO. Total 56 studies were reviewed and categorized three parts; demonstration projects for formation of ACO, policy mechanism and agenda, empirical results of ACO performance. Results: As a result, establishment of ACO was successful partly in the US. It seems to be due to various project and pilot test for verification in the long time. The empirical effect of ACO was also identified in a few study but it needs more evidences to judge its positive effect. Conclusion: In Korea, there are arguments for the application of ACO. However it is difficult to implement a ACO by different political conditions between Korean and US. Nevertheless ACO proposed us the necessity of paradigm shift in our health policy and could be significant to national policy orientation in the future.

Study on Different Opinions between Labor and Management on Collective Breakdown Factors in Health Organisations (보건의료조직의 단체교섭 결렬요인에 대한 노사간 인식의 차이 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Soo;Hoang, Ho-Yeng;Cho, Yun-Kun
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.131-161
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    • 1999
  • This study is to analyze the reason of Breakdown of collective bargaining caused by the difference of main issue about bargaining and other factors influencing collective bargaining from the viewpoint of both labor and capital in Korean medical system. Korean medical system is facing the huge change of medical policy, so it should pursue institutional change following the change of medical system, On the contrary, the activity of labor union in medical system is more organized, activated, so understanding and cooperating on the related policy between labor and management are necessary. As the method of administration participation is collective bargaining, main issues between labor and management may lead Brwakdown of bargaining, so the author will analyze it from three viewpoints. First, the difference of recognition between labor and management due to the characteristics of hospital Secondly, the difference of recognition between labor unions due to the characteristics of hospital Thirdly, the difference of recognition between the characteristics of hospital and labor union.

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Adoption and Its Determining Factors of Computerized Tomography in Korea (우리 나라 전산화단층촬영기(CT)의 도입에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Seok-Jun;Kim, Sun-Mean;Kang, Chul-Hwan;Kim, Chang-Yup;Shin, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.30 no.1 s.56
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 1997
  • High price equipment is one of the major factors that increases national health expenditure in developed countries. Computerized Tomography(CT), one of the important high price equipment, has been concerns of health service researchers and policy makers in many countries. In Korea, CT, first introduced in 1984, have spreaded nationwide with rapid speed. Though the Committee for Approving Import of High Price Medical Equipment, founded in 1981, tried to regulate the introduction of high price medical equipment including CT, the effort resulted in failure. The exact situation of diffusion of the high price equipment, however, was not yet investigated. We aimed at the description of the diffusion of CT in Korea and analysis of influencing factors on hospitals for the adoption of CT. We mainly used the database of CT, made in 1996 by the National Federation of Medical Insurance for the purpose of insurance payment for CT. Also characteristics of hospitals were gathered from yearbooks published by the central and local governments and by the Korean Hospital Association. We calculated the cumulative number of the CT per one million population year by year. In turn, multiple linear logistic regression was done to find out the contributing factors for the adoption of CT by each hospital. In the logistic regression model, it is regarded as dependent factor whether a hospital retained CT or not in 1988 and 1993. The major categories of the independent factors were hospital characteristics, environmental factors and competitive conditions of hospitals at the period of the adoption. The results are as follows: Number of CT scanners per one million persons in Korea marked more higher level compared with those of most OECD countries. Major influencing factors on the adoption of CT scanners were hospital characteristics, such as hospital referral level, and competitive condition of hospitals, such as number of CT scanners per 10,000 persons in each district where the hospital was located. In Korea, CT diffused with rather rapid speed, comparable with those of the United States and Japan. The major factors contributing on the adoption of CT for hospitals were competitive condition and hospital characteristics rather than regional health care need for CT. In conclusion, a kind of regulating mechanism would be necessary for the prevention of the indiscreet adoption and inefficient use of high price equipment including CT.

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Factors Affecting International Patient's Satisfaction with Korea Medical Services, Revisit and Recommendation Intention (외국인 환자의 의료서비스 만족도, 재방문 의사, 추천 의사에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Myo-Gyeong;Choi, Yun-Kyoung;Ahn, Jung-Won;Kim, Keum Soon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2017
  • Background: This study aims to analyze quality of and satisfaction with Korea medical services and identify factors affecting medical service satisfaction, revisit, and recommendation intention among international patients. Methods: Secondary analysis of survey data conducted by Korea Health Industry Development Institute from June 10th to July 17th in 2013 was done using multiple regression and logistic regression analysis. The 191 international patients from 9 medical institutions in Seoul were enrolled. Results: The results showed that international patients were satisfied with 85.6 points out of 100.0 points. International patients appraised higher in staff service rather than other services. Factors influencing medical service satisfaction were gender, religion, medical specialty, length of stay, and quality of medical services. Quality of medical service explained 29.8% of medical service satisfaction and especially, 'doctor's care' and 'communication and patient respect' were significantly related to medical service satisfaction. Medical specialty had a significant influence on revisit intention. There were no statistically significant influencing factors of recommendation intention. Additionally, more satisfied patients were associated with higher revisit and recommendation intention. Conclusion: This study implies that quality of medical services is a critical factor for patient satisfaction and that satisfaction with medical services is an important factor for increasing revisit and recommendation intention among international patients. In addition, health care providers should consider cultural differences to enhance satisfaction with medical services for international patients. Therefore, multidimensional strategy is required to strengthen the cultural competency of healthcare providers.

The Association between Health Examination and Personal Medical Cost through Panel Survey (건강검진이 개인 의료비지출에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hwan Hyung;Park, Jae Yong
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2014
  • Background: This paper describes the relationship and effect of health examination on personal medical cost by identifying the difference of the cost for medical care in physician visit between the population without and with health examination. Methods: After classifying into three cohorts in which, independent variables were designed according to the Andersen's behavioral model, the association of personal medical cost for medical care and prescription drugs which is dependent variable was analyzed by t-test and Mann-Whitney test for description and gamma regression model for inference. Results: In personal average medical cost, the population with health examination paid significantly more than without health examination, 11.6% more in cohort 2008, 26.6% more in cohort 2009, and 48.0% more in combined cohort. The odds ratio on medical expenditure of outpatients with health examination was 1.067, 1.126, 1.398 significantly in cohort 2008, 2009, and combined cohort respectively, comparing to the group without health examination. In independent variables, that is female, the elderly, never married, non-working, non-metropolitan, the higher family income, the smaller family size, people with disability, the people with chronic disease, and people with health examination have significantly being paid more tendency showing positive association with medical cost. Conclusion: This result showed that medical expenditure in physician visit has been increased after taking a health examination. Therefore reasonable limitation of getting preventive medical service is suggested to avoid medical shopping around and reduce being repeated health examination by unifying control to find out easily the clinical results from various medical facilities.

Strategies to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases in South Korea (만성질환 위험요인 감소를 위한 전략과 방향)

  • Khang, Young-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This review is to suggest strategies to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCD) in South Korea. Methods: Prior research findings on the burden of NCD and associated risk factors and the effectiveness of intervention programs were reviewed. Strategies regarding the control of NCD risk factors were conceived. Results: The author presented research findings from the Global Burden of Disease study on the burden of non-communicable disease (NCD) and associated risk factors in South Korea. Strengths and limitations of population and high-risk strategies for preventing NCDs were introduced. The author also reviewed the evidence on the effectiveness of multiple cardiovascular risk factor interventions and community-based intervention programs on cardiovascular diseases conducted in industrialized countries. Finally, strategies to reduce NCD risk factors in South Korea were suggested. Conclusions: The evidence-based interventions and the importance of population strategies in NCD prevention were highlighted. The author indicated that strategies employed by unhealthy commodity industries to undermine effective public health policies and programs should be actively monitored. It has been suggested that effective high-risk strategies with ecological models to address social risks rather than medical risks among disadvantaged population should be further developed in South Korea.